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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@tushe0511  Thanks for the correction about the MAMAs. And I know what you mean about small eyes. If you watch KJK in the "of course" game during X-Man, he almost always gets attacked for having small eyes. Which has lead to some great comebacks on his part ("The day I open my eyes will be the day you end."). And when he first started with Turbo, he was made to wear sunglasses all the time because his small eyes were considered unattractive. In an interview, I remember him saying that he still tends to wear sunglasses when he goes abroad because he's conscious of his eyes. Interestingly, when I took a social psych course freshman year, we talked about attraction, and apparently people remember faces with one defining feature or flaw better than they remember faces that are considered all around attractive and symmetrical. So actually if you're a celebrity, it can be better to not be traditionally attractive. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@sana82 Haven't seen the article, but it seems such a childish thing to ship two people just based on their looks.

I am also one of those who don't consider most k-actors and idols everybody agrees as super handsome as that attractive. In my case, it had never entered my head that JK and JH were that super attractive or anything like that when I started watching RM (I found them good-looking, but not like 'wow, I can't take my eyes off them'). Now I find both of them really good-looking, but the looks part came into the picture once I started liking them individually. Even if SJH was the most beautiful face in the world, if she had been a delicate darling, I wouldn't have taken to her.

The same with KJK. It is coz he has such a great personality that I love him so much. Abs are all fine, but then how can you love someone just for their face or abs?  Even if the guy looks really hot, if he doesn't have a personality to back it up, doesn't he become boring after a while? That has been my experience!. @linzer03 About JK being not good-looking enough for JH, I also disagree. I cannot really say JK is not the typical handsome face since I don't usually find any of the typical handsome korean actors or idols attractive. May be I am weird in that respect. Anyway, he is one of those rare  korean actors and idols I find really attractive. He has a face that stands out coz of the sharp features and then that eye-smile.  Honestly speaking, I don't think double eye-lids would have given his face the charm it has now. The guy has also maintained his body so well. There are many actors who work on their abs for a project or a shower scene and after the shoot is over, go back to how they used to be. JK's abs look good, but they are not just show abs. Hasn't it been more than a decade since he has been flashing his abs in variety programmes? And they are perfect every time! They just reflect the fact that he leads a healthy lifestyle and is fit and strong. I think that is why I immensely respect him because him looking good is a result of a healthy lifestyle and self-discipline. The same with JH. She is an inspiration in how one need not be so scared about aging or looking pretty all the time. And for a woman to do that in a beauty-obsessed industry where a woman's face often sells more than her talents is something remarkable!

Anyway, the whole point of saying someone is not good enough for someone else coz they are not good-looking enough is so ridiculous that such comments should be treated with the disdain they deserve. Like I have always maintained, I don't like spartace coz I think they are a visual couple or I wish that they would get together. I think the kind of relationship they have where there is such a strong friendship that they love spending time together and the yin to yang thing where they complement each other so beautifully are the things which drew me in. It is really rare to find a couple who are individually such strong personalities, both wonderful in their own right. And when they come together, they gel perfectly well. I have heard some people claim that SA can't get together because both are such strong personalities and so it might be hard for them to accommodate each other. I suppose that can happen in most relationships, but I think in their case, it is the fact that both are quite opinionated and strong that attract them to each other.

Besides, at their age, it is not about the looks alone. The fan must be very young if he/she thinks their idol will date/marry someone just based on their looks. In fact, I don't get the korean obsession with natural beauty as well. While I would love my biases to be secure in their looks, doesn't celebrating someone just because they are naturally beautiful irrespective of what their personalities are like also amount to the same thing?

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I too watched FD and really enjoyed seeing singer JK. Like @sana82, I too wish the focus was more on him as the singer than on his abs or matchmaking. But then I understand that they did it to make the segment more entertaining and of course his friends might have wanted him to get more airtime as well. In a way, it was hilarious to see poor JK nodding to HKM's comment which started off with 'I checked everything important - the voice' and then his expression changing as HKM went on to the 'age gap, common interests' part. LOL  I don't think we should go by what his friends say about him. In welcome show, CTH trolled JK  by asking him whether he had some disease or else if he was interested in men citing them as potential reasons as to why he was not getting married. These are the kind of friends JK has got (lol), so no wonder KM tried to matchmake JK with the trainer.

But really, you would think JK's marriage is an issue of national importance from the way people react to it on variety shows and try to find suitable partners for him. It's like all the neighborhood uncles and aunts, married and single people, all have an opinion to offer. I sometimes wonder what they would tease JK about once he gets married. LOL

I saw JK's reaction to the HKM comment about hoping to see JK married in a few months slightly differently. I thought his face looked slightly serious from the smile it had in the beginning when he heard that comment. Anyway, his friends really want JK to get married and he has been getting a lot of ribbing about it this year. Should we take the few months thing seriously? Anyway, JK says it will be 2017, so let's see. He may change his mind, but then he kind of told JS he wouldn't, right?

Hope JK comes out with a solo album soon. I want to read articles about his singing, not his abs. While I do enjoy Turbo's music, it has been a long long while since we heard his solo songs. Every time I hear him sing covers of other people's songs in variety shows, I wonder when he will come out with his solo album. Unless he has more solo songs and music to talk about, his variety image will overshadow that of the singer. I really enjoy his songs with Soya, it is a pity they are not that popular which automatically rules out their inclusion in a big contest like this.

In JH's case, I would want to see her take up a korean acting project - may be not something big, but something meaningful. I would also like her to do a show with a few female entertainers. We see her with a lot of men, but rarely see her hanging out with women. I did read somewhere that JH finds the small talk revolving around the typical women's topics boring (can't find that interview now), so I would like to see her with slightly tomboyish or like-minded women. During JH's guest appearance in F.O, she appeared to be so close with Park Si Yeon. But once her stint with RM started, she has been mostly with the guys. I really enjoyed the Charlie's Angels episode and the one with Ye Jin, SSK and the other girl. So hoping to see JH in an all woman team in RM soon!

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Guest athoughtcloud1

As for the games in the last episode, I felt bad for KS' team. I didn't like KS headbutting JK when the thumb wrestling game was going on and would have hated it if JK had lost coz of that. But otherwise, I was quite happy with how competitive KS was in this episode. The odds were quite heavy against them succeeding. On paper, the revenge team sounded great, but then they didn't have the experience of working with each other as the RM team members have. It would have taken them some time to find their synergy. Since KS is the junior most member, he could also not take certain liberties as the team leader which he could have taken say in episode 230 where he was the leader of a younger team. I wouldn't really blame KS for being more competitive than being variety gold in this episode. While KS laughs when the RM team invades his house , it may not be that pleasant to open his house for RM all the time. So, I felt it was a challenge that called for him to be competitive. Since almost everybody else on the team was just sporadically competitive, I thought it would have been a disaster if KS had also fooled around. He was quite good in the water basketball game and with the running in the nametag elimination.

While I can understand why the PDs gave so many handicaps to the chasing team since the mission team had to collect 6 remote controls in a closed area, I felt the handicaps were a bit too many. The salad handicap was okay, but the music handicap was too disadvantageous to the chasing team! KS' team did not play smart, but KS does not have much experience leading and other than KW, the other two were his sunbaes. Perhaps since the two of them were struggling, KS thought he and KW should be the ones in charge of both the chasing teams. Usually, an RM member pairs up with the lady guest, so I can understand why he did that.

I wonder whether the 'Revenge of the girins' episode was that well-planned since repeating Ki Woo almost twice in a row (and according to him (I know it was a joke), the only condition was for the guest to be taller than 190 cm) indicates that they had a hard time finding the right guests. So, perhaps the 4 member team instead of the 6 member one was due to a practical difficulty of getting enough members than coz all the 4 members were super-strong (like the Shinhwa episode). With those disadvantages, I thought it was great of KS and KW to do such a good job with the name-tag ripping at the end.

I understand both those who claim it wasn't that biased against KS and those who say it was really hard for him to win with the given odds. KS did have a chance for winning, but then that required really great planning and great team synergy which is kind of hard to find most of the time. Also, RM members fight hard when they play against one of their members when that person challenges them with a team. They back each other up and try to demoralise the opponent, so those missions are hard. So, KS has my sympathy and I hope he gets to win one of his revenge missions (I enjoyed it when KS' team won in episode 230. It was really great to see KS doing the impossible finding the right note in a room with thousands of post-its).

When it is a team game and their reputation is at stake, I really love how everybody depends on JK. He does it for his team 90% of the time and that is so remarkable! Though I have gotten irritated with Gary's Monday BF antics in the past, I love JK and Gary's bond. Gary was so thrilled when JK won the thumb wrestling game against KS and was hugging him with so much joy. When JK won the final mission for them, Gary looked so pleased lying on that mat. Two of my favourite moments were seeing JK win his mission and JH on the run being chased by the Revenge team. It did remind me of early RM seeing the ACE dodging her pursuers and giving it her all.

@twinlovers We have the same thoughts regarding the bus segment. I also thought JK was checking his phone in the bus and he seemed to be looking in JH's direction. Another thing I found interesting was the seating arrangement in the bus .You don't usually see JH sitting alone by herself in the bus or car. I wondered whether KS was sitting on the vacant seat at the back between Ki Woo and Seo Jang Hoon and JH was sitting near JK. When they had to film, perhaps JH moved to the front and since it would look odd for both JK and JH to sit in two rows without anybody near them, KS moved near JK. I have almost never seen the guests sitting by themselves without an RM member near them. Usually YJS sits along with them or one of the others. That is why I felt perhaps KS could have been sitting at the back with the guests. If JK and JH like to sit together after filming and keep together when they move from one location to the next (as we see in this episode), pretty likely they sit together in the bus when the camera is not on, especially in episodes where they have to limit their interaction.

Would like to see the episode where they film in KS' house. Is this the same house JK, JH and SJ have been to? When they were talking about the house, you can see SJ indicating with his hands to the staff that there are 4 bedrooms in the house. So he certainly has been there. After Jang Hoon talks about KS' house, when the camera turns to SA, you can see SA talking to each other and SJ also participating.

I recently observed that in situations where JK and JH are standing next to each other, but she stands a bit far from him, he motions to her to come closer to him. Saw it in the unlucky hand episode where JS makes JH stand away from the rest of the male members since she is supposed to be the luckiest among them.  JK then motions to her to stand closer. Thankfully, JS then moves JK nearer to her and JK looks pretty pleased with that move. In the last episode, just before JJH comes in and JH is standing a bit far from him, you can see JK motioning to JH who is a bit far from him. Perhaps the intention was the same. So while I am still confused as to why JH likes to stand behind JK with her body half-hidden, it is no wonder why she keeps standing so close to him when they stand together. Perhaps, somebody wants her to stay close. ;) In the Sistar episode too, you can see JK turning around to see whether JH is going to stand beside him at the station. Even in episodes where JK and JH keep a distance between them in the openings and through most of the episodes, in the closings, they usually manage to stand together. Observed it in the Queen of the Race episode where towards the closing, JH moves near JK as Gary's punishment is about to take place, the 2nd Apology Special episode where they stand together at the end of Gary's mission and in the last episode.

I too watched the Go Fridge show and found it fun. I didn't find JH and Gary's interactions that awkward this time around and like seeing them as close colleagues and friends. Gary was not showing any interest in playing the Monday BF and the hosts were also not treating them as a couple. Apart from all the interesting points everyone mentioned, there is that part where Gary is asked to guess the kind of food in JH's fridge. JH tenses up a bit there. Gary says since JH stays with her parents, her fridge should be full. And then he mentions that since she concentrates on health, there should be lots of health related stuff in there. Then JH flips her hair and smiles mysteriously (if I may add, a bit shyly), which the host also notices and comments on. I mean it looked like she was smiling because of an inside joke. Otherwise why should having health-related stuff in any RM member's fridge be considered something remarkable? If it was wine or alcohol that Gary mentioned, I could have understood JH being a bit shy, but health-related food? Hmm.. And then the chicken breast comes out of her fridge! May be an over-reading, but that moment caught my attention!

So Gary's agency has released a statement saying that Gary won't be attending any of the RM fanmeets. Hopefully, that means SBS wouldn't have to push the MC loveline with the fanmeets in mind. I think it is important that SA have a phase where they don't get seriously inked up with anybody else for a future dating announcement to work. Hoping that we will get some progress with SA!

Edited by athoughtcloud1
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@athoughtcloud1 I'm glad to get a lot of posts from you regarding everything we've been discussing. I've missed your input. 

I can't decide if I'm happy or disappointed that KG won't be at the fanmeets. I like KG and I feel like it's not a RM fanmeet if we don't have at least one Leessang song. But if KG attended, we'd get a chance to see how RM is approaching MC these days and I think it would force RM to make a decision about MC, but since KG's not attending, we don't really have to worry about MC as much during the 2016 fanmeets (which as a spartace fan is good).

KJK and KG's team work is so interesting because it's not something that we see often on RM even though they came up as one of the best pairs in the fortune telling race. I remember the police/mafia episode where KJK stalled the police and KG was the one who made the get away, and this situation seems like the opposite. You also have the Heirs episode where KJK helps KG get the win. I've always been curious (now I'm getting sidetracked) to see what a three person team of KJK, SJH, and KG would be like now (without MC). I think the last time we got that combination was very briefly during the SNS Race and the only other time was in the very early days of RM. Though, now that I think about it, I really just want to see what spartace is like on a three person team with every member of RM. JSJ is really the only one who gets partnered with them and of course guests have put them in the same team, but have we ever really gotten spartace on a three person team with YJS, LKS, HH, or KG? Post-2013? Now that I think about it, we talk about how there's always spartace moments when they're on a three-person team with JSJ, but they may have moments when they're on a three-person team with other RM members but we wouldn't know because it's never happened.

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@chelseafjl8 I would love it if SJH performed with KJK and HH again. It was fun to watch them do Turned Off the TV, and you could tell they had fun doing it. Though wearing KG masks might be more MC than RM wants to push, and I don't think KJK would be willing to wear a KG mask anymore. I think it was okay in 2014 where MC wasn't as forced as it became, but the cast seems kind of done with MC. While the editing is showing us MC, the cast themselves aren't acting it. But it'd be awesome if we got to see KJK and SJH and another RM member (because a spartace duet isn't happening) perform together again. Maybe KJK, SJH, and LKS. Though, KJK and SJH did perform Turned Off the TV alone in Taipei. I still can't believe that was allowed...

Have y'all watched the newest Talents For Sale/Welcome Show episode? I find Lee Seo Jin's comments whenever Hong Chul tries to talk about KJK in a relationship really interesting. Remember when NHC was joking about KJK being on his phone all the time and maybe there's a girl involved? LSJ is the one who shuts this down and says KJK is texting about the gym. So this episode begins with NHC talking about the fake wedding between KJK and Kim Se Jeong. He jokes about KJK sitting next to KSJ (though I'm pretty sure the hosts have the same standing order every episode) and says KJK couldn't make eye contact with her during the dance segment and that people think KJK looks at KSJ with loving eyes, etc. But when NHC says, "Maybe there's something between those two?" LSJ immediately says, "No." Of course, LSJ jokes about liking KSJ himself, but when paired with LSJ also saying the texting is about the gym, I wonder if LSJ is looking after KJK. KJK and LSJ seem to know each other reasonably well so I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility. And, of course, LSJ knows SJH well. Don't forget that when she was teasing him in ep 229 about spilling his secrets, he said, "Aren't you the one with secrets?" Just a thought. Check out the episode yourselves and see what you think.

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Agree that KS need to be competitive in this episode, but what I am saying is that KS is switched to ONLY being competitive without making any funny statement or having a smile. I am pointing this out since lot of us agree that he is struggling with his character, and we are thinking that he is having image change starting from the episode whether all rm members are being chased. My finding is based on his performance in recent consecutive episodes, that is sistar episode, secret agent episode and the latest one. Not saying it is not good to be competitive, actually I agrees with giving him the image as competitive person. But the whole positive thing will turn to negative if he only have this image (100% competitive) without joining the others to make funny scene/ statement. What funny scene can you remember that is initiated by KS himself recently? I can't think of any. Remember at the start of rm in 2010, JK gains anti because of his competitiveness. So he seldom put 100% effort starting from I guess in mid-2011. Even though KS doesn't win a lot like JK used to be, he will start to get more anti if this becomes his only image left 100% competitive and 0% being funny/making gags. People don't really appreciate one to be competitive but not funny in variety show (especially in Korea, with reference to the case of JK)

And keep in mind that in 2010, JK is competitive but he didn't cheat because of his competitiveness and win. As analyzed by Chinese fans (read a old post around 2011-2012 in baidu), at that time, every member is gaining reputations and fans, all except JK, who gain more and more antis. So what will be the case of KS? Who cheats to win? In long term, will people accept him cheating every episode because he is being competitive? Especially with crazy antis nowadays? One will never know but I can see the things happened to JK starting to happen on KS, in China. So for his own sake, may be you won't agree, but he needs to balance the variety part and his competitive image. A mixture of both will do more good to him if he wants to develop further in variety segment.

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I love that the editors of Go Fridge have to show that SJH mouths KJK's name. Makes me think she didn't do it for YJS and JSJ. KJK is the one who's important to her. This episode focused on KG so we didn't get to hear much from SJH (though we still got this moment). I enjoyed hearing about KG's fortune-telling friendship with JSJ lol. I really just enjoy hearing how the RM members interact when no filming for the show.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
On 7/27/2016 at 8:02 PM, linzer03 said:

@athoughtcloud1 I'm glad to get a lot of posts from you regarding everything we've been discussing. I've missed your input. 

I can't decide if I'm happy or sad that KG won't be at the fanmeets. I like KG and I feel like it's not a RM fanmeet if we don't have at least one Leessang song. If KG attended, we'd get a chance to see how RM is approaching MC these days and I think it would force RM to make a decision about MC, but since KG's not attending, I think we don't really have to worry about MC as much during the 2016 fanmeets.

KJK and KG's team work is so interesting because it's not something that we see often on RM even though they came up as one of the best pairs in the fortune telling race. I remember the police/mafia episode where KJK stalled the police and KG was the one who made the get away, and this situation seems like the opposite. You also have the Heirs episode where KJK helps KG get the win. I've always been curious (now I'm getting sidetracked) to see what a three person team of KJK, SJH, and KG would be like now (without MC). I think the last time we got that combination was very briefly during the SNS Race and the only other time was in the very early days of RM. Though, now that I think about it, I really just want to see what spartace is like on a three person team with every member of RM. JSJ is really the only one who gets partnered with them and of course guests have put them in the same team, but have we ever really gotten spartace on a three person team with YJS, LKS, HH, or KG? Post-2013? Now that I think about it, we talk about how there's always spartace moments when they're on a three-person team with JSJ, but they may have moments when they're on a three-person team with other RM members but we wouldn't know because it's never happened.


I do miss taking part in the conversations since I am a bit busy these days, but I love reading your thoughts. It is good that the forum is so active these days with many contributing. I wonder if the SA moment-heavy episode has started making some neutral fans check out our forum. If I was a neutral viewer, watching that episode, I would be the kind who would take a second look! ;)

Yeah, I would miss Gary at the fanmeets, but it would have taken some planning for them to make it work without the Monday Couple fan service. When fans are shouting out their names and wanting to see them together or when the MCs make special requests, it would be hard to ignore them.

I think KJK and Gary work really well together. Both don't fool around much (Gary when he is focused, that is) and both don't betray. In fact, if they had worked together in the 100 vs 100 episode, they could have won the name-tag ripping. I think Gary has a lot of respect for JK and that shows. When it comes to certain missions which require agility, JK knows Gary is the one he can rely on.

I have always wondered why KS has so rarely been put on an SA team since they are such thick friends in real life. Talking about team combinations, I was reminded of episode 105, the one with the Jeju island race in which HJM guests. When the white team who have less money sneak in to take their showers with the red team members, JK and SJ get angry and vow that they will make the white team pay.  Haha and Gary who don't have shirts to change into approach JK and SJ who have bought all the shirts of the white team. JK says that he will sell them the shirts, but each shirt which initially cost 10,000 won  has to be now  bought for 20,000, the extra 10,000 being the fee for the free shower. I love what happens next. It is pretty evident that JK has a soft corner for the kids who have been his team mates for long. But it is also clear that the true decision maker in the team is JH. LOL So when JK approaches their team car where JH is sitting, he says in a really soft voice that the kids want the shirts for 15,000 and that he agreed to it. JH then says 'Ande' and JK changes his tactic and says 'we have to go for 20,000 then'. JH then slightly accommodates JK and says 'if not for 20,000, we have to go for 17,000". JK sits silently as JH drives a hard bargain. HJM tries to make a plea for her male team mates, but JH doesn't budge. Haha  (perhaps coz he is close to both JH and JK) gets it for 17000. Gary, on the other hand, has to shell out 20,000. The captions try to make it seem as if Gary had to pay more since he came late on the scene, but it is interesting that it is Haha who gets a lower price than the Monday BF, Gary. It is not JH Gary tries to persuade, but his hyung JK. Gary tries to appeal to JK to lower the amount, but he keeps silent. It is hilarious since JK, who is usually the stubborn commander, is trying to negotiate for his 'kids' and does not seem to have much of a voice in front of his partner, JH ( the captions even term her the Queen). And whenever others appeal to him to intervene on their behalf, he wisely keeps quiet since he knows JH won't budge (and also coz he also realises his team will get more money if he lets JH do the talking). JH helps her team get back the money KS had lost as well some extra money which spartace split up among themselves. JH then boasts to JSJ that this is how one does business and JK congratulates her warmly when she asks him whether she didn't do well with the bargaining. Poor easy brothers are left with less money and are completely ignored when they complain about it. Even at the aquarium, they are completely sidelined as if they are no use to the team. So perhaps, it is not so easy for others to be on the SA team.

@dragonlovers While I love betrayer Giraffe, I don't like it when KS goes overboard while attacking JK. And I know there are many RM fans who got tired of the aggressive tiger-giraffe fights (usually initiated by KS) in 2014-15. So that is not something I really enjoy as an RM viewer. However, in this particular episode, I felt that since KS' team mates were not that great (even Ki Woo found his form only at the end), if KS had also fooled around without being competitive, it wouldn't have been an equal fight. If KS was to be his usual variety self and the RM team was going to bully him over that, I don't think I would have enjoyed this episode that much since there would have been no competition. That way, other than the headbutting, I liked KS trying to hold his team together. Yes, KS has not had many opportunities to shine in the recent episodes, but I think when he has got variety moments, he has made use of them. One of that was during the Second to Last Love episode where KS over-ate the pear meant for weighing which led to him being doubted by his own team mates and ousted in the beginning of the game. I thought KS being sacrificed by his team mates when his only fault was his greed for the pear was hilarious. The SOS episode was more JS and JK based since they were the team captains, but KS had his moments too. Agree with you that KS would be better if he can find that balance.

@linzer03 I also think that LSJ does look out for JK and the gym comment does reveal that. In this particular episode though, I thought the 'no' was SJ playing JK's rival to becoming Sejeong's favourite oppa than something similar. But yeah, it is possible. I do watch that show regularly. I think the seating arrangement has also to do with the positioning of the hosts. In the beginning, the 3 hosts had some confusion over who would lead. NHC even said that during one of the openings - that as the eldest, Seojin should lead but he is not really good at it and that while JK has leadership qualities, he is too robotic or something like that. However, as the show has progressed, I feel JK has been entrusted with the responsibility of leading the show since he is a friendly host and keeps the conversation going (Seojin can be quite blunt and doesn't look that interested in the conversations at times. Since NHC is younger and is returning to the variety scene after a much discussed controversy, it would be a bit risky to let him lead the show as well). Since JK has experience hosting and doesn't go overboard with it, he seems to be the person who has been taking the initiative to introduce the topics the last couple of episodes.(I remember watching a BTS video of the shoot where you can see the PD coming over to drag JK over for a talk once the shoot is done)  Sejeong has also been promoted to an almost main MC now since she is really good at her job. So perhaps it makes sense for JK to sit near her since she is the one who introduces the guest and reads out the research about him/her. While Seojin and Sejeong seemed to have had more 'loving' moments in the early episodes, somehow the fake wedding episode has added JK to the mix. I think that episode was well-received which is the reason they are trying to make some sort of love line between JK and Sejeong. So only if they sit nearby can those conversations about possible lovelines take place. So I think the production team has a hand in deciding the seating order.

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22 hours ago, linzer03 said:


Have y'all watched the newest Talents For Sale/Welcome Show episode? I find Lee Seo Jin's comments whenever Hong Chul tries to talk about KJK in a relationship really interesting. Remember when NHC was joking about KJK being on his phone all the time and maybe there's a girl involved? LSJ is the one who shuts this down and says KJK is texting about the gym. So this episode begins with NHC talking about the fake wedding between KJK and Kim Se Jeong. He jokes about KJK sitting next to KSJ (though I'm pretty sure the hosts have the same standing order every episode) and says KJK couldn't make eye contact with her during the dance segment and that people think KJK looks at KSJ with loving eyes, etc. But when NHC says, "Maybe there's something between those two?" LSJ immediately says, "No." Of course, LSJ jokes about liking KSJ himself, but when paired with LSJ also saying the texting is about the gym, I wonder if LSJ is looking after KJK. KJK and LSJ seem to know each other reasonably well so I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility. And, of course, LSJ knows SJH well. Don't forget that when she was teasing him in ep 229 about spilling his secrets, he said, "Aren't you the one with secrets?" Just a thought. Check out the episode yourselves and see what you think.

I do think that LSJ was not trying to cover for JK but just simply stating what he saw that time when KJK was texting. I can't say that I am 100% sure about that but as a LSJ fan I know that he is honest most of the time( just like in this episode he wouldn't care whether hwang ji yeol would be hurt by his statement that he doesn't even have a single hit song or would he himself being criticised by millions of ji yeol's Chinese fans.) And also I think that LSJ immediately says "No" to that statement because he is certain JK has no feelings for se jeong whatsoever because JK is that kind of guy that will simply treat se jeong as his sister especially when they both came from Anyang and she is almost 20 years younger than JK. However, I can't rule out the possibility that SJ actually knows there's something between JH and JK. From EP229, I can see that JH and SJ should be close enough for her to be comfortable around him. We all know that if JH is not familiar with the guest, she usually have only limited interaction with him/her but JH even tried to hit him when he kicked her shoes away. Also, the statement from SJ that " Aren't you the one with secrets?" just makes me think that he might know tad bit about her personal life. About JK and SJ, I don't think they would have met each other before they have started filming Talents for sale or after Running Man filming as from their photos that I have seen for the past year, I think they have fairly different social circle although you can say that they are still from the same industry but now that they have started filming together, they might have gotten closer but I don't think they know that well before. So if SJ didn't know anything before from JIhyo, I doubt he knows anything at this stage.

Sorry, I don't even know what I am talking about anymore. :sweatingbullets:

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@chelseafjl8 @athoughtcloud1 I'm not a LSJ fan, so I'm hardly the expert on whether he would cover for someone or not. So I'm really just basing my thoughts on what I see and hear in episodes. In the opening of Talents for Sale, LSJ was waiting for KJK, and when asked if they were close, KJK explained that they met for the first time at a gym. I wouldn't say they were BFFs or anything like that, but I think they knew each other beyond their meeting during RM. So it's not an unreasonable possibility that if SJH and KJK are dating, LSJ knew about it before he filmed RM. As for LSJ saying "no", I'm sure it's because he knew there was nothing between KJK and KSJ (reasons could be that he knew KJK just thought of her as a dongsaeng, or her knew KJK and SJH are dating, or he just wanted to be KSJ's favorite oppa, or a mixture of all three). But LSJ doesn't immediately say that it's because he should be KSJ's favorite oppa; it's only after KJK and NHC have a brief conversation that KSJ explains his reasoning for saying no, so I think that there may have been other primary factors for his saying "no" besides being a rival for KSJ's attention. Side note: I'm disappointed that they're trying to turn KJK and KSJ into a bit of a love line, because I was enjoying him having a show where he has a close female dongsaeng from A-Town rather than a romantic interest (because as the "eternal bachelor", he rarely gets through a show without at least some sort of love interest with one of his female coworkers). And as for the texting the gym comment, LSJ may have seen KJK texting the gym once, but the amount of time KJK is seen texting (on both RM and Talents for Sale), I highly doubt they're all for the gym. So it's possible that LSJ was telling the truth but at the same time covering for KJK (and by extension SJH). I'm just throwing theories out there. Some of them may be right, most of them are probably wrong.

As for RM teams with spartace. Spartace teaming up and leaving the Easy Brothers behind was in episode 105 (2012), which would be during what some of us think was spartace's maybe-maybe not stage. From ep 95-105 spartace seemed especially close like they were heading in th direction, and I feel like after 105 this lessens a bit. Spartace team up a lot less these days it seems, so that dynamic might have changed (since they started dating). KJK SJH, LKS, and a guest teamed up in 2014 (I forget the ep number, but KJK and LKS were crossdressing) and KJK and SJH were fairly inclusive of their teammates then. Though, since there was a guest on their team, they may have been trying to be more welcoming than they would have been if the other two teammates were both RM members. Though we do briefly hear JSJ saying that he doesn't want to be on the yellow team when it's revealed that SJH is number 6 instead of LKS, but KJK and SJH have a different relationship, I think, with JSJ than they do with LKS or HH, and perhaps LKS and HH would be more comfortable on a three-person team with spartace than JSJ. It's hard to make a fair judgment on this because we really only have a limited number of episodes where KJK and SJH are in a three or four person team together.

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I saw news that gary won't attend these FMs . since I never saw a complete FM and just saw some SA or MC cuts, i don't know how it was with gary and how it will affect whole the FM but as a SA fan I have high hopes to see lot of sa interactions in coming FMs specially after watching ep 308 I think they are still touchy and act like new couples when they can. 

I watched  TFS ep 12 last night and I think the first time when LSJ said jk was just texting his trainer, he really tried to cover it up for jk but this time when he said no,he really said the truth that he wanted to be in jk place. and about LSJ being a honest person he really is and when you are honest most of the time people will accept your lies better when you need to say one.

but if LSJ know something about SA it should be from jh side, NHC seems closer to jk compare to LSJ but he probably don't know  about jk love life and tease him about KSJ. just look at jk face when NHC want them to look at each other eyes, he was surprised and repeated we are just neighbors,she is like my sister so it was not planned and he is not willing to have a loveline with SJ but as I mentioned before it's understandable that pd try to make a loveline when it's possible since lots of viewers are interested  to see these kind of things. but when NHC said people say JK look at SJ with loving eyes I thought so this is what JK friends said that he is nice to all the women and make others confused .

and about what jk said that SJ will receive casting calls from running man, maybe rm producers changed their mind, filming for this ep was around 6 july but jk is not the type who speak about things that are not confirmed yet detailed like this. do you guys remember he denied all the rumors about turbo comeback till he was well prepared. but if they really want to add a female member to the show SJ is a good choice( actually from sistar ep in TFS I thought SJ is suitable to be a rm member) she is from an idol group and will help them in rating also she is strong and talented and she is not that feminine like other idols.                

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I don't know if I quite believe that KG's presence alone affects spartace moments. Yes, fanmeets with KG generally include scripted MC moments. Such a the cast pushing KG to stand beside SJH during the interviews, questions specifically about SJH and KG's relationship, SJH and KG singing "Turned Off the TV" together (in some of the 2015 fanmeets she'd kiss him on the cheek and hug during this song), sometimes they'd pose together at the end of Lovable, etc. But after the MC moments are over, KG and SJH usually part ways and interact with the rest of the cast how they want. For example, there was plenty of MC moments in the 2013 Singapore fanmeet, but there were way more spartace moments. There were also still plenty of spartace moments in HK, Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing - all of which KG was present at. However, we see that as the 2015 fanmeets (which included all RM members) continued, the amount of spartace interactions on stage became less and less until you can see times where KJK is purposely avoiding SJH on stage. The only 2015 fanmeet where KG is not present is Wuhan. This is also the first fanmeet where we see spartace taking a picture together, just the two of them, but other than that I don't think there were too many spartace moments on stage. Nanjing and Taiwan, the later fanmeets, had relatively less spartace interaction as well.

My point is that it may not be KG who affects spartace during fanmeets, but rather the fans themselves that affect spartace. It's probably very draining to go on stage and listen to thousands of people want your significant other to kiss someone else or want you to be with someone other than your significant other. In RM, it's just an act, but at fanmeets, you can really see the support for MC. And I think you can see it starting to effect how KJK and SJH interact in the RM episodes themselves. In ep 266 (which takes place around Chongqing fanmeet) KJK actually talks about how SJH and KG kissed on stage during a fanmeet ep 266, which is I think the first time they talk about fanmeets during an episode. I don't know if KJK was told to talk about MC or he chose to but you can see it starting to affect RM filming. The fans cheer for MC of whether KG is at the fanmeet or not. SJH has had events where people kept asking about KG until she got frustrated. I think it's really the fans continuing to vocally support MC that exhausts KJK and SJH and causes them to act distant during fanmeets and later on in the RM episodes themselves. 

So I'm curious to see what the 2016 fanmeets are going to be like. KG not being there makes me feel like RM is escaping having to decide how they want to handle MC. Right now, RM isn't forcing the cast to do MC, but they are still giving MC in the edits. But they can't edit the fanmeets and I don't think they want to force the cast to act out MC anymore if they can help it. So what would they do about MC in the fanmeets? Give us MC or not. But now that decision isn't being made because KG won't be there. So MC fans who are still clinging onto MC can just say "Oh, KG's not here, that's why she's so close to KJK and other members" and we'll (at least I will) remain slightly afraid that MC will return at any time. If KG was at the fanmeets and there was no MC, then I think I could say for certain that RM really is done with MC.

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@linzer03 I am also disappointed with the production team for trying to turn them into a potential loveline, but I will try and be understandable since the rating is not good at the moment and I know that they are just trying to bring the ratings up by using one of the most effective ways in variety show. Plus, no Korean fans will take it seriously because of the age gap between Se Jeong and Jong Kook. Unlike what happened before with JK- YEH when the whole nation is focusing on them, hoping that they are real. However, I will be much happier If the production team can improve the rating without using a loveline and keep the show alive.

I do agree that it's not possible that all the texting are for the gym and as a shipper I hope that Seo JIn was really trying to cover up for spartace. That's what all we wish right!!!


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dear @linzer03 now that you mentioned I remember when in the last FM jk ignored jh request to sing together and jh was flustered and threw her cap on the ground,at first I thought maybe they had a little tiff but then remembered at the opening both of them were so happy and laughed together. was this one after a mc moment too?

I agree it's hard to see someone you like act lovely dovely with someone else in front of your eyes no matter how open minded you are.and it will make you uncomfortable to see lot of people support it. 

2 hours ago, linzer03 said:

So I'm curious to see what the 2016 fanmeets are going to be like. KG not being there makes me feel like RM is escaping having to decide how they want to handle MC. Right now, RM isn't forcing the cast to do MC, but they are still giving MC in the edits. But they can't edit the fanmeets and I don't think they want to force the cast to act out MC anymore if they can help it. So what would they do about MC in the fanmeets? Give us MC or not. But now that decision isn't being made because KG won't be there. So MC fans who are still clinging onto MC can just say "Oh, KG's not here, that's why she's so close to KJK and other members" and we'll (at least I will) remain slightly afraid that MC will return at any time. If KG was at the fanmeets and there was no MC, then I think I could say for certain that RM really is done with MC.

as @athoughtcloud1  mentioned before it would be really hard to avoid mc moments when both jh and kg are on the same stage. and about what mc fans will think about FMs if what mc fans said didn't affect their relationship  when they pushed mc in full force in rm before what some minority of hardcore mc fans will say after FMs won't affect their relationship too. actually I always check other ships theories too so if they have a solid prove I will accept that I was wrong but till now I didn't see something like that so let's don't pay attention to these kind of lame theories and just enjoy our ship and have fun. like you I think it's possible that rm pd wants to bring back MC but if jh and jk are really dating and if jh main reason far join wail was end MC and jk really wants to marry in 2017 will they accept that MC return to what it used to be?

1 hour ago, chelseafjl8 said:

no Korean fans will take it seriously because of the age gap between Se Jeong and Jong Kook. Unlike what happened before with JK- YEH when the whole nation is focusing on them, hoping that they are real.

I should put the next paragraph in spoiler since it's not sa related but I don't know how to do that so please don't read it if you are not comfortable with things that are about other couples.

  I agree with you that it's hard to believe that there is something between them but put that aside at the first place I can't understand why some people believe these lovelines. jk-YEH is a different case I read somewhere that they were the first loveline in variety shows so it was a new thing for Koreans  and their interactions was so natural , both of them sometimes do those push and pull things and both of them get jealous sometimes and with jk shy personality their skinship is no joke plus while they always denied their dating rumors their interactions even outside the Xman filming were the same like that BTS of jk music video. it's possible that there were something between them but surly every thing ended long time ago. so I can't understand why some people compare MC with jk-YEH, they are just so different.    

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12 hours ago, sana82 said:

dear @linzer03 now that you mentioned I remember when in the last FM jk ignored jh request to sing together and jh was flustered and threw her cap on the ground,at first I thought maybe they had a little tiff but then remembered at the opening both of them were so happy and laughed together. was this one after a mc moment too?

  I agree with you that it's hard to believe that there is something between them but put that aside at the first place I can't understand why some people believe these lovelines. jk-YEH is a different case I read somewhere that they were the first loveline in variety shows so it was a new thing for Koreans  and their interactions was so natural , both of them sometimes do those push and pull things and both of them get jealous sometimes and with jk shy personality their skinship is no joke plus while they always denied their dating rumors their interactions even outside the Xman filming were the same like that BTS of jk music video. it's possible that there were something between them but surly every thing ended long time ago. so I can't understand why some people compare MC with jk-YEH, they are just so different.    

JH wasn't flustered, she was just playing with HaHa or following what he did( I forgot which one)you can see it from some video that I'm too lazy to find, but people had discussed it on baidu before and that's their conclusion.

JK and YEH even wore couple things and went to the show called" Love Letter" together which made people believe they were together at the time. I think that JK had feelings for her before but he never confessed, just my theory.

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