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Guys: Do You Pay For Dates?

Guest mickeyd

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Guest mickeyd

I talk about this with some of my friends, and they are all shocked into silence when I tell them that my girls pay for dates.

I mean, they literally freeze, either in person or on the phone. That's usually followed by "really?" in a very skeptical tone of voice.

I know most guys pay for the date still, but I find it unusual. When I offer to pay, girls will often say something like: "are you sure?" Or, if I try to pay, they will reject my money, and the entire date turns sour, ruining my chances. I've just learned not to pay most of the time, unless she clearly expects me to. Very confusing, lol.

What about you guys? Share your experiences here!

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Guest ikweli

my friend paid for my dinner last wednesday actually.  i used to like her a long time ago so its a little ironic that she pays half the time; but i was rejected so ROFL
its probably because i drove. i love girls like those ^^

shouldnt really happen with a gf though. i make sure i at least pay more than half the time. but even then she still tells me to stfu and pays my dinner im like, damn bro <3. we're both really equal in our relationship so it happens. i'm not the overly super tall muscular dude who is so superior (fk that ill always be superior actually) and shes not the little cute girl who gets sugar coated and spoiled so we have fun insulting eachother and doing things equally for eachother. speaking of my gf i miss her face right nao

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Guest [ knockOUT ]

I'm a girl, and usually if my boyfriend did offer to pay I would say something like, "Are you sure babe? You don't have to..." or something along the lines of that because it's polite, rather than just taking it and saying "Okay! Thanks babe" (nothing wrong with that either though, lol). We're almost 3 years into our relationship and we both still say something if the other wants to pay for both of us. If not, then we definitely will return the favor by treating the other to the next date.

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Guest Kerriganton

Depends if it is romantic or not.
Romantic.. Sure!
Non-romantic. Depends if she pays for me or not. If she did, then I owe her.

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Guest hearthealer

ajlee613 said:most girls see a man's money as a sign of his investment. you're not going to spend 100 dollars on a big date 2 or 3 times a week on a girl your just trying to play around with right? thats just dumb. just like a man will often see a woman's body as a sign of her investment. most guys dont want girls who sleep around easily so they will scope a girl out who doesnt, and therefore it shows she values her body, with that in mind, if she lets you have her body, it shows that she is willing to put something of value on the line for the sake of your future together. and this is romantic.
of course once the relatinoship becomes stable, this goes away because you already know each other is invested. and so you spend money because u want to have fun together, and you have sex because sex is enjoyable mutually. once you are in a serious relationship if you need to buy your girl something to be rewarded with sex, you should probably dumb her and vise versa. 

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Oh yes, I pray.  I pray a lot that I get one.  But my prayers never get answered.

edit: n/m
misread the topic title

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Guest vickyhall

As a girl, I don't think guys should pay for all the dates, that is unfair, besides, that is not good for the girls.

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I don't look too much into it. I offer to pay for dates but don't fuss if he insists on paying, I just offer to pay for something else. I'm cool with letting guys pay for dates during the courtship but during the actual relationship I'm more insistent on taking turns or buying each other gifts.

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Guest SlicedBread

In my book, dates were always for girls who were already my girlfriends. Everything else was just hanging out. Chemistry doesn't need a wallet to spark it. 
Besides, I agree with what the comedian Jerry Seinfeld says. A date, when you're just trying to get to know each other more, is like a job interview that lasts all night. You're really just evaluating each other, which makes it hard to have fun. The only difference between a job interview and a date is that at the end there's a chance you'll end up naked. 
To quote him more, instead of asking someone on a date, we should just say: "You seem nice. Why don't we get together sometime for some serious scrutiny?" 
It's better to just get to know someone as friends. 

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Guest hearthealer

SlicedBread said: In my book, dates were always for girls who were already my girlfriends. Everything else was just hanging out. Chemistry doesn't need a wallet to spark it. 
Besides, I agree with what the comedian Jerry Seinfeld says. A date, when you're just trying to get to know each other more, is like a job interview that lasts all night. You're really just evaluating each other, which makes it hard to have fun. The only difference between a job interview and a date is that at the end there's a chance you'll end up naked. 
To quote him more, instead of asking someone on a date, we should just say: "You seem nice. Why don't we get together sometime for some serious scrutiny?" 
It's better to just get to know someone as friends. 

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Guest BukAlan

i never let my gf (now wife) pay for anything while we were dating.  she was a student and still in school so she didn't have the means to do it (she just graduated last feb) she'll out earn me so i see it as an investment =)

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i never let my gf (now wife) pay for anything while we were dating.  she was a student and still in school so she didn't have the means to do it (she just graduated last feb) she'll out earn me so i see it as an investment =)

Lol im telling your wife shes an investment

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Guest SlicedBread

hearthealer said: SlicedBread said: In my book, dates were always for girls who were already my girlfriends. Everything else was just hanging out. Chemistry doesn't need a wallet to spark it. 
Besides, I agree with what the comedian Jerry Seinfeld says. A date, when you're just trying to get to know each other more, is like a job interview that lasts all night. You're really just evaluating each other, which makes it hard to have fun. The only difference between a job interview and a date is that at the end there's a chance you'll end up naked. 
To quote him more, instead of asking someone on a date, we should just say: "You seem nice. Why don't we get together sometime for some serious scrutiny?" 
It's better to just get to know someone as friends. 

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Guest hishari

My man makes 3 times as much as I do. (nerd) soo...he pays most of the time.
I went on a date with this one dude who took great effort to beg me to go on a date with him. Come bill time, he told the waiter to split the bill right in the middle so I ended up paying for his stupid margaritas too. 

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Guest showoff

If the girl doesn't acknowledge and appreciate that I'm paying for the date, that's a dealbreaker for me too.  I have no problem paying for things, as long as I feel like I'm not being taken for granted and that my effort is appreciated.

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Guest franknfurter

Oh boys! When will you realize that some chicks think their company is more valuable than yours? *giggles* In Transexual Transylvania we call that pay for play. thumb_20121003224812_kiss-red-lips.jpg

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Considering my huge pile of credit card debt, I guess I've technically not paid for any of my dates either, lol. And my last 'real' date was back in 1991. #-o

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