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Lee Soon & Jang Ok Jung Couple Thread


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Guest dreamdoll

Spoiler from Baidu:
A Chinese fan read from Weibo (something like twitter) that next week DP will send the poison to OJ (faked death). It's a plan devised by DP and LS. LS will probably hide her in the small hut in the woods (the one where OJ saved LS' life - since it was already mentioned that nobody can find that place at all).
Sure hope the news is true!

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Guest dreamdoll

The two episodes this week nicely recovered from the black hole which started since episode 15 and spilled over into the other episodes thereafter.

The love between OJ and LS really blew me away and I'm glad there aren't further petty misunderstandings between the two of them. It's like a higher level of understanding finally developed between them after years of marriage. And they have Yoon (a beautiful by-product of their love) to think of above everything else.

IH is seriously a power-crazed nut, and don't even get me started on the other schoolgirl. CS is another maniac case on his own. But I suppose without these characters, the love between OTP would never have reached this level now. They have definitely come a long way!

I am so glad and relieved that old OJ and LS have returned, they've found their way back into each others' arms after all the challenges they have been through. My faith in their love is also renewed on a deeper level!

The only other wish I have other than an acceptable or if I even dare ask for it, a happy ending, is a satisfactory ending for DP as well (and not joking here, this isn't purely due to him being on my FB list now). He really loved OJ above and beyond, and his way of loving and protecting her has moved me a lot.

I think I'm going to suffer major withdrawal next week.

In the meantime, thank you all for the constant updates and comments! And all the effort in the letter!!! I have been thoroughly entertained this whole time. Keep it coming!

JOJ fighting!!

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Guest xopo17


said: I really don't understand why idol fans can't accept critics from people about their idol. I heard Yunho DBSK got so MANYYYYYYY critics for his lack of acting talent. He just never improved even recently in Queen of Ambition and all his fans have accepted the truth he can't act but he can dance and sing well


To tell the truth, not ALL idol can act , sing and dance. 

High-5 with


because I agree only Yoochun that turned into a very good actor beside singing and dancing on the stage.

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@xopo17 apa kabar. bukan jakarta, di bali

i am ignoring them, there's a certain satisfactory when i ignore them. like i said, i am not mods, i dont warn or ban. but they are not gonna like it, i dont stoop to their level too. not gonna fight with them or argue.

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Guest dreamdoll

SB said in ep 1 back then when she stole from OJ that she wanted to be someone like OJ. Honestly it will never happen. Their characters are way too different! Plus at the ending scene of tonight's ep 22 where the three women were standing facing one another, IH would triumph in getting the power she wanted, OJ would always have the king's heart, while SB... Her wanting to be like OJ, impossible, since she will never gain the king's affection (he even laughed at her in amusement in their fake bed scene). In fact, LS now knows how scheming SB is!

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dreamdoll said: SB said in ep 1 back then when she stole from OJ that she wanted to be someone like OJ. Honestly it will never happen. Their characters are way too different! Plus at the ending scene of tonight's ep 22 where the three women were standing facing one another, IH would triumph in getting the power she wanted, OJ would always have the king's heart, while SB... Her wanting to be like OJ, impossible, since she will never gain the king's affection (he even laughed at her in amusement in their fake bed scene). In fact, LS now knows how scheming SB is!

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Guest xopo17

dreamdoll said: SB said in ep 1 back then when she stole from OJ that she wanted to be someone like OJ. Honestly it will never happen. Their characters are way too different! Plus at the ending scene of tonight's ep 22 where the three women were standing facing one another, IH would triumph in getting the power she wanted, OJ would always have the king's heart, while SB... Her wanting to be like OJ, impossible, since she will never gain the king's affection (he even laughed at her in amusement in their fake bed scene). In fact, LS now knows how scheming SB is!

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Guest dreamdoll

Just watched the subbed version of ep 22. 
1) CS was behind the death of JH. LS sent royal guard to kill JH but he was one step late. JH was killed by his own man / bodyguard instead.2) MM was behind the SKK scholars kneeling in front of the palace, asking for the death of OJ's brother, for OJ to step down, and for IH to be reinstated.3) CS told Minister Kim that he had a secret weapon (the palace maid who confessed / knew the truth about the poison incident in ep 15) which will ensure IH gets reinstated. And Minister Kim used this to threaten LS, telling LS that if people knew about OJ's poison incident, it will be very negative for Yoonie. 4) OJ goes to see LS to tell him she wants to step down, that it is time for him to let go of her hand now, and that even though LS does so, she knows that actually LS did not let go of her hand. She confesses to LS that she was behind the poison incident. LS asked her not to continue further. OJ realised that LS knew all along. She asked him why he promoted her to Empress even though he knew the truth, and he said I did all these for you, why do you still want to step down? OJ takes the fall in a bid not to put LS in a spot, because she says she knows that LS will not bear to do this on his own...OJ says so please demote me, and then become a brilliant king.5) LS goes to visit OJ's brother in jail, and asks why he poisoned SB when he should know that he only loves OJ. OJ's brother confessed that it is because he found out SB is pregnant, and that OJ was unaware of what he tried to do to SB. 6) LS' meeting with CS revealed that LS already suspected that CS was the mastermind behind planting SB in the palace. And CS admitted it. LS then questioned if CS was behind the reinstatement of IH. But CS denied it. CS said that he was very interested in where OJ will be going, since an Empress who committed a crime would be banished. Also, CS had wanted the quarters that LS built for OJ. By now, LS had put two-and-two together, and he asked CS to explain everything. LS questioned CS if he knew OJ previously. CS said he did not know OJ, but he wanted revenge on JH, and he brought up how the more OJ was being favoured by the king, the more challenging it became to ruin JH. So OJ got implicated as a result. LS warns CS if he takes a step towards him again, he will be killed.7) Finally, LS makes a deal with MM. He will demote OJ, and reinstate IH. MM wants OJ banished out of the palace, but LS brought up SB's case, saying that he has not investigated what SB has done, and he will let it go for OJ to remain as Hee Bin in the palace.

Here is a basic recap translation of the first part -

OJ and IH face off, the civilians are scolding OJ, and saying horrible things about her.

LS arrives. He is extremely angry, he questions how the civilians can treat the mother of the nation in such a manner?

Royal Guard: Why are all of you not kneeling down? This is the king.

LS: What wrong has OJ committed? For all of you, she has tried to help and yet you humiliate her?

He asks OJ if she is ok.

OJ: Looks like it is better for me to go back to the palace. It was supposed to be a good day but looks like I am not welcome.

LS: No, let’s go back to the palace together.

He turns back and stares at IH while she looks on sadly as they walk away.


Back at the palace.

LS: You must be traumatised, go in and take a good rest.

OJ: No words can express how embarrassed I am. Do you remember you previously told me not to make the same mistake? But it seems like in this period of time, the harder I try, I feel as though things are getting worse. If it is only on me, it’s alright, but I fear this will affect Yoon, and so I am most worried!

LS: I will protect our Yoonie, I will not allow anyone to harm him!

OJ: Yes please you must protect him well.


Night-time in the palace.

LS is drinking alone. DP arrives.

DP: Are you looking for me?

LS: Yes, we have not been drinking together for a long time.

DP: Are you still feeling upset?

LS: I should already used to such incidents, but yet every time I encounter such situations I still feel very sad. If this is how I feel, I can only imagine what kind of emotion OJ must be facing?

DP: But she will always strongly overcome difficulties, and in the future she will continue to be strong and overcome challenges.

LS: How can the people’s hearts be against me? Including all the political challenges, and the stubborn Western faction, all these I can use authority to suppress them, but what happened in the medical hall, really dealt me a big blow. Even though it is a political propaganda book, but is this also what I must face and endure? The reason why I use the Southern and Western factions against each other is because I want to roll out politics that benefit the people, the very people whom I love. Yet they cannot accept OJ, the woman whom I love.


LS: JH wants an audience with me? What is he plotting again now?


LS goes to the jail to see JH.

LS: Why did you request to see me?

JH: I have a request.

LS: A convict dares to have a request?

JH: I am willing to take all punishment, I beg you arrange a hearing for me.

LS: What? A hearing?

JH: The serious crime I committed is murdering QM. But yet I get off with a light punishment, I feel ashamed. Hence, I feel I should confess to my crime at a hearing, and accept my full punishment, otherwise there will be unrest in court. But then what to do, I’m only following orders.

LS: Is that your excuse? You want to implicate OJ and Yoonie isn’t it? You have committed such a serious crime, instead of being repentant, you are trying to find a way out.

JH: Since I am going to die, why does it matter how? Traders have this saying that if you cannot get your money back, you should get a life back. Ever since you got OJ, I have a hold on you.

LS: So, what exactly do you want from me?

JH: I want to avenge my daughter who died an undeserving death. Even if it is for a day, I want to be the father-in-law of the king.

LS: Ok I will fulfil your wish, and let you be my father-in-law. And in return, you must forever maintain your silence.

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