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Advice for someone who is applying for their first job?


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I've been looking for a summer job, and a few opened up at the mall. Some of them specify that I have to apply in store so do you think I may get interviewed there too?
What are some tips you can give me? What questions do they commonly ask? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

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You will be interviewed no matter where you apply, they will want to know who they`re hiring.

1. Be yourself. - FACT.
Something I learned from my very first interview, was that trying to act like somebody you are not, does NOT work. The person you will meet have done this so many times, so he/she can look straight through the facade.

A few good pointers to add, if you will be working at a mall/store
+ Add that you are an upbeat, generally happy person
+ You enjoy the company of others, (you are a people`s person)
+ You are not a slacker, and you do not mind working overtime if necessary (even if its not the case, it helps)

They will likely ask you,
Why do you want to work there?
What can you contribute with?
Have you ever had a job before?
Do you work well among others?

Above, was reply to your "mall/store" jobs, work where your sole task is about serving customers.

What is also a good idea is to read: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Good+job+applications
And pick out what you think will help.

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if you get a call for interview- cancel all your other appointments that you have for the day and go to their preferred time. Even though they say they'll call you back with a different time (because you can't make the said time), they will just say "next". 

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It is possible you will get an interview on the spot, especially considering they opened recently and the type of place you're applying to. After all it might just be the manager that you run into. You should be prepared once you walk into the store.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest evans15

The only thing that i can give you is too be confident if you pass a resume there is a possibility they they are going to interview you and being confident is a good key to passed a interview.I remember when i was get hired in a new paper advertising company in Finland country at http://www.paikallismediat.fi/ where they are selecting the best employee but then we are so many and i feel confident that's why i get hired.

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speak clearly and slowly, articulate all that you say. but dont speak more than is needed to make clear your meaning. 
over dressing is better than underdressing. be early. for mall jobs, they will prob ask u about your schedule. be honest, cuz if u say ur free on saterday, but u never are, u will get fired.
they will probably ask u about how u are with people. say that u respect people in general, and try to consider the kind of day or situation the other person is having, and so you are able to work around rude customers because you understand that they arent mad at you, they're just mad. etc. 

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Guest byebyebye1430292625

lol the "be yourself " advice doesn't work for everyone!

You wanna be the best candidate.

for those jobs that don't need any kind of credentials:
You wanna be someone who can work well with other people. So keep smiling and eye contact!
You wanna be seen as a hardworking person. If you don't do any volunteer works or anything at all, bs something up. Make it believable. Like help tutoring your brothers. volunteer at school library...

Apply in store just means that you have to go there and fill out their application. Make sure you bring your resume and cover letter to hand them in together with the store application form.

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Based on previous experiences, most stores have potential candidates apply for a position while they are there. Remember to have your resume and cover letter with you at all times. When it comes to the interview, it will likely be held in the storage area in the back of the store. Chances are it will be a one-on-one interview with the manager of that specific location. Do not let your nerves get to you because the interviewer will notice it and will misunderstand you (i.e. not confident enough about yourself and your skills). Remember to smile and make eye contact as well! You need to be friendly and approachable if you want to work in any field that requires customer service. Do not be afraid to improve a bit (if needed).
Common questions consists of: Why did you decide to apply here? Do you have any previous work experience or experience that applies to this position? What are your strengths? If this happened (some scenario), what would you do? What can you bring to this workplace? etc etc

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Guest dafleur

For a retail job, they're going to want someone who can represent their brand and can relate to their target demographic.  If you're chosen for an interview, wear something that is similar to their 'look' while still looking professional.  Also, do a little research on the company.  They're also going to want someone who can assess a client/customer's needs on the spot.  You'll need to be intuitive and very outgoing.  Realize that working in retail requires a lot of running around, a lot of people skills, and the ability to multi-task.  A lot of people may thing it's just folding clothes and looking cute, but there's a crapton more to it.
Good luck!

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That's some pretty reasonable and realistic advice.

If ever I decide to be a 7-11 clerk, I think I would ace the interview then.

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