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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest ziimblu

misstear said:
So @ziimblu , your predictions became true, nothing more but silence, and anger, wrath are going to be held inside.And I can understand the reason why he will help her go back to the harem later, when she is kicked out of the palace, without letting her know about his presence behind...

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sally_b said: I'm scratching my chin about how the writer's would get rid of the entire Temur Clan in one or two episodes...(?)
I wonder if Tanashiri's banishment(?) drives Dang Ki Se to go off the rails and try an overthrow -- but of whom? Evil-Daddy is still the boss...would he ditch his Dad for letting TN get kicked out?
color me confused.

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@sarah.lina - Wow, I totally forgot all about that scene.  :|

Okay! The reason TH was able to force her to do that is because...she was stuck in the Palace as a lowly maid and intimidated? 
She was afraid of ET, Tana and gang? 
I give up.  :-\"

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Curious about one thing?Why is everyone thinking SN will get rid of ET clan so fast,like 1-2 episodes with so many left of the story to tell?...I see TS being the first piece witch SN removed and the rest to come but not fast but with the upcoming episodes,the revenge story had to come and it's first victim to move the plot...I don't think from now on all SN plans will work without problems,did u guys seen a lead winning from the middle of a drama till the end without the bad ones doing anything to stop/interfiere? it will be a chanse of cat and mouse now because they seem alerted that someone uknown to them targets them...ET will maybe be the last one standing so did i miss something for this conclusion to come out?just like the one with BA niece as well... #-o please enlighten me [-O<
and reading an earlier post i expect YBS to come at YW window if she will be desposed with TS as well in the Palace singing "Love IS the Moment because You Are My Destiny! " to confess to her:>

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@larabn - RE: "...something out of this will drive DK to death by SN"
oooo ooooo ! I bet you're right!
Dang Ki Se probably makes some dumb-richard simmons move to try to kill Seung Nyang (he's not been shown to be the best at calculation) and gets busted ... OR
SN is getting pretty good at frontal assault...perhaps she orchestrates this scenario as well......oooo (rubs hands together in glee) 

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Guest ziimblu

Some great thinker once said : "when you have a library and a garden, you have everything you need! "
I understood that saying as simply as it reads.Now, it is taking a whole new dimension...having seen in EK how  a library has been a pillar of revolt and  all other "movements"  - -  Taltal lessons, other private lessons (no pun intended ),  meetings between SN collaborators, possible future "tryst" of whoever will find the need to (in avoidance of eyes which can "behead ").
So, maybe a garden ain't necessary at all?  Too exposed. 

n.b. please do not even recall how some archive (yeah library ) did it for the King portrayed by JJM in another film. Don't even think about it now!  .....Monks, earliest monks - didn't they invent libraries? Or maybe some eunuch, for reasons now obvious to me.... Oh, but I wouldn't blame them. 

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- I know that in the next episodes, half of the cast will be killed (ET family) but why am i dreading something?, the new cast aka : Huksu, Seol Hwa and one of the new governor doesn't seem to have the same charisma nor are interesting like ET, TN, DKS and TGH were... well not TGH =)) =)), Even Batolu has more charisma than Seol Hwa, i hope they will add some craziness in it [-O< [-O< [-O< , Or maybe now, they will focus mainly on the Love Triangle and the Child Plot, but focusing on a love triangle is gonna be difficult when SN is already married with TH??? :-? :-?

- There is also something, didn't anyone have noticed that the Ending credit was with WY alone ??? in the last episodes, they kept adding  the pic of all the main characters when they weren't even in the last scene, i'm wondering why??

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sarah.lina said: - I know that in the next episodes, half of the cast will be killed (ET family) but why am i dreading something?, the new cast aka : Huksu, Seol Hwa and one of the new governor doesn't seem to have the same charisma nor are interesting like ET, TN, DKS and TGH were... well not TGH =)) =)), Even Batolu has more charisma than Seol Hwa, i hope they will add some craziness in it [-O< [-O< [-O< , Or maybe now, they will focus mainly on the Love Triangle and the Child Plot, but focusing on a love triangle is gonna be difficult when SN is already married with TH??? :-? :-?

- There is also something, didn't anyone have noticed that the Ending credit was with WY alone ??? in the last episodes, they kept adding  the pic of all the main characters when they weren't even in the last scene, i'm wondering why??

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can i just say and im sure a lot will agree other than the main lead i would say that Eunuch bang is my favourite character..he has such loyalty to WY and brilliant with his disguises...love love him...
taltal is more prominent in this episode. he has a lot of scene and very interesting ones... yes he was hard on WY but we all know that it is all for the cause...
after the translation proided for preview 29...im convince that yep SY and WY are the same although their heart aches to be together but the circumstances and era woudnt allow them and what more greater deed to do but to be patriotic and do their best to save their beloved Goryeo...I hope that SY and WY will have a time to talk about their plans and not misunderstand each other...perhaps thats why WY said to SY to "continue her path with dignity" WY understands that SY did what she had to do...I think it wont do good to WY and TH to know about the baby at this point...i guess the baby will be another plot if ever the ET clan will exit soon..
im more convince also that our ending might be SY running away with WY when all is well.  Someone mentioned (sorry i forgot to quote you) that SY is or will aim for power since only then she can save her people by asking TH to stop all the tributes and eunuch from Goryeo...
thanks everyone for your recap and insights i enjoyed reading them and like you all..we just love Empress Ki :) i dont do overtime work one mon and tue since i have to drive back quick home to watch it live :)
indeed it wont be long til episode 1 will catch up...didnt we say that it will happen in ep 30? perhaps the next episode will start the collapsing of ET clan and 31 we get to see them go down one by one... and the next 20 episodes will focus on TH being the rightful emperor...i wish that they will show us how EK will do all her best to help the goryeo people and eventually be with WY...hope that at some point yes i do hope SY will have some feelings for THh if not love at least compassion...

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They don't have to completely get rid of the ET Clan to give WY his throne back.  As long as TH gets his power back, he can put WY back on his throne.  ET will be too busy struggling to regain his power to object.
Like @Milk88 said, it doesn't make sense for the lead to win that easily.
I can see though, now that they've captured Mr. C and got that record book, they can put that out in the open to show the governors what ET has been doing behind their backs.  Basically ripping them off and controlling all the 'illegal' activities to get funding for his private army.
Now that ET has lost his source of funding, he'll not be able to withstand the governors, that's why I think he's rushing to have TH abdicate in the next episode.
I'm more likely to believe that in the next episode ET gets some of his power stripped from him, TH will get some of his power back, but not all.  It'll be like a balancing board now, both ET and TH will need to start getting more power from the other to throw each other off the board.
Even if ET loses some of his power, he still has his private army, enough to uphold for a bit as long as TH doesn't get too much power too soon.  I'm hoping starting from the next episode it will be the start of ET's decline leading to the extermination of his clan.
Now back to DS, I just watched it raw, I think the option was given to ET as to whether he wants to have DS sent to the 'cold palace' or to give up her seal.  From DS' conversation with SN, it looks like she might have chosen the cold palace.
Will she take MaHa to the cold palace with her, or will ED take over the guardianship for MaHa? What are they going to do with that baby?
By the way, I don't think it's been 1 year since WY found out that SN was dead.  I'm thinking that because MaHa hasn't celebrated his one year birthday yet.  ET said he wanted to have TH abdicate when MaHa turns one, that's why TH said ET's moving his plan sooner than he thought when ET made that threat to him.

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Guest ziimblu

Miky88 said: The sad part in the preview yet again is TH standing by SN with his anxious stare,like afraid she will leave him there and run with WY any moment...TH sure has so many insecurity's but this one is his biggest one and i'm afraid SN will never take his fear away...Even if we know by law SN can't do anything now that she said her Vow to be TH Royal Concubine...she is like married to TH...but his insecurity doesn't let him think logicly for any moment

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@Miky88 - RE: "...it's not possible to get rid of all the Clan in 2 episodes if it's done well"
True That ^

However - we got super-human baby at lightening speed ~ so I'm not wholly convinced that the writer's won't do whatever they please with the next round of time-lines. I'm actually (a little) disappointed that Tanashiri is the first to go - because I really wanted to witness her suffering. (perhaps they'll have lots of flashes to her palace of despair) I don't mind more Dang Ke Si on my screen 'cause he's wicked-Hot, but El Temur and his dire need for lower blepharoplasty I can do without.
Here...I gave him a 1 minute make-over - photoshop eye-lift and Grecian Formula Just-For-Men hair color -hahah!

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Wow~~~ I still have not seen the entire episode today, but from what you say ... I think is a very awesome episode!! =D>
And that cute look SN when sleeps ... my beautiful sleeping beauty. :x

Well, I also want to give my opinion on what you are talking about.

Yeah, It´s fine.... is understandable that WY this angry because he thought she was dead .. and all that. but what I do not understand is because the WY shippers will blame and criticize both SN for his decision .. I say, SHE BECAME PREGNANT! they forget that?
and... for a mother his child is everything, EVERYTHING! but then she thinks she lost to his child and also saw the death of her friends, so she feels guilty and wants revenge on those who were to blame for what happened. and WY-shippers also say, "She opted revenge before WY" tell me ... you knowing everything that happened her, knowing that she lost her son (though she does not know that he is alive) that for a mother is everything, knowing all that ... tell me, you really think she could be happy? 
The only thing he had left to continue living is revenge (although not the best of all) but that's what would keep alive. the truth I the understand fully. and also I think she completely took his decision when he read all those letters, because if, she if was very sad to learn that WY was getting married, but that was not quite what broke the spleen. Well... that's how I see it and I hope that WY goes to ask all that to her, before getting angry with her... but I think that will not happen because it seems that the writers want them to have many misconceptions. *Sigh* :(

Now, what I do not understand... when WY still did not know that she was a concubine and wanted to go see it ... he believed? I mean, that he believed who she would think if I knew who him he married? or perhaps he thought she was going to receive with open arms and would not say anything about that? :-/ (sorry if it sounds kinda "cruel" but honestly I do not understand that, I hope someone can answer me ...)

Edited: Ah.. yes, also understand why she looks acting a little "cold" to WY, for Remember she said she would not mourn more for him (or something) then I think that she's acting hard for not to give illusions because she wants to carry out its plan .. then it must be so (though inside she dying of pain) :(

And... Wow~ the preview looks great ... =D> and at the same time very sad ...! :(
I have a lot of pain.. :-< poor them... :( nobody is happy... neither SN, neither WY and neither TH... :-< *Cry* :(:((

Nooo, because there to wait another week??! :( I'm going crazy! 8-} well, I can not wait for the next episodes! :-SS :)
By the way.. I love Empress Ki and too my beautiful SN! :x

P/S: Thank you very much for the live stream and the photos and videos! >:D<  (I hope to you continue like this ... because the truth is much appreciated a lot!) :) Ah, yes! thank you very much to @kaeruchan by translation. :)>-

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Guest missred123


Soooo true!!! No wonder the writers had to make DK in love with SN, because she would not have a chance if ET knew there was a cell in the palace.

DK keeped his mouth shut about SN and that the dumbest move he had made. I can't believe that DK turned a blind eye when it comes to SN, knowing she has no love for him and that she could be a threat.


Love ET pic!! Hahahaha. .. I am gonna miss him when he is gone. Long live ET!!!!!!

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