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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest kiyokotsubasa

Good morning/afternoon/evening ^^ 
At this point i couldn't help but make a longer post about my impressions during today's episode.
Heartbreaking episode. Especially that it started with Seungnyang mourning over Byul's death. I thought it couldn't get more tragic, but in fact it did. However, for some reason, i LOVED today's episode. Probably because, i'm still bewildered even 6 hours after it aired.
Episode 48 confirmed to everyone, i think, how awesome Taltal is. His character has been studied and developped so well through the whole drama. At the beginning he was like Baek An's shadow but he was his brains at the same time. Then, he wasn't BA's shadow anymore when viewers started to notice his presence and his charisma too. Eventually, he turned out to be THIS awesome... Now he has the brains + he is more fearless than before.
The reason why I like and admire Taltal is because he is at this point, the only sincere, genuine and down to earth character ["taltalistic" should be a new adjective added to all dictionaries]. He is my favourite one, and Seung Nyang comes in second position. It is undeniable that SN and TT are strongly tied. The strong bond between them is something that disappeared long ago from this drama, especially in the SN-WY and TH-SN relationships : TRUST.
Betraying BA was very hard for Taltal, and he was torn until the last minute. He may have made his choice when BA left him to enter the Great Hall. BA told him that he had worked well and that if he was to die, TT should become Prime Minister and replace. While BA was telling him that, TT may have already made up his mind, and he realized there is no turning back (the reason why he started crying i guess).I really commend Jin Yihan's daebak acting on this one. What bothered me in the scene where TT killed BA is that BA was still convinced that everything he was doing was for the good of Yuan. And his last words to Paeha made it seem as if he was the "great man" who was sacrificed and SN is the scourge that needs to be eradicated.
It is indeed possible that in next episode, Taltal says that he was the one to kill BA and not SN (maybe he'll lie saying he wanted to take BA's position, but lying is not TT's type). But knowing SN's personality, she won't let him do it.So perhaps she knelt in front of the Great Hall to beg Tahwan to spare TT's life (weird thinking though). Taltal already saved her life when the people wanted her dead, so it is fair enough she saves his life this time.As much as i love Taltal, i doubt he can save SN at the moment, i don't even know if he can or wants to save himself. He knows so much information about ED and BA's schemes, as well as the fact that Golta is dangerous, but it doesn't look like he will tell Paeha (and SN) about it [especially Golta being dangerous].
IF both TT and SN are banished, they might be seen by Eunuch Bang and Yeom Byung Soo while being dragged out of the palace. Just sayin', because these two always happen to be at the right place at the right time.This may lead to both DK and WY taking action : DK in order to destroy SN, and WY in order to save her.WY has been "lurking" for so long, so the writers may have prepared his last scenes as one of the most epic scenes of the drama, the outcome of the whole plot. Usually, i wouldn't have been in favour of such an ending, but if it can lead to DK, YBS, ED and Golta's deaths, then just let it happen already !But it is just "IF".

Super Wang Yoo to the rescue : 


@loli Thank you i just try to post the MBC videos segments :) This way it a bit easier for all the people who are already busy doing live recaps or screencaps. I'm happy to help when i can. However, tomorrow, i won't be able to be online when the drama will be airing, so i won't be able to post the video segments. No need to worry though, since there are other helpful users who often post it ^^ 
@miky88 said bu for real that scene was like Bayan having an angel aka TT and a demon aka Golta on his sholders trying to convince him what to do WOW i thought the exact same thing while watching that scene xD :)

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@jeonghyang I want one of those special pillows, where can I get myself one?  I think they're one of those where you can change the 'pillowcase' to a bunch of different colours too right?  I can go from green to white, to red, to purple, whatever colour you can think of?

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Guest kenneth123

At least we are guaranteed the coronation day when Ta Hwan declares his complete love for Seung Nyang and when Wang Yoo is put back to his position (who else would possibly do that except Ta Hwan??).
@Lyly but i already lost faith in th's words.. he said many things like that to sn but still he ended up doing the opposite.. about sn being the only one who can move his heart, he will never hurt sn, i promise to make you empress and won't accept anyone... it's so easy to talk your way through things but I just see him right now as someone who doesn't deserve sn anymore... and I don't know what he can do to bring back sn.. it would be just illogical that sn goes back to him.. without feeling resentment... or maybe sn will just come back to the palace but would not love th anymore... just to protect ayu and goryeo but never give th her love anymore... and th life will spend his days regretting...until he dies... sorry does that sound mean? but this is the scenario I can only put into mind?  
 Yes, ki didn't follow the emperor's order of not hurting BA... but what would she do just wait for BA's plan to unfold on her?.... Paeha, I am already dead now but I followed your orders until the end... would th even believe her when she tells him that.. I think he would probably just listen on what other people has to say once again.. so I think what sn just did was right even if it would hurt th...and if ever she spared BA's life.. wouldn't you think he would plot a situation to kill sn again.. what if she was not able to detect it... then she's dead....Moving on,  the soldiers only killed BA.. when he unsheathe the sword towards lady ki.. so i think until the end... ki was following th's orders..if she was just ruthlessly planning to kill BA.. she could just have done it by ordering assassins to kill him fast without giving out a fight... even if th saw BA being killed... didn't he think about the many times BA planned to frame ki, plan to kill ki with his own eyes.. how could he just blindly say.. your both important it's either you leave together or stay together... Did BA get any punishment at all? 

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I actually hope that the final episode would be ep 51 even if i have my doubts about it because they always kinda said they made it as 50 and only added one ep because of the pre-emptiness and because some actors already finished their character portion and they were pretty much in live shooting....i think they still have to resolve some things and i wanted them to show us more than 1-2 minutes of an eventual happy ending for our Empress,can't believe our jorney is near it's end X_X

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Guest Lyly1430292245

kenneth123 said: At least we are guaranteed the coronation day when Ta Hwan declares his complete love for Seung Nyang and when Wang Yoo is put back to his position (who else would possibly do that except Ta Hwan??).
@Lyly but i already lost faith in th's words.. he said many things like that to sn but still he ended up doing the opposite.. about sn being the only one who can move his heart, he will never hurt sn, i promise to make you empress and won't accept anyone... it's so easy to talk your way through things but I just see him right now as someone who doesn't deserve sn anymore... and I don't know what he can do to bring back sn.. it would be just illogical that sn goes back to him.. without feeling resentment... or maybe sn will just come back to the palace but would not love th anymore... just to protect ayu and goryeo but never give th her love anymore... and th life will spend his days regretting...until he dies... sorry does that sound mean? but this is the scenario I can only put into mind?  

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Guest kenneth123

@lyly yeah i could understand that he gives sn the benefit of the doubt but at the same time.. he already judges sn that she is capable of doing things like that... and you are probably right that I don't understand much of his views anymore... people badmouth sn... but not because he really trust sn... but because he is afraid to know if it really was the truth?? will sn leave me ... sn didn't really love me? that's the kind of thoughts he had.. and the way he questions sn is not someone who she could trust... 
wy behind his back was already explained by sn to him..and by that time he could have confronted her already but he was too scared to know more... but I think SN is partly at fault at that time too... second, she is the mother of the crown prince... what does he expect...it's according to the laws and promulgation... so sn is just doing what is just doing her job in leading the country.. even without his consent... unless he ordered it... third, i explained my part on the previous post... and you are probably right with the trust issues...if they could have just communicated well.. then none of this has happened... and if you say that th has saved sn's life many times.. sn did it more than th had ever done it for her... :)) actually the sorry part at the end is for all the readers.. who probably are irritated at me for being like a broken record repeating the same things hahahaha :)) but anyway I just want to share my insights

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Guest jleemba

pegster said: Unbelievable!!!   I can't believe TH is going to banish SN, the woman who he fears her death more than his own, from the palace because of BA???  WTF were the writers thinking!
And I pray, and pray, and pray that WY will not be the one to save SN and help her back in the palace, WTH is with that?  SN has enough power of her own, even if she's banished, to save herself.    She still has PBH and all her other guards.  If ED was able to manipulate the governors while she was at the temple, then I don't see why SN can't.
I'm fine with WY helping, or getting rid of Merchant Group, and DK, but I am so not fine with him 'saving' SN or helping her back to the palace.  That's just so out of place.
I think by now SN has probably given up with TH...she's just leaving so willingly.  
What about our dear Ayu??   He's going to miss his mother.  Let's be honest here, Ayu needs his mother more than that useless, brainless, incapable father of his.  He was raised by his mommy, TH only comes to play with him at times.
Writers you hear me!  You watch out if you do send WY to save SN, I will be sending some packages over your way!

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Guest jleemba

I agree with you...I cannot believe TH is going to banish SN.  He's basically choosing BA over SN.  SN meant everything to him and that's part of why SN grew to love TH. BA tried to kill TH in the past and was about to hill SN and Ayu.  It's completely out of character for TH to throw SN away like this.  I cannot believe the writers would do that.  It must be for ratings to have viewers see SN dressed in white being banished in the preview and to build up a plot twist to make the ending more exciting.  In my heart though, the drama ended with BA's death, TH somehow learning about the fake letters,  and TH, SN, and Ayu living happily ever after.  That wouldn't be much for a suspenseful ending so I'll forgive the writers for banishing SN and going off on the crazy tangent.

I also agree with you that WY should not be the one to save SN.  She's strong and needs to save herself.  Please writers, do not have WY save SN again.  That's gotten too old!

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Guest jleemba

Miky88 said: @pegster i think u will have to buy some wine for us because i'm pretty sure WY will be the one who saves SN...in the novel it was like that...till now some major points still happend even if they twisted it,Maha died like there and so on...and i think the governors will not be able to help SN this time...besides WY needs a purpuse as well,he is working to kill or Eagle Organization so my bet is on him...and let's face it,they love making WY save the day :))

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@jleemba MBC released an online novel of the story before the drama ,now that the drama is near the end we could say the writers changed many things comparing them now maybe based of the awesome suport TH and SN line got,those who read it know but some things remained like in the novel even if they twist it...still the novel version is more raw and melo,didn't read it myself because i don't know  how to read hangul but there were spoilers here from those who did...Like Bayan Niece being the next Empress, Maha dying ,TH banishing SN,WY helping SN come back to the Palace without her knowing of his involment...

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What SN really needs to do right now is say " I love you" to TH and "there is no one but you" those cheesy lines so that TH can wake up and get back with TH again. LOL kidding!
I know that the episode last night was heart breaking for some (especially that Taltal cried :() but knowing that there are loopholes there (Golta talking to TH sleeping) why would he even talk to TH while sleeping? He could have say it on his mind. And of course Taltal who is going on the right path with SN kekeke.. He could save SN and take the blame. :) 
I also want to see what TH will be doing to get SN back. I don't think  it would come to a point that SN would not trust/love TH anymore. More than anything else TH is the father of Ayu, they have shared happy emories as well with Ayu and although SN has always been against with TH plans she understands TH's heart and she  never blamed TH for what TH is doing but blamed BA  for TH's decisions. So, yeah another thought again. 

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Guest jleemba

Miky88 said: @jleemba MBC released an online novel of the story before the drama ,now that the drama is near the end we could say the writers changed many things comparing them now maybe based of the awesome suport TH and SN line got,those who read it know but some things remained like in the novel even if they twist it...still the novel version is more raw and melo,didn't read it myself because i don't know  how to read hangul but there were spoilers here from those who did...Like Bayan Niece being the next Empress, Maha dying ,TH banishing SN,WY helping SN come back to the Palace without her knowing of his involment...

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AGB Nielsen Top 20 Ratings Week of 14 April 2014 - 20 April 2014:
Nationwide: 25.7% (2nd); Seoul: 28.5% (1ST)

Episode 48 Ratings:

AGB Nielsen: Nationwide 22.9% (2nd; -3.2%) / Seoul 24.9% (1ST; -3.9%)
TNmS:   Nationwide 22.7% (2nd; -1.1%) / Seoul 25.6% (2nd; -3.3%)

(As I previously noted, the Korean public is not interested in watching dramas while the Sewol Disaster continues on.  All the dramas in today's Top 20 took a severe 3-4% nose-dive as well; news programs and documentaries about the tragedy were well-represented instead.  Sadly, this will probably continue all the way until the curtain comes down on Episode 51.  Silver Lining:  We're still holding on to our First Place in that time slot!)

Ta Hwan, STOP!  We're way over budget on Palace Vase Replacements!


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Posting EP49 preview translations for now, will be back later tonight with the translations/summaries for EP 48.

TH: You should leave the palace once the sun rises.  Even if you turn into a ghost, you're not step foot into the palace.GT: Paeha's powers will be used by me.  I've served you for all this time, I should be able to take some of this (power) away.ED: Gwibi, how ridiculous you look now.  You may even be granted the death tonic.TH: Even Hwang Taehu's loyal dog has come.  You treacherous officials/ministers, I will kill you all!

OMG, I want ED to take TH down!  Those are such harsh words he said to SN in the preview.
Well looks like some of the governors and officials who were on SN's side, if not all of them, have switched over to ED's side, seems like they're trying to ask TH for something on behalf of ED that's why he wants to kill them all.
Oh my poor SN...I feel like she may have already reached the point of 'blind love' where she's willing to do everything she can to help TH, even if it means to sacrifice herself.  She knows the consequences of what she did, but she had to eliminate BA.  With BA gone, it seems she's more willing to leave now because she doesn't have to worry about BA influencing TH to cause more hatred from the people to him.

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Based on what happened in ep. 48, I think more conflicts will arise in the coming episodes.  :-O And all of these conflicts will be resolved on the last episode, where the 3 main leads will come to realize what they've done --- their faults.
No wonder why this k-drama will have a sad ending as MBC had previously stated. I think I'm prepared for it.

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