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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Does anyone know of any place where I can get the subtitles on the same day? This has been a problem with this drama all along, taking so long for the subtitles. I know of Dark Smurfs, but their English is so limited/poor and hard to understand and even there we have to wait one day for the subs. This has been my main complaint with this drama, having to wait so long for subs, sometimes almost a whole week and by then the excitement and interest have waned! 

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hell59 said: Does anyone know of any place where I can get the subtitles on the same day? This has been a problem with this drama all along, taking so long for the subtitles. I know of Dark Smurfs, but their English is so limited/poor and hard to understand and even there we have to wait one day for the subs. This has been my main complaint with this drama, having to wait so long for subs, sometimes almost a whole week and by then the excitement and interest have waned! 

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kdramaadt said:
I did notice when LK put Dokman and EP in charge they (governors and officials) looked surprised. You think they are upset because she put Goyreo people in the top positions or are they just hedging their bets in case she can't get back?  In any case their loyalty is weak after she got rid of Baeh-Ahn. No longer need her ?

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Long post ahead, sorry in advance

1. About WY being the hero with a few men around:

Let me count how many time WY acts as a hero with only a few men around him

- He rescued SN from being raped. That action only required him. The consequence: he was dragged to the bordered to die.

- He became hero in the border war with Turk after he was humiliated and treated like a dog, having to fight for his survival. He didn’t do it himself but motivate others to fight with him too.

- He, not TH, saved SN from the palace prison, as he pretended to side with ET, bargaining nothing on the table but his life and his wit. That action only needed him to perform.

- He saved TT’s life because he needed TT’s alliance in bringing down ET. That action, he had the help from Bisoo.

- He saved LK and TH’s life with only a handful of men and nearly had to pay for it with his life.

- He took part in bringing ET down by getting close to him, at the cost of having to marry his niece (his own sacrifice) and through forming an army squad of his own (by training with them to the point of nearly being unable to run anymore with his bleeding feet)

- He participated in ET’s treasure fighting, helping LK to also help Goryeo. That action didn’t require a lot of people: Bisoo to lure BA to the trap, Makseng to burn the fake money, Bisoo’s survants as the informant and his two other men to help move the treasure.

Yes, WY has only a few people around him but let just say: WY has wisdom and his subordinates, though not a lot (say…2 men, two Enunch, Bisoo and her servant) are very effective when needed. When he has to do bigger task, he motivates people or make allies to have enough manpower.

It makes sense to me that he can manage to do a lot of things even with a small number of people (well,  he can make the number bigger when needed). It’s about how to use your brain and your people well for your purpose that matter, not really about the big number all the time,

2. WY is always the hero from the start of the drama.
I thought everyone already knew that, judging on the drama's progess.

I will also feel he is forced to become hero all the time if everything he did was correct, superior above eveyone or carried out smoothly every time

But each of his heroic acts wasn’t easily achieved. He had to pay for each or it, risking his own life, his subordinates’ lives too. He also needed a lot of help in order to achieve these. He wasn’t always right. He wasn’t always the best thinker. He was vulnerable like anyone else.

How many times he made mistakes/ was mistreated/was nearly killed/was vulnerable/outwitted?

- He was dethroned the first time because he was inexperienced, kinda arrogant towards Yuan/ET

- He was nearly killed by DSK for defending his people

- He was mistreated in the border, having to kneel down, lack of food.

- He didn’t know about ET’s fake death and risked being exposed without SN’s help. Hey he couldn’t plan everything.

- Without Bisoo’s secret help during the fake money issue, he and his men were nearly killed. He was human after all, not a God of strategy all the time because he tried to do too much with his small number of people.

- He got his throne back but but not without threats by TH and BA to serve Yuan, even to the extent of abolishing Goryeo name

- He wasn’t the one figuring out the meaning behind children’s song.LK and TT did.  Again, he doesn’t have to be the one to know everything or be the smartest everytime.

- He was dethrone again for standing up against Yuan

- He was tortured by DSK and BA, mistreated by TH (tied without water or food) but couldn’t save himself. LK did.

- He was nearly killed with all kind of injuries. Bisoo had to risk rescuing him.

- He lost his woman, lost his son. He couldn't prevent that.

People can think of him as a boring hero. Hey if I just sit and see him do all the great stuff from the drama, I will find him boring as hell. Instead, I always have to worry if his plan fail or he will be in danger. His life is too unpredictable. Hm, this drama is about Empress Ki and she has so many genius schemes that I have no idea where that can come from but none ever question why – people just just marvels at how smart they are. She is the ultimate hero, not WY.

Actually, WY is one of the most unfortunate heroes I have ever seen – not because he lost his woman or his son (I saw plenty of that). But because he has to fight for every little thing he has in his life, which is easily taken away from him just because of his status from a dominated nation. Because in his fight, he is so outnumbered that danger can fall on him anytime. He rescues people but there are also times he can’t help himself and has to seek that from other.

If he isn’t smart, he can’t survive until now. If he doesn’t excel in stuffs, he has zero chance of taking back his throne. It’s the same like LK because despites whatever she does, she lives in the dangerous palace. She has to do well to achieve her goal but she also needs help from other, including WY.

 3. About LK's comeback to the palace

It's too soon to say how WY will help LK, whether that truly happens or she helps herself, lol. So I reserve my opinion about this and it's too soon to start thinking about "Oh WY is the hero again".

But there's one thing: After Bisoo's death, WY already intended to find out about the merchan leader. I believe he is only one who can do that now. This will no doubt benefit LK and TH, one way or another. Also, it's not like LK to sit still and does nothing - she is a fighter,

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Guest ravendark

Unbelievable!!!   I can't believe TH is going to banish SN, the woman who he fears her death more than his own, from the palace because of BA???  WTF were the writers thinking!

And I pray, and pray, and pray that WY will not be the one to save SN and help her back in the palace, WTH is with that?  SN has enough power of her own, even if she's banished, to save herself.    She still has PBH and all her other guards.  If ED was able to manipulate the governors while she was at the temple, then I don't see why SN can't.

I'm fine with WY helping, or getting rid of Merchant Group, and DK, but I am so not fine with him 'saving' SN or helping her back to the palace.  That's just so out of place.

I think by now SN has probably given up with TH...she's just leaving so willingly.  

What about our dear Ayu??   He's going to miss his mother.  Let's be honest here, Ayu needs his mother more than that useless, brainless, incapable father of his.  He was raised by his mommy, TH only comes to play with him at times.

Writers you hear me!  You watch out if you do send WY to save SN, I will be sending some packages over yourhis love is  way!

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I'm kinda sure thinking about WY scene in making everyone think he is the Eagle Master will turn againts him..YBS and DK didn't really buy his fake play and his orders like the others so i'm sure they will unmask him and be in danger and so SN will somehow save him while being in this whole scheme..i think YBS&DK will tell about it when they see Traitor Golta and put a trap to catch the fake one 

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i cannot view videos right now and i am wondering if the next episode is really showing SN being banished and in a prison cell far far away? lol or is the video just showing that they were un-robing her?
as a POV i understand why Paeha would do that to SN although it's really ridiculous..like seriously Paeha? But I agree with @loli that SN did not listen to TH's words right before. Of course we know that what SN was doing is for TH and Ayu, and we know SN is smart but she's also stubborn. The reason why TH is like that is because of his insecurities right? He is the Emperor and somehow SN should only be there to support him, but SN is doing it otherwise (again, we viewers know she's doing it for TH). But TH will not be able to see that because aside from brainwashing of BA and ED, there's an existing insecurity of WY too. TH was also trying hard to become a worthy emperor himself (in his own ways) because that was also the reason why SN fell in love with WY- a man with dignity. But turns out the other way and making their relationship strained. It's not like TH did not warn SN not to go over TH's or BA's affairs, because he said it a lot of times. SN could have waited until TH falls and then helps him get up when TH needed help like she did before. But it appears to be SN going against her husband's decision.
But since everything has been said and done (and I am not the writer) whether SN would really get banished from the palace (or Taltal will save her by saying it's not SN who killed BA but him (does this make Taltal the hero?)) or TH would know it straight from GT's mouth and TH would change his decision to banish SN. 
I really hope...really hope that it's not WY who would save SN. like seriously.I agree with @pegster and @larabn. I also find it hard to believe that WY did not find someone else (not even BS) to have another child with as an heir. Fine I understand that he was deposed King and his throne wasn't guaranteed yet but I hate that instead of having that as the main reason writers are making us believe that he couldn't love anyone else but SN. I guess this is also why SN has been guilty over WY (when they took ET's treasure and the coronation tears). I am not hating WY okay, but since he's too-good-to-be-true character is loved by many. Let's just have TH take SN. Or Taltal which seems to be more realistic that WY saving SN. 
Could it be that Taltal would save SN on TH's decision of banishing her from the palace? This could also mean Taltal's death because aside from killing a regent,he would take the blame because of guilt killing his uncle. 
just my thought..

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Ugh... poor TT!  I knew this was coming, but it was so tragic to watch.  For me, I view TT as such a heroic character because in the end, he did what he thought was right.  He didn't let any prejudice against Goryeo blind his judgement.  In addition, when SN outsmarted him (during ET's treasure hunt), he acknowledged that she surpassed him.  I liked how he respected her abilities, really listened to what she had to say and treated her as an equal.

This is just my wishful thinking but it would be nice to see TT working to reinstate SN's position.  But he'll probably be banished (temporarily) since he needs to start filming his other drama.

As for TH... right now I really have no pity for TH at all. In comparison to SN, WY, TT, etc. - how much has he really lost, suffered or sacraficed in comparison to them?  He is just wallowing in his own pity not even noticing he's being brainwashed or being drugged. Writers, this is just getting old.  How long are they going to make us wait until TH finally comes around?! :-w

And for WY... I've accepted the poltics of this writing that he is the hero of the story just because he is a representation of a Goryeo King.  This is not the first time I have encountered this when watching Kdramas.  But, I've accepted this type of storytelling because I know first and foremost, this drama is made for a Korean audience.  

It's really funny, but when I started watching this drama I was swooning over both TH and WY's characters.  But now, they are kinda "meh" for me. Back in October, I would have never guessed I'd be shipping TT at this point.  When I first saw TT, my first thought was "Why'd they give this guy such a weird hairdo?!"  LOL!  :P 

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@the96butterfly - no they did not show SN in a cell, it showed her in her white robe kneeling on the mat like ED did when she tried to force TH to not do something.  It also showed her trying to say her goodbyes to TH before leaving (I think that was what she was doing).  Basically banishing SN from the palace and sending her away to a temple like what happened to ED when TH was forced by ET to banish her.  Now, I don't know if SN will be forced to shave her head and become a nun, because that's what she told TH she'd do if she was wrong about BA.
I think TH is going to stand firm and say he believes BA was loyal to him based on his last words, SN disobeyed his orders and went ahead to kill BA behind his back.  So now SN has to keep her promise, that's why he's banishing her.
Well SN did try to reason with TH, she tried to persuade him, and tell him what she thought the political priorities should be, 5 years ago, but then he threatened her with the Yeong Lin metaphor.  That turn SN away from telling him the things she's done (finding ET's treasure).  
In the 5 years time, at least in the last few episodes, we also saw that SN continued to ask him to retreat his troops, but he refused to, and SN couldn't do anything more, but to only ask him to at least stop drinking, even then he continued to drink.  I'm sorry, but I have no tolerance for an alcoholic.  Resorting to alcohol to resolve your troubles is no excuse to use for the wrong things you've done.  
SN can't wait for him to fall, by that time either her and Ayu would be dead already, or Yuan would have been destroyed.  The only reason why she's been taking extreme measures now is because BA has started taking extreme measures.  He's beginning to torture innocent people, harming the people, and have outright told SN that he wants her dead.

Basically TH already closed his mind off from SN the moment SN asked him to reconsider the idea of going to war.
*** URG *** back to work again!

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@churasan I think i read that he finished filming already his part in EK...what i hope the most is that they won't kill him because he is one of the most precious/smart men Yuan had...yet as the picture is set he is a traitor killing off the regent...and at the moment TH is so blinded that wathever it is told he won't see it as truth,only when he will face himself with the truth he will see it or even better,WY telling him because a guy like WY wouldn't gain anything as lie to uncover the whole scheme even more knowing their past...

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@pegster thanks for the info. well, since she was not in a cell or something then I wish she could be saved even before banishing her. 
I realized right now it's ED who must be very happy. SN being banished and even if she was an ally with BA right now she would think it's back to TH and her now. And she did it by not doing nothing. LOL 
TH should also realize that it's him who's pathetic now, losing BA and now losing SN. I hope he wont let it happen. 

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The RISE and FALL of Twilight Edward Bayan Cullen.




He had an amnesia attack! He forgot to check the expiration of the ketchup! Side effects: DEAD on the spot!


The REAL baby AYU... with matching bib and so lucky, he has mommy SN (.)(.) special pillow.101.gif


@loliNo wonder your hubby TalTalicious is longing for you. He needs your burning touch!60.gif


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Guest Lyly1430292245

the96butterfly said: i cannot view videos right now and i am wondering if the next episode is really showing SN being banished and in a prison cell far far away? lol or is the video just showing that they were un-robing her?
as a POV i understand why Paeha would do that to SN although it's really ridiculous..like seriously Paeha? But I agree with @loli that SN did not listen to TH's words right before. Of course we know that what SN was doing is for TH and Ayu, and we know SN is smart but she's also stubborn. The reason why TH is like that is because of his insecurities right? He is the Emperor and somehow SN should only be there to support him, but SN is doing it otherwise (again, we viewers know she's doing it for TH). But TH will not be able to see that because aside from brainwashing of BA and ED, there's an existing insecurity of WY too. TH was also trying hard to become a worthy emperor himself (in his own ways) because that was also the reason why SN fell in love with WY- a man with dignity. But turns out the other way and making their relationship strained. It's not like TH did not warn SN not to go over TH's or BA's affairs, because he said it a lot of times. SN could have waited until TH falls and then helps him get up when TH needed help like she did before. But it appears to be SN going against her husband's decision.
But since everything has been said and done (and I am not the writer) whether SN would really get banished from the palace (or Taltal will save her by saying it's not SN who killed BA but him (does this make Taltal the hero?)) or TH would know it straight from GT's mouth and TH would change his decision to banish SN. 

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I kinda agree with @pegster, I really love WY... but the saving of WY and SN is sweet but i think we should move on from that... I hope WY won't actually save SN but to destroy Golta and reveal who he will be even though i pray that TH will be the first person to know about Golta and get him killed or something.

Yes, SN and WY will always have each other;s back but i hope that Sn will save herself instead or TH will just call her into the palace or something.

Thank you @th96butterfly and @Lyly... I am not saying SN should just sit there, i am saying there are other way to respect TH and deal with Bayan at the same time... I know SN can do that... but No, she has to make TH really pissed for him to start saying hurtful words to her :(( :((

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Miky88 said: @churasan I think i read that he finished filming already his part in EK...what i hope the most is that they won't kill him because he is one of the most precious/smart men Yuan had...yet as the picture is set he is a traitor killing off the regent...and at the moment TH is so blinded that wathever it is told he won't see it as truth,only when he will face himself with the truth he will see it or even better,WY telling him because a guy like WY wouldn't gain anything as lie to uncover the whole scheme even more knowing their past...

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If anyone dare kill TT for no good reason, I don't care if i love SN, TH, WY and Ayu, They needs to know that they'll go with TT the day he dies!!! TT is my life so if they want me to live to finish EK, they better keep him alive... It's not easy to find another  life support and life support in america is freaking expensive lol..

Based on WY having another child, i think he really does and he has more then one lover aka Bayan family  but i think they are only focusing on his first love to us... mhmmm... trust me, WY and TH does have more than Maha and Ayu as their child.

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Guest ravendark

Btw, thanks for cappers, scappers. Even though I was back from 18 hours nearly nonstop travel, dead tired , couldnt resist to read them all :) I will try to catch live tmorrow and be with ya here sharing excitement hopefully. Praying for to see TH on his nees beggin for forgiveness from Sn who will resist and make him crawl a bit before accepting to return. Way to go SN :) 
So I ll see ya tmorrow :) Thanks again and bye for now all :)

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Kinda worried if TH finds out about Golta himself because i have this feel that Golta will outnumber him because he has more control than him over the secret army...It was curious today but i got the feeling that Golta brainwashed his minion as well,the royal guard,when he told him"see,what an evil women Gwibi is?",not saying the dude is innocent but i think he is manipulated in some extent as well..still waiting to see their big WHY behind Golta motivation and how the heck did he get to be behind such a huge organization...something like that needs time,connections....when did he come to serve the Palace...why all of it,his personal greed or revenge?just waiting to see the writers explenation to all of it...TT sensed something is off with Golta first when he saw him spying on them when Bayan first came to see TH and his state and when he was telling Bayan to kill SN after TH came but i guess his own struggle in making his decision,what is right and what he felt as family was bigger and didn't think so much,he is human after all ...bu for real that scene was like Bayan having an angel aka TT and a demon aka Golta on his sholders trying to convince him what to do :))it would be ironic if TH confronts Golta and the ones to save him be Goryo people and not Yuan...still worried of the Goryo people future in the Palace with SN being toss away,the next ones in line are them

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