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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Interesting…the timing of the MBC video.  Someone’s in damage control mode. 

I always thought that scene would have made more sense if there was another scene in between, which would explain all reactions thereafter.  So, I feel the writers either were already going to show that middle scene as a flashback or were leaving the door open just in case of outrage. 

 It’s not too late.  Fix it!  Fix it now, MBC!!!  So we don’t have to shower after every episode till the end.











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Guest Nayuki Tran

@pegster the Great! So glad you are back^^ I ve been reading your amazing posts and I love them all. Your insights and predictions are great. Im very surprised:)
 im a faithful mem of TH team , bur his irresponsibility, obsession, and prejudice have changed him for worse:( idk how the author will portray his character in the next eps, hope they ll do something to show that he is worth Sn's love. Many fangirls r going cray cray for the scene, crazy! I wanna see if he scene has any meaning or just a fan service. I havent watched the last 2 eps, too heartbroken:(  

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I wonder if SN and TH had more children. Ayushiridara  is succeeded by Tögüs Temür his younger brother and son of TH...I found nothing about his mother...so i wonder if  his mom is  also SN or one of his other concubines...

That's the last thing Sn needs is to have another child that's born from rape... Well maybe after things settle down all will be well in the Yaun palace and her and Th can carry on with understanding and talking with one another... If she turns out to be pregnant next week the Ne plans will have failed to frame her for killing the maid...

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Now that's something to really think about if she's (Sn) pregnant again... The Ed and Ne will try and get rid of the baby she carrying... If it's revealed she's pregnant I guess we would find out in Monday's episode and she will have it in Tuesday episode..  I'm looking forward to Monday... 

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@DJG,   Sorry to cut your post........Basically, the woman must actively resist, continue resisting, and even attack violently in order to meet their definition of rape. A woman dying from resisting an attack, or committing suicide after being raped, was considered the height of chastity and morality.

I'm in awe thanks for your insight on how different dynasty review rape... I had always wonder why women would kill themselves after they chastity was taken so this explains it all ... So to kill oneself after being rape is consider nobel;..

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@rinchan76 - Interesting post, it never crossed my mind that the writers would be touching on domestic abuse since I didn't think it even existed back then? (and by that I mean - it was my understanding there were laws that made it legal for a man to beat his wife  insomnia.gif  I won't even start on how disgusting that is) I 100% agree that it's not romantic at all but since I'm one who also finds "forced kisses" revolting, that's another topic. 
@serg8 - @DJG has posted a TON of historical information about this period of time in history along with bits about the real TH, the real Ki and others. Just look under her profile - you can read some of her past posts there if you're interested.  :D 
@pegster - Exactly, why didn't El Maid just say Ki asked her about Maha's learning progress or something? Pffttttt. And thanks for clearing up WY's guilt - I was on the fence for a bit thinking otherwise. 
@DJG - You're here! a040.gif  Thanks, hon - that's what I was trying to say about this time period in history and the subject of rape. It was "her duty" to serve her Emperor, no matter how she felt. (as with all consorts/concubines) The problem is the writers have shown TH's character to be deeply in love with Ki so it's unthinkable to us modern ladies that he would harm her. 
@bellenelle - The music director has "neglected" the music in this drama since the beginning. Of all the k-dramas I've watched, this one has the worst promoted and placed OST ever. Whoever is in charge of music has no idea what they're doing. :|

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A while back I read some sources on Baidu that said EK did have a daughter, but there wasn't too much details on her.  The only thing that I remember is that she eventually got married off to a prince/Khan of another Mongolian tribe.
It was a while back, so I can't really provide the source.  
@tessiero I could be wrong about WY's innocence because you never know what the writers will do.  They've provided clear hints that he isn't innocent, but that could change, like everything else in the story.  Just look at the couples.  They advertise one couple during the promotions, but clearly now the that has changed.

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Guest fantasticbaby12

Guys let's wait for monday before bashing TH for that infamous scene. The writers are just testing waters. Oh please MBC, there are countless of fan made video on YT, are you a tanyang shipper? if  so hurry tell the writer to change that scene now, show us flashback or bts we haven't seen  pali pali

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Taking another perspective of the infamous scene, part of me believes it was a necessity on TH's part.

TH is currently addicted to alcohol, he uses it as an escape route and is clearly loosing his head over it. Most of the time, these people cannot see the harm they are causing until they actually hurt someone they care for. In this case, TH hurt SN, the one person that he feared her death more then his. Only now can he really move on and break the habit. Instead of SN begging him to stop drinking or other people asking him to stop drinking, it was TH's own decision, after the infamous event, that decided to stop.

The scene was hard to watch but as a viewer I can understand why the writers had gone that route, I see this as a step in the right direction, TH has hit rock bottom and now can only move forward.

I feel like this is a preparation for his reaction to the Maha plot. It's how he deals with Maha as SN's son would be what cements their relationship.

If he goes back to drinking...I wash my hands of him.

@fantasticbaby12 I am one of those that truly believes he did rape her and if they now decide to cop out of it then that is really lazy writing.

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Can someone please help me.

In EP45, was there a scene/voiceover from KT saying how she's going to kill MaHa, then blame it on SN.  She'll be able to get rid of SN, and remove take ED's only weapon, MaHa away from her.  Once SN's gone, she's going to take over guardianship of Ayu who will now be the sole successor to TH.

I could've sworn I saw that scene in one version of the C-subs that I watched, but when I re-watched it again, it wasn't there.  Am I going crazy and imagining things?

Was there such a scene?

Isn't Cruella ED's spy, why hasn't she told ED about KT's meetings with El Plague.  KT knows Cruella is ED's spy, why is she letting her know that she's meeting with El Plague?

EDIT: I don't see why it would be bad if next week we get a scene to clarify exactly what happened that night.  Logically I find it odd that SN would be so calm afterwards if TH did force himself on to her.  Someone already mentioned, if SN really wanted to, she can push him off, she can fend off sober TH, why can't she fend off drunk TH?  We've seen her beat him up before.

Now I'm not defending TH to say he didn't do it, all I'm saying is if there is a scene next week to give us a better idea of what happened, wouldn't that be better?  At least we know for sure.

For me, I just hope the scene would be TH suddenly stops and breaks down sobbing on top of SN and start blabbing away his fears.  At least SN this way gets some sort of idea of what's going on in that drunken head of his.  After realizing that, SN hugs him back to reassure him, yes, once again reassure him!!!  Then that leads to the bed scene we saw.

Heck! I also want SN to release her emotions and cry with him!  She can't just always bottle her sorrows, she needs an chance to release it.

I would much rather something like that then to know that SN was assaulted by the man she loves!

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Guest lorac

CherKell said: For the folks that cannot access the iMBC links, I've uploaded the new MV put up yesterday.  Enjoy!

'Empress Ki' OST Part.7 MV - Ji Chang Wook "To The Butterfly" 

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Guest lorac

Pegster said...
@tessiero I could be wrong about WY's innocence because you never know what the writers will do.  They've provided clear hints that he isn't innocent, but that could change, like everything else in the story.  Just look at the couples.  They advertise one couple during the promotions, but clearly now the that has changed.

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Guest adjani1430293095

@pegster: yeah! A number of loop holes.. but I agree ... TH was never strong to begin with and his strength begun with SY.. its no wonder he is so "attached" to her and if that seemed lost... he went off on a loopie.... .. the character is just such. Plus he was never good when surrounded by enemies.. and rose to his heights only when surrounded by loved ones... now that all seems a bit far.. since ED, Bayan and even his "groupies" all have issues.
This is just a man who wanted to be with his loved ones and never really had the heart to deal with the tough politics of being an emperor. 
Contrasting that with WY's ambitions, strength and purpose.. not to compare them but to illustrate the 2 vastly different characters.
SY is the only poor suffering sole, I wonder if being empress makes up for the recent weeks suffering and more important, how will they resolve the mess of different enemies and angles in the number of episodes left without being "rushed"... 

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@tessieroo thanks :) The writers of this drama like to play the switcheroo game. And now with the backlash, there are likely to show a flashback, were TH fell asleep or stopped before the forced, intercourse occurred.

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@pegster The scene was very clear cut to me, if they were to bow under pressure and decide to release an explanation of sorts then I think its a cop out. Not all rape victims react the same way. In the case of SN, if it had been DK then I would have expected anger and resentment, but for TH, I think her reaction was inline with her character and their relationship.

SN wasn't 'fine' about it afterwards, but like someone pointed out, she was pretending to be asleep as not to deal with it then later she was formal with TH when he came to see her. It's her form of defence mechanism. Like how during the scene when TH told her if he no longer needed her she would be nothing, SN's answer to that was to ask him to abandon her as soon as possible, SN was trying to protect herself.

SN has abandonment issues just like TH, for someone like her who had lost her parents and later on her child and her friends, the news of WY getting married hence loosing her love, she knows all to well the pain of being the one left behind, so now she has guarded herself from the pain. She loves TH and knows he loves her, but she also loved WY and knows he loved her too, however, circumstances changes and one day she might lose TH like she had lost WY. So her way of dealing with it was to not allow herself to 'love' TH even though she obviously does.

For TH, the fear of losing her causes him to hold on even harder, but for SN the fear of losing him is causing her to push him away further.

I thought the R scene portrayed this very well.

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lorac said: Pegster said...
@tessiero I could be wrong about WY's innocence because you never know what the writers will do.  They've provided clear hints that he isn't innocent, but that could change, like everything else in the story.  Just look at the couples.  They advertise one couple during the promotions, but clearly now the that has changed.

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Guest geilbladder

I want this show to be more fictional than historical. So yeah, i want her to be pregnant again and give TH a princess this time. :D how cute would it be to see him cuddling it and he will be uber fond of her as she looks like SN. A little SN. ;;) ;;) Then he will stop drinking because he spends most of the time to that cutie baby. His new persimon yummies. Hahaha! :)) 8-}

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