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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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I just watched episode 45. TH read a so called fake letter from WY. "WY said he loves SN and misses SN. And he remembers SN said that even if her body is with TH, her heart is with WY." TH believes this words and afraid to confront SN to know if it is indeed true.

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When he forces himself on herSN: Do u want to treat me as giseng?-If you want to kick me away, do it quickly.TH:-I cant lose you.
That is reason she wasnt so upset after the marital rape something.

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Guest Issy_1

To be honest, I just can't see how writers are not messing up the story and how their writing is just going fine. Let's leave TH story behind because people are finding it a reason to hate his character when his shippers defend him (not sure why not happening with other characters somehow)

Writing in this drama is far from perfect but in fact is a sloppy writing indeed. Here are my reasons.

1. Character development

Every single character apart from one has stayed the same since very beginning. Their character didn't change or develop. They are all very one dimensional predictable character s.

2. Bias writing

The same old story of Goreyo & people=Good , Yuan & people = evil. Even the child with Goreyo blood was written to be more advanced than half Yuan child

3. Wasting too many eps on certain characters. ET clan, took 35 eps of total 50eps. Mow Bayan's story and the next emperor look very rushed.

4. The miracle of birth and d survival of superbaby Maha. Don't even get me started on this. That ep was like nothing you have ever seen in dramas before.

5. Indecisiveness between writing their own material or sticking to the novel.

There are more and more points to prove that writers are not doing a good job in this drama. High rating is not always an indication of how good a drama is.

But of course, as I said before everyone watch dramas through different eyes. What I see is the worst part of the drama others might see the best part. It also depends on how much you accept a story given to you without questioning why? How? For me a perfect drama or scrip doesn't exist.

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Guest sunflowermha

I just wonder when did TH receive the letter in the beginning of ep 45? didn't he realize those letters still coming despite the sender now is being in his prison? 
:| And when TH refused to see SN, she asked GT is he drunk, but no, he is fully aware of his saying, it's seem like something broken inside her.

But she's always the only one who is most empress-looked-alike in this Yuan palace.

Just rewatch ep 3, it's really help. :))


I dont know why but i love this scene, although it's sad. :D

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I agree with @bellenelle I think this drama is good and the writing is above average. Heck, I'll even throw a few extra points for the unpredictable plots that left me feeling like somebody pulled the rug from under my feet pretty much every week :-SS
I've been watching K-drama for well over 10 years. And as the result my attention span is getting shorter and shorter. These days not many dramas can catch my attention from the first episode to the last.More often than not I dropped a drama after a few episodes because it just felt like something I've seen plenty of time before or I just knew that it's gonna be a train wreck.Most importantly, I have no patience for lazy writing.
To me a good drama is one that is well written, well acted and well made.Watching it from start to finish should feel like reading a complete story. It doesn't really matter if the story goes the way I want it to be or not. 
So for me it says something that I'm still waiting for the 46th episode of this drama.Just my 2 cents  :\">

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@chrissydiva - Totally agree, it's not a subject anyone should take lightly. I do think the historical aspect of it should be considered though...there are many distasteful things that happened in history - and not just to women - that we find appalling today but that were considered normal then. (and usually in favor of the males) Concubines? Are you kidding me? That by itself is completely offensive to me! But then so are forced kisses - and those happen A LOT in k-dramas. What's worse is people finding a forced kiss romantic in this modern time. Ugh. (BTW - I believe TH treats Maha badly not because of any "forced" issue but because of a false belief regarding family blood-lines - which we know are a HUGE deal in K-dramas) 
@adjani - Awesome post, thank you for acknowledging the long, hard battle women fought pursuing "marital rape". It's astounding to me that most countries didn't even begin discussing the issue or adopting laws about it until the 1980's. (that was only 30+ years ago) 
@EselleH - Agree, SN needs to speak those words out loud, directly to TH. 
@larabn - Totally agree! I see so many things in K-dramas that as a woman and a human being infuriate me! Even the cat-fights women have over men, lying to each other or playing dirty, nasty tricks make me angry! I mean, God forbid they actually show female characters who are supportive, caring and friendly to each other. (if they're rivals over a job, a man or whatever)  >:P
@na71 - You're not the only one, I also can see how uncomfortable JCW was filming that scene. 
Also agree it's kinda late for the writers to continue throwing more enemies at SN, they even have DokMan coming out angry and against her believing she caused the maids death. He accuses her of being just like Tanasmirky? And why is it her job and her job alone to continually expose those who committed crimes? It's overkill.  :|  =))
I didn't see TH being remorseful or sorry for what he did (if he did) when he visited SN and Ayu. Instead, he questions the way she's teaching Ayu and basically throws the whole "Goryeo" issue in her face. Yea, they've made his character very unlikable lately. 

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

Taltal let Bi Soo take Wang Yoo away on the condition that they hide forever in the mountains (or wherever they go to), and never appear again in the political arena. Yeon Bi Soo said that she agrees and that she'll do that.Seriously ?? Wang Yoo is not the kind of person who would stay still and watch his country destroyed and his people enslaved. Knowing he has super genes, I bet next episode he'll be able to walk and he'll come back.
Then, in the conversation between SN, TH (when Ayu was there), he told her that she can't teach Ayu as a Goryeo person. He adds that she has to forget everything about Goryeo so that Ayu can become a righteous person who will, as an Emperor, make Goryeo a vassal state of Yuan. I wonder if SN's heart can accept this. Likely not, so is this the reason why TT may become Ayu's teacher.
On another note, i think the reason why El Plague survived pretty much all kinds of hardships is that he'll be essential in bringing the empress down. Yes, yes yes. It might seem hard to believe (because it's El Plague), but he still has the Empress' ring which Yeon Hwa gave him when they met. She told him to sell it and to buy a house, and he said that he could do it without selling the ring. Eventually, YBS bought the house but we don't know if he sold the ring or not. He may have kept it.If, by any chance he did, and if someone proves to YBS that KT was the one who killed YH, he may use the ring against her. He may eventually be THE betrayer, even more than Taltal. Another less delusional possibility (because once again, it's El Plague and not any normal person) is that someone finds the ring. The simple fact of finding it could be a huge evidence.
Apparently, there is some close relative of the nun that is aware of Maha not being TN's child, and SN intended to bring that person as a "witness". However, if that person comes now, it's very likely he/she will be killed in order for SN to protect Byul. But :

At the end of the episode, SN was so shocked... It is possible that in next episode, she indeed chooses to save Maha, but because he's the "Emperor's son" (officially), not because he's Byul. I don't think she will accept that idea quickly. Moreover, if she wants to seek help from TT or something, she can't say who Maha really is

EDIT : Empress Ki's characters are in the process of disappearing one by one. After ET clan, El Maid (and some others), who will follow ? Who will make it to the very end ?I have a bad feeling since Dangkise's men will be waiting for WY and Bisoo at the Sudam valley. Could it be that BS dies trying to protect WY (i sincerly hope not). 

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Guest amayah

Since @crissydiva mentioned it, I was one of those who said that Tana did rape TH(and why he can't love Maha) and I won't say anything else for the scene with TH-SN. It was rape. Nothing else. If this were a mere historical drama which takes REAL issues and rules of that time into considiration, the whole scene would have been argueable in a historical context( while it would be still considered rape in our time). But, this drama is not. It uses modern values as well like SN getting angry at WY for marrying another woman (while historically, WY could have never avoid it anyway, no matter how much he loved SN) or TH just sleeping with SN while ignoring all the other consorts and the Empress. Historically, that would be impossible. So, I won't look at the scene from that point. It is what it is and it is rape. No matter how she reacts afterwards. And I watched the scene and honestly, SN is at her weakest at that point, so her reaction afterwards reflects her fears. At this point, she is the biggest victim in this drama.
Anyway, I won't go into it since the whole thing disturbs me. Plus, the whole scene is stupid and unnecessary IMO...I really can't see the need of it. Whatever  *shrugs* 
At this point, I really really feel bad for the actors. They are the only reason why the drama is even watchable for me...

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tieuyeunu said:

Sorry this is off topic but I just had a random thought. JGS was supposed to play TH had he had time....

I cannot for the life of me imagine him playing TH in the rape scene. How can his scrawny richard simmons be able to pin HJW down? even if she was not really fighting. Made me laugh so much.

Is anyone else feeling that we are sitting in the calm before the storm now? With Maha's identity out soon, TH is going to react more violently. WY needs to get his richard simmons back to Yuan to protect his son. It's unfair for him to be left out in the cold about Maha's future.

I hope SN and WY has some time with Maha before he dies. As one family, just to give Maha even a day of happiness when both his parents love him. I hope TH would not begrudge this but I can understand if he does.

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Don't you guys think SN's fear of being abandoned by TH will affect how she handles this Maha issue?We always assume that SN would just be relieved and happy when she finds out Byul is still alive, TH's feelings be damned (should he ever find out).But now we know that she has moved on...so perhaps things won't be that simple?

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Watching episode with subs, and you know something is wrong with me when i'm starting to feel sorry for the bad guys (namely El Plague and El Maid who goes on to talk about their future life together after she leaves the palace while I know that's not going to happen & that she ends up dying)… I blame the writers for putting within me such feelings for two of the most hateful characters in this drama! who's with me??? *sigh* just kidding… writers, just help me not feel sorry for the good guys in this story anymore…i want to see the light already at the end of this very dark tunnel called the remaining episodes of EK… pretty, pretty please… 
@ diana76  oh yeah, i don't think it'll be simple for SN at all.  She's going to need TT's help to figure this one out, especially since lately she seems to be letting her heart rule her head/influence her mind (regarding WY).  I'm glad TT kept her grounded with his strong counsel.  I hope he continues to side with her (i have no doubt especially since he's starting to or have been thinking more about the nation/ppl than his clan).  I wonder, though, if he'll continue to pretend not to know about "her mistakes" if he learns that Maha is her son.  Or will he ever find out about that?  Or will he just know that Maha is not Tanashiri's son?  I'm sure he's not inhuman like his cousin, the evil Empress.  So I don't think he'll have him killed.  What do you guys think?  

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@kdramaadt - 
I think DokMan is angry and concerned because he believes Ki is putting all of the Goryeo Palace people at risk by fighting so hard against Yuan Royals. (Dowager, Baek-Ahn and even TH) Plus he read whatever was in the letter new Empress made Yeon-hwa write out before she was hung and we don't know exactly what it says. (something against Ki) He might even believe that she's been secretly working with Wang Yoo to bring down Yuan. What's odd to me is...he's listening sometimes while Dowager and others are plotting against Ki so he has to be aware of what they're up to. I guess he expects her not to fight back? I don't know. His comment to Ki about helping to cover her pregnancy, helping her enter the Palace and that she's just like Tanasmirky really surprised me. :(He was basically threatening to expose her to Dowager. (her pregnancy) 

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tessieroo said: @kdramaadt - 
I think DokMan is angry and concerned because he believes Ki is putting all of the Goryeo Palace people at risk by fighting so hard against Yuan Royals. (Dowager, Baek-Ahn and even TH) Plus he read whatever was in the letter new Empress made Yeon-hwa write out before she was hung and we don't know exactly what it says. (something against Ki) He might even believe that she's been secretly working with Wang Yoo to bring down Yuan. What's odd to me is...he's listening sometimes while Dowager and others are plotting against Ki so he has to be aware of what they're up to. I guess he expects her not to fight back? I don't know. His comment to Ki about helping to cover her pregnancy, helping her enter the Palace and that she's just like Tanasmirky really surprised me. :(He was basically threatening to expose her to Dowager. (her pregnancy) 
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Wow after reading the 8 pages from my last post which includes the re-caps (I like to thank you re-cappers for your hard work) But getting back to what I want to say is I can't really say anything about the last two episodes... Just speechless did the writer really have to take it there to have the emperor rape his concubine this just don't make sense to me because they can't tell him no anytime he want's it they have to put out... Can Th get anymore crazier... And the dowager die already you and Ed and cuella I want them all to just go and die so Sn can have one night of sanity and peace...  

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Well after all what Ki getting ready to experience.. It should be enough to wake her up and go after who is trying to frame her and who is drugging the emperor.. Maha comes to mind knowing that he's her son whatever will she do his mind is so full of poison and he's totally confused not knowing who too believe...Now Sn thinking that Wy is dead how will she fight to keep Maha alive.. What a mess and old cruells will never tell that he's not the King's son.. 
Thinking about oldmaid cruella if Sn could catch her doing dirty work for the dowager that would put her life on the line will she start to talk then...  

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