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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest jaewon fan

@rheiuna‌ , be careful of what you wish for :-SS , now a days Emperor TH no longer exist but rapist are all over the place. [-X

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Guest seohaseurri22


FIRST of all, I find your posts kinda disturbing. Even though I'm just a new Soompi member here, I'm already aware (and I think everybody does) about the posting rules here. Writing in big and colored fonts hurts our vision. It consumes much space in a page and reading them makes everyone assume that you're ravaging mad while stating your ideas. So please, have some due respect on our fellow members/readers on how they feel about reading your "overemphasized" comments (which I think such of minimal impact). If you want to express what's yours and feel like posting it here in Soompi thread, you can just type it using the default font size, or just post it plain and simple. No worries, yours will be read by anyone too. We are not illiterate here.

SECOND, there is no joke about "rape". Sorry to say the word. But "rape" is such a super sensitive matter that anyone should take caution before mentioning it. Yes, it is not off-topic here because some, or most of us, should I say, assume that TH used force to subdue SN (I think that's the better phrase). I understand that you want to alleviate the serious mood here in the thread by saying something funny, which I do sometimes. But, just a piece of reminder, you have to sway in the waves according to what current mood we are in the EK thread. You can joke one at a time, but think wisely of the joke you want to mention, and make sure it would give a lighter feeling to all of us readers, and not to ruin the mood, instead.

PS: If you want to tell others about your "desire" to be.... it is just unnecessary to post here. Just keep your fantasies to yourself only.


Regarding on the matter about uri Paeha, I think it is too early to say about what some of us assume he did to SN. I thought of three options:

1. He tried to subdue SN, but eventually passed out instead. Then, they just slept beside each other in the bed because both of them are drunk and exhausted. Imagine, pushing here, pushing there, trying to kiss here, and pushing away again. Of course, that would be too tiring!

2. He tried to subdue SN. SN struggled, but TH was way too aggressive, but SN struggled harder. In the end, TH gave up, and slept instead.

3. He eventually subdued SN, but SN consented it. Is it because SN felt pity on TH? I can't really say.

But there is something that made an impact for me. It is when SN worried that TH would leave her. Omo, I am already 100% convicted that she really loves TH!

EDIT: I have to watch the whole episode before judging anything else. :D

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seohaseurri22 said: @rheiuna

FIRST of all, I find your posts kinda disturbing. Even though I'm just a new Soompi member here, I'm already aware (and I think everybody does) about the posting rules here. Writing in big and colored fonts hurts our vision. It consumes much space in a page and reading them makes everyone assume that you're ravaging mad while stating your ideas. So please, have some due respect on our fellow members/readers on how they feel about reading your "overemphasized" comments (which I think such of minimal impact). If you want to express what's yours and feel like posting it here in Soompi thread, you can just type it using the default font size, or just post it plain and simple. No worries, yours will be read by anyone too. We are not illiterate here.

SECOND, there is no joke about "rape". Sorry to say the word. But "rape" is such a super sensitive matter that anyone should take caution before mentioning it. Yes, it is not off-topic here because some, or most of us, should I say, assume that TH used force to subdue SN (I think that's the better phrase). I understand that you want to alleviate the serious mood here in the thread by saying something funny, which I do sometimes. But, just a piece of reminder, you have to sway in the waves according to what current mood we are in the EK thread. You can joke one at a time, but think wisely of the joke you want to mention, and make sure it would give a lighter feeling to all of us readers, and not to ruin the mood, instead.

PS: If you want to tell others about your "desire" to be.... it is just unnecessary to post here. Just keep your fantasies to yourself only.


Regarding on the matter about uri Paeha, I think it is too early to say about what some of us assume he did to SN. I thought of three options:

1. He tried to subdue SN, but eventually passed out instead. Then, they just slept beside each other in the bed because both of them are drunk and exhausted. Imagine, pushing here, pushing there, trying to kiss here, and pushing away again. Of course, that would be too tiring!

2. He tried to subdue SN. SN struggled, but TH was way too aggressive, but SN struggled harder. In the end, TH gave up, and slept instead.

3. He eventually subdued SN, but SN consented it. Is it because SN felt pity on TH? I can't really say.

But there is something that made an impact for me. It is when SN worried that TH would leave her. Omo, I am already 100% convicted that she really loves TH! I remember a saying that a drunk never tells a lie. And SN is half-way drunk when she thought of this. She can never tell a lie about what she feels.

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Guest hemerokarisu

Sorry if I missed something but was SN even drinking when TH stormed into her room? I thought the drinking scene happened way earlier and the second time we saw her in that outfit, she was just reading or whatever...

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seohaseurri22 said:
Regarding on the matter about uri Paeha, I think it is too early to say about what some of us assume he did to SN. I thought of three options:

1. He tried to subdue SN, but eventually passed out instead. Then, they just slept beside each other in the bed because both of them are drunk and exhausted. Imagine, pushing here, pushing there, trying to kiss here, and pushing away again. Of course, that would be too tiring!

2. He tried to subdue SN. SN struggled, but TH was way too aggressive, but SN struggled harder. In the end, TH gave up, and slept instead.

3. He eventually subdued SN, but SN consented it. Is it because SN felt pity on TH? I can't really say.

But there is something that made an impact for me. It is when SN worried that TH would leave her. Omo, I am already 100% convicted that she really loves TH! I remember a saying that a drunk never tells a lie. And SN is half-way drunk when she thought of this. She can never tell a lie about what she feels.
FYI when TH barge in SN's room...she wasn't drunk. She was reading.

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Guest adjani1430293095

Chrissydiva: I think no one should make light of rape.. be it in drama or in real life.
But when I made my post, I still believe in context. In dramas, if there is rape then it must be for some purpose (I am assuming) and of course, rape (whether marital rape) or otherwise is appalling. I may not have been in Congo but I am a lawyer and I can appreciate the pain inflicted on victims that I have helped. 
Now in historical dramas, it is a bit harder  sometimes .. in the case when DK was trying to rape SY, that was clear... in TH's instance, it can be seen as different because at this point they are a "couple". Now if he had made any moves before her becoming his consort then that would also be clear.
Why do I make the distinction because considering marital rape is a concept that women had to fight for before the law recognised that even as a right (the law is oft slower than morals!). Do understand that prior to that once you are married, in many societies across the world, you "belonged" to your husband and therefore rape was not even considered a possibility. 
That is why when TH chose to wait before consummation because he respected SY, that was really nice, considering he could force his way as an emperor and contextually that would not be an issue. But strictly, it would have still been rape.. just like you take the strict stance of his latest "move".
What I totally agree with you is that the recent 3 episodes are disappointing.. I really think the writing is all over the place.. especially considering Maha's revelation is to be coming, it might have been earlier... and as a cause that might cause SY and TH to really drift apart considering she needs to protect her child and yet also be torn between her love for TH and Ayu..instead of having the so called "poison pen letters" and these enemies all over the place just makes it tedious (sorry maybe its just me).
Plus they really have a few episodes to wrap up.. so how to resolve so much angst on all fronts.... is something I am a bit disappointed with for this really fabulous drama. I thought the build up to the end of the EL T clan was great although a bit dragged out.. but perhaps dragging that out was because what they have beyond that is really patchy ..... or maybe its just me... so no offence to those who are truly enjoying the recent episodes. 
Finally I am glad we have strong views on a very touchy subject. clearly we should never make light of suffering. :) 

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Guest seohaseurri22

Hahaha. My apologies, everyone. I haven't really watched the whole episode and I should wait for eng subs to come out so I could make any judgments about there. :D

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I'm afraid to read posts in this main thread because I had a feeling that some fanatic shippers of WY-SN will  use the chance of the "rough scene" to bash my beloved Paeha!! Come on @chaudinh1609, don't focus on the negativity too much. Honestly I don't like your writing with the way you use the "R" words  too much. It makes me feel like you are some angry anti-fan here.  I think I read your posts on some other Vietnamese forum (Kites), and I know you love WY a lot. I understand because how you feel for your favorite character might be similar to what I feel about TH. However, I feel annoyed when reading the tone in your posts. [-(

Despite all what happened, this is what SN thought to herself on the next morning while looking at her man: ""Paeha, you do not know my fear. My heart that fears you will abandon me" . Why is it so bittersweeeeeeet? I'm crying now...SN does love her Paeha!! Both of them love each other, and they need to overcome all the challenges in their marriage relationship.  :((


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The way I see it, they are minimizing the aftermath of the rape by making it into a sad and romantic thing, where the victim instead of anger and disgust feels compassion for the perpetrator.  It is very ignorant and I’m sure it is offensive to many victims out there.  It is just a drama, but it can still send the wrong message.


Seeing LK being “okay”, doesn’t make me feel better at all…  The fact that she loves him and feels sorry for him doesn’t excuse her letting it go as if nothing happened.  For those who start their sentences with “I don’t condone rape, but….” There is no BUT, because there are no excuses.  I don’t blame the character, but the writers who are delusional in thinking that in this case rape is not that bad because of other factors, therefore we shouldn’t hate on him too much and still cheer for him all the way to episode one. 


And please, WY shippers do not see this as an opportunity to let it all out, and freely bash TH, because this is not about a minor character flow, but something too absurd to even bash.  This is the same TH who wouldn’t even kiss her because she was unconscious while crying for WY, and waited for her to come to him.  Also, we still don’t know yet what is really going on; they could just be misleading us…So, hold your horses for now. 


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I am back from very long sleep...

no comment for now... though I am disappointed in the recent episodes and much more last night..

i'll be waiting for this issue to be cleared in the succeeding episode.. I believe there is a good reason why they had put it on..

and my Little Angel can fight well, I guess she had allowed it after thinking while she is struggling hard.. after all they are a couple and I know that she loves TH now..

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@Lucel18‌ I'm totally with you on that, I'm scared she might go crazy later after bottling everything up, according to the history, she went missing, not too sure what happened to her in the novel. But all I care right now is some reconciliation between her and ta hwan, I don't want anything else, just give them some peaceful moment together. It has been a huge headache lately not only for us but for them as well. If her and ta hwan are able to make up, and express their true feelings for each other, that's a happy ending for me, I hope I didn't ask for too much.

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EstelleH  I think you're not asking much at all.  That is a reasonable request from us viewers.  But meeeen, the writers are determined to give TH and SN so many enemies at the same time (internally and externally).  It just looks so complicated to fix! & so little episodes to do so!   Especially with the truth about Maha being disclosed to SN only now.  I mean, c'mon, writers, why make Eunuch Bang (is that name right?) disclose the truth only now?  Is it b/c he thinks WY's dead and Maha is the only heir to the Koryo throne?   The only things that's making me happy with this episode is TT's willingness to side/protect SN and grant her her wish (to protect WY) since according to her, WY helped their ppl out.      

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