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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest lorac

valsava said: @tessieroo.
So if no such child existed in the history of Ki there's no need to keep on this discussion of Wy ever knowing or meeting the child....

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@ChelseaS said:  I think baby Ayu prefers it when ladies hold him, he has that snobbish look when JYH or JCW holds him.   
Bj8IjVECMAE_Uhm.jpgYes, you are right.  Sure this child (aka Ayu) receives so much love from his biological parents/relatives especially his mother and some other women living in his community.  It reflects the way he interacts with ladies.  Just saying

@valsava:  I'm fine, thanks.  That's why I found you to be the one because right after your arrival, Paeja immediately asked for your services and it was only you who knew what happened next.  But since you denied your involvement, don't worry, I've just resigned from being a prosecutor so whatever further development on this case, I don't wanna be involved either.  :D  
One more night sleep and hurray!  it's Empress Ki again. =D>

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That Dowager is one hell of a b***h... Turning against Nyang like that, I hate characters like hers the most, ughhhh she's so annoying. how she even dares, thinking how much Nyang helped her and Yuan over all.. I hate that snake even more than I ever hated Tanasili.

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Guest seonmul_1024

I don't know if this is posted already...

EPISODE 42 preview


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And old drama some other forum chinggu's and I are watching and old favorite family drama...FH (family honor)....We watch two episodes a week Normally about 9pm Kst... But since I have two new weekend dramas that I watch now..... I do go back and watch old drama and certain episodes I like in this drama also.....
I just can't wait until Sn take on the Ed and the Ne (new empress) I hope the two episodes coming up will give us some kind of ideas we can draw scenarios on...I really don't want to to see her and Th at each other for the next ten episodes and hopefully the writers will let us have the last to episodes of  they running the country and her coronation.. but some how I think I'm asking to much..  

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@valsava‌ Oh it's ok I don't think you are asking for too much, I mean I'm sure we all want the same, I'd be so oissed if nothing change between nyang and ta hwan in the next 10 episodes, got to give us some hope man , I'm sure we all deserve to see those two atleast have a good ending, if not then let us see those bastards get behead or something.

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The beheading is my job let me be the one to off that Ed head I want her seat any way so I can tell Tt...I got some jobs for you so plan nothing for the next few weeks cause your going to be very busy I suggest you start to put a lot of fluids in your body because this job stamina is involved ...Just a kidding..

I don't know if Th would kill his on aunt he may strip of everything and shave her head and have her lock in a temple some where..  It's hard to kill your only close living relative like that

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The only way I could see him (Th) going to the extreme that if Ed tried to harm one of the kids...I know somebody will try to kill baby Ayu 
Good Night it's almost 4am...Need a nap before my other drama start I watch live.....Chow for now

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This is just a thought. Golta has not met Jokho, right? What if the prisoner who suddenly knelt down saw Golta, who look somewhat like Jokho and mistook GT for Jokho. Maybe the two are related. And maybe the assistant is the guy Jokho is always helping in the mines. Or he could have seen SN, who looks like the leader when unmasked? Maybe one of her brothers? SN's got 2 brothers, doesn't she? Anyway, the camera panned first on TH, then SN, then ED, and somewhere in between was GT although he was at the back.

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So intresting,it seems that one of the imfluent Governors will side with SN...he doesn't want war and wants to stop it and Sn as well so i see they will work together in this one..loved SN as the captain,so much charisma,she clearly was born to be a leader...i see that something happened againsome pettition maybe that makes ED go balistic acusing SN of it and is something against TH...maybe it's also a petition agains the iminent war..And i also see that the Governor,the only one yet shown in the preview recognizes SN as aa powerful and wise player and more than sure the Empress.(i think he is the dad of the kind concubine) but i also think other Governors will side with her,we already see that the Concubines recognize her as the legitime Empress and not Ba Niece so i think the fathers think the same and more after Sn role in taking out ET clan.It is curious seeing that he tought of her when this new crises amerged and asked for her help..if they still have some doubts about her i think with this new involvment into stoping Bayan and his crave for war that will side with her even more and give her the power and bucking she wants and needs..stil curious how will they remove the curent Empress...will she atempt something outrageous and so be striped of his right or what....

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Guest minnie0103

Just dropped by EK Baidu and saw this......

42_zps6fe75dca.jpgBecause he lost in the conquest (attempt of conquering Goryeo), Ta Hwan’s wrath filled the sky. In order to penalize/punish Wang Yoo for violating an imperial order, Ta Hwan prepared Wang Yoo to turn back to Yuan and pointed the blade to him. 
*Translation based on the Chinese translation by foxbeary 

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I honestly don't see a way for this drama to end happilyfrom the looks of it things are getting more and more complicated and the best we'd ever get is a bittersweet ending because one way or another we're bound to feel :- sorry/angry for characters we really liked and cared for at some point but turned evil like Bayan and Empress Dowager, and whoever the head of Eagle House is if they turn out to be some of the people we trusted the most- heartbroken/angry for unfair treatment for good characters that don't deserve whatever is going to happen to them (I'm mostly fearing the worst for WY tbh)
I don't mind this though as long as it makes sense and is not rushedwhatever the ending is, I hope it gives us a feeling of closure

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