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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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I like the talk of SN and WY father... they way they but reasure each other to help is really assuring...

But why isn't SN close to Maha at all... the way SN is looking at Maha is weird/sad

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  • Back at the palace SN runs into Lady Oh holding MaHa.
  • MaHa starts to cry and wants SN to hold him.  SN doesn't seem to want to, but MaHa continues to reach for him...awww....
  • SN just walks away, but KT and evil maid are watching from the side.
  • KT turns and gives El Maid some look, like she's got a plan.
  • KT finally is showing her true self to El Maid.
  • KT asks El Maid what she told ED today, El Maid is scared at first.
  • KT puts a silver rod in a cup and turns out it's a cup of poison, El Maid is freaked out because KT wants to accuse her of poisoning her.
  • KT is using her scheme to blackmail El Maid to her side.
  • KT asks something about MaHa, and is now whispering something to El Maid's ears.
  • So the wheels to frame SN start!

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  • SN, ED, and KT are having high tea together.
  • ED has MaHa in her lap, and SN has Ayu in her lap.
  • KT makes this puppy face like she's yearning for a child herself, and ED mentions something to SN about KT getting pregnant.
  • KT says something about two princes (is enough?).
  • KT gives El Maid some look.

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Guest larabn

OMO Maha coming to SN and sitting on her lap is so touching... the poor boy likes her without any of them knowing they are mother and son :(
I wish she would find out he is her son
I would cry like eunuch bang too witnessing this :(
and how ED is giving those ugly stares at SN in this ep is just so annoying (Tsk.tsk.tsk)

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  • MaHa shows up in SN's room and runs up to her as she's putting Ayu to sleep.
  • Stupid EB walks in to visit and sees SN holding MaHa, he's surprised and freezes for a minute.
  • EB asks something about MaHa.
  • MaHa's nanny comes to get MaHa, but MaHa doesn't want to leave, he's crying as nanny takes him away.
  • SN is feeling bad to see MaHa crying.
  • PBH asks when she intend on spilling the beans about MaHa not being TH's son.
  • Stupid EB comes up crying and tells JB that he saw SN holding MaHa.  These two don't know when to keep their mouths shut!  In the palace?? Seriously??

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  • El Maid comes to get MaHa from his nanny, and she has this look on her.
  • MaHa is back with ED and crying none stop.
  • ED asks nanny what's wrong with MaHa.
  • KT suggests something and ED pulls down MaHa's clothes to see bruise marks all over him.
  • Nanny says she doesn't know anything then remembers he was with SN earlier.
  • Those two evil beyotches!! All my sympathy for El Maid is gone, GONE!!!

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Evil maid has carried the action... Maha is now crying non stop and start to wonder what is wrong with him... poor baby

Guess ED slapping Sn is on its way now since Maha is sick or something and blame it on SN

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IH takes Maha and does something to him because he is crying after in ED arms....he is all brussed and puts the blame on SN more than sure..ED goes like crazy into TH room blaming SN for hurting the prince and slapping her....IH is all afraid of the Psicho ho smiles happy at her fulfilled plan...TH is feeding Ayu....TH protects SN and tells ED that if SN is not gulty how will she pay for blaming her...ed tells he is like his mom and how can he take SN part buthe tells SN is his most precious person

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  • ED hears SN is with TH now and rushes over immediately.
  • TH is feeding Ayu, and SN says she'll do it, but TH insists he wants to do it.
  • ED comes in all angry and without saying anything slaps her and accuses her of abusing MaHa because he's Tanasmirky's son.
  • TH is angry and tells ED what is she going to do if it's not SN? TH is angry!
  • ED reminds TH that she's the Empress Dowager, and TH says something even if she's his mother.
  • TH orders to have DM gather all the servants responsible for MaHa.

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  • In the meeting room, SN offers to hold MaHa, and MaHa goes to her willingly.
  • SN says even though he can't talk now, but his actions talk.
  • She's ordering everyone in the room to carry MaHa, the person who he's afraid of is likely the culprit.
  • As El Maid takes him MaHa starts to cry.
  • SN immediately pin points her.
  • El Maid is denying it, SN orders to have El Maid taken out.
  • ED stops them, but SN ignores her and says it's the Emperor's orders and orders to take them out.
  • SN looks at KT and knows it was KT who ordered El Maid.
  • SN suggests it can't be El Maid doing it on her own, if it's not ED, then it's someone else.

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SN figures out Psicho is behind and plans to discover her ...SN tells YH that he won't kill her and to help ...SN finds out Psicho is behind wanting to poision Ayu as well...SN pretends YH revealed ED as the culprit...i'm betting this is how she will vanish EmpressWY is back to Goryo telling them that Goryo will not help Yuan

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