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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest smoochysparks

I don`t understand why does El Terror like Wang Yoo.

I understand the epic side of that: respect you get from your enemy is a measure of your greatness.

But, El Terror personally doesn`t think much of virtues Wang Yoo represents: he himself doesn`t have them and he sure hasn`t nurtured his childrean in hat direction.

So, what is it? :-?

According to Sun Tzu, a 6th century BC Chinese General, Military Strategist & the author of The Art Of War, "" if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." Either El Temur is using that war tactic on Wang Yoo or he has some romantic feelings towards him sort of like a Frozen Flower version 2.0 =)). Kidding aside, there's a saying " Keep your FRIENDS close and your ENEMIES closer" so you would know if they're cooking something up against you and you won't be caught up unguarded :-)

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orionbynes2010 said: What I really like about Th is that he see strength in Sn beyond how she dressed. Once Wy found out that sn was a girl, he immediately do not want her to help out in any of his plans. Wy liked sn when he thought she was a boy but still included him/her in his plans.

Although Sn is placed more in danger by volunteering to help out Th, Th sees her more as his equal and is asking her for her strength and support rather than trying to be macho and manly and say no you can't help me because you're my woman. Sn can more than take care of herself. She saved both Th and Wy and helped them so many times. Th & Sn That's a beautiful friendship...and maybe one day beautiful romantic relationship.

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Guest minnie0103

@cacazeel You will be promoted by Empress Tanashiri to a higher rank for creating that beautiful picture of her with her crushie-crush Wang Yoo. LOL. ;)

@lyaarisa This may be out of topic, but I'm glad that I'm not the only one rewatching the amazing 'The King 2 Hearts' despite the passage of time. :)

Episode 18 (WITH English subtitles) is now available. Enjoy watching, everyone! :D

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Guest walkingintherain

After reading the comments fron you guys, I realised something!!!

WY was always the one who protected SN! He saved her from being raped by DK, from the hot tea, and also from being killed by DK in the latest episode!

While on the other hand TH is the one who always took care of SN! Like the time when they were on the run in goryeo, he took care of her when she fell unconscious and stole the medicine for her. And also when she got shocked over the fake death news of WY, TH used his way to make her eat and also took care of her when she fell sick!

I guess both of them serves a purpose in her life? :D ;;)

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It's great to re-watch ep. 18 with subs...
First about Bang going shirtless... Fan Service for the Korean grandmas? - He reminded me of Aang the Last Airbender...
OK seriousness...
A few of you have mentioned how SN doesn't need help or protection (from WY), that she's this almighty warrior, fearless, and so on... Yes she played tough in front of us during the intro of this drama... however as in everything in life... practice makes perfect right? Ever since she entered the palace she's been pouring tea and reading... We know it's been months (or maybe already a full year by now?) of playing a pityful female role, we've never seen her doing push ups, archery or whatever inside her quarters late at night, zero Kung Fu... if she was still that mighty warrior without need of protection how come she let herself be taken by DK just by the hand...he didn't have a knife on her, she wasn't tied up, with her "awesome fighting" skills she could have fought him right? But no, she just looked at WY and cried for help... Therefore, WY being more mature and knowing this, he has been trying to protect her; maybe not so much to prove himself as macho man; but because he's aware of her reality; she's truly helpless right now; no weapons, no physical fitness, no gang... she's on her own.Also, there's a big difference between being tortured when you're at your prime of fitness and when you aren't... we can not compare both torturing scenes, different time, different environment, different kind of torture...you get the point...
About WY allying with El Tumor... during the so "long & boring" battle episodes, they presented us WY as being an excellent military strategist, he's left us, the audience with clues about what he's doing now... remember he also made an alliance with Batoru's daughter... who will come back to the game somehow... he's playing his military game... unfortunately one of his greatest weaknesses is his lack of communication skills towards his gang and love interest... have you noticed that when he's doing something he doesn't say it straight to his gang, he does stuff and his bodyguard does the "translating" of his actions and intentions... having said this, SN also looked quite surprised when she saw him playing chess with ET; I can totally see a huge emotional misunderstanding in the making, which probably will cause their second separation.And Yes dellusional  fangirl Tanashiri is part of this whole strategy. I feel sorry for her character, but I really enjoy it.

And I will say it again, I really like DK character; it's great how the actor is bringing up this persona that takes us through different levels of emotions towards him... superb acting job, his facial expressions, his eyes, he's doing a great job and I hope his end gets to be superbly epic... I'm looking forward to his death scene.
Yes I agree with you guys Jeok Ho is totally the village leader. And Lady Noh has the so called blood letter.
After re-watching this episode... sorry guys but TH behaviour when going to town... I didn't find it cute at all, it was annoying...

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Guest anjshin

On the brighter side of how the story is being told, i would also wanted to thank the fearless, ferocious character of El Temur, you seem as a great villain from all of us watching the show, but you've set a great show being the antagonist. The ONE who turned all the upside down of each and every character here. Leaving a question behind, on why did he decide to let the empress dowager live when he can disposed her as much as he could, but he didn't? Or he may have an unrequited love of his to ED? Maybe at the face of his future demise he'll somehow show up why did he become like this, going beyond and have craved for much power, for which is which the reason it may be. ~viewer's curiosity corner mode.  :-?

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Guest anjshin

@stclaus: in every respect it is, very well said. SN is indeed after all a woman, needing protection too especially at that very moment. KUDOS to the writer/s you are indeed showing us not just a fictional story but also a reality bite.  :-bd

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