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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest lightitup

Finally finished episode 16 after dragging it for 2 days. The last scene got me there. In the 2 episodes this week, it was the first time I felt any real connection between SN and TH. Not the forced interactions or deliberate closeness like the drinking scene. Rather, the last scene focused on both characters' loneliness in the palace and the fact that no one is genuinely by their side (TH obviously not having anyone, and SN experiencing WY's cruel rejection although she doesn't know it's his noble idiocy working LOL). 
BUT nothing got me as excited as the preview, nuff said! I wonder what's up with the change in clothes! And SN looks like those Chinese female warriors in the preview, don't you think? Can't wait for her to kick some richard simmons!!! 

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@SMP567 thanks for the pics
maybe the green new earring is the rest of the snake from his braid coming out of his ear
I think maybe Tal Tal is not comfortable with Dangkise wanting to talk with SN
he might have noticed too that the mighty king of thieves is obsessed with SN and is following her like Casanova in love now

will go watch ep16 now :)

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said: Hi all ~I absolutely LOVED both this week's episodes. Though I still can't figure out why this supposed blood letter would be such a big deal. 

El T would seriously cut up anyone having to do with it - including the court. The guy has rage-death-issues ~ his son's control the military --

who's to say that he wouldn't slaughter the entire court and proclaim himself Emperor? In olden times that kind of stuff DID happen - so it just doesn't make sense to me that a single slip of paper would make any difference no matter who presented it.

(clue me in if anyone knows)

Golta continues to delight me with his *winky winky* faces -- he's all, "I don't know what happened that night. You tell me." Or when told to get out of the room to leave TaHwan alone with Seung Nyang...he gets all smirky and makes side-eyes. (adorable)

Dang! KiSe.  He keeps


the dangerous sexy vibes. I know he's a horrible person and a deadly threat -- but wooooooty-woot does he give off tha'Sex. (wonder what HE smells like) wiggles eyebrows ~ ~

El Plague guy just doesn't die, does he? It's like those articles you read about cockroaches that can survive nuclear war. Wish Tal Tal would dump him in the well. (scratch that...I totally hate the whole corpse in the poor people's well thing. So tacky.) El Plague should die in some really benign and senseless way - like choking on a fig and no one volunteers to Heimlich him.

Tanashiri is SO THIRSTY for Wang Yoo it's cracking me up. I swear she's gonna lift her skirts to show her ankles or something next time she corners him. But at least if he's going to be so off-putting to Seung Nyang (in the name of noble idiocy) he's even MORE disagreeable with Tanashiri.If Wang Yoo


to each other - they might concoct a way to use Tanashiri to bring down her father, because I'm pretty sure that TN would do cartwheels all the way to his bedchamber if WY offered an invitation.

Where for art thou Crazy Lady Noh? Come hither and bring the dang blood letter with you ~ (if she goes missing for the next 8 episodes - I'm flipping tables) 

Ta Hwan - stay beautiful. Seung Nyang - please kick some bootay soon.Show - I love you ~ (っˆーˆ)っ♥  

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Guest minnie0103

I just wanna share my feelings about one particular scene in Episode 15. Just when I thought Wang Yoo has left... wonderful music was suddenly played in the background and a shadow appeared. He was still there, watching Seung Nyang as she left through the other door, and said, "I'm sorry, Seung Nyang-ah. If you get in trouble, neither I nor the Emperor... can save you." How I love this scene! Quite moving. :)

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okay who is on the list for today hmmmmm

Golta laughed at him telling SN to apply the ointment gently lool (he is aware of SN's gentle feet toe cracking massages :) )
and him telling TH Dismiss Nyang and...... (and what Golta will you drink with him instead lol) I think someone has a crush here :))  ooops Sorry guys
but Th broke his poor fan heart awww look at his excited face and at TH's reply (I felt sorry for the punching bag :( )


and I agree with TH, SN is awfully cute when she is drunk .....she is just like the SN in TH's dreams that's why he said he likes her better drunk lool
I remembered his dream right away when SN opened her mouth with that awfully cute sound she made for him to feed her
you are only making it harder for him to not love you girl

and if you think Dangkise is losing face following SN well you have to watch him say it bluntly to SN
 "Don't cry because of others, cry because of me only" :)) hilarious enough LMAO seriously you don't know how much of a creepy puppy in love you look sniffing beast
 "if I can't have you, I'll ruin you" okay this line is creepy but never the less his creepy puppy love is sure obvious and it's funny to see the not allowed to be weak and no feelings subduer all in obsessive love mood that he can't hide it even when his men are with him he stops her to talk with a crying maid and the look Tal Tal gave them was priceless even Tal Tal can't approve of your CREEPY obsession
(a big emphasis on the word creepy)

I think El Temur's match is Empress Dowager for sure....she is sure smart and if she puts her mind to it she can sure ruin him
maybe she will work with WY later on to put El temur in his place specially that she hates Tanashiri too...so it will all be to her advantage
and speaking of tanashiri so you are now mad that he hit TH on purpose or cause he doesn't even notice you like you've been eying him like a starving cat eying meat  =))  =))

the best scene so far for me was the last scene :x
if I was WY I would feel uneasy too seeing this scene

It was so touching to see how he finds comfort laying his head against hers
while she is trying to be there for him without saying or doing anything just by being a shoulder he can lean on and it works well for him
to feel that the only person he trusts is there (I think it's a scene beyond words) with the lovely music in the background
and I like WY being jealous so he can act upon that now and we can see an in love jealous WY
it's interesting to see that side of him...I think this will set the love triangle on fire
I felt sad when WY told the other guy "Help SN, I can't help her"

can't wait for next week's episode and SN all dressed like a boy again she looks a lot like her character in the huntress (which I hope to watch)
and dangkise saying I will use this close relationship between you to my advantage is really freaky....hope he doesn't hurt any of them :-SS

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Guest roshan90

@larabn Not only WY I think JJM himself as an actor would have felt uneasy..
"Wow They have such an awesome chemistry.. I should make the audience forget this hotness in my next scene Sungnyang.."
JJMshi Fighting!!~~~

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roshan90 said: @larabn Not only WY I think JJM himself as an actor would have felt uneasy..
"Wow They have such an awesome chemistry.. I should make the audience forget this hotness in my next scene Sungnyang.."
JJMshi Fighting!!~~~

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Guest roshan90

@larabn When that scene was aired, I thought their chemistry was the best Now I think its HJW-JCW who has that hotness and I totally forgot about that scene.. Maybe its just HJW as you say she has some magic powder that she sprinkles on her co-stars..  :-?

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Guest minnie0103

If you were gonna ask me... The script should give Ha Ji Won and Joo Jin Mo more screening time together, especially now that everyone knows Seung Nyang is a pure lady. They need more scenes together to display their good rapport and interaction (like what we've seen BTSs). They are the OTP, after all. But to me, even if only a few scenes are given to Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang, they never fail to make me go mad about their chemistry in each and every scene they're together. Be it a mere conversation or a long stare at each other (e.g. banquet scene in Episode 14), more so the scenes with skinship (e.g. Geomungo scene in Episode 1). OK 'nuff said. Just a WangNyang shipper here. ;)

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Guest anjshin

Speechless as it seems for WY=SY scenes, but i can feel both characters... the more the hate, the convictions, the suppression of what they truly feel for each other will make that scene, wherein both can't no longer hide their dying longing for each other  (if the writer will, just using my writer prediction capacity, hehehe) the most memorable for us shippers of this couple., and i will sing on top of my lungs... "REUNITED and it feels so good." LOL. (with due respect to the TH, DK, TL, ET, TN, ED, YBS, WG shippers) . I, We believe. LOL...  8-> \m/

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@minnie0103, @anjshin
Maybe writers-nim did it on purpose. The longer Wang Yoo and Seung Nyang hold their feelings, the fiercelier they are going to explode... then it leads to (an) R rated scene(s) and child plot begins :))
Thanks for those BTS pics, love them so much :x

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petria said: Dang Ki See is not only dangerous, but also emotionally very sick man. That`s why his confessions to SungNyang are so reversed: he isn`t talking about love, but of murder and destruction. Actually, I don`t think that he is capable of tenderness; his rising feelings aren`t tender neither, but violent. The difference between love (Wang Yoo) and desire (Dang Ki See) is obvious. Everything is possible, even that he will sacrifice himself for SungNyang (wow, that would be really great
:-$), but it doesn`t change the fact that he isn`t a puppy in love, but sadist on fire. :-B

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petria said: I`m eagarly waiting for SungNyang to beat him up :D. But, it could also happen that he, suprising us all, does something huge for her benefit, at the last moment, so that we can all regret a bit when he dies 8->

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@petria, @larabn - I think Dangkise's character will be pitied by us when he dies in the future. Maybe he'll die to save Seung Nyang from harm or from El Temur himself, or maybe he'll save Wang Yoo knowing that Seung Nyang will shed tears again if he will be hurt. Haha. He hates to see Seung Nyang cry anyway. Haha.

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