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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest missred123

Guys, just watching ep 15 and I am cracking up!!

The poetry match was hilarious and TN look on her face when asking TH what the poem means.. Priceless.

I thought TH was going to break out with Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder how you are .. Hahaha... guys, just kidding! Can't you take a joke!!!

Wow!! WY beautiful poem about the distruction of a country and the longing and growing old in bondage, not knowing when one will return. Cool!

Good job WY compliment TH on his choice of poem. Now, that's a man and a diplomat!

Did TN just bawl out WY!!! Saying he is a womanizer?? And we all know she want him to womanize her!

WY put TN in her place. TN: who does he think he is??

Her maid Broom Hilda: a royal piece of work. Hehe ... and you know this, Mannnn!!

I would have a heart attack living in that palace!!! The sneaking and plotting, damn!

Golta's many facial expressions make me laugh!! Could

someone put up some of Golta's expression they are too funny!!

TH is funny! The way he tries to fake the ball with SN and she is just standing there like get on with it and stole the ball. Haha..

What's up with Lord Zang hairdo?? Is that a mohawk??!!

The game between Y & G!!

TH handles the ball with finess. He is really good at faking the ball, you go TH. WY deliberately Kick away TH's foot as if saying

this is for that ear job you have SN doing and wanted me to see.



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Guest missred123

Ep 15 was good!! Now the games begin between Yuan and Goryoe!!


Listen, I hope TH comes out swinging. He is a good person and I like him a lot. I just think he needs some back bone, which you state will come in the future. KUDOS!!

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=)) =)) =)) Best transmission ever, like soccer on a radio. And that ET reminded me on that ugly but funny little alien called ET =)).

I may be the only person in this whole wide world who loves Tanashiri. :-S

Well I don't hate her even though I still think she's a horrible person for cackling at the thought of killing a child. Now she seems to have forgotten about TH. Is it just me or she looked a little jealous that ED was able to recognize the poem WY recited? I still think that WY might try to use her against her father if he notices her crush on him. Maybe he already did lol

All in all I thought she was the most entertaining to me this past epidodes especially her facial expression to TH. And her court maid mocking her when she lied that she was going to the soccer game to support TH. She was like "of course you are" :))

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In case anyone is interested, the poems recited in episode 15 were so in your face in the case of the 2 male royals.

The poem TH attempted to recite was Song of a Prince Deposed by Du Fu (哀王孙--杜甫) I guess he purposely recited this to mock at WY, or it could be he was talking about his own sad story.
长安城头头白乌, 夜飞延秋门上呼 (along the walls of the Capital sat a white-headed crow; in the autumn night flies to the Gate and cries)
又向人家啄大屋, 屋底达官走避胡 (Then turns and pecks the roofs of a huge mansion; whose lord has fled before the Tartars)
This is a very long poem, the rest which TH never got around to are as follow:
金鞭断折九马死, 骨肉不待同驰驱
腰下宝玦青珊瑚, 问之不肯道姓名
With his golden whip now broken, his nine war-horses dead
And his own flesh and bone scattered to the winds....
There's a rare ring of green coral underneath the vest
Of a Prince at a street-corner, bitterly sobbing,
Who has to give a false name to anyone who asks him-
Just a poor fellow, hoping for employment.

已经百日窜荆棘, 身上无有完肌肤
高帝子孙尽隆准, 龙种自与常人殊
豺狼在邑龙在野, 王孙善保千金躯
不敢长语临交衢, 且为王孙立斯须
昨夜东风吹血腥, 东来橐驼满旧都
朔方健儿好身手, 昔何勇锐今何愚?
窃闻天子已传位, 圣德北服南单于
花门剺面请雪耻, 慎勿出口他人狙
哀哉王孙慎勿疏, 五陵佳气无时无
A hundred days' hiding in grasses and thorns
Show on his body from head to foot.
But, since their first Emperor, all with hook noses,
These Dragons look different from ordinary men.
Wolves are in the palace now and Dragons are lost in the desert --
O Prince, be very careful of your most sacred person!
I dare not address you long, here by the open road,
Nor even to stand beside you for more than these few moments.
Last night with the spring-wind there came a smell of blood;
The old Capital is full of camels from the east.
Our northern warriors are sound enough of body and of hand --
Oh, why so brave in olden times and so craven now?
Our Emperor, we hear, has given his son the throne
And the southern border-chieftains are loyally inclined
And the Huamen and Limian tribes are gathering to avenge us.
But still be careful-keep yourself well hidden from the dagger.
Unhappy Prince, I beg you, be constantly on guard --
Till power blow to your aid from the Five Imperial Tombs.

The full poem WY recited in retaliation/pure lament was Spring View by Du Fu (春望--杜甫)which is a rather famous one.
国破山河在,城春草木深 (country is ruined, but mountain & river remained; in the city in spring, grass & trees are thick)
感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心 (moved by the moment flowers sprinkle tears; mourning parting, a bird startles the heart)
烽火连三月,家书抵万金 (the beacon fires have gone on for 3 months; family letters are worth thousands)
白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪 (my white hair is growing thinner; and could barely hold a hairpin)

Tragic yet beautiful and full of hope ain't it? :\">

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 I think it's sure that TH's royal bodyguard is Xia Junsu's twins brother Kim JunHo aka Juno! omg so many handsome person in this drama!!
he post in his twitter : 오랜만에 사진올리네요^^ 드라마 기황후 호위무사 이름:(나무)입니다! 열심히하겠습니다^^ http://twitpic.com/doim3m
I translate on google : I am a long time ^ ^ drama group photo warrior empress escort Name: (wood) is! I'll work hard ^ ^
his twitter : JUNO_Japan just follow him kekeke

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Guest missred123


The poems were beautiful. I think they were both referring to their plight. I like the line In TH's poem that says "The Dragons are lost in the desert while the Wolves are in the palace." Sooo, true for TH. The writers chose the perfect poems for WY and TH's characters.

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Episode 16:  Hee hee hee.  Did you guys see that look Tal-tal gave Seung-nyang as Dangkise was ordering them away?  Someone's got a crush goin' on! ;))


Blah blah blah... yet another death threat from Braidy-Head there unless SN bends to his forceful will.  Dude, it's getting SO old to hear you sniff that.  But this may have been the tipping point for SN to realize that she's gotta do something -- and FAST, if she wants to stay alive.  Wang Yoo's royal brush-off and seeing Ta Hwan get yet another whipping at the hands of El Terror will spur her to finally take those baby steps towards sharing more than kisses on the hand with Our Emperor Puppy. 8->

I'm still sobbing from the ending, though.  My heart = broken. Big time.

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Hi all ~I absolutely LOVED both this week's episodes. Though I still can't figure out why this supposed blood letter would be such a big deal. 
El T would seriously cut up anyone having to do with it - including the court. The guy has rage-death-issues ~ his son's control the military -- who's to say that he wouldn't slaughter the entire court and proclaim himself Emperor? In olden times that kind of stuff DID happen - so it just doesn't make sense to me that a single slip of paper would make any difference no matter who presented it. (clue me in if anyone knows)
Golta continues to delight me with his *winky winky* faces -- he's all, "I don't know what happened that night. You tell me." Or when told to get out of the room to leave TaHwan alone with Seung Nyang...he gets all smirky and makes side-eyes. (adorable)
Dang! KiSe.  He keeps bringing the dangerous sexy vibes. I know he's a horrible person and a deadly threat -- but wooooooty-woot does he give off tha'Sex. (wonder what HE smells like) wiggles eyebrows ~ ~
El Plague guy just doesn't die, does he? It's like those articles you read about cockroaches that can survive nuclear war. Wish Tal Tal would dump him in the well. (scratch that...I totally hate the whole corpse in the poor people's well thing. So tacky.) El Plague should die in some really benign and senseless way - like choking on a fig and no one volunteers to Heimlich him.
Tanashiri is SO THIRSTY for Wang Yoo it's cracking me up. I swear she's gonna lift her skirts to show her ankles or something next time she corners him. But at least if he's going to be so off-putting to Seung Nyang (in the name of noble idiocy) he's even MORE disagreeable with Tanashiri.If Wang Yoo & Seung Nyang could, ya know, talk to each other - they might concoct a way to use Tanashiri to bring down her father, because I'm pretty sure that TN would do cartwheels all the way to his bedchamber if WY offered an invitation.
Where for art thou Crazy Lady Noh? Come hither and bring the dang blood letter with you ~ (if she goes missing for the next 8 episodes - I'm flipping tables) 
Ta Hwan - stay beautiful. Seung Nyang - please kick some bootay soon.Show - I love you ~ (っˆーˆ)っ♥  

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Finished watching Ep 15 and 16. It seems things have started to move in the direction of how ET is going to be ruined. Of course it is not going to be smooth sailing all thru.Ep 15 had me thinking Lady Noh might know where the letter is thru all her craziness. Ep 16 mentions Eunuch Jokho from Goryeo. New character addition?Revelation of where the letter is finally will surely be an episode to look forward to. Expecting ratings to rise too.Byung Soo's got the plague. Yippee to that. I liked @sally_b description of cockroach. Suits him perfectly. I am so worried he is gonna survive the plague as well when finally we had a chance to get rid of him for good. Plus, he being in the Goryeo village equates to trouble. Bayan and Tal Tal are already having a nervous breakdown over the fear of being discovered as the real killers.Final minutes of Ep 16 shows how SN is really mad at ET and cronies for their treatment of TH. She supports him both physically and emotionally. Scales tipping over in favor of TH-SN shippers. WY's look when he sees the cozy couple is to die for. Come on Writer-nims, let him have a few cozy moments himself with SN. There needs to be some balance to maintain this triangle.I like the way they keep showing TN and Dangkise getting disappointed in the treatment they get from people they like (WY and SN respectively). Makes me wanna jump and scream serves you right. Although, I must concede I do find Dangkise a weenie bit attractive. If only they hadn't made his character so purely evil.Overall great episodes. Now a long wait til next week. The preview does seem to lean towards more politics.

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