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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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VP is the only one with a working brain in this drama.  when will the other people be like him?  when its the last episode?  this drama is so annoyimg with all these people being fooled by SG.  i wonder what will the author do to VP in the end  -  superhero?  

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Dear timsha thanks for the recaps. That's the only way I can follow the drama for now.

BTW is HJ EH's adopted mom? You always confuse me when I read wondering who that is. Her name is Han Jeong Ok? So she should be JO instead of HJ? Or is HJ someone else?

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@exupery I read somewhere her name is Han Jeongok (just like Kim Hyeongman, Cha Seokgu) ...hence the initials HJ.  She was LK brother's wife, to whom she gave up her baby, they raised her to believe she was their birth daugher.  I use HJ now as EH's real mum has been revealed, everytime I write EH's mum I wonder whether there might be confusion, so easier to say HJ and LK so its clear who I am referring.

Glad this drama will be over soon.

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@timsha you are the greatest beside VP here. TQVM for all yr recap. I started watching KBS world and think also that VP is the only one worth watching. He is my type of strong, silent, suave, cool and intelligent hero aka M&B hero. Wow, Myeong Ho the great he is, :x

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SJ blindly following SG trying to clean up his mess. I wonder if he will start connecting the dots after he finds out that LK is really EH mother. Please Insp.Jo come back. Did he ever see Youngpal. HJ will be of some help here.  She heard of him living in that other place (where he was living in that tin can house) Someone could go there and find people to identify if it's really him or not.

Why would halmoni want to go and destroy the grave.  They didn't run off with her sons body have she even tried looking for the housekeeper. The older she gets the more unresonable she is, I really like to see how she takes to news that HJ husband didn;t kill her son it was SJ.

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   @timsha   Couldn't the restaurant lady be a witness to Japiel men and also Youngpal she can't identify his name but identify that's the man that Japiel men took. I wanted to give JT more credit then this he's a let down. How can he not think to go back to that place also didn't he find the Seoul Hotel pendant there. He's all Brawl and no Brains to.  

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@valsava I wonder why its so difficult for the police to identiry Yongpal....the cops at that stupid Incheon Police dont have good memory or records...does anyone remember Kim Yongpal getting caught by the police with an envelope of money, think Yongpal says SG could vouch for him that he did not steal it ....the police then called SG's home and Gilrye went and vouched for Yongpal's release....anyone remember this incident....how come the writer seem to have forgotten this??

Halmoni wanting to destory Hyeongman's grave .....her reasoning is that her son's killer was given a decent burial whereas she does not even know where Deoksu's body is after that driver took off in the lorry with her belonging and Deoksu's coffin.... I can understand that part.. which mother wont grieve for a dead son whose body is buried or dumped god knows where.

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   @http://forums.soompi.com/profile/8404296/timsha          I think the writer forgot about that scene. That's what i was thinking how could the police not mug shot or finger prints it's beyond me. Or is she trying to make us think SG had something to do with the removing of the records. I don't no how long that police chief will be sitting in his job. 
Why hasn't EH mention about YJ telling her she's not a murderers daughter ?
I think SJ will find out about SG killing his father very soon and how will he deal with this piece of news.    

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@valsava EH mentioned it to HJ who wanted to verify it with SG, but EH stopped her saying she will verify it with YJ first.  When she went to verify it with YJ, EH mentioned it in front of SJ but YJ cut her short and dragged her off for a private talk, thats when YJ (after deciding she cant live being a murderer's daughter) lied that she only said that cos she felt bad about how she treated EH previously and it was just to sort of boost her morale ....EH did not pursue that matter or share it with anyone else (as far as I can recollect).  No use of saying it in front of SJ ...wires in his brains just not connected...now if it was VP he would have smelt something significant in spiteful YJ making such a touching statement.

Did you watch today's episode yet ... my live streaming was so bad I managed to see only about 10 mins of begining with SG/SJ lying/denying everything, JT finally using his brains recalling Insp Jo/LK/JT's words about SG (he is finally suspecting SG), or yes JT/VP found out that Sec Park was passing info, so set a trap for her using some lie that JT was meeting with Insp Jo at a certain venue, and true enough JT sees Japeil/sidekick show up there on SG's orders....plus I am wondering whether they set another trap to verify if SG killed Yongpal cos I saw SG hurriedly scrambling to the riverbanks looking for something ....thats only what I managed to see.....link is not up yet plus I have to run errands so not sure when I will have time to do recaps....see u later then :-h

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@timsha  No I haven't watch todays episode yet I was trying to wait for your re-cap. I'm glad you told me you would be busy, Take your time Also i'll go ahead and watch also if you can please PM were you watch live  I always watch on a different site It's not live but they are pretty fast with posting the next episode I always watch around 7:30 pm cst. They have 3 of my daytime up at once.
Thanks for this lil info on today's episode.  Be safe 

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Guest atomickitty

You can pray to all the gods in all the lands SJ, but there's nothing they can do for you. YES, SG did kill your father. At least you're smarter than EH and can start to put the story together.

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SG went back to the crime scene and insp jo was waiting for him. SG had a look on his face like all S.H.I.T. LOL  I really want to know what him and VP conversation was about. VP was standing his ground like the cool suave man he his. SG thinking nobody can touch him VP beg to differ what ever SG said VP came right back at him he didn't look to happy when he had left. HJ left halmoni with a thought that got her thinking. She left the shop with attitude taking it out on EH again. YJ making her smart remark about VP and EH SJ put her in her place left her standing in the street .  Tomorrow Episode will be good SG had Jaepil flunky's to go after Insp. Jo But SJ hide him he got away, I think Insp Jo told him that he know SG killed Youngpal.  He's in the church crying. Nobody is putting this fact together who would want to kill a Wineo. What SG just did his own action just confirmed that he killed SJ father. He committed all these crimes to cover it up.  Oh Yea another funny part halmoni nephew came in  guess he was talking about the body that turned up at the river His wife and daughter and SJ look straight at him. lol          

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What's is the website you both are watching on. I couldn't get it last time when timsha gave me. Ladies, @timsha @valsava plse let me hv the site you watched on. With my negligible korean, I think I can still figure out what the story is abt. And see if my korean has improved slightly after 2 years of Kdrama watching.

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Guest katielinhnguyen

OK. I have got to mention this. Have anyone notice the hairstyle of our men in the movie also portrays their personality? Take SJ for example, his hairstyle now is so dumb looking. No wonder why he's acting dumb for trying to protect SG LOL. I still think at the end he might become a priest . JT is dressing sharper but boy, he's so slow.. Only and only VA is just awesome. THANK God the writer decides to bring him back

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Guest bkrommo

  • From what I saw of EP 123, SG was so confident but SJ heard VP what told SG in a snarling manner, he felt bad about it. Then VP also met SJ hoping he would come clean but no avail. When the 2 couple met (VP & Eunhui) and (SJ & YJ) there was some denial on the guilty party, but SJ was very upset with YJ about something. As @timsha  said they suspected sec Park. After meeting Halmoni who had met HJ (in upsetting mood) SG went to the riverside thinking about what he has done to Yongpal feels confident about it until Insp Jo encountered him, then in the preview things are beginning to look bad for SG, He had the thugs going after Insp Jo who was saved ironically saved by SJ and after a long talk I believe SJ knows or suspects SG of Yongpal murder or maybe his real father's death, he went to the church to console himself crying. Sorry could not translate the conversations. Do you know that now only LK knows that SG manslaughter SJ's father, unless VP finds the letter with the contract but put two and two together. My 2cents worth.  Waiting for @timsha recaps for better grasp of the ep.
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Ep 123

*Confrontation between VP/SG in his office..... it had VP refusing SG's help in any way....accuses SG of getting Yongpal's friend to lie ....bascially laid out SG lies, SG got furious ....there were warning and counter warnings from both VP/SG to each other....SJ listens in on their conversation and walks away to wait outside. VP leaves SG's office and see SJ waiting for him ....as usual SJ says he knows nothing and ask VP if the body was Yongpal....VP ask him whether he really dont know ...VP leaves after telling SJ they will have drinks later to talk about this.  Meanwhile SG is on the phone thanking Japeil for getting to Yongpal's friend.  SJ confront SG again ...SG again denied the body was Yongpal's saying VP even brought Yongpal's friend who said it wasnt him

*JT sitting in a coffee shop ...thinking about everyone's (Insp Jo/LK/JT) asking him whether he trusts SG ....VP walks in...tells JT that SG basically lied, JT wonders who got to Yongpal's friend .....they recollect having talked about him in the office ...narrows it to Sec Park.  VP says like EH believe its unfair to accuse a person unjustly, so they set a trap for Sec Park.

*VP returns to Seoul Hotel, asks Sec Park for coffee....she brings coffee to him and thats whent JT call to says he found Insp Jo in Incheon and they are meeting up.....Sec Park immediately relays this message to Japeil and he in turn calls SG who orders Japeil to get there first before JT meets him.  Japeil/sidekick show up at appointed venue ...JT who has being hiding to watch sees them and phones VP with the news....they conclude that Sec Park is being paid to spy. Meantimes SG anxiously awaits for news in his office...Japeil phones with news Insp Jo did not show up, they think VP was wrongly informed, as a safe measure Japeil wants to leave some of his boys there....SG decide to wait cos sure to hear from VP soon.

*Dinner at Halmoni ... Baeksu comes running with some dumplings from Gaseong ... tells of the scary incident he heard about the body being found (???) .... SG/Gilrye/YJ look nervous ....then SG cuts the talk short...everyone starts eating but SJ looks at SG.

*SG/Gilrye in their room ... asks how SG heard about it ....she wonders if the body could be that of the witness...  SG says that right its Kim Yongpal ....asks Gilrye why is she so shocked about...tells her you have seen his face, if later anyone ask just deny.....he gives some theory of how Yongpal died (being a drunkard)....changes the talk to Halmoni...has she said anything about Hyeongman's grave? Gilrye says she has not mentioned anything....

*Soup Shop late night ....Halmoni has come to have a talk with HJ...she heard from Baeksu about the grave, wants to know how that came to be cos he was in custody....HJ says LK found and buried him . 

*In the meantime at Halmoni's house SG ask Gilrye where Halmoni is she does not seem to be around.... Gilrye has no idea

*Halmoni still going on about that night of the murder .. mentions about how one got a grave and the victim did not (??)... old lady kept on rambling inspite of HJ trying to cut in.  Finally HJ said have you not even once thought that Hyeongman did not do it?  Halmoni all upset saying HJ says so because there seem to be a witness, rambles on again ....finally HJ says I know its difficult for you to believe but just for once can you rethink what you saw ...you know well there is no reason for Hyeongman to do that....Halmoni takes a pause to think?? HJ continues whether the witness was a fake or real that was what LK was trying to verify the night of the accident....Halmoni is surprised asking whether HJ is saying that the accident had some connection with past events.....HJ replies that they are not sure yet...some talk.....then HJ asks again something about the night of the murder,  whether Halmoni really saw Hyeongman kill SJ's father?  Halmoni asks what are u trying to say ...old lady all upset telling HJ to stop talking nonense, blah blah ....one more time and she wont stand for it and leaves. Outside the soup shop Halmoni runs into VP/EH....they greet her but she mocks them and leave. Inside the shop EH inquires why Halmoni was there? VP says she looks angry ....HJ says she came after finding out about the grave. EH thinks that is too much for Halmoni to get upset about.....HJ says to be understanding cos she does not know where her son is burried.  This I am vague about ..VP said something that HJ got all surprised ...he said he will tell later.

*Halmoni/SG in her room ....he is asking her why she went to the soup shop...if its regarding Hyeongman's grave he will find it, so dont go there again.  Halmoni suddenly turns and asks SG whether its true that the witness is a fake?...she relates about the talk with HJ about LK investigating the witness and getting into the accident (???)..... SG says that is the most ridiculous thing ...she says something again (similar words what VP told HJ) ...SG is nervous again. SG leaves ....Halmoni thinking back on HJ words that she did not actually see Hyeongman kill SJ's father.

*Face off scene with VP/EH and SJ/YJ at marketplace ....EH trying to get some info on what VP was talking about to HJ.....EH is saying who is it, tell me.... he says he will tell her later who the person is, and they bump into SJ/YJ. Nasty YJ immediately makes snide remarks about EH/VP dating, VP says something back and EH tells VP lets go.  But YJ does not let up saying its nice to meet up like this...EH still wants to leave saying they have nothing to talk about.  YJ gets upset ....why is there nothing...then starts ranting about how EH's father's grave has upset her family, SJ cuts in telling her to stop ...but she goes on blah blah blah how the whole thing is so burdensome to her, EH gets pissed angry tells YJ not to talk like that again, SJ apologises to EH, YJ gets angry with SJ for apologising, VP cuts in telling YJ if she knows the truth she will be shocked (??)....general gist is that VP is saying if later it comes to light that EH father is not the one who committed the murder would YJ still be saying the same things like now.....he tells YJ wait and see.....YJ pretends that there is no way that is true .....SJ who has enough of YJ's rant burst out to please stop.  Everyone is surpirsed ...SJ say excuse my rudeness .. VP says its alright I too apologise....EH/VP walk off.  SJ/YJ have another spat and SJ angry with YJ's lack of tact just walks off.

*EH/VP back home ....EH is still going on about the arguement with YJ .... VP says the most pitiful of people is SJ. EH is surprised.  EH goes sit and talk to LK....apologises for being late saying just came back fron Incheon...tells LK lets go to Incheon together and also go visit the grave...she telling LK now thinking back she must have been a fool =)) for not realising blah blah blah ...she even talks about how SJ is feeling now, how she feels hurt/burdened thinking of him.....LK must be bored cos she slept thru EH's monologue.

*Incheon ....soup shop, old man/HJ spending some quality time together ;) Sundeok comes running in with some startling news (idk)...she says it scary, old man says how pitiful (wonder whats that about) ...HJ looks like she is thinking about something.

*SG in his office (he is doing that Korean thingy ...grabbing the back of his neck...signs of things to expect in future???)...Halmoni's voice over  talking about HJ mentioning the wtiness and the rumors which both related to past incidents and connecting with the hit&run accident (or something like that)...SG looking all stressed out recalling this ...SJ comes in with some docs which he handovers over to SG ....(vague here) SJ informs about police all over the place (questioning??), something about looking for proof, SG says he thought it was over...SJ says I am not sure and leaves.....SG got his worried round eyed look again and hurriedly leaves the factory.....going running to the route to the river  looking for signs of along the way, anything he could have left behind, notices a fountain pen and picks it up and proceeds further up the route still looking for anything that could be linked to him...down to the river banks before he is satisfied there is nothing more, gets up and turns around to see Insp Jo before him.  SG asks Insp what are you doing here....Insp to SG ..long time no see Cha Sajang.  END


*JT's voice over telling VP(?) that Insp Jo is back in Incheon, VP telling him to immediately go to Incheon telling JT you know what sort of person Cha Sajang is...scene of Insp Jo leaving after meeting a cop, he is watched by some thugs....they corner him and Insp Jo is making a run for it ....he is looking for places to hide when SJ reaches out from inside a shop, grabs and hides him fron the thugs...later telling Insp Jo that it is safe now...Insp Jo looks surprised...SG's voiceover giving orders to do all possible to even kidnap Insp Jo as he can link him to Yongpal's murder....another scene of SG screaming into the phone presumably at Japeil(?) cos they could not find the Insp.  SJ questioning Insp Jo about the suspect for Yongpal's murder? Insp Jo looks uncomfortable but I think he finally says he thinks it was SG.  SJ sits in that chapel pleading that its not true that it is his father.

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