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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Guest atomickitty

I don't know why, but NOTHING EH does lately appeals to me. Everything she does is a nuisance and makes me want to pull on the ends of her stupid hairstyle really hard. Maybe that will wake up her sleeping brain.

For example in today's episode, she decided she wanted to take LK to the office and VP, being indulgent of her stupid a.ss, said OK. Now, when they walked in, any sane person could tell that the employees and people around were looking and talking behind LK's back. But not dumb and blind EH. She just kept on with her own "remember Aunt, this is the hotel you run. Remember Aunt, these are the stairs you climbed. Remember Aunt, these are the people you bossed around" ridiculous monologue. VP had to send her out of the way so he could go and rebuke those gossipy employees.

And if KUMO (Aunt) comes out of her mouth one more time.... I should make watching her more fun and take a shot of alcohol every time she says KUMO when addressing LK. @kdramafan469, I should also probably take a shot whenever YJ blames EH for something ridiculously random. Whenever "EH temone (because of EH)" comes out of her out.

I understand I'm probably just picking at useless things because I'm unsatisfied with EH as a character in general. Only 19 episodes to go, and still no signs of brains, or just thinking beyond what you expect to see. If she had the brains to notice things, she would have seen how the staff was acting and would have realized how uncomfortable it would be for both LK and the staff, and moved quicker through the hotel.. or SOMETHING!!!

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@atomickitty my sentiments exactly. How stupid of her to be pushing her through the hotel like she is on a stroll through the park on a warm summer day. Just taking her precious asss time, running off at the mouth and completely oblivious to her surroundings. I sincerely hope VP doesn't get infected by her stupidity. Remember in that other drama SY infected the entire cast with her disease LOL.

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Ep121 - highlighted parts were conversations that I might have misunderstood.

*EH/VP/LK(in wheelchar) at home, VP ready to for work, EH persuading VP to bring LK along to the hotel for a change of environment and it might just jog her memory....he asks her until when are u going to keep calling her 'aunt'....EH wants her to recover first, VP gives in to EH persuasion to take LK along to the hotel. As they are walking through the Seoul Hotel, EH is giving ongoing verbal info to LK....where they are and so forth.  Hotel staffs staring/gossiping about LK's condition... VP observes this and later gives them an earful, if you want to know ask me, she is the President...warns them of repeating such behaviour again.  They then stop in from of Sec Park and there is some more recalls from EH to LK.  EH takes her leave after seeing VP/LK into the office.  Sec Park immediately places a call to Jaepil. 

*SJ in the hotel thinking about SG's words proclaiming his innocence that he did not kill LK cos of money....EH runs into him....he says he came to see VP ...EH informs him that LK is here too...today is the first time she has come.  JT sees them together, ducks for cover to eavesdrop (LOL he got infected by YJ) ....EH invites him to meet her but he refuses, EH is surprised that he came all that way and not wanting to see LK.... saying sorry there is nothing good he can tell her (guilty conscience??)

*In her office now VP has taken over giving updates to LK, about this being her office...he is asking her whether she remembers being here.. there seem to be some slight flicker of recognition/understanding on LK's part... VP sees her looking at the safe and he moves to the safe and gives some info about it.... he notices LK staring intently at the safe... he bends down to look and notices the safe has being tampered with...JT enters at that moment...ask whether anyone came to check the safe ...JT says no,VP says something (vague), JT ask if anything missing...VP says anyways there was nothing in the safe....but he is sure someone was in there and opened it looking for something...JT asked whether he knew what it was....VP has not idea what the person was looking for.  JT informs VP that earlier he saw SJ in the hotel.

*SJ/EH still talking....he takes his leave, but bumps into LK/VP ...SJ says he was just going to is office, he notices the string of pearls LK is wearing, VP says LK likes wearing the pearls, SJ says it looks nice....VP asks if there is anything he wishes to talk to him about.  VP/SJ then talk over coffee together....I think SJ came to tell VP about offer to host the wedding at the hotel, saying there he has no need for it.  VP says looks like SG and you think differently .....saying SG was asking to borrow money from him saying that LK promised him.....SJ says something (I think something in defense of his dad) ....VP says will apologise if he is wrong.....SJ asks if he still suspects SG for hit & run... VP says I never once suspected SG (May take on this statement by VP ...I believe he said that cos he 100% KNOWS its SG, stupid SJ just takes that statement at face value).... some other talk (vague).

*JT driving EH/LK back home....LK is sleeping on EH shoulders and EH saying she must be tired....JT says the fresh air did her good.  EH wonders what was the reason for SJ's behaviour, JT says he must be worried about LK, EH thinks otherwise..... SJ's behaviour is strangely different even towards LK.

*My understanding only ....VP/SJ still talking...about SG and the accident...SJ refutes everything that connects it with SG....VP replies even if the others dont you would know . They talk about the witness Kim Yongpal and Yang sajang being involved....finally VP tells SJ later if you have any info you must tell me. SJ agrees no matter what he would do so, to clear his dad's name??

*OK for those curious gals.....yes Haengja stomach shows a slight bump now, she is wearing some maternity looking dress too ....somebody being reading this posts here.

*At tofu factory..Baeksu sees something different about the bags (of beans?) the workers are carrying...Sambong tells him SG ordered the change....Baeksu is angry he as factory manager is not informed....sees SJ drive up and complains to SJ... SJ says he knows...Halmoni overhears and is upset.  Has a talk with SJ, he said he too found out.  Halmoni says no reason for making changes ....SJ defending SG he must be so busy he forgot to tell Halmoni and he knows best, please ask him.

*SG talking to Baeksu in his office.  Baeksu ranting about how he was not informed...all upset and why did SG not even inform Halmoni.  OK I am going to cut short SG long richard simmons.....basically he gives some high praise to Baeksu, he intend to appoint SJ as factory manager and Baeksu as president cos he is so busy with his other affairs (politics??). Apologises to Baeksu for giving him a tough time.....its just cos he wants him to improve, now he can leave the running of the factory without worry in Baeksu/SJ's hands blah blah blah....stupid Baeksu falls for this and immediately moves into SG's camp after SG hands him an envelope of money for his personal use.  They then go together to meet Halmoni/SJ at home.  She is angry with SG for not informing her.  Baeksu provides support for SG and tells Halmoni he is so busy.  SG assures Halmoni there is nothing to worry about...Halmoni relunctantly gives in, gets up and leaves still upset. SG does not give a fig I think what Halmoni thinks.

*Upstairs in YJ's room, Gilrye comes in with some snacks .. mum/daughter having a happy talk about things after YJ is married...a gloomy SJ listens outside...as he is about to enter his room Gilrye comes out ....SJ questions her about the witness Kim Yongpal who saw his real father's murder and Gilrye becomes all flustered like .... she agrees she knows about him but have never seen him ....he asks whether she is hiding something and asks her thoughts on it .....she gives some hasty excuse like forgot something on the stove and goes running.

*Gilrye/SG in his office ....SG asks her why SJ asked her that ....Gilrye is not too sure....she wonders whether SJ has met Yongpal, SG says dont worry such a thing never happned, she is surprised why he is so confident about that....SG gaves some evasive answer.  Gilrye is worried that SJ might know what happneed in the past (to is dad)....SG said not to talk nonsense, how could he know when there is no proof......but Gilrye is worried with the wedding coming up and that this talk is talking place now.

*Seoul Hotel....VP looking at the safe....he is curious what LK kept there and the reason it was removed.  JT comes in ...saying nothing found yet about Yang/Kim Yongpal and unable to contact Insp Jo, so how to proceed.....VP ask JT about his opinion of what was in the safe ... VP still uneasy about the missing contents of the safe decides to go home to look for it.  At home, he goes into LK's study and looks into the safe behind that painting....checks thru the files but cant seem to  find anything.  EH comes in...she is surprised asking him whats wrong ....he asks her whether LK has given anything to her for safekeeping (??) but she replies no, what is it. He says he too does not know and its driving him crazy.  EH offers to look for it once more, but VP said no need cos he would have found it.

*SG is guest of honour at a dinner attended by VIPs .... he is receiving lots of praises and congrates, SG full of smiles ....makes a speech thanking everyone for their wishes and requests their support.  Late night returns to his office... happy everything is over and full of confidence absolutely nobody could challenge him now.  Look like he is moving up the political ladder.

*SG/Police Chief/Assy Sin having drinks congratulating SG...Assy Shin says something (vague) ....SG looked momentary surprised, then says not to worry about that

*Country scene....lots of guys fishing at a big river, the catch has not been good, not one bite one guy says and he stands up to stretch .... notices a large object (looks like a large box....ok it looks like a coffin) all wrapped up in some brown material tied with ropes floating down the river .....

*In the meantime, SG/Police Chief see Assy Shin off ...say their farewells...after Assy Shin departs in his car.  A cop comes up to the Police Chief and whispers something into his ears....Chief makes his excuses to SG.... when he inquires says a body has been found by the river.  SG is all round eyed rushes off too.  JT is talking to some cop inquiring about Insp Jo ....when that reporter (looks like the one SG had arrested) comes running up to the cop wanting to know further info about the body found.... that reporter guy said something about the man Insp Jo was looking for (???)....JT rushes off..SG who is driving his car also worried that body could be Kim Yongpal's...he wonders why that jerks appears now.....JT dashing across the road almost get run over by SG's car.  JT asks SG did you hear about the body being found.  SG asks from whom did you hear....JT said from the police, it might be the witness Kim Yongpal.  SG tells no way it Yongpal...why should it be Kim Yongpal.  But JT wants to know for sure, asks SG to come along ....SG refuses saying he has an important appointment.  However when JT pleads with him he agrees.

*Crime scene....lots of police, forensics, curious onlookers.....JT/SG walks up.  JT tells the detective that SG might know the dead person.  They lift the cloth covering the body... it stinks and SG moves back....JT ask whether its him.....SG goes in for a closer look....then recoils in horror...its Yongpal. END .....no preview.


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@atomickitty I am also wondering whether EH will grow some gray matter in her brain. No wonder everybody is calling her nobrain Dorothy. from start to now, she is this gal who is stupid and naive. Her stupidity has make everyone look smart even YJ. She get manipulated and used by everyone and she still believe in them. The worst female lead in Kdrama.

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you girls no something i no this writer like to through some unexpected things at us but who thought of something like this it's hard to grasp this man being dead. How is this suppose to make us think this is true when we never saw the disposing of the body.  Then she floats a body to close the end of this character.   I rather father times house be closed get rid of all them. They really not serving any purpose in this drama. Just a waste of film.  None of them beside EH aunt is involved in anything. They didn't witness nothing or see nothing.  So why are they here.     

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Guest bkrommo

Those days there were no proper forensic, I think SG will try to deny who it was or never met him. However someone will come to identify or something fishy will be found on him. Looks like SG will die in this drama otherwise there is no way people can forgive him for the major crimes he committed. 

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I must say that I was not at all surprised that Yongpal turned up dead. There has been many instances of Yongpal being dead hinted at since the night he went missing after SG whacked him.  Most important one being SG's dream when Yongpal bursts into LK's room screaming about SG throwing him into the river... only SG would know that details and his dream indirectly told us what he had done with Yongpal... following that many instances when SG was too over confident that Yongpal wont be talking to anyone..... leading us to conclude that he is definitely dead ..... for me it was just a question when they find the body ....now to sit back and see the repercussions this murder has. 

@bkrommo mianhne about the forensic but lots of guys in white overcoats at crime scene so just assumed that they were forensic but for all I know maybe from the mortuary :-/  dont they also have white overcoats.

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One of my thoughts ....the only link between Kim Yongpal and SG is Jaepil....Jaepil on SG's orders has Yongpal beaten up on countless occasions and kidnapped...at which time Jaepil was keen to know the dirt on SG from Yongpal that he even untied him......looks like Jaepil has hit the jackpot.....a politician with a deadly secret >:) he is definitely going to put the screws on SG to dance to his tune now...oh gawd not only Jaepil.....that dumb sidekick also knows about Yongpal and SG.  Actually if you look at the whole drama SG is a very stupid man who thinks he is clever ..... every time he thinks he is so powerful and rich now nobody can touch him .... events always happen to bring out the fear in him again and he is reduced to being the frighten little man he was and always will be ....

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Guest bkrommo

Another point! when will SJ finally realized that SG has committed one crime too many. He obliging to SG who saved him and his Grandmother during very difficult times, so in a way SG has paid his debts, but the other crimes made him look like a criminal in any land. Murder, Attempted Murder of close friend, CBT and the crime keeping a lie followed by lies after lies for so many years hurting others. Slowly I am getting obsess waiting when this guy get his dues, hope he does not die too fast....haha  :)) Thanks so much for the update @timsha

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Guest katielinhnguyen

I say enough of SG.  since we only have 20 more episodes left,  I just wanna know what is Eunhui be doing to make this drama HERS instead of SG??  Will SJ comes to her and asks her to run away or becomes a priest? (LOL)  Will JT finally admit the ring is his and pour his heart out to her.  That the part I am confused too.  If Eunhui knows the ring is JT, why don't she just give it back to him but keep on saying its the customer and also, shouldn't the customer be running around asking for a missing ring? Or the handsome VP will stay, screw the tradition, I'm taking you to America LOL..

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SG is a real peace work. Jaepil covering his dirty not knowing he's indirectly linking his self  to a murder charge, And SJ study seeing SG best work. He won't be able to clean up all his crap SG slip is hanging.Tomorrow episode halmonia pays a visit to EH aunt really want to know what that conversation is about she didn't look up set.
       The Empress Of Incheon Starting To See SG At Face Value    

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  @bkrommo......  Death is to good for SG him dying isn't justification to his victim's. He his wife and daughter did things that wasn't even necessary.  The wife didn't no in the beginning yet she found out and still went alone with his ideas without trying to stop him.
The daughter for a whole another reason it was for love. lol This isn't love this is and obsession. She will by all means do anything to keep SJ from finding out her dad his the real killer of his father.  She don't want it to be known that her father not only killed once but twice and also and attempted murder.  I want her so called high and mighty azz to lose face also. I also want to see how her mother face EH aunt. If it wasn't for them her husband will still be living and they will have there on children by now.
                  This Family Rob This Woman Life 

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SG need to be punished for his present day crime. No death for him. Let him live and rot in jail and reflect on his crime and the many people he has caused harm too. And the family too live in humiliation for her husband/ father crime which they tried to cover up. ........."....................................."................................... Will be difficult for writer to rewrite EH character at this late stage even though I want to see a 180degree turnaround on her from a boring, stupid, naive etc etc to a bright, smart and intelligent, gutsy lady. But anything is possible in Kdrama. To totally change in 20 episode??????

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Ep 122

*SG says he dont think its Yongpal....cos of state of the face he says not recognisable (its all greyish and swollen). JT asking detective what others ways to identify the body ... detective said maybe fingerprints (???), but for now asks them to leave. SG says looks like its not him and says he got to leave....as he walks past the corpse his shoes comes into contact with Yongpal's hand and his face had a weird look ... SG goes back to his office and flashback to Yongpal's dead face.

*VP/JT in his office ....VP finds out that it was SG who had identified that body as not being Yongpal....VP got his radars up again tells JT to confirm it one more time ....JT is surprised why confirm when SG said it wasnt .....VP says simply because its SG who said its not Yongpal he wants to have it confirmed again (??). Since Insp Jo cant be found.....VP says Yongpal has a friend and to immediately go find him.

*Japeil on the phone gets to hear about the body .....SG comes in, they talk and SG says its definitely Yongpal.....Jaepil ask SG dont tell me you had anything to do with it....SG raises his voice to Japeil for thinking ridiculous things...turns around saying I was thinking its you, Japeil laugh and say why should I have done that.  SG says the last time you had Yongpal kidnapped, then JT came looking for him where you held him....tells him to keep his mouth shut ...... Japeil told SG that JT knows Yongpal has a friend(??), this info gets SG panicking and SG rushes out while Japeil picks up the phone to his thugs.

*As SG leaves Japeil's place, SJ who has been tailing him goes to confront Japeil asking him what he talked about with his father (SG), Japeil gave some evasive talk.... SJ asks was it about Kim Yongpal. Japeil pretends he does not know Yongpal.....SJ says that you had Yongpal kidnapped.... Japeil makes fun of SJ and tells him that he must have heard from JT but its all a misunderstanding....go ask JT.  SJ warns that if he finds out anything about this affects his dad, he wont stand and do nothing about it...SJ leaves. Japeil smirks saying that SJ has yet to find out what sort of person his dad is.

*VP on the phone to housekeeper asking for EH.....the lady says EH not at home....VP thinking back on JT words, panics and goes running home....picks a fight with EH cos she left without permission and EH is upset....he calms down and apologises for getting angry, leaves the room.  Phone call comes in from JT unable to find the man who knew Yongpal yet .....VP instructs him to look for anyone who migh know Yongpal.  EH comes out of LK's room questions VP ....Kim Yongpal is the witness right, so why are you looking for his friend? Dont tell me you found him.  VP says no they haven't found him...EH begs him to tell the truth..... finally VP tells her they found a body in Incheon but unable to identify it.....EH asks if SG has not seen the body ....VP says something like SG was not able to recognise and if he know anything further he will tell her.

*Nightime at Incheon market place, Baeksu having his meal at soup kitchen, HJ comes back, Baeksu hears about HJ visiting EH's father's grave(??)...he goes home relays this info to wife /Gilrye (actually he was lamenting about the soup Sambong's wife prepared cos HJ went to visit husband's grave) and Halmoni overhears, asks Gilrye if SG knows... Gilrye all flustered and keeps quiet making Halmoni all upset glares at Gilrye angrily.

*SG in his office...thinking on Japeil's words ...he thinks its nothing to worry about .... Halmoni bursts into the office, she berates him going into another emotional outburst about how her son died ....blah blah blah .....then swoosh she makes like she is about to swoon ......

*Halmoni sits alone in her room thinking back on the day of the evacuation...when her driver drove away with all her belongings including the coffin with her son's body ...cries.

*Next morning at breakfast ...Halmoni has no appetite and even though everyone begs her to eat, she gets up and leave.  SG goes talk to her ....she asks him if SG knows where Hyeongman's grave is....he denies.  But that old goat is determined to find it and make sure its Hyeongman then destroy it with her own hands (or something like that), SG tells her to calm down, it does not make a difference now, and with LK being in this condition its not right to do that (???)..... she asks him then what about her Deoksu,   she is upset that the killer has a decent grave and she does not even know where Deoksu was buried....(my summary)

*SG/Gilrye in their room ....Gilrye all worried about Halmoni finding the grave.  SG asks if Hyeongman's grave is the important issue now? ....(basically does not give a hoot about Grandma finding the grave .... he is shouting at his wife cos her going on about it is pissing him off, how many times has he got to tell her that the house, grandma and the children are her responsibities, there is a screaming and crying ruckus and finally SG walks out on her.......I think he got more important things on his mind now).

*SG with Police Chief ...digging for info and what the police pocedures would be ..(my vague understanding is that the Chief told him basically he suspect the victim was killed else cos he mentioned something about injuries to the head....Chief not able to confirm anything yet ....SG wants to know if there is no evidence found ....Chief said something about guardian/next of kin to locate must be located if not then close the case??? )

*YJ leaving her house sees VP walking in ... he asks her where her dad is, she wants to know why, he in turns asks her do u know Kim Yongpal?....she said yes she knows of him he is the witness in SJ's father case, VP asks her do you know his face,  she ask why, finally ends up denying she has seen him,  ask VP whether they found him, VP ignores her and goes to meet SG.  In SG's office only SJ is there ...VP enters says he came to see SG cos need to talk to him ..SJ says tell me and I will answer if I know. VP says something about SG ....SJ says something like I can bet my life on my father(??). Basically asks SJ the same question whether he could recognise Yongpal.....SJ says he cant and asks why ....VP says a body was found and he is trying to confirm for sure if its Yongpal.  SG comes back to factory .... YJ outside the office.....she sees dad and tells him VP is here and that he even asked her if she recognises Kim Yongpal. SG is relieved to hear YJ denies recognising his face.  Inside VP and SJ still talking, SJ says his father might know....VP informs him SG has already done so and does not recognise the face of the dead man......SG comes in.  VP asks SG whether he remembers Yongpal's face.....SG gives some lies about having met him once and not clearly remembering ....VP says lets have a confirmation one more time ....SG is not too keen on doing so ....VP says think about LK and reconsider your decision.

*VP/SG at mortuary ... Yongpal's body is pulled out ....SG again denies...giving vague answers about not being sure.....when pressed by VP he finally says he is sure its not Yongpal.  VP says in that case I have to ask another person.  SG ask who is the other person...JT walks in with Yongpal's friend ....the guy say he is just a drinking buddy not friend....when asked to identify the body the guy glances nervously at SG (looks like SG thru Japeil's thugs got to him first) ...VP notices this.  The guy after looking at Yongpal's body says....I have not seen him in a long time but I dont think this is Kim Yongpal.

*Japeil in his office ..worried....sidekick comes in, Japeil asks him what Yongpal's friend said.. sidekick laughs ...apparently they have paid him off to keep his mouth shut. Sidekick wonders why SG is worried?

*VP/SG/JT leave the mortuary ....SG says isnt it a relief its not Yongpal?....apologises for not being of much help and leaves.  VP frustrated ask JT are u sure he was Yongpal's friend....JT says he is sure...but says something is strange cos when he was searching for Yongpal's friend he found out that other people too were looking for him. VP gets angry.. why JT is only telling this now....which means that person was lying and they were misled by him.....they go dashing off to try and find the friend again.  They look everywhere but the friend could not be found ....VP is furious he says to JT this is all SG's work...do you still believe SG?

*Japeil with sidekick ...sidekick saying however he thinks about it he finds SG actions questionable.... whether he is the one who killed Yongpal.....Japeil tells him to keep his mouth shut ....it does not matter(??) as long as they reap the rewards .....suddenly VP bursts in ......he demands to know if his thugs acted on SG's orders to get to Yongpal's friend?....Japeil denies ....VP gives him a last chance to come clean ....Japeil still keeps denying doing any of SG's bidding ... VP blows up and promises all kinds of threats in future should he find out and leaves....Japeil/sidekick talking about Yongpal's killer and the hit & run ....sidekick says we have nothing to do with it, Japeil said it does not matter cos nobody will believe us either way cos we are gangsters.

*SG in his office all confident that the Yongpal episode is over smiling smugly .....furious VP comes in and they have a face off (I am vague about the exact words) ..VP telling him that from now on he wont be needing SG's help(??) cos he will do everything to expose him (??).....SG tells VP if you think about your mother you shouldn't be doing this, SG mockingly smiling at a furious VP. END


*VP on his way out runs into SJ ....VP saying he met SG for final talk (??)...SJ says again that he does not know anything ....JT voiceover giving some info on Japeil

*Jaepil/sidekick enter a building ..being trailed by JT

*Halmoni visits HJ at soup shop ...she is talking about LK's accident wether it had anothing to do with the past...

*SG taking off in his car ....(sounds like HJ's voice over)

*Face off between 2 couples....VP/EH versus SJ/YJ at marketplace.....EH telling YJ dont to talk about her deceased father, YJ saying something to EH about her dad, VP asks YJ what if he is not a murderer, and SJ quickly cuts in and tells them to stop.

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@katielinhnguyen I think we should all forget about this drama being about EH...that shipped sailed a long time back ....anyone who cant understand my ramblings pls feel free to ask .....cos I went back to read what I had posted and some of it was even quite blur to me too, scratched my head ...thought real hard and made some corrections, hopefully u can read and see the continuivity of the scenes.

OK I dont like SG giving his urrrggggllly smirks......like he is all superior to VP ....how I wish VP would wipe off that smug look real soon.... and JT is one dumb guy he cant analyse anything until someone prods him by which time its too late. He and EH would make quite a pair should they end up together, the blur couple.... how many times must VP tell about SG before both EH/JT believes him...dont they have the slightest doubts, especially JT. The biggest fools in this drama are EH, JT and HJ .... they blindly believe in SG .... in what way has SG actually helped them? He has done absolutely nothing for them except lie, deceive and cause them misery.

YJ in the preview is being a b.i.t.c.h, still accusing EH when she knows the truth.....SJ being the A.Hole still living in denial .... pretending not to know but still spying on SG, he does not trust him but swears to VP that he trusts SG with his life. Just like YJ he does not want the truth to be revealed cos that would disrupt the lives of his family members . Am waiting for the day EH finds out he covered up SG trying to kill her mother.....SJ has turned out to be such a lame excuse for a man, and he surely will deserve his just reward when he knows he married the killer's daughter....lets see if he can then still carry on pretending that SG did not kill his father.

The only one with a backbone is VP everyone else pales into comparison..... they should rename this crappy drama to 'Choi Myeongho The Great' :-bd

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Guest bkrommo

@timsha,  I agree on your comments, It's like a comedy with the two not loving couple, she(YJ) knows her dad is involved in the  murder of her future husband's biological dad and suspects in Yongpal's murder but her husband does not know but he knows SG tried to kill LK and suspects SG on rumors and implication of  Yongpal death. They each know something without realizing the other know it too. It's a joke or a comedy of errors. I believe only next week we can see SG or  SJ or Gilyre starting to crack, whilst YJ in confusion.

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