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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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No I he just mentioned Halmoni's son ...... he normal refers to SG as Cha Sajang, thats why I thought he could be referring to Im Deoksu which is why I placed some question marks cos I too am not sure and welcome @katesg

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Now why would SJ go and ask HJ that's just like asking SG. .Auntie EM thinking is on a dumb blonde  level. (no offence) She only knows what SG tell her and tells her to say.  I wouldn't be surprised if her or no brain dorothy will try to provide and alibi for him. 
Again her brain not calculating so well.  Now a  customer would have come back by now and ask about the ring.  It's there in black and white she rather look worried then to figure it out. (ouch don't think to hard i don't want you to hurt yourself) JT still won't admit the ring is his. With his current salary  maybe they had a special on those ring buy 1 get 1 for free.
Well not to much is happening  just everyday lies of SG is there any truth in him.  SJ knows he did it and don't want to admit to it.  He can't believe that his Pa will do something like that. 
Tom ep should be pretty good VP heads to Incheon Tofu.   (Incheon Palace)  The Empress didn't look to good.  lol

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  @timsha,  Do you think within this week JT will go back and question that mechanic that fix the car.I have to go back to the last episode to find out the reason for him being there.
I'm really shock about YJ attitude today. She's being quite for the past couple of episodes If she finds out her father is really is a suspect in LK accident and the reason for that accident I think she's going to blow.
 @katesg,      Welcome to Physic 101 

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@valsava : thank you, btw what does Physic 101 mean? :D
@timsha : I used to wait for the uploads at DramaKBS youtube channel and watch the episode without understanding a single word, thanks God I found this thread and thank Timsha so much for english recaps :D 

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@valsava frankly I have no idea what's in store anymore, the preview where VP approaches Halmoni I really need to find out exactly what is said by VP and whom he means by Halmoni's son. What I predict is SJ cos of sheer stupidity is going to be the fall guy for SG and at some point going to end up behind bars.... but I think it will be SG who implicates SJ using his 'confession' about having caused that car accident against him.

By the way I am giving myself a pat on the shoulders .... I did say they would find a pearl lodged some where in that engine ....I am brilliant, pure genius material  :D :D

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You do deserve that i do recall that quote their was no damage to the car. I guess 1 of her pearls would lodge in the engine. Your prediction was right.  
I could also see SG framing SJ If you think about he did go to the hospital that night. They could say he wanted to no if the victim is dead something to that effect.  I think VP no SJ is lying to cover for SG

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@katesg Welcome to the party...but you're late so you cannot have any cake or "loving" time with the VP. :-))
@timsha  Thanks for the re-cap AWESOME as always ;-)I agree... I think SG will let or frame SJ for the accident. SJ is the IDIOT for giving him an alibi when he knows he tried to kill LK at the hospital. What a fool he is becoming :-(

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Guest atomickitty

Hello everyone. Went away another week and am back.. again. To those of you who live in North America, USA specifically, hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. I cooked for 50, as usual, so I now have the excuse to veg out and watch as much kdrama as I want. I dare anyone to say something to me!!!

Monday's episode just proves why I'm so thankful that VP is back. He's such a smart person. If we left everything to JT and EH, SG would have blown up the hotel by now. I don't know why EH is so stupid and why JT is so slow. SERIOUSLY. You've loved the idiot girl for what? 6 or 7 years now? TELL HER!!! Don't you dare make VP play your cupid. I don't mind if she ends up with JT or VP.. as long as it's not SJ. I just don't want to see VP be the one to get them together.. That would pour salt in my wounds as I prefer him miles over the other two guys.

I do think now that SJ is a lost cause. When he gave SG an alibi for running over EH's bio mom, well, that just wrote him off as a possibility. I don't think the writers will do that to us viewers. SJ sure does belong in that clan of liars.

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@atomickitty Welcome back JT is just soo....well I don't even know what to call him. Like a lump of coal, he is not very bright, and dumb as a stack of bricks! EH's stupidity increases with every episode. I mean come on the VP has told you that JT had that ring, and he has been out of the country so if he hadn't seen it before how could he know? STUPID GIRL!! So lucky I only have to put up with her for another month. I hope she doesn't end up with JT because their children would be MORONS X INFINITY. I don't want her with VP either because he is so charming, bright, smart, intelligent and handsome; while EH is a stupid boring, bland, unfashionable, unkempt country bumpkin LOL. And  at this point SJ can go ahead and married that viper in his nest. Everyone in that house is a Liar, won't tell the truth if it bit them in the asss.

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Guest atomickitty

I'm with you @kdramafan469. I don't know why they do this to their heroines. Make them so blind and dumb you want to reach through the screen and SHAKE THEM like WAKE UP!

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Guest bkrommo

  • Reading your comments is fascinating. Your assumption that SJ will be in trouble sound reasonable, I believe SJ might know soon that SG is the one responsible for his father's death. After this info he might be sabotage by SG to be the fall guy especially once he knows who caused his dad's death. When is Eunhui going to be the heroine, its frustrating this lady does not have the gungho to make some significant move. Another point don't you all think that LK might recover but cannot remember what happen that night, especially when you have a brain operation until something significant jolts her. I just hope there is no forgiveness for SG while still alive, too much crime or this is the "Asian Culture" It's good to forgive but being responsible for your crime is just as important, it's not just mistakes but a crimes resulting from a bad mistake where there were no follow through but denial. This might be a drama but such things do happen that it become a trend. Wow I am getting too serious but you all make me realize it can be funny; thanks a lot .      
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Guest katielinhnguyen

I knew it... I knew that SG will try to blame the hit/run on SJ and of course Stupid SJ is going to take the blame for his "idle" father.  I don't understand why people keep on apologizing to SG.  Also I don't understand why this is taking too long for them to find out... Also, the way the writer giving YJ a thinking of remorse when she knew that her father is a murderer but being all drunk and nice etc, and now she is back to herself in protecting her family in finding out the truth, I say the writer should slip all that and just focus on Eunhui but it seems like the writer likes to focus on SG more....  There are alot of episode that I thought it was unnecessary like SG wanted to take over the hotel, YJ stupid drunk scene, and Eunhui looking dumb all the time.  VP will make the story turn around I hope otherwise this will be the last novel story I will follow.  I am starting to hate SJ after reading all the re cap.   I thought he could have done better but now he wants to marry his sister, and taking the blame for his father.. The guy has no balls. 

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I not going to follow tv novel anymore.

1.Eh is dumb and boring

2.Jt is slow and boring

3.Sj no ball,wimp and no backbone and boring.

Only Vp is interesting and charming. I hope he let go his feeling for eh. He need a real woman not immature woman who is dumb.

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This drama is title EUNHUI. But what we get is a stupid clueless and empty headed EUnHui. Do they have to make her so brainless and always going around with that sad face. Hardly a smile on her face. And worse to top with her poor sense of dressing. There is not even one positive trait in her we could admire. The worst heroine. I was shipping her all along with VP but I think now VP deserve a much better better half than this half dead skeleton. SG need to answer for all his crimes and SJ can just keep him company as he is another stupid guy covering up for SG. Why do writer on tv novel give us craps. We are not like no rain EH and can tolerate all these nonsense. Give us some great storyline. Forget about forgive and forget.

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 @atomickitty,    Welcome back thanks for wishing us in the good ol USA a happy thamksgiving .  I also cooked but not for 50. Best part of thanksgiving is all the side dishes i like. I love to veg out to.  
  @bkrommo, @lindab12, @rollingpig, @katielinhnguyen
Welcome all of you some of us should be thankful to evil SG and his dirty ways Can you imagine what this drama would be like if his criminal acts was not a part of the story line.  This novel is call Eunhui but so far were has this story line is about her but for some reason or another SG and YJ  have become the interesting parts in this novel.  So by friday we will be at episode 120 with 4 weeks left to go. I hoping we will start to see some changes in our lead character.   

  @katielinhnguyen,      I hope otherwise this will be the last novel story I will follow.

This line is so funny because we all have said that with the anticipation of waiting for the next one, Especially myself I look for the characters I could bash.  lol   

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