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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Preview of 115

*SG/SJ driving in the car (probably from the hospital) .... SJ seem to be in a bad mood (did he see something???) ...they are talking about LK's accident.

*SJ questioning YJ ....did u hear anything strange from your father ...she replies something (vague). SJ gets into the car and drives off.

*SJ waiting at hospital entrance ....EH/VP/HJ walking in (probably after the grave visit)....SJ talks to EH about not leaving LK alone, EH asks if someone did something to hurt LK, he says no I am just  worried.

*JT checking SG's car front bumper .... SJ comes running up behind him.  JT tries to laugh it off saying he is just checking. SJ getting angry with JT asking him whether he thought the hit and run driver was his father?

*SG running after SJ calling him ... SJ turns around and asks him 'why did you do it? Why did you try to kill the Seoul Hotel President?' SG shouting at him 'do you know what you are saying/'


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@kdramafan469 more importantly what is SJ going to do with this new info about SG .....with the wedding around the corner would he also just keep quiet and not tell JT or VP? Or maybe SG can come up with one of his glib explanations.  Makes cme wonder how they are going to stretch this drama to 140 eps ...another 25 to go.

By the way Hyeongman's ghost.... when he knelt down I noticed the ghost came with a spare tyre and love handles :-O unbelievable what they want us to swallow next.

Maybe tomorrow's cliffhanger is someone else also finding out .... VP is also pretty suspicious of SG ... he does not give out too many info to SG sort of always on his guard.

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What ever happen to the doctor patient privacy. I think for LK safety they should move her to a different hospital and not tell anyone,. Not even no brain dorothy or aunte em that would be like telling SG. I told you her brain didn't calculate so well   SJ told her not to LK alone. and there she go again looking like a deer stuck in the headlights.  Question Do you think this enough for SJ to want to call off the wedding.I think he will start to getting very weary of his father in-law to be.  I think he's goung to watch this family more carefully.   Maybe SG will try to hurt him He don't care about his daughter or what she would think as you know he did it for her. lol 
This writer is pretty good even now I can't guess what the cliffhanger will be.
To the soompi family happy thanksgiving.                                           

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@valsava and others Happy Thanksgiving! It's almost 5:30 am, I'm all alone, but i am about to get my cooking on   :-))   Ham, mac n cheese, candied yams, Kale with salt pork, and homemade biscuits...YUMMMMMMM.
Anyway, SJ must have found out something about the car that makes him suspect SG. I too wonder if he will keep it to himself and what kind of pathetic excuse SG will come up with to explain it. Maybe some bs about how he really didn't see her and then he panicked and went back but the ambulance was already there. Or most likely he will say he loaned his car to Yang or Jaepil so they must be the culprits. Oh who cares I just want this story to pick up and the writer to surprise me by going against tradition and ending with VP. Although lately I have been thinking that EH is just TOOOOO STUPID for a man like him! So writer-nim if you are going to re-unite EH with SJ please feel free to pack VP up send him to me! That would be the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!!  :-))

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Guest bkrommo

  • If SG manage to kill LK then this Drama is not worth watching unless towards the end. He committed manslaughter on SJ's father, murdered Yang and then attempted murder of LK and swindle the Tofu Factory Accouns of which he is the President. When you have committed all these crimes I don't think you would have these mood swing you will be more hardened . It's becoming silly and for a family drama it portray a Korean family without conscience. This man can forgiven after going through the punishment for murder and attempted murder (I hope so). If it ends like Samsaeng then I am beginning to have less respect for the Korean culture. For a TV novel you should not have too many crimes and deceitfulness showing. 
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 @kdramafan469   Thanksgiving dinner sounds good my ham i cooked last night with a good bottle of wine I wasn't feeling no pain lol   Turkey in the oven once it's done only thing left to do is eat.
Okay I give you Christmas with VP Let Me Have New Years It would be starting out right that will be the best one ever. You are so right about VP/EH.   I don't know if SJ will stay quite he will be watching SG actions I believe he would think back to that night LK got hit and how SG looked when he came home. I do believe SJ is smart enough to put two and two together he will then see it was SG who started those rumors. I don't think someone will tell him SG killed his father he's going to figure it out.Especially he saw him attempt to take LK  life.  Chow        

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@bkrommo  Yeah I gotta agree.....too many of these new dramas are making the Korean culture look like they could care less about punishment and justice. I wonder if the writers and directors realize that they are portraying Korea as cavalier and lawless but at the same time wrapping it up in a so-called package of "Forgiveness". Forgiveness without redemption of the offender is a blatant slap in the face of Confucianism. I could be wrong but I do believe that Confucius Thought that a sinner should, repent and pay for their crimes, and THEN be forgiven. But these dramas lately show characters doing such evil acts and basically getting away scot free, receiving no punishment, barely saying sorry, never even asking for forgiveness, but getting fully exonerated and forgiven in the last few episodes. No matter what your views or what culture and society you live in, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth (IMHO)

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Now SJ going to be White knight and shining armor saving EH family. He can look good in Eh eyes. I think the writers so stupid wasting they developing YJ and SJ as a  couple. Instead of developing EH and SJ. I still believe they they look like brother and sisters.'
I don't think it  might good ending because SJ going save EH family reunited with her and these two going to run Seoul Hotel and Incheon Tofu together while JT and VP ending up alone.
they should put Jt with Eh friend and bring in a new love interest for VP.
In my opinion VP and EH are perfect together but no The writer think boring leader are better fitted. lol 

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 @lindab12,   You know I never thought of that that they look like brother and sister EH/SJ.  That will put a whole different spin on this story it wouldn't be beyond me for something like that had happen turning out EH is Halmonia long lost Granddaughter.  Can you imagine how SG and family take to that news. Mind blowing and will do anything to keep her from finding out. It could be possible because LK said that EH real father is dead.   
I also like to ship JT to EH friend   (ToTo  the nickname i gave her) But I could also see the writer putting EH/JT together in the end  If this happens EH will help SJ  run Incheon Tofu and JT and VP will run Seoul Hotel.

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@bkrommo @kdramafan469 totally agree with you that the way all these Kdrama are giving us on forgiving at the end with just a word of sorry is ridiculous. From Samsaengi, birth of a family, SMH, the evil one never got punished and still forgiven are making me feel that evilness pay in the end. If here, SG can be easily forgiven, after all his present crimes, I am screaming murder at Kdrama. SG shd have listened to LK and repent here if hew as sincere . I just watched on KBS world where SG kneel before LK and telling the truth. If I did not read recap here, I will be crying with him as he was so sincere when he begged LK for forgiveness after telling her the whole truth. He then turns bitter when LK asked him to tell the truth and not hide anymore, then walk away. If the writer wanteveryone to forgive SG, they shd have make this a turning point by having SG agree to coming out on the truth on Hyeongman. LK will have supported him then. It was an accidental death of SJ father. If truly he has agree to what LK said, then we have him revealing the truth on what actually happened the day SJ father died, and LK will help him I getting off with a lighter sentence on his present crimes. Halmoni will apologies to LK and family. But I still want an EH/ VP ending. SJ to go off and pursues his photography in Germany and come back a few years later with a blondie. YJ end up in a nunnery. Gilrye with halmoni waiting for SG release from prison. UNcle running Incheon tofu andJT with EH friend. My happy ending and forgiviness in the end.

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  @krgeek,But I still want an EH/ VP ending. SJ to go off and pursues his photography in Germany and come back a few years later with a blondie. YJ end up in a nunnery. Gilrye with halmoni waiting for SG release from prison. UNcle running Incheon tofu andJT with EH friend. My happy ending and forgiviness in the end.

Your forgiving ending sounds really nice but the part about EH/VP it's not going to happen i would also like to ship them together but she just not right for him.  I can't even picture them as a couple.   Her personality is nowhere close to his.  He also has a fashion sense but look at her If they were to go out for a night on the town he would have to dress her, and take his comb out of back pocket and try to do something with that hair.  Now far as SJ with a blonde you really trying to kill halmonia off quick YJ will hurry up and leave the nunnery. lol
Off the topic why haven't the stylist and hairdresser  given her a makeover yet.

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I had some sympathy for SJ but he has lost all that with me why is he covering for his evil father in-law. What is he afraid of. How dare he go to LK room and cry. Well he is in the middle of all this i pray they move her to a different hospital soon he has to kill her. Now SJ will try to keep this covered. I'm thinking he will take the wrap for him. I hope no brain dorothy use that functioning part to tell VP that SJ came to the hospital that night.  Can't wait til Halmonia finds out instead of trying get her grandson married to that evil family she needs to check her assets. I think he will take LK off thr hit list for now since SJ is on to him.  His next targets is VP or JT because they are on to him.        

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  @lindab12   SJ is a wimp and a coward.  H?ow can EH love this guy.  I want EH stay away from sJ
Yes but she is doomed to marry the cowardly wimp according to this novel.  i'm trying to figure out how that writer will put them two back together.
I also can hardly wait to see how Halmonia react to her vipers she raised.   

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OK here goes ep 115

*Starts of with hospital evacuation scene, SG sneaks into LK's room, SJ who runs to LK's room watches in horror thru the little glass opening in the door SG squeezing the LK's mask cutting off the oxygen supply .....in bursts in shouting 'father what are you doing?  SG stops, turns around ...at that time the housekeeper comes back apologising and SG screams at her for neglecting LK during an emergency, he kept screaming until SJ told him to stop it...SJ looks disgusted with SG.  SG/SJ driving back ... SJ ask SG why he was at the hospital when he earlier claimed to have no time to visit....SG says his appointment finished early. SJ silently asking 'why did you do that, there is no reason for him to do so...maybe I saw wrong'.  SJ asks SG to stop the car and let him off.

*SJ at hospital again talking to Doctor about that evacuation ...think doctor told him it was a prank cos no fire (??). He at the entrance when EH/VP/HJ walks in ....SJ finds out they just saw SG at the grave.  VP/HJ proceed to LK's room, SJ tells EH not to leave LK unattended...did not tell about his suspicions just that he is worried about LK. 

*VP/EH/HJ in LK's room .... they learn from housekeeper that SG was there with SJ .... everyone's surprised cos he was at the grave and did not mention about visiting LK.  VP finds out from EH that SJ has told her not to leave LK unattened cos he is worried...VP is puzzled. Outside VP is joined by JT ..they are talking about locating the hit & run car in Incheon (??) ... VP tells JT not to tell anyone including SG ...VP said he is just being careful.

*SG in his office worried ... Gilrye comes in some prep about wedding...SG asks and finds out SJ has not returned.

*SJ leaving home....YJ sees him and ask him where he is going and he said to the workshop.  He asks her whether her dad said anything strange....she is say no he is the same, why?  He does not clarify ... SJ drives off....at the workshop he is with the mechanic who is checking the car bumper ....I am not too sure but mechanic comments something about car bumper (some patch up done??) and also commented something about the bonnet being new....then the mechanic turns and asks SJ whether the car was in an accident?  SJ notices JT at the workshop ... they go for drinks.  SG asks JT whether he is in Incheon checking for hit & run car ...JT gives an evasive answer ...SJ asks whether VP requested not to disclose anything.....they part ways. SJ remembers on the night of the accident how SG came back all upset and putting things together comes to the conclusion SG was behind LK's accident.

*SG in his office on the phone with Jaepil .... learns that JT is in Incheon trying to locate the hit and run car.   SJ bursts in to confront SG .....asks him that day where did you take the car, is there a reason I should not know... SG pretends not to understand. (I think SJ is either talking about the day when the car was missing from the yard when he needed it cos SG on learning  from JT that the police said there could be some indication on a car if involved in a accident, had send the car for repairs but he told SJ some lie about engine problem /or SJ could be referring to the day of the accident itself ... not sure). SJ walks out in anger.  He goes into the storage room and Sambong tells him JT is checking out SG's car in the yard.  He runs to stop JT...shouts at JT what are you doing? Are you the police looking for the hit & run car in Incheon...is that why u are checking my father's car?  JT apologises saying he made a mistake.  SG comes up to them ... JT says something and leaves.  SG remarks that VP is getting unnecessarily suspicious. SJ walks away and SG runs after him.  SJ asks SG why did you do it, why did try to kill Seoul Hotel's President?.  SG screams at him ..do u know what your are saying?.  SJ says I dont have any doubts what I saw (??) . SG says its just a misunderstanding and gives some yarn that he was trying to help LK. SJ says I wish I could believe you.  SG says to believe him and SJ is shouting about what he saw and how SG expects him to believe him.  SG gets all self righteous.... believe me cos I am your father , I am not that kind of person, dont you know the relationship between LK and myself.  SJ screams at SG... thats why I am curious about it , why are u trying to kill EH's aunt.?  SG shouts at him to come to his senses....usual emotional garbage about what he did for SJ and Halmoni and how he took care of SJ as a father....SG walks off....SJ watching him go with tears in his eyes. SG in his office worried about SJ's words.

*Meal scene at Halmoni's .... SJ is not there, SG in a daze not concentrating.

*SJ at hospital .... overhears VP talking to nurse about the fire alarm incident being a prank. SJ approaches and VP thanks him cos he heard that during the evacuation he and SG was with LK. VP leaves and SJ enters LK's room and as usual EH is there.  EH says she has to step out to speak to the nurse and asked him to watch LK....SJ says did I not tell you not to leave her unattended, she says you are here...or something like that and goes speaks to nurse and signs some papers.  SJ at LK's bedside weeping, wondering what the reason his father wants to kill her and apologising for SG's actions.  EH  returns and SJ quickly leaves.  Outside he turns around and silently observes unseen EH taking care of LK.

*Seoul Hotel ... VP in LK's office puting little pieces of information together, something about JT words regarding the hit & run car, then he remembers SG's words at the grave as he hurriedly left saying he has some urgent work at the factory and telling them to slowly take their time, then the nurse saying someone purposely set off the fire alarm and the housekeeper telling him that SG was with LK during the evacuation. Suddenly he gets up to leave.

*At Incheon Tofu ... SG is anxiously trying to locate SJ who does not seem to be around.  YJ joins SG and he asks her too ....she says from morning SJ not around. VP drives up at that moment.  SG goes to greet him ...asks VP why are u here without calling, VP says I want to ask something. YJ joins them.... then SG/VP goes into his office.  SG casually inquires whether VP mets with SJ ...VP says no, why did SJ leave  to meet me?  .... SG evades and asks about LK's condition.  VP in return questions him that night of the accident where were you? .....SG asks whether VP is suspecting him? I must have been at the factory that night.  VP says your family should know, I will come with you and we can ask them and stands up..... at that time SJ walks in....so VP queries that night of LK's accident was SG at the factory.... SJ looks at SG and says no .....SG is wide eyed and scared richard simmons,  goes 'Seong Jae ya think carefully where I was that night'... then that moron SJ says dont you remember you were with me having drinks.  It ends with SJ and VP facing off and SG in the middle gives a smirk. 

OK girls.... toilet break ... will be back with recaps.

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@timsha,    Thanks for taking them time out your very busy day to re-cap I really appreciate it.
Now how dose SJ sit with you now but it's hard for him to speak considering there relationship. Wonder how he would think of his father now. YJ said she never wanted to wear the title her father just made her a serial killers daughter. I don't think he's finished.  In the preview it shows VP and some gentleman walking up I'm wondering if he's a mechanic, witness or a policeman.  From the looks of things it's not a pretty site as you know our VP is about business.  Maybe YJ finds out about her dad is a suspect in LK incident and tell her mom to stop planning this marriage.  Mother will ask why and she tells she knows about her father killing SJ father and he hears the whole conversation in disbelieve.  

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OK quite along break, had shower, whipped up snack for tea and back again....


*VP checking out SG's car ....SJ looking on saying something about VP being suspicious of SG(??)...(I guess he is covering up for SG letting VP check the car knowing that he wont find anything).  VP is talking to SJ about the hit and run car being from Incheon ....YJ overhears this.

*EH/VP sitting on the floor having tea alone in her room in old man's house ....VP is checking out that ring, returns it to EH ...she quickly informs him its a customer's :)) (she doesnt want him to get the wrong idea...and everyone saying she got no brains ... some little grey matter still functioning).

*JT looking at another ring (again?!!! gosh he must have lots of money) some voiceover conversation between VP and JT ...EH walking down the stairs in usual drowning in my sorrows look :-<

*VP brings someone (could be a mechanic to recheck car??) and confronts SG at the factory ....SJ comes out to SG's defence.

*In hospital room, LK moves her fingers again....EH/VP notices this.

*VP talking to LK's doctor (I think he went to ask about LK's fingers moving)... doctor said another family member also inquired referring to LK as his 'noonim'.... VP repeats questioningly 'noonim?'

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