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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Ok how about this...LK will need a partial brain transplant, and it can only be done with a blood relative. Since EH is her daughter and she doesn't use her brain much she decides to donate a piece. LK wakes up with "partial" amnesia and can only remember half the things SG confessed to. She also is now prone to bouts of melancholy and a strange urge to mope about Incheon looking like someone kicked her and "her little dog too". Every time she lays down at night she has very, VERY inappropriate dreams of SJ. LOL  :-)) :-))

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Guest bushiko9

Hi! I think this is my first post here, but I do recognize a couple of 'handles' who have migrated from the disastrous Kdrama SMH! Hello there again!

lol@kdramafan 469. "Ok how about this...LK will need a partial brain transplant, and it can only be done with a blood relative. Since EH is her daughter and she doesn't use her brain much she decides to donate a piece."

You wished! I'm not sure within what timeframe the murder attempt on LK took place, but I'm pretty certain there were no brain transplants available then. In fact, some surgeon is planning to do one only in 2 years time.

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@bushiko9 Welcome to the thread the more the merrier :-)
That little bit of Oz fantasy was just to keep things lively here this does tend to be a quiet and slow thread, So sometimes we have to let our imaginations run free lol. 
Anyway I think Incheon Tufu must be on the West side of Incheon (no not West Side Story) more like YJ is green with envy so we will call her the Wicked Witch of the West! LOL Yes and she is out to get EH(Dorothy) and all her cohorts.hahaha  When she realizes the reason she is a witch is because her father is far from being an Angel will be the best episode of this drama! LOL :-)) 

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So I was just watching on KBS (I don't know the ep. number, but it was the one where YJ fell down stairs). So it turns out that SG is just CRAZY!! He actually went and BORROWED money from LK. She gave it to him and that's how he paid off Kang Jaepil for beating up KJP. He's got some nerve. It also turns out that he does indeed hold a Republican district seat and may or can run for assemblyman now. HJ was asking Gilyre where was SG going to get the money for all this because running a campaign takes a lot of money and that he would be required to give expensive gifts to certain people. So he is borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, stealing from factory to pay the assemblymen for his seat, and swindling halmoni out of her savings to start his slush funds. Man I better see some punishment at the end for SG.

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*Starts with LK walking down the street and SG coming up behind her and hitting her with his car.  She goes splat against his windscreen (taking into account LK's considerable weight it should have at least cracked!!!), LK's pearls necklace come apart, pearls scattered everywhere, wallet on the road and slipper comes off.  SG checks his rear mirror, LK is motionless, he gets down walks over but before he could do anymore checking he hears a vehicle approach so he takes off like a scared bunny.

*JT arrives at LK's house in response to EH's call.....EH says LK has not returned after going to meet someone she knew .... they go looking for her, see her motionless body on the road.... EH wailing away.... JT says lets take her to the hospital.  At hospital EH  waiting outside operation theatre.  JT places a call to HJ to inform her of LK's accident.  He joins EH ... tells her he call HJ.  EH asks what about VP ..... JT says he could not get in touch with him.  EH is worried surgery is taking too long.

*SG arrives back home, thinking back and lies his head on steering wheel to rest, jumps when SJ knocks on the window....SJ wants to borrow the car and SG hands over the keys.  SJ driving sees HJ and hears about LK's accident and drives her to the hospital. At hospital tearful exchange between EH/HJ while LK still in surgery.  JT/SJ talking about the hit and run accident. JT thinks SJ should return home but he wants to leave once LK is out of surgery. He wonders who is responsible for the accident.

*Back in SG's office .... he is drinking again straight from the bottle in the dark, weeping.  Morning breakfast at Halmoni hse ..... SJ tells about LK's hit and run...Baeksu says whoever that driver was isnt a human being. SG is stunned (thats she is still alive).  Halmoni ask SG to visit LK in hospital, he is reluctant but she insist on a courtesy call.

*Little devil's spawn YJ has a separate agenda .... spat with SJ why he went to the hospital. She goes on blabbering about the fake witness, LK's arrogance to Halmoni, blah blah blah and a disgusted SJ leaves. 

*LK back in hospital room ... still unconscious after surgery .... EH/HJ is all upset. HJ weeping by herself at hospital entrance...SG runs up to her full of fake distress/concern. Gets the latest updates on LK's conditions....he is a taken aback when he learns the JT as reported the accident to the police.  SG is relieved that LK has not spoken yet. He visits LK in her room ... full of kind words of encouragement to EH.  SG leaves room....JT runs up to him...talking and JT says something that sets SG thinking (I couldnt understand)... HJ comes out of LK's room and SG hurriedly makes his excuses saying urgent came up and he hurriedly leaves, HJ is left looking puzzled.  SG driving back thinks back of JT's words (the one I did not understand).  Back home reports to Halmoni on LK's serious condition....she feels bad for things she said to LK. 

*Back at Seoul Hotel ... directors meeting.... looks like theres some infighting among the directors, divided into 2 factions.  Head Director says they are trying to contact VP in US so lets wait. The other faction wants to elect a new president from among current members. In LK's office Head Director talking to company lawyer in JT's presence, discussion on whom to select as temporary replacement and finally they decided on her niece (!!!!) ...ask JT where is the niece now?

*At hospital EH taking care of LK ...JT comes by and drives her back to the Seoul Hotel, he tells her about the director's decision, EH is totally against it but JT persuades her to guard LK's position until she recovers, he tells her the hotel is LK's life. She gives in reluctantly .... EH is in LK's office at Seoul Hotel looking at LK's nameplate and thinking back on JT's words. She flashback on her conversation with LK who tells her this is the best hotel in whole of Korea ..... and that this hotel is Myeongho's, asking EH to stay by her side and give her plenty of assistance. 

*SG on the phone with the Assemblyman, some good news (no tax audit) thank him and invites him for a meal. Jaepil enters SG's office....they talk about LK's condition and what would happen to the hotel now the 'tiger' is not around. SG is laughing and smiling widely.  SG having a meal with Assy Shin .... talking about the audit ... Shin says since LK is not around to interfere it is no longer an issue.  They talk further about how SG is connected to Seoul Hotel ... SG says LK is someone from the same home town . Okay this part I am not too clear but there is some plans underfoot by Assy Shin for Seoul Hotel and he needs SG for this.

*SG visits HJ and find outs that EH has been appointed as temporary replacement for LK as President.  He flashes back on Assy Shin's conversation.... he thinks this is a good opportunity to get involved in Seoul Hotel's management under the pretext of helping EH.  So he goes to Seoul Hotel to visit EH and offers to help her run the hotel, saying how can I not help you?  EH is shocked.  END

No preview.... gosh we were way off the mark for the cliffhanger.


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@timsha       gosh we were way off the mark for the cliffhanger.you say that again way off  well we can say goodbye to the hotel she so stupid and to trust worthy she going to give up that  position thinking she doing something great for the hotel (no brain Dorothy) 
hopefully JT will get some courage to protect the hotel we really need Insp Jo ( captain Jack lol ) to stay on SG Tail Please Let The VP Come Back. Let's Hope JT tell her not to trust him. This is a good chance to turn her character around. (Please Grow A Pair For The Hotel Sake And Hers)  

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Wow, @timsha what a turnaround in the story. EH appointed acting president. So, am expecting that she will get into big problems, being the dumb and naive girl she is, she will accept help from SG. Then am looking fwd to the white knight aka the VP riding in to rescue the damsel in distress. Seem that VP is always on our gal mind this few ep. Need a nice and lovely twist in the romance end and turning the table on SG. Story seem to be looking great if it goes my way. Am glad that I drop in to read yr update. TQVM. I am still shipping EH/ VP to the end. Like someone commented SJ and JY together in the end after all are forgiven, just like all Kdrama, the evil gal always get the guy she wanted from the start. Wow, Secret Love came to an end. Love the ending. Great storyline there. Even in their evilness, still like SY and DH as they were great in their roles. Wish that this drama will have such great ending. The wrongdoer get their jail time and the people who shd be together end up together. All well that end well.

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Stupid question for the writer .... SG's car hit LK at high speed, there was this loud thud as LK hit the windscreen full force, yet there was no damage/dent/scratch to the car or blood splatter, nothing?  SJ borrowed the car immediately after SG came home and the car was in perfect condition???? Was it a Korean car...built like a tank and able to withstand a nuclear blast without a scratch??? Huh????

In Secret, after the car hit the girl, there was damages to bumper and blood stain.... here there is nothing???

Random thought .... that devil's spawn is going to have a fit that daddy dearest has further involved himself in EH's affairs, thus inadvertently ensuring SJ and EH has more opportunities of running into each other??? And imagine her jealosy that EH is now the acting President of Seoul Hotel ..... and EH better start taking a leaf  from her mother's book and dress to look the part .... hopefully no more boring and dull dressing.

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I just don't understand why EH name even came up as possible temporary President. Hell she wasn't even a good secretary but now she is supposed to run the largest Hotel in Seoul?? Oh writer-nim please don't start making up stupid sht  this late in the game. A new wardrobe will not give EH any brains to think on her own...point being she will have already given control to SG. And JT?? I'm just scratching my head. He knows that LK and Ins. Jo believe SG is sketchy. He himself now has misgivings but every time SG walks in they tell him everything that is going on and who is in involved. All o them are just dumb right now.
I'm looking at Perry Mason right now...yeah that's who they need on the case. Him, Della and Paul Drake would have solved this case in an hour LOL. :-))

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@kdramafan469  When they were talking about who whould take over LK's position, the obvious choice was VP who was the stepson .... but there was the problem of being unable to contact him, hence to protect LK's position I believe they settled on the next family member, the niece, as a safe bet to protect LK's position till she recovers.  Of course you and I know EH is not the brightest spark.... so like most of us here I fear for Seoul Hotel if SG gets involved under the guise of helping EH .... VP better come back soon if not his inheritance might just vanish ... if EH accepts SG help (and that trusting idiot surely will), I am sure Jaepil will be back too ... and in no time every wolf in sheep's clothing will be busy siphoning off all the Seoul Hotel's money into slush funds.

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guess we will still have to wait for a while before we get to see VP. The hotel will be almost in the hand of SG before we see VP returning to the rescue his hotel. Am looking fwd to seeing what SG will do and how stupid and naive EH will be in trusting him with the hotel. EH, time for you to wake up and realize that not everyone is kindness and please show us some spunk and some smile. Bored with yr crying and gloomy face.

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@katielinhnguyen  First Welcome to the thread :-)  
No I don't think SG could frame Sj because 1.There is no evidence that an accident happened on the car. 2. As soon as Sj borrowed the car he ran in HJ and then took her to Seoul. At the time the accident happened SJ would be able to prove he was not in Seoul or had access to the car. Plus no one would believe Sj did that and it would cause more problems for SG.

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 I hope that at least Insp Jo find some evidence that links the accident to SG's car, either tyre marks or  one of the pearls embedded in between the tyre threads, better still a witness (like in SS who saw that evil ajhussi's car - lol I forgot his name).... if not it will be a long wait before LK wakes up to implicate SG, if she wakes up after a few episodes we can be sure the writer will probably throw in amnesia. God we have 45 long episodes to go.... need plently of will power to stick this one out till the end.

@lindab12 VP coming back..... thats just us girls hoping it will come true.... as far as I am concerned he was the only person who brought some excitment to this dull drab drama. But u never know, wishes do come true.

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