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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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According to a couple of websites this drama is no longer 120 ep. but 140 and it will end in January. Why?, is just gotten so boring in fact it was a boring from the start to me and the VP's arrival was the only thing that brought some excitement to the story. Now is 50 more episodes and unless they are planing to bring the VP back I will not watch again, I stop after he left anyway. The ratings of this drama are not that great either, the two previous TV novels had higher ratings at this point, audiences must find it boring too. I'd seen 6 TV novels so far and while they all pretty much the same the two I like were Beautiful Days (which doesn't have annoying and evil second female lead trying to break the OTP and doesn't have a super boring OTP) and Glory Of Youth (which was only 75 ep. long). 

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My daily questions--what was YJ arguing with JT about in the stairwell? Also, what did YJ say to LK in LK's office? Thanks for your responses and daily updates.

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@melpa2 - wow...they plan to increase to 140 ep.? I think dear gorgeous, arrogance, smart, handsome looking VP is coming back. Perhaps the writers have read all the viewers' feedback and decide to bring VP back. Then it make sense to increase the ep. They will have to change the storyline and make in longer to put VP in action.

Maybe they will make SJ go away and EH slowly fall for VP as he is alway there to comfort her.

Although that will be my best Christmas present from KBS, but from I have been reading so far, I doubt that will be the case.. :(

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I wish they didn't extend this drama. It does feel slow and dragging and 30 episodes is more than enough time to wrap this drama up nicely. Sounds like they may add a new arc or story line...I hope not because again this is already a really slow drama. TV Novel Love My Love was about 200 episodes long and they still screwed everyone. All that time absolutely wasted!

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@cisne I will try my best to answer, since I have forgotten the exact sequence and conversation, the rough gist is along the lines below:

1) JT asked YJ what she was doing at the hotel and she said she came to pay a courtesy visit to LK as she was EH's aunt, that surprised him as he knows her better and asked her why she needs to do that and what she told LK (basically JT knows not trust YJ ... I think this goes back to the first time he found the blouse EH had sewn for YJ torn and dumped in the trash bin). So she taunts him  and tells him not to worry she hasn't said anything about EH's dad being a murderer yet.  That get JT furious cos it was like a threat.

2) YJ with LK was just being her usual bitchy self .... she supposedly came in after classes to say 'hello' ... but actually YJ wants to know if LK is the aunt, why is she not helping EH instead letting her run that little shop in Incheon.  LK says its cos she herself only recently found out that EH is her niece and something like EH prefers it this way. She also asked LK whether she knew the reason EH was kicked out of Incheon Tofu, so LK says she knows about the relationship with SJ, so YJ pressed further to ask whether she heard anything else.

OK my take on this is that basically YJ wants to get rid of EH from Incheon ....  she is feeling more threatened/insecure now about the relationship since SJ knows she conned him into proposing to her (SJ himself told her he needs to rethink about the marriage) plus EH/SJ having more interactions now due to the uniform contract.  Since her relationship with SJ is somewhat strained, and pleading with her mum/dad really got her no where except for some harsh rebuke, she is hoping that LK would take EH out of Incheon.

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@timsha  This goes to show what a dumb a$$ YJ really is. Now EH was in Seoul and you kept starting lies about her, then running up there to threaten her, then you tried to get her fired by telling the VP about her father. The dumb b**ch should have left well enough alone because now EH is back in Incheon. All of her actions now only bring EH and SJ closer together. Now her and her insecurities are in over drive and like her father she too is trying not to get caught for her actions and lies.

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Unless like what chriscyl said, they start an interesting storyline with a stronger male personality for EunHui and not another deadwood like SJ. If not these story is getting boring. Why do they always extend stupid drama to more than 100ep. Is it becoz the people involve got no better job line up so they cam continue filming a dead end drama. Show like you are the best LSS, many asked for an extension but they stopped at 50ep and really rushed the last ep. Maybe, becoz both lead there have commitment elsewhere and cannot stayed on for any extension. My thoughts are that actor normally commit to a certain time frame for any one drama, as they have other drama lined up and cannot afford to have overrun in their filming. I hope that this show with its extension will not go downhill like SMH. I hope it pick up and goes from boring to intereting plots, and a more spirited Eun hui, as this show is abt her.

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Thanks Timsha! My mouth is hanging open at the thought this is extended for 50eps. WTH?????!!!! What EH will end up in jail at the hands of YJ before this is over, LK will loose the hotel to the gangsters, and adopted Mom will die from knee pain? I just feel like it will be something stupid like that so the extension will be justified. 

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Guest hawaiianomoni

@kdramafan469  Glad to see you here.  You were so kind to share a link with me recently for SMH, can you do so for this drama, please?  Can watch on KBS World, but in latest episode, VP has just left.  Thanks for the help!  Agree with many that this is sooooo slow, but just want to see YJ and her father get what is coming to them.  Definitely NOT for their acts to be forgiven but some type of public knowledge at the least of all their wrongdoings..

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Today's episode sees SG throwing a spanner in Insp Jo's investigation ..... he gets his pal Police Chief guy to intervene???

SJ picks up a set of keys that fell from one of YJ's dress that Gilrye was taking to wash.... SJ has a strong suspicion that YJ is behind the paint incident .... however on confronting her she denies, saying that its her school keys and snatches it back.

SJ and EH end up doing some volunteer work at the church orphanage. After dropping EH off at her shop, he is spotted by YJ as he leaves. YJ leaves a card supposedly from SJ inviting EH to meet later that nite .... EH does not want to go but MG talks her into it.  Meanwhile SJ finds EH's wallet she left behind in his car. While EH is waiting, YJ shows up with her usual accusations about EH's ulterior motives where SJ is concerned.

Seriously YJ is definitely losing her marbles ..... what was the reason for the invinting EH using SJ's name and then picking a fight over it??? She is really threatened by EH's presence in Incheon that she is spoiling for a fight, that silly girl is digging an even bigger grave for herself targetting EH like this.

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@pepper2 I wonder if they have been shuttered? I hope not...most of the current dramas I watch (like The Wangs, Heirs, etc) are on that site. And they get subs really fast. Really upset because they carry the subbed episodes of Eun Hee there and are only 10 episodes behind the raw release. :-(     :-(

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@kdramafan469 try this site koreaobserver.com they have a lot of current program with eng sub. And it is direct from KBS world. Come on quite fast after being screened by KBS world. I do all my catching up here. It is a few episode behind KBS screening time. Enjoy. Best is that they have SBS and MBC current drama showing as well. Also many varieties show. Great site for korean shows.

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Guest Betty59

Hello everyone.  So much has been happening in this forum. Lots of new joiners.   I've been working, Fortunately it is half-term so I've managed to have a good read and chuckle at the comments.
As I'm so far behind now, and the subbers have managed to sub up to Episode 80 when I managed to look at Dramaholics on Monday night and then all of a sudden the site is down.    I'm so annoyed, and stuffed if I can't find another site that has English subs.I wholeheartedly agree with @kdramafan469 .   

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Guest Betty59

I was so determined not to be outdone by this situation, I managed to find English subs to Episode 83 on Youtube.  So if you're behind on this drama (as I am), you can follow until Dramaholics comes back (hopefully they will), or someone takes pity on us and another site takes up subbing this drama.  The youtube site is:
http://www.youtube.com/user/kbsworld  title: KBS World (Full Episode/English Subtitle) you should find Eun Hee as the third one.

I'm sooo happy, I can now spend my day catching up watching visually what everyone has been talking about in this forum.  
When this week is over I won't get any time off until Christmas.  Such is a teacher's lot......

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Another slow day ..... SJ/YJ have another spat after SJ discovers her deceit over the note .... he is on his way to inform Halmoni that he wants to break off the engagement but YJ in trying to block him falls down the stairs .... nothing serious just injured her hand.  She uses that to gain SJ's sympathy into accepting her back....... when SJ is still adamant about not marrying her, she stages a big show at the dinner table that her hand is damaged that she could not even lift her spoon up..... emotional blackmail works cos in the preview the relationship is back on track, although with a more glum and gloomy looking SJ ... thank god we are now spared that lovey dovey sugary sweet thing they had going on earlier in their relationship, now SJ looks like a pig being dragged to the slaughter house, and YJ is being the richard simmons she is, still shamelessly clings onto his arm especially when EH is around.

LK fires Kang Jaepil and wants him out of the cabaret ...... Jaepil in turns threatens SG into using his relationship with his 'noonim' to help reinstate him.

This TV Novel should be renamed as "Seokgu" instead of 'Eunhui' cos its all about him and his transformation from a mouse of a man with a conscience into a demon who has no qualms about destroying anyone who stands in his way.

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