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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Guest Tamz1430292084

@Timsha. For SG, his desire to take control of Incheon Tofu stems from fear of him & his family being ousted once the truth is known. Perhaps he feel that with control of the factory & business, he can now protect his family at the same time he would take care of halmoni, SJ & uncle. He's personally seen how halmoni had treated EH & her mum and he wouldn't want his family to suffer the same treatment at the same time he can't trust the uncle who has been waiting for any opportunity to oust him. He also cannot depend on SJ as he's easily manipulated by halmoni & uncle. 
All this stems from fear and he tries his best to cover things up. He gets angry when things don't seem to go according to his plans and he starts to lose his objective of being with halmoni & SJ after helping them during the war - atonement for causing death to halmoni's only son, for depriving SJ of a father as well as having a "family" for his wife, daughter and himself. The 2 lens of his spectacles is covered, one side with fear and the other side with anger that every time he look through them he feels justified for every evil action he initiate. That's the kind of person he has now become.....so sad. Perhaps if halmoni had been more forgiving towards EH's father, he would have confessed.....but then there would not be any Tv Novel. 

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Guest ayselbora

EH and SJ come together. A new cathegorie  of the drama awards: The most booring couple of the year:  " Forever blue " Eunhee and  good boy with minus charisma SJ. VP, where are you?

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Guest fifthtry

timsha said: @fifthtry Actually in the beginning SG had our sympathies.... he was aware of what he had done hence his efforts to stand by the old lady, helped her rebuild her life and that of the grandson.... he was full of remorse always promisng himself that he would set the record right .... then he slowly begin to protect his secret at the expense of EH/Jeongok's happiness/sufferings, but still in lamely apologetic about it, he even initially was against YJ marrying SJ, but slowly all his good traits vanished .... now without a qualm is has taken over Halmoni's factory and denying SJ of his inheritance ... its all about looking out for himself and his family's interest ..... like he said to his wife Gilrye he must make sure everything is his ....so that even if Halmoni finds out the truth, at the most she can annul YJ's marriage to SJ but they cant be thrown out cos he is the owner now.  He is now mentally capable of murder, threats, bribery, etc in his quest for more power and money ... he has evolved into a scary person that even his wife is quite apprehensive of his next actions. Agree with you that now he is one dimensional but he wasnt always so .... he was a good, kind and caring person in the beginning to both Halmoni and SJ.

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@fifthtry LK did take SG to Hyeongman's grave and he did put on his usual act there too. Agree he did not go the the temple where SJ's dad's memorial tablet was kept .... after YJ went once with SJ he even told her not to go again if I am not mistaken , so like u said he might still have a conscience.

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Did anyone see todays episode (89)? I was trying to figure out if LK introduced EH as her niece to the lady with her at the Hotel. Also tomorrow it looks like that reporter didn't play his cards right...he showed SG the photos he took and SG promptly will have him arrested on bogus charges. Glad to see SJ has had enough of that snake now that he knows the truth about that night he supposedly spent in the hotel with YJ. He will never believe a word she says now, and he destroyed their engagement photo. Good for him, at least he is opening his eyes, he even got pissed at Gilyre. Now if only that dumb as bricks EH would get a clue!

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Yes LK did introduce EH to that lady as her niece, and the lady commented LK has a very pretty niece. I like that SJ crushed the engagement pic and dumped it in the bin where it belongs.  Another bad deed by SG getting that reporter arrested .... he certainly got connections and power now.  OK 3 things I am curious about, if some is so kind to explain

a) What is the deal with the church orphanage ... SJ started with the donation and offered to teach the kids, then SG is also there in today's episode ... any significance?

B) That  clerk at Incheon Tofu ... did she hand over some bank passbook to SG ... she said she was scared .... is SG asking her to operate an account under her name for him (like a slush fund for something he has hidden away after burning the ledgers?)

c) The VVIP guy either awarded SG with a certificate or appointed him to some important post .... any ideas what that was about.



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@timsha A.  I got no clue...maybe he is trying to garner favor with the Christian God in case Buddha fails him (lol). Sorry SG it doesn't work that way.B.  I got no clue...but if she was afraid of what she did for him, then you may be right about a slush fund.C.  I got no clue...I was thinking that they made SG some kind of city councilman or something. But he his trying to get power so no one can touch him when the truth comes out about Deoksu.

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Guest atomickitty

Hey guys.. been away for a few episodes.. Now that SG is really accelerating his evil moves, I am curious to know how many episodes this has. Knowing will help me put a guess on when he'll finally be unmasked. We are in episode 89 and his daughter still doesn't know he killed someone. WHEN WILL SHE FIND OUT!!! Makes me crazy to see her walking around, just like him, like she's justified in doing the things she does. Looks like EH and SJ will be the end game.. So boring


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YJ after constant rejection from SJ, steals the keys for EH's shop, goes there at night and pours paint all over the finished uniforms that was due for delivery ... next morning visits EH on a pretext .... LK too walks in ....bitchy YJ is put in her place when LK reveals EH is her 'niece'.

The reporter sends a photo of Jaepil and SG to the Police Station ... Insp Jo sees it and takes it to SG for clarification ..... SG sets that reporter up to be a traitor.                    

Preview looks interesting too .... SJ helpful to EH in salvaging the uniforms, paint can be washed off.

Insp Jo runs into SJ.... finds out Jaepil works for Seoul Hotel and that SG knows him

YJ frustrated with her father's refusals to listen,  shoots her mouth off that LK being EH's family should also know that EH's dad is a murderer .... a furious SG slaps her.

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Guest Tamz1430292084

This drama is getting a little more interesting now.
@atomickitty. YJ in her ignorance is using the gossip that EH's father was a murderer and the victim was SJ's father to her greatest satisfaction. She presents a picture perfect scenario of herself, her father & mother - that they have been soooo noble, that she struts around town walking tall, head & nose up in the air & waiting for every opportunity to discredit & totally eliminate EH from any association with JS - This is her own FEAR factor.  
She's now preening & strutting around town like a peacock, with a holier than thou attitude, so proud of this "fact" & never failing to make EH inferior. When she knows the truth, the whole truth, she will be devastated and will cringe at this fact - BECAUSE she's now walking in EH's moccasins, she'll feel the brunt of the same club that she had used to so viciously clobbered EH. Karma! What goes around comes around!
I don't think she will change, she will be her father's main accomplice in doing every thing possible to keep her relationship with JS and her family's reputation's status quo.
Why I find her so disgusting is that at such a young age (probably just 16 or 17 years old?) she's already so scheming, conniving and twisted (I don't see any innocence in her) in order to have a particular man? This all boils down to upbringing - her parents & halmoni had known of her feelings for JS and they had not done any thing at all to deter her - so I don't blame her completely because silence also means consent. Look at LK & JG, how they were so adamant in preventing VP/EH getting any closer. Halmoni is the main culprit and in her own twisted interpretation of love, she had openly encouraged and forced JS to marry YJ who she knows love JS very much and will take good care of him.

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Guest atomickitty

@timsha, like father like daughter when it comes to the evil plots and deeds. I don't believe she did that to EH's hard work. Before she would just neglect to relay something or lie. She, like her father, is escalating into doing active work. How nice for them.  @Tamz, you are so right about YJ. This is why am chomping at the bit.. waiting for her real 'status' as killer's daughter to be revealed. She will not handle it well.. at all. And horrible me can't wait to witness it.

@kdramafan469, which browser do you use? Have you tried an ad blocking add-on? On firefox (and chrome) I use AdBlock and I've never seen a commercial on a daily motion video. I was actually surprised when I used a friend's computer to watch a video and saw one. Even YouTube now has commercials on some videos. 

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@atomickitty you might have a point...I have a new computer and on my old laptop I used ad-blocker on my firefox/cometbird browser but not on my chrome. The problem was with the adblocker I couldn't view a lot of videos so I would use chrome to watch videos but my computer was being hijacked left and right. Now that I have a new computer I only use my chrome browser without adblocker. I'll try adding it, but getting it to act right and not block all sites may be difficult.
BTW I loved the look on that snakes face when LK said she was her aunt. I'm sure that pissed her off more than rejection she got from SJ. Yeah LK is a rich, powerful woman that couldn't give 2 hoots about your opinion, and she is not going to stand there and let you make snide remarks about her family. I still think it will be YJ's stupidity that tells LK about the murder.

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@atomickitty..... actually apart from YJ finding about her father, I am more curious who would be the one to start suspecting SG first ..... too many people have put him on a high pedestal and think he is a saint, trusting him completely. 

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@timsha the way the story is going, I will think that SJ will be the one who suspect him but he will not believe it himself. You know the roundabout way drama always going. You find someone suspicious but brush it aside coz you think it is impossible. And JT will be the other one from the way he see SG meeting Kang and lKang's man with his blabber mouth. Need to see the true emerging soon. This drama is kind of boring with the two boring characters here. They are so impassive and lifeless. The one guy who was a gung-Ho guy is no longer here. Sigh, sigh. [-O<

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Yes its definitely draggy right now ..... thats why I am hoping for 3 things to be revealed soon so that this drama doesnt head south.

Firstly ASAP that snivelling snake YJ needs to find out about daddy dearest... and I am curious to know to what lengths she will go to to keep this little family secret to  ensure she snags her prize SJ.

Secondly, more than one person need to start getting suspicious of SG ..... we can leave Halmoni out since she is a blind of fool when it comes to SG, so from a business and financial perspective it has to be SJ who starts getting suspicious about SG's dirty dealings, double accounting system maintains, the slush fund, etc and starts digging ...... that should unearth a whole can of worms and the true financial picture about Incheon Tofu's current situation. 

Thirdly from a more personal perspective, JT too should start having his doubts about SG... there has been a couple to times SG raised his voice to JT regarding JT's interest in locating the source of the rumors ...... I hope JT ignores this and locates Mr Yang, the snooker centre boss and gets the truth out of him, and team up together with Insp Jo to clear up the 'murderer' tag attached to Hyeongman's name.

This should then perk up the interest level in this drama  which is virtually zero right now.

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Totally in tune with you. Real boring and a drag of a drama. Need something interesting to perk this drama up. LK finally found that her brother is being called a murderer. Start getting investigator to check out this fact. And, the eternal of my dream guy in this show, VP helping LK to solve the mystery. Just like the birth of a family. The main lead did not get the lady but the knight who came later caught the lady. Was happy as JiHoon was much much better looking and a better catch. Same here, the VP is more of a man and a better catch than SJ. Only setback, step son of LK.

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Looks like we have to wait for sometime before this show gets interesting .... today's episode did not hold any earth shattering revelations either, just that I like the scene where SG found out YJ paid a visit to LK at Seoul Hotel (she did not reveal anything damaging yet) and got her face smacked so :D   SJ/YJ relationship is still very strained.... I dont think SJ is in a forgiving mood.

Finally Insp Jo seems to have got a whiff of something fishy about SG and seen getting nosey about his connection with Kang Jaepil.  In today's episode there is lots of interactions between EH and SJ. Iinfact it ends with YJ after receiving that so well deserved slap, running into SJ/EH walking/smiling together at the market place. From preview, another spat between SJ/YJ and it looks SJ still has feelings for EH.

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