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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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SexyDolceVita said: On Second Thoughts...This Drama may be sending this particular Misleading Message about Marriages...

From what I have seen so far...it appears that this drama has a long running theme of the following, or rather, message regarding marriages.

It seems like in order for a marriage to work fine...the role of the Mother in Law is rather important.
Her behaviour and mentality is so important that it may make or break her children's marriages.

Look at Lady Lee aka EVIL MIL from Kang Family.
If she is a naturally gentle and understanding, warm and kind individual.
She would not verbally, mentally and physically abuse her daughters in law, hence resulting in the break up of her three sons' marriages.
But her haughty, arrogant, all and mighty character just make life miserable for her daughters in law, so much so that none of the daughters in law actually bother to put in effort to make her happy like a normal daughter in law should.
They avoid MIL like she is a plague.

Look at SK's mom from the Han Family.
If she is a fair and understanding, more cultured and courteous person, who lets her daughter choose her own happiness, maybe Hyun Woo wouldn't be so averse towards her, and in relation, SK.
However, I have to point out, she does have an eye for men who hid a hidden love for another woman.
And her objection of SK's marriage to HW is indeed an act of motherly love.
I cannot deny SK's mom a credit for that ability and maternal instinct.
But SK's mom's snooping and forceful behaviour does interfere with SK's relationship with HW, and if they ever get married in the future, eventually every detail of their marriage too.

Look at Ji Sun's MIL.
She has a twisted view of working moms and men who have affairs outside of their marriages.
I wonder if she can stand it if her own husband is cheating on her too.
Even if she doesn't appreciate how hard Ji Sun has worked for her eldest son's family, she could just lay off verbally insulting Ji Sun but she has to go all out and humiliate Ji Sun in front of Eun Hee, and her two sons.
That scene was a little too much for me, especially seeing how Ji Sun teared up while tolerating her MIL.
As for her treatment of Eun Hee, it was no better.
Instead of appreciating how helpful Eun Hee was when she was living near them in the same building, how Eun Hee had bought an apartment for her and her husband to live in, how Eun Hee scrubbed her toilet bowl at the notice of a phone call, this MIL insults and reprimands Eun Hee at the meeting of Min Jung and Ye Sol's elders.
Yes Eun Hee did kind of abandon Chang Wook and left him in the care of Ji Sun but at least she did ask Ji Sun to care for him.
She didn't dump him on the roadside or whatever.
What I'm saying is...

It seems like...judging from this drama...for a marriage to work, the DIL/SIL has to get along with the MIL.
Or rather, the MIL must like the DIL/SIL from the get go, in order for her children's marriages to work.

But...aren't marriages about love, responsibility and devotion?
When does MIL come into the picture?

I mean if this is really the message, then I guess all women/men should try to fall in love with their future MILs first before getting married or engaged.
Or rather, let the future MILs fall in love with them first before they fall in love with their respective partners?

If your MIL loves you very much, and later you fall in love with your husband/wife, the chances of your marriage being a successful one will be much much higher.

If you can't make your future MILs fall in love with you?
Then don't bother to fall in love with the other party, why?

Because the success rate of your marriage with that person will be really really low.


That's my two cents, which I found I have saved up so far after watching 32 episodes of Goddess of Marriage.


In short, the moral of this drama seems to be...

Marriage is not about you marrying the person you love.
It is actually more about you and your MIL.
If she likes you, yay! Not much trouble in your marriage, I hope.
But if she doesn't like you at all? All I can say is...don't bother! Just run baby! Just run!


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joojanah said: So it takes JH to overdose to make TW wake up *clap* *clap* *clap*
Idek why HW is even in this drama. All he did was brood look slightly confused, as per usual. Damn you 1st ep. for being so misleading.This drama just hates women, I don't get it (or basically this drama hates JH cos I have the feeling she'll end with TW).Anyway, anticipating JH's family reaction to her overdose. Serves them right.

I agree with @jusash, JH callsTW because he's literally the only thing she has left in that prison, she already seems to have resigned herself to live that way so she sees TW as the only person she can hold onto...
Btw OT, I finished watching A Wife's Credentials, I think this writer could learn a thing or two from that drama. 
I would've quit this drama a long time ago if it wasn't for you guys, in a way it's fun to come here every time to bash TW and the Kang family  =))

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SexyDolceVita said: Looking at the fact that the preview of episode 33 was shown at the end of episode 32...

I believe the Goddess of Marriage production team is filming the last two episodes this week and the next now.

So...try to check and google Korean blogs at Naver.com and Social Networking Services to see if anyone has witnessed the shooting of GoM on the streets OR at Jeju island (hahaha...I doubt they will go to Jeju island to shoot the ending because of $$ and time...hahahaha).

So sad this drama has come to an end soon.

I had a great ride so far with you guys even during the bumpy and torturing moments!


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Guest darkpink

really i didn't know this drama would lead to this way... I mean, I feel that the main actress and the main story is all about Hong Hye Jung and her marriage/ husband/ children/ father-in-law/company/ vice-president 'thing. Lately we barely see Ji Hye and Hyun Woo and even if we see them it's because they're in a way directly related to Hye Jung (because of preparing breakfast/dinner or because of her husband's problem...)I'm really disappointed at this moment of the drama... :(

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Guest SexyDolceVita


I found out the ending by chance.
So here it is in the SPOILER tag.

For those who don't want to be spoiled by such concrete evidence in their drama watching experience, please DO NOT click the SPOILER button!
You are spoiling your mood at your own risk.

The ending is quite predictable and I'm really surprised by the production team's effort though!
Actually I thought it was not going to happen BUT it really will!

Enough said.
Here's the spoiler people...

This blogger blogged about the shooting of Goddess of Marriage today.

I think she is the mother of the toddler girl, who is going to act as Yeon Soo and Tae Hyun's daughter in GoM.
Maybe she had just brought her toddler daughter to SBS station for a wardrobe fitting!








The blogger says the toddler girl is acting as Yeon Soo's daughter.
She will be filming scenes of GoM with the rest of the cast on Jeju Island next week?
There will be a birthday party scene to celebrate the baby's one or two years old birthday?
They met the actress who is playing Yeon Soo, Jo Min Su (Ji Sun) and Lee Tae Ran (Hye Jung) on the set too.

PLUS...the ultimate SPOILER she stated in her blog...
Next week on Jeju Island, they will be meeting Nam Sang Mi!
The blogger's husband told her to rem to take a photo with Nam Sang Mi then!

Hahaha... Ji Hye and Hyun Woo will most probably meet each other again on Jeju Island.


Perfect Ending my friends!

But half of my heart is weeping for Kim Ji Hoon's Kang Tae Wook...
Will he be present during the Jeju Island scenes?

But at the same time, so ELATING and EXCITING to ANTICIPATE the ending now!

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jayakris said: [I think @SexyDolceVita were both typing it up on this passage, and she beat me to it - which I saw only after I posted it :) ... We think alike!]

I think @SexyDolceVita had a bit of trouble (as did I too) with that long 5 minute one-way conversation from TW to HW at the E32 beginning.  I had to rewind and watch some 2-3 times and then even go to the SBS script to see some of what he said.  Too many words and complex stuff he was saying in there (good writing, actually).  Anyway, there are some changes to what we thought initially.

He did not offer HW money.  If I heard right, what he said was that he is sure that "his family will pay for their sins, exactly as they deserve".  It sounded like "we will pay you" initially, that's all. He was extremely candid, to the point of sounding like he has almost given up on ever making JH happy.  This was actually the first time I felt in many many episodes that perhaps he may even give up JH in the end.

Ok, as I liked the whole exchange, and as some of you seem to have misunderstood that passage, here is my translation of the whole thing.  Hope I got it all in, and sorry for any mistake.


HW- How come you are here?
TW - First off, I am not the prosecutor in charge.
HW - Then why...
TW - In fact, I shouldn't be visiting you like this.  Especially as my family is involved in this case, strictly speaking, it is illegal for me to meet you.
HW - Could I ask first why you are here?
TW - Must I really talk about it?
HW - I am here for an illegal matter. I am already scared enough about it.
TW - I know it well.  That you are not one who would do anything illegal. That's why I came.  Anyway, it is something that my brother did, and was your bad luck. On behalf of my family, I apologize. (bows in all seriousness)
HW - It doesn't seem like anything you should be apologizing for. It's not anything you did, right?
TW - Still, I wanted to do it, and I came down.
HW - Why would you?
TW - (sighs) It seems I have no way but to talk about it now. When I came down here, you know what I felt I should be telling you?  It was that I have a personal debt to you, HyeonU. That has nothing to do with my brother. It is that I, who everybody thinks has everything in S.Korea, had stolen a woman away from you, a mere vice-CEO of an architectural firm.
HW - (taken aback) Why say such a thing...
TW - People won't believe that it was stealing a woman, would they?
HW - Prosecutor Gang!
TW - It doesn't matter. Had I dropped my desire even once, it wasn't something that would ever return to me. You think "people like you are like this. The ones who have it all, are always like this. Even at this point you keep tearing and biting", don't you?  Well, you indeed must feel that.  But, for me this matter was more important.  [HW looks a bit puzzled at how he speaks riddles. Then TW decides to open up a bit; steps away to talk]. In truth, things have not been gong well for my wife.  Even otherwise, she is one who cannot adapt to my family's ways, and looks at my family folks and even other chaebol people like insects (worms?). She says that without even her being conscious of it, her heart still has you, HyeonU, like a fallen leaf that still moves about. But I will not believe it.  Even if (she says) so, I cannot that easily believe that my wife's heart conceals other thoughts like that.  Why?  Because I know way too well what kind of a woman she is.
HW - What in the world did you come here to tell me, really?
TW - Honestly, it is because I am sorry to her that I came here. After she got married to me, everything was stolen from her while in my family.  The work she liked to do, her friends, her freedom, and her free time.  They were all taken away from her.  It is just the same as me doing it all to her. After all, wasn't it me who just had to have that woman?  That time when me met at the cafe you said something - "One gets married carrying no baggage. If it's any matter that arises from the independent side of the spouse, whatever is the story, and whatever is the memory, just acknowledge it, and don't interfere in it". That turns out have been quite a praiseworthy line.  Initially I had thought of it as just bad luck. But as time went on, it remained in (her?) heart.  That's why I came.  I think I am unable to provide my wife with good memories. In my family, I feel that even the fallen leaves in her heart have been raked around. I felt that I can even look at her face for a life time, only if I did this. [HW nearly shocked.  TW takes a deep breath and adjusts his jacket].  I am sorry, HyeonU.  Also, for the problem with my brother, let me once again apologize. But despite my sincere apologies, what would happen later in this legal case is still unknown to me.  However, your non-deliberate cover-up of a company matter for the company's sake, will probably amount to nothing. My family, fitting with the family's sins, will have a price to pay. But I will be rooting for you.  [extents hands for hand shake].  Had the issues with my wife and my brother not caused all this, even in a bad-luck way, we could have been side-by-side for a long time as friends, and I regret that.
HW - [slowly]  The same way, I too... regret that. [holds hands]


I think this whole thing was written beautifully, and everything he said fits so well to the very interesting character that the writer has made with TW.  You just have to feel sorry for the guy's plight, though he himself made the mess.

I am getting a slight hint that may be, just may be, he would just let her go back to HW.  I would be sad about that.  And that's mainly because I like the SK character so much, as she deserves better for how good she has been.

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hell59 said: jayakris said: [I think @SexyDolceVita were both typing it up on this passage, and she beat me to it - which I saw only after I posted it :) ... We think alike!]

I think @SexyDolceVita had a bit of trouble (as did I too) with that long 5 minute one-way conversation from TW to HW at the E32 beginning.  I had to rewind and watch some 2-3 times and then even go to the SBS script to see some of what he said.  Too many words and complex stuff he was saying in there (good writing, actually).  Anyway, there are some changes to what we thought initially.

He did not offer HW money.  If I heard right, what he said was that he is sure that "his family will pay for their sins, exactly as they deserve".  It sounded like "we will pay you" initially, that's all. He was extremely candid, to the point of sounding like he has almost given up on ever making JH happy.  This was actually the first time I felt in many many episodes that perhaps he may even give up JH in the end.

Ok, as I liked the whole exchange, and as some of you seem to have misunderstood that passage, here is my translation of the whole thing.  Hope I got it all in, and sorry for any mistake.


HW- How come you are here?
TW - First off, I am not the prosecutor in charge.
HW - Then why...
TW - In fact, I shouldn't be visiting you like this.  Especially as my family is involved in this case, strictly speaking, it is illegal for me to meet you.
HW - Could I ask first why you are here?
TW - Must I really talk about it?
HW - I am here for an illegal matter. I am already scared enough about it.
TW - I know it well.  That you are not one who would do anything illegal. That's why I came.  Anyway, it is something that my brother did, and was your bad luck. On behalf of my family, I apologize. (bows in all seriousness)
HW - It doesn't seem like anything you should be apologizing for. It's not anything you did, right?
TW - Still, I wanted to do it, and I came down.
HW - Why would you?
TW - (sighs) It seems I have no way but to talk about it now. When I came down here, you know what I felt I should be telling you?  It was that I have a personal debt to you, HyeonU. That has nothing to do with my brother. It is that I, who everybody thinks has everything in S.Korea, had stolen a woman away from you, a mere vice-CEO of an architectural firm.
HW - (taken aback) Why say such a thing...
TW - People won't believe that it was stealing a woman, would they?
HW - Prosecutor Gang!
TW - It doesn't matter. Had I dropped my desire even once, it wasn't something that would ever return to me. You think "people like you are like this. The ones who have it all, are always like this. Even at this point you keep tearing and biting", don't you?  Well, you indeed must feel that.  But, for me this matter was more important.  [HW looks a bit puzzled at how he speaks riddles. Then TW decides to open up a bit; steps away to talk]. In truth, things have not been gong well for my wife.  Even otherwise, she is one who cannot adapt to my family's ways, and looks at my family folks and even other chaebol people like insects (worms?). She says that without even her being conscious of it, her heart still has you, HyeonU, like a fallen leaf that still moves about. But I will not believe it.  Even if (she says) so, I cannot that easily believe that my wife's heart conceals other thoughts like that.  Why?  Because I know way too well what kind of a woman she is.
HW - What in the world did you come here to tell me, really?
TW - Honestly, it is because I am sorry to her that I came here. After she got married to me, everything was stolen from her while in my family.  The work she liked to do, her friends, her freedom, and her free time.  They were all taken away from her.  It is just the same as me doing it all to her. After all, wasn't it me who just had to have that woman?  That time when me met at the cafe you said something - "One gets married carrying no baggage. If it's any matter that arises from the independent side of the spouse, whatever is the story, and whatever is the memory, just acknowledge it, and don't interfere in it". That turns out have been quite a praiseworthy line.  Initially I had thought of it as just bad luck. But as time went on, it remained in (her?) heart.  That's why I came.  I think I am unable to provide my wife with good memories. In my family, I feel that even the fallen leaves in her heart have been raked around. I felt that I can even look at her face for a life time, only if I did this. [HW nearly shocked.  TW takes a deep breath and adjusts his jacket].  I am sorry, HyeonU.  Also, for the problem with my brother, let me once again apologize. But despite my sincere apologies, what would happen later in this legal case is still unknown to me.  However, your non-deliberate cover-up of a company matter for the company's sake, will probably amount to nothing. My family, fitting with the family's sins, will have a price to pay. But I will be rooting for you.  [extents hands for hand shake].  Had the issues with my wife and my brother not caused all this, even in a bad-luck way, we could have been side-by-side for a long time as friends, and I regret that.
HW - [slowly]  The same way, I too... regret that. [holds hands]


I think this whole thing was written beautifully, and everything he said fits so well to the very interesting character that the writer has made with TW.  You just have to feel sorry for the guy's plight, though he himself made the mess.

I am getting a slight hint that may be, just may be, he would just let her go back to HW.  I would be sad about that.  And that's mainly because I like the SK character so much, as she deserves better for how good she has been.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SexyDolceVita said: I was checking older images of nsm and i have to say i am totally memsmerized by her image in this drama. Refreshing change and better wardrobe!

She exuberates a feminine feel like how kim so yeon was in gourmet 2008, whereas she was very girly in that drama.

I know gom is a heavy drama and nsm has to cry, get angry, become dissatisfied most of the time but this is a good opportunity to showcase her acting skills and versatility.

For all three main leads, i have to say this is a transition drama for them. A transition from light hearted material to mature disposition. Although lsw has to provide a break through, as otherwise, yes, he would be type casted as the devoted male with no distinctive personality.

I rarely watch k dramas these days but this one really captivated me.

I know soompi members will beat me up but i actually really and strangely like nsm's character. Because not all humans can be decisive at the right time, in the right moments.

She had agreed to get married before meeting hyun woo. She knew taewook longer than hyun woo. Given the circumstances, i would have had a hard time deciding whether i should move forward with the marriage or place my future with a man i barely know for a month plus with a one night stand in tow.

Family, society pressure, timing. All these factors contributed to ji hye giving into taewook. However, the most important factor is hyun woo's seemingly "premature" but mature decision to not hold onto ji hye. Because doing so will be a sin. He will create two sinners out of him and ji hye. He is a gentleman confused with his feelings and his need to conform within the boundaries of society.

To forget ji hye, he will attempt to get into a relationship with his junior. Yes, attempt. Because he will break the junior's heart when he confesses his inability to stop loving ji hye.

Tae wook will need to knock up ji hye's tummy to keep her in the marriage. But she will definitely leave after six months, so pregnancy will only complicate matters. I'd rather no pregnancy this time.

On another foot note, lee young ae's Fireworks 2000 is almost a replica of the tw-jh-hw triangle. The taewook jihye quarrel in Gom episode 9 is similar to the lee young ae and cha in pyo quarrel in fireworks episode 15!

Stubborn fiances forgive their future wives' infidelities.

Go watch it and tell me if i'm wrong!

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Guest ailskdrama

My first post below on GOM. Clearly this forum has kept me going despite my frustration with the script. sadly after more than 30 episodes i still don't have more insight on life, marriage, characters portrayed, that's just pitiful and waste of time. I got a lot of whiplash on storyline and point of views. For example just when I think I get HJ's character she moves back and cries for her scum of a husband (does that make sense? the change of heart is too hard to comprehend) As for JH it's hard to see what kind of character the writer is providing. She is portrayed as a smart, strong professional woman in the beginning. now I don't even have words to characterize her. I actually think housewives are some of the strongest (in service 24x7) so i would hv been fine if the riter presented that theme. sadly for jh's character development I am not sure what she ended up portraying. Another example, remember her speech to HW about not thinking much of all men or she thinks they are ridiculous. We didn't see this point play out or developed either. In fact yo the contrary we have HW who is considerate man and simeone who gets her (per her own words) and seem to be the man for her but she ends up marrying the man she admit not loving. is the writer trying to send a message that happiness, true love not important? i fail to believe that no society believes love is not important even in tradition asia culture. is the writer advocating mil/ tolerating life is more iportant? i hv no idea where she is going with this. So many open ended storylines. My first post below I am watching the scenes with TW and JH (flashback) I am just not seeing the chemistry or basis of their relationship which makes shipping JH and HS easy. unforunately it's been pretty painful to watch everyone so gloomy. Don't think I can go all the way til end with this drama even though I like HW. Yeeks

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Thanks for spoiler. As I thought, if we were headed in that direction.

Though IF it is only planned to happen in last ep 36, it will be highly UNsatisfying, and not terribly convincing either.

That's what we hung in for 36 looooong eppies for? Why did they even bother extending?!??

celinejoy said: SexyDolceVita said: My Guess is...

HJ + TJ = No divorce.
JH + TW = Divorce.
JS + CS = No Divorce.
EH + SS = No Divorce.


HJ + TJ = No divorce.
JH + TW = Divorce.
JS + CS = No Divorce.
EH + SS = Divorce, and Seung Soo is trying his best to woo back his wife.

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jusash said: SexyDolceVita:

Thanks for spoiler. As I thought, if we were headed in that direction.

Though IF isplanned to happen in only last ep 36, it will be highly UNsatisfying, and not terribly convincing either.

That's what we hung in for 36 looooong eppies for? Why did they even bother extending?!??

celinejoy said: SexyDolceVita said: My Guess is...

HJ + TJ = No divorce.
JH + TW = Divorce.
JS + CS = No Divorce.
EH + SS = No Divorce.


HJ + TJ = No divorce.
JH + TW = Divorce.
JS + CS = No Divorce.
EH + SS = Divorce, and Seung Soo is trying his best to woo back his wife.

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They didn't extend because this drama was good.  They extended this drama because the next drama wasn't ready yet.  8-|

I agree.  No matter how contrite and apologetic Michael Noh is, there are somethings that are just not excusable.  I know that for many, the adultery is the biggest sore point.  However, for me, the straw that broke the camels back was when he threw the divorce papers in Eun Hee's face.  That was the most insulting thing to do.  And, for which there is no excuse or apology sufficient to erase it. 

He had an affair.  He can be apologetic for having done that.  He wanted a divorce.  He can be apologetic for that.  He moved out of the house.  He can be apologetic for that.  All the insulting and degrading things he said to her, he can be apologetic for them.  But, there are just some things that a civilized person does not do to another person.  To throw the papers into her face is not an act that can be forgotten or forgiven.  And, that's why an apology does not work.  [-(

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@Auntie Mame - 
Exactly, the drama coming up behind this one was delayed. (The Woman Who Married 3 Times?) I agree about Michael Noh but we'll get the worn-out crappola excuse: She loves him!  :|   (so of course, she'll forgive anything he did now that he's apologized and wants to come home) *vomits* 
I'd almost be able to swallow the horrible writing and story of this drama if someone told me a man wrote it? The fact that it was written by a woman still blows my mind. :-/

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tessieroo said: @Auntie Mame - 
Exactly, the drama coming up behind this one was delayed. (The Woman Who Married 3 Times?) I agree about Michael Noh but we'll get the worn-out crappola excuse: She loves him!  :|   (so of course, she'll forgive anything he did now that he's apologized and wants to come home) *vomits* 
I'd almost be able to swallow the horrible writing and story of this drama if someone told me a man wrote it? The fact that it was written by a woman still blows my mind. :-/

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I just re-watched the very hot episode 1 which got us all hooked in this drama and the beginning of episode 5 where HW kisses JH and she pushes him away and then she goes to him and kisses him with so much passion. They were really in love, she was really in love but she ended marrying TW and tried to fully commit to their marriage but she is slowly destroying herself. So I truly hope that JH and HW end up together in Jeju Island where everything started for them and they buy that painter's small house and live there!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

I just re-watched the very hot episode 1 which got us all hooked in this drama and the beginning of episode 5 where HW kisses JH and she pushes him away and then she goes to him and kisses him with so much passion. They were really in love, she was really in love but she ended marrying TW and tried to fully commit to their marriage but she is slowly destroying herself. So I truly hope that JH and HW end up together in Jeju Island where everything started for them and they buy that painter's small house and live there!

That painter's house is not for sale...because it is part of the museum now...

And it is really too small!


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