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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Looking at the fact that the preview of episode 33 was shown at the end of episode 32...

I believe the Goddess of Marriage production team is filming the last two episodes this week and the next now.

So...try to check and google Korean blogs at Naver.com and Social Networking Services to see if anyone has witnessed the shooting of GoM on the streets OR at Jeju island (hahaha...I doubt they will go to Jeju island to shoot the ending because of $$ and time...hahahaha).

So sad this drama has come to an end soon.

I had a great ride so far with you guys even during the bumpy and torturing moments!


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Guest SexyDolceVita

Song Ji Hye's feelings towards Kang Tae Wook

We all know Song Ji Hye truly loves Kim Hyun Woo, so there is no need to discuss this.
But what is interesting for discussion is what kind of feelings does Song Ji Hye have towards Kang Tae Wook?

Is it love?
Is it just dependence?
Is it responsibility?
Is it duty?
Is it a debt?
Is it karma?
Is it an appreciation of his devotion?
Or is it a love hate relationship?

Through so many episodes and scenes featuring TW and JH.
We have seen arguments, quarrels, cool atmospheres, happy moments, sad moments, cordial moments, etc.

What does JH actually think of her husband?
Does she even love him at all? Even if it is a dose of love?
Does she appreciate his good qualities?
She says she understands he loves her a lot.
She acknowledges that he is devoted to her.
She is grateful he forgives her cheating incident with HW.
She knows TW is a male chauvinist and self centred.
She says TW is selfish too.

What about TW that makes her willing to be his wife for at least a year, and to go back to Kang family for at least two more years?

What if JH has TW's baby eventually?
Will she love him more out of her love for their baby?

Is JH willing to marry TW despite her reluctance mainly due to his promises to her?
That he will be her dog forever?
That he will provide her happiness?
That he will make sure she doesn't regret it?

How is TW's image like in JH's heart?
Does she even like him as a person despite his faults?

What is on JH's mind when she is being intimate with TW?
Does she even enjoy it?

What are the feelings JH have towards TW?

How I wish she can tell us how she feels inside regarding her husband...

What do you guys think?

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I think i am going to wait till next weekends a episode and watched them togather. Warning to my self when it start with a bang it may not be able to hold that bang throughout. The story line seems all over place now. it will be a rushed ending. AT this point i am not sure if i care who she ends up with. Honestly by her self at this point. Then throw the oldest sister family from going smoothly to this is no point. my rant. I think if it flowed better i would not be as confused. at this point i don' think she be with HW. its like what is the point. only one /two episodes in the whole 32 as of now they have not had any real freind/love relaitonship. Acqaintances more like it and yes you care about be paople talk/meet.

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@SexyDolceVitaI think would be interest if we could have an incite in to her thought. It would give us an incite in to her actions. WHy she goes back and forth. Maybe it would not make us so angry with the writer LOL
SexyDolceVita said: Song Ji Hye's feelings towards Kang Tae Wook

We all know Song Ji Hye truly loves Kim Hyun Woo, so there is no need to discuss this.
But what is interesting for discussion is what kind of feelings do Song Ji Hye have towards Kang Tae Wook?

Is it love?
Is it just dependence?
Is it responsibility?
Is it duty?
Is it a debt?
Is it karma?
Is it an appreciation of his devotion?
Or is it a love hate relationship?

Through so many episodes and scenes featuring TW and JH.
We have seen arguments, quarrels, cool atmospheres, happy moments, sad moments, cordial moments, etc.

What does JH actually think of her husband?
Does she even love him at all? Even if it is a dose of love?
Does she appreciate his good qualities?
She says she understands he loves her a lot.
She acknowledges that he is devoted to her.
She is grateful he forgives her cheating incident with HW.
She knows TW is a male chauvinist and self centred.
She says TW is selfish too.

What about TW that makes her willing to be his wife for at least a year, and to go back to Kang family for at least two more years?

What if JH has TW's baby eventually?
Will she love him more out of her love for their baby?

Is JH willing to marry TW despite her reluctance mainly due to his promises to her?
That he will be her dog forever?
That he will provide her happiness?
That he will make sure she doesn't regret it?

How is TW's image like in JH's heart?
Does she even like him as a person despite his faults?

What is on JH's mind when she is being intimate with TW?
Does she even enjoy it?

What are the feelings JH have towards TW?

How I wish she can tell us how she feels inside regarding her husband...

What do you guys think?

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Guest ailskdrama

Thank you so much for this translation @jayakris . It seems like such an important scene but unfortunately I couldn't get the sentiment from kjh acting. I was like HW. What are you saying? Since you speak Korean, can you give me your interpretation of what TW said above ie what do you think he means when he said "I can not believe her." Unwillingness to acknowledge the reality or is it I dont believe that is all there is to it. I know in the scene with jh tw had expressed the former sentiment. That he will pretend he never heard her say ehat she saidm I am just wondering what new insights we can glean from this scene. Again thank you for the translation. Really helped


I think @SexyDolceVita were both typing it up on this passage, and she beat me to it - which I saw only after I posted it :) ... We think alike!


I think @SexyDolceVita had a bit of trouble (as did I too) with that long 5 minute one-way conversation from TW to HW at the E32 beginning.  I had to rewind and watch some 2-3 times and then even go to the SBS script to see some of what he said.  Too many words and complex stuff he was saying in there (good writing, actually).  Anyway, there are some changes to what we thought initially.

He did not offer HW money.  If I heard right, what he said was that he is sure that "his family will pay for their sins, exactly as they deserve".  It sounded like "we will pay you" initially, that's all. He was extremely candid, to the point of sounding like he has almost given up on ever making JH happy.  This was actually the first time I felt in many many episodes that perhaps he may even give up JH in the end.

Ok, as I liked the whole exchange, and as some of you seem to have misunderstood that passage, here is my translation of the whole thing.  Hope I got it all in, and sorry for any mistake.


HW- How come you are here?

TW - First off, I am not the prosecutor in charge.

HW - Then why...

TW - In fact, I shouldn't be visiting you like this.  Especially as my family is involved in this case, strictly speaking, it is illegal for me to meet you.

HW - Could I ask first why you are here?

TW - Must I really talk about it?

HW - I am here for an illegal matter. I am already scared enough about it.

TW - I know it well.  That you are not one who would do anything illegal. That's why I came.  Anyway, it is something that my brother did, and was your bad luck. On behalf of my family, I apologize. (bows in all seriousness)

HW - It doesn't seem like anything you should be apologizing for. It's not anything you did, right?

TW - Still, I wanted to do it, and I came down.

HW - Why would you?

TW - (sighs) It seems I have no way but to talk about it now. When I came down here, you know what I felt I should be telling you?  It was that I have a personal debt to you, HyeonU. That has nothing to do with my brother. It is that I, who everybody thinks has everything in S.Korea, had stolen a woman away from you, a mere vice-CEO of an architectural firm.

HW - (taken aback) Why say such a thing...

TW - People won't believe that it was stealing a woman, would they?

HW - Prosecutor Gang!

TW - It doesn't matter. Had I dropped my desire even once, it wasn't something that would ever return to me. You think "people like you are like this. The ones who have it all, are always like this. Even at this point you keep tearing and biting", don't you?  Well, you indeed must feel that.  But, for me this matter was more important.  [HW looks a bit puzzled at how he speaks riddles. Then TW decides to open up a bit; steps away to talk]. In truth, things have not been gong well for my wife.  Even otherwise, she is one who cannot adapt to my family's ways, and looks at my family folks and even other chaebol people like insects (worms?). She says that without even her being conscious of it, her heart still has you, HyeonU, like a fallen leaf that still moves about. But I will not believe it.  Even if (she says) so, I cannot that easily believe that my wife's heart conceals other thoughts like that.  Why?  Because I know way too well what kind of a woman she is.

HW - What in the world did you come here to tell me, really?

TW - Honestly, it is because I am sorry to her that I came here. After she got married to me, everything was stolen from her while in my family.  The work she liked to do, her friends, her freedom, and her free time.  They were all taken away from her.  It is just the same as me doing it all to her. After all, wasn't it me who just had to have that woman?  That time when me met at the cafe you said something - "One gets married carrying no baggage. If it's any matter that arises from the independent side of the spouse, whatever is the story, and whatever is the memory, just acknowledge it, and don't interfere in it". That turns out have been quite a praiseworthy line.  Initially I had thought of it as just bad luck. But as time went on, it remained in (her?) heart.  That's why I came.  I think I am unable to provide my wife with good memories. In my family, I feel that even the fallen leaves in her heart have been raked around. I felt that I can even look at her face for a life time, only if I did this. [HW nearly shocked.  TW takes a deep breath and adjusts his jacket].  I am sorry, HyeonU.  Also, for the problem with my brother, let me once again apologize. But despite my sincere apologies, what would happen later in this legal case is still unknown to me.  However, your non-deliberate cover-up of a company matter for the company's sake, will probably amount to nothing. My family, fitting with the family's sins, will have a price to pay. But I will be rooting for you.  [extents hands for hand shake].  Had the issues with my wife and my brother not caused all this, even in a bad-luck way, we could have been side-by-side for a long time as friends, and I regret that.

HW - [slowly]  The same way, I too... regret that. [holds hands]


I think this whole thing was written beautifully, and everything he said fits so well to the very interesting character that the writer has made with TW.  You just have to feel sorry for the guy's plight, though he himself made the mess.

I am getting a slight hint that may be, just may be, he would just let her go back to HW.  I would be sad about that.  And that's mainly because I like the SK character so much, as she deserves better for how good she has been.

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ailskdrama said: Thank you so much for this translation @jayakris . It seems like such an important scene but unfortunately I couldn't get the sentiment from kjh acting. I was like HW. What are you saying? Since you speak Korean, can you give me your interpretation of what TW said above ie what do you think he means when he said "I can not believe her." Unwillingness to acknowledge the reality or is it I dont believe that is all there is to it. I know in the scene with jh tw had expressed the former sentiment. That he will pretend he never heard her say ehat she saidm I am just wondering what new insights we can glean from this scene. Again thank you for the translation. Really helped

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Guest myrtle52

I am liking your posts, dolcevita!! Thank you for your recaps. TW is actually one of the victims here ....since birth. He can't choose his parents but he was given a mind of his own like anyone so he needs to decide what's best for his immediate family- JH. Isn't it true that once married your first loyalty is to your beloved not to your parents? He needs to re-read his vows...

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Hello fellows.

I'm really done with GoM. I'm embarking now in Secret! :) Maybe I will return here to the last episode.

I just want to say some words, just to voice my frustrations.

Normally, I do like very much "realistic" plots, with "real", mature and adult storylines and characters. On one side, they are less enjoyable, but on the other side, they can give us material for reflexion about our own and others realities, what I think awesome. I confess I'm a romantic soul and love happy ends. But when a realistic plot is well devellopped, I can feel myself satisfied with a down to earth end, which can mean not a happy one.  But, in my point of view, well devellopped story means we can grow with it, It can give us a positive way to look things, to grow with. And that, in my opinion, lacks in GoM.

I come from a latin and christian country with still many traits of macho culture, so I can understand real situations where women are in a secondary social position in comparison to men. I don't second that, I think we are equals and have to be treated as equals, and to me a marriage is make out love, respect and partnership between equals; and I try to live following my values. BUT, I can comprehend others ideas and values, and can understand others ways of life, even ways that say women are not equals and they have to follow theirs husband leading. I'm writing this just to say that I'm not a radical person who can't understand others points of view, and who thinks my way is the only one possible.

However, what I can't accept is abuse and absence of respect, I can't accept crush and throw away peoples dignity. Furthermore, in spite of cultural differences, I don't think it is normally accetable in Korean society abuse and disrespect against women, even if women there have a submisse position.

I think maybe it would be a great point if in GoM the writer would put in discussion the difference between submission and abuse. Where lays the line between women submission and abused women? When a man crosses that line in a marriage? What could a woman do when her submissive (and accetable to her) position in a marriage is transformed in abused position? Which are her chances and possibilities to scape abuse? I think even if you don't want to question women submission you could make a reflexion about abuse.

But, in GoM, what we see? (aside JS situation and SK) Every lead woman character (whatever the reason is), gives up a good hearted man, who respects her, to chose a man who doesn't respect her, worst who abuses her: HJ, JH and EH. And it suffices that the men show some soft side, and the women will be moved, even HJ!

Amongst the three husbands (TJ, MN and TW), to me the worst is TW. I'm sorry for those who likes or pity him, but I can't relate to him, I can't forget what he did, I can't be moved by him. I will explain why I think he is the worst. If we take the individual TW apart, sure he is way better than the others two individuals (TJ and MN), in fact, there is no comparison. But when we consider him in relation to his wife, to me he is the worst.

Differently from the others, he always plays the card "I love you", "I will die without you", to justify his actions (or no-actions), to move JH, to make a kind of chantage. IMO, the worst kind of abusing relationship is when the "love" card is played, the "what I do is because I love you". This is the most difficult situation to women to free themselves. And TW really over uses this trope.

Ah, ok, he doesn't beat her, he doesn't cheat on her, but curiously JH is the only character that, because her situation, is almost dying, and I'm sorry, but who puts her in that situation was her husband. So, thank you very much TW, but I don't need or want your kind of love!!!!

Maybe your guys think I'm being too harsh in saying TW abuses JH, but to me what he does is to abuse her. And he does it with the "I am a nice guy" complex. As someone pointed out here, he has two faces: a nice guy in front some people, and a "tough/agressive" guy in front of others. But, how about actions?? Nothing, only empty words.

To me there is a TW behaviour pattern: a) when JH is in his compleet possession; B) when he thinks he can lost her; c) when extreems situations happen and he feels gulty.

a) In this case, JH is just a toy, a possession. So, she cames always in second or third place is his agenda, after family and work, he only remembers her when he wants sleep with her or when he thinks she made something not worthy kang family or his wife. When he has the disposition, he can even shows some supporting, classical way to support her: words, words, words, no action. He has a completely selfsh regard to JH, and he treats her accordingly. It is in this situation that he is completely accomplicy w/ his family in abusing his wife: he put her in that situation (in a submission relationship, a wife can't decide where and how to live, it is men's resposnsability if she is slavered), and he knows that. AND, the worst, although he knew what that meant to her life, he put her again in the same situation, with empty promisses, with the same behaviour: she at second or third place, he selfish doing what he wants or think most important - because she isn't that important, in fact. 

B) Here, he plays the nice guy, the humble and repent guy to others, but is completely agressive and richard simmons** to JH: I won't listen to you, come with me, you have a week, I know what is better for you. In fact, she has no right. Sometimes he uses the "i love you" card in a angry way, sometimes in a soft and moving way. But, at the end she hasn't choice. (BTW, I think TW last talk with HW fits in this pattern: a nice guy to others, full of empty words).

c) When JH is ill, he can be really despareted, feels really guilty, he can become a lion. But when the danger is gone, things come back to the former situation.

I'm not saying that TW isn't sincere and that he doesn't have feelings for her (I don't know if I can name this love). But, to me, the way he treats and thinks about JH isn't considering her as a person or humain being, but an object, a possession. And I can't be moved by this kind of feeling or actions.

So, I'm giving up GoM because I can't stand more the way the writer is dealing with abused women and women submission thema. I can't stand those husbands being saved.

To me, a beliveable and satisfying end will be the three women divorced, but living alone (JH) or with children (EH, HJ). The worst and unbelieveble end will be JH discovering she loves TW or in the future learning to love him. In this case, what kind of message will the writter pass to women in that kind of abusing situation??

Wow! I really wrote too much. :)

Well, thanks everybody for the recaps and the comments. I really enjoyed it very much, more than the drama :)

Bye (or untill the end)!!!!  :-h

P.S.: I haven't a word about HW because the writter simply destroyed his character!! In spite of that, I think LSW is doing a awesome job with the couple of lines and time that he got. I'm always moved by his expressions! :)

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@ninaanin - Agree with every single word you wrote. ^:)^ You put it much better than I did. I also agree that his "talk" with HW was just more of him trying to appear the "nice guy".  When he brought JH home, not only did he sleep in the next morning but he showed up for breakfast expecting JH to be there - serving food for his family. He expects it, no matter what he says to her - he expects her to act just like his SIL did for those 8 years: being a slave, doing what she's told, quitting her job, bearing children and being abused by his mother. 
@jayakris - Thank you so much for clearing up the idea that TW offered HW money, glad that part was wrong. He also did NOT insist HW keep it from JH that he was arrested. I really appreciate you translating the conversation between them but for me...it still makes zero sense. I have no idea what TW was trying to say or why he even bothered. The only thing HW learned was that JH still has him in her heart.  :-/

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@ninaanin - thank you also from me.  I too agree with what you have to say about the TW character the idiot writer have created.  She keep being so wishy washy in her writing on TW.  And don't blame it on the extension because a good writer would have created a good story line.  This writer keep filling places with filler and that was what we have been seeing that last couple of episodes.  I will make sure I really check who the writer is when I check out any new drama.  This writer will be on my "do not watch" list. 

Also @jayakris - thank you also for putting your clarification where it is needed.  I really appreciate it.  The subs sometime really have me confuse on the interpretation.  Again thank you.

I am still boycotting the last couple of episodes because they are "fillers" and do we really need them?  I will stay until episode 36 because I really want to know how this idiot writer is going to put a closure this drama.   :-w :-w

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So it takes JH to overdose to make TW wake up *clap* *clap* *clap*
Idek why HW is even in this drama. All he did was brood look slightly confused, as per usual. Damn you 1st ep. for being so misleading.This drama just hates women, I don't get it (or basically this drama hates JH cos I have the feeling she'll end with TW).Anyway, anticipating JH's family reaction to her overdose. Serves them right.

I agree with @jusash, JH callsTW because he's literally the only thing she has left in that prison, she already seems to have resigned herself to live that way so she sees TW as the only person she can hold onto...
Btw OT, I finished watching A Wife's Credentials, I think this writer could learn a thing or two from that drama. 
I would've quit this drama a long time ago if it wasn't for you guys, in a way it's fun to come here every time to bash TW and the Kang family  =))

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 said:Hello fellows.

I'm really done with GoM. I'm embarking now in Secret!


Maybe I will return here to the last episode.

I just want to say some words, just to voice my frustrations. 

Normally, I do like very much "realistic" plots, with "real", mature and adult storylines and characters. On one side, they are less enjoyable, but on the other side, they can give us material for reflexion about our own and others realities, what I think awesome. I confess I'm a romantic soul and love happy ends. But when a realistic plot is well devellopped, I can feel myself satisfied with a down to earth end, which can mean not a happy one.  But, in my point of view, well devellopped story means we can grow with it, It can give us a positive way to look things, to grow with. And that, in my opinion, lacks in GoM. 

I come from a latin and christian country with still many traits of macho culture, so I can understand real situations where women are in a secondary social position in comparison to men. I don't second that, I think we are equals and have to be treated as equals, and to me a marriage is make out love, respect and partnership between equals; and I try to live following my values. BUT, I can comprehend others ideas and values, and can understand others ways of life, even ways that say women are not equals and they have to follow theirs husband leading. I'm writing this just to say that I'm not a radical person who can't understand others points of view, and who thinks my way is the only one possible.

However, what I can't accept is abuse and absence of respect, I can't accept crush and throw away peoples dignity. Furthermore, in spite of cultural differences, I don't think it is normally accetable in Korean society abuse and disrespect against women, even if women there have a submisse position.

I think maybe it would be a great point if in GoM the writer would put in discussion the 






. Where lays the line between women submission and abused women? When a man crosses that line in a marriage? What could a woman do when her submissive (and accetable to her) position in a marriage is transformed in abused position? Which are her chances and possibilities to scape abuse? I think even if you don't want to question women submission you could make a reflexion about abuse. 

But, in GoM, what we see? (aside JS situation and SK) Every lead woman character (whatever the reason is), gives up a good hearted man, who respects her, to chose a man who doesn't respect her, worst who abuses her: HJ, JH and EH. And it suffices that the men show some soft side, and the women will be moved, even HJ! 

Amongst the three husbands (TJ, MN and TW), to me the worst is TW. I'm sorry for those who likes or pity him, but I can't relate to him, I can't forget what he did, I can't be moved by him. I will explain why I think he is the worst. If we take the individual TW apart, sure he is way better than the others two individuals (TJ and MN), in fact, there is no comparison. But when we consider him in relation to his wife, to me he is the worst. 

Differently from the others, he always plays the card "I love you", "I will die without you", to justify his actions (or no-actions), to move JH, to make a kind of chantage. IMO, the worst kind of abusing relationship is when the "love" card is played, the "what I do is because I love you". This is the most difficult situation to women to free themselves. And TW really over uses this trope. 

Ah, ok, he doesn't beat her, he doesn't cheat on her, but curiously JH is the only character that, because her situation, is almost dying, and I'm sorry, but who puts her in that situation was her husband. So, thank you very much TW, but I don't need or want your kind of love!!!!

Maybe your guys think I'm being too harsh in saying TW abuses JH, but to me what he does is to abuse her. And he does it with the "I am a nice guy" complex. As someone pointed out here, he has two faces: a nice guy in front some people, and a "tough/agressive" guy in front of others. But, how about actions?? Nothing, only empty words.

To me there is a TW behaviour pattern: a) when JH is in his compleet possession;


when he thinks he can lost her; c) when extreems situations happen and he feels gulty. 

a) In this case, JH is just a toy, a possession. So, she cames always in second or third place is his agenda, after family and work, he only remembers her when he wants sleep with her or when he thinks she made something not worthy kang family or his wife. When he has the disposition, he can even shows some supporting, classical way to support her: words, words, words, no action. He has a completely selfsh regard to JH, and he treats her accordingly. It is in this situation that he is completely accomplicy w/ his family in abusing his wife: he put her in that situation (in a submission relationship, a wife can't decide where and how to live, it is men's resposnsability if she is slavered), and he knows that. AND, the worst, although he knew what that meant to her life, he put her again in the same situation, with empty promisses, with the same behaviour: she at second or third place, he selfish doing what he wants or think most important - because she isn't that important, in fact.  


Here, he plays the nice guy, the humble and repent guy to others, but is completely agressive and ass** to JH: I won't listen to you, come with me, you have a week, I know what is better for you. In fact, she has no right. Sometimes he uses the "i love you" card in a angry way, sometimes in a soft and moving way. But, at the end she hasn't choice. (BTW, I think TW last talk with HW fits in this pattern: a nice guy to others, full of empty words).

c) When JH is ill, he can be really despareted, feels really guilty, he can become a lion. But when the danger is gone, things come back to the former situation. 

I'm not saying that TW isn't sincere and that he doesn't have feelings for her (I don't know if I can name this love). But, to me, the way he treats and thinks about JH isn't considering her as a person or humain being, but an object, a possession. And I can't be moved by this kind of feeling or actions. 

So, I'm giving up GoM because I can't stand more the way the writer is dealing with abused women and women submission thema. I can't stand those husbands being saved. 

To me, a beliveable and satisfying end will be the three women divorced, but living alone (JH) or with children (EH, HJ). The worst and unbelieveble end will be JH discovering she loves TW or in the future learning to love him. In this case, what kind of message will the writter pass to women in that kind of abusing situation??

Wow! I really wrote too much.



Well, thanks everybody for the recaps and the comments. I really enjoyed it very much, more than the drama



Bye (or untill the end)!!!!  :-h

P.S.: I haven't a word about HW because the writter simply destroyed his character!! In spite of that, I think LSW is doing a awesome job with the couple of lines and time that he got. I'm always moved by his expressions!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

joojanah said:


 said:Hello fellows.

I'm really done with GoM. I'm embarking now in Secret!


Maybe I will return here to the last episode.

I just want to say some words, just to voice my frustrations. 

Normally, I do like very much "realistic" plots, with "real", mature and adult storylines and characters. On one side, they are less enjoyable, but on the other side, they can give us material for reflexion about our own and others realities, what I think awesome. I confess I'm a romantic soul and love happy ends. But when a realistic plot is well devellopped, I can feel myself satisfied with a down to earth end, which can mean not a happy one.  But, in my point of view, well devellopped story means we can grow with it, It can give us a positive way to look things, to grow with. And that, in my opinion, lacks in GoM. 

I come from a latin and christian country with still many traits of macho culture, so I can understand real situations where women are in a secondary social position in comparison to men. I don't second that, I think we are equals and have to be treated as equals, and to me a marriage is make out love, respect and partnership between equals; and I try to live following my values. BUT, I can comprehend others ideas and values, and can understand others ways of life, even ways that say women are not equals and they have to follow theirs husband leading. I'm writing this just to say that I'm not a radical person who can't understand others points of view, and who thinks my way is the only one possible.

However, what I can't accept is abuse and absence of respect, I can't accept crush and throw away peoples dignity. Furthermore, in spite of cultural differences, I don't think it is normally accetable in Korean society abuse and disrespect against women, even if women there have a submisse position.

I think maybe it would be a great point if in GoM the writer would put in discussion the 






. Where lays the line between women submission and abused women? When a man crosses that line in a marriage? What could a woman do when her submissive (and accetable to her) position in a marriage is transformed in abused position? Which are her chances and possibilities to scape abuse? I think even if you don't want to question women submission you could make a reflexion about abuse. 

But, in GoM, what we see? (aside JS situation and SK) Every lead woman character (whatever the reason is), gives up a good hearted man, who respects her, to chose a man who doesn't respect her, worst who abuses her: HJ, JH and EH. And it suffices that the men show some soft side, and the women will be moved, even HJ! 

Amongst the three husbands (TJ, MN and TW), to me the worst is TW. I'm sorry for those who likes or pity him, but I can't relate to him, I can't forget what he did, I can't be moved by him. I will explain why I think he is the worst. If we take the individual TW apart, sure he is way better than the others two individuals (TJ and MN), in fact, there is no comparison. But when we consider him in relation to his wife, to me he is the worst. 

Differently from the others, he always plays the card "I love you", "I will die without you", to justify his actions (or no-actions), to move JH, to make a kind of chantage. IMO, the worst kind of abusing relationship is when the "love" card is played, the "what I do is because I love you". This is the most difficult situation to women to free themselves. And TW really over uses this trope. 

Ah, ok, he doesn't beat her, he doesn't cheat on her, but curiously JH is the only character that, because her situation, is almost dying, and I'm sorry, but who puts her in that situation was her husband. So, thank you very much TW, but I don't need or want your kind of love!!!!

Maybe your guys think I'm being too harsh in saying TW abuses JH, but to me what he does is to abuse her. And he does it with the "I am a nice guy" complex. As someone pointed out here, he has two faces: a nice guy in front some people, and a "tough/agressive" guy in front of others. But, how about actions?? Nothing, only empty words.

To me there is a TW behaviour pattern: a) when JH is in his compleet possession;


when he thinks he can lost her; c) when extreems situations happen and he feels gulty. 

a) In this case, JH is just a toy, a possession. So, she cames always in second or third place is his agenda, after family and work, he only remembers her when he wants sleep with her or when he thinks she made something not worthy kang family or his wife. When he has the disposition, he can even shows some supporting, classical way to support her: words, words, words, no action. He has a completely selfsh regard to JH, and he treats her accordingly. It is in this situation that he is completely accomplicy w/ his family in abusing his wife: he put her in that situation (in a submission relationship, a wife can't decide where and how to live, it is men's resposnsability if she is slavered), and he knows that. AND, the worst, although he knew what that meant to her life, he put her again in the same situation, with empty promisses, with the same behaviour: she at second or third place, he selfish doing what he wants or think most important - because she isn't that important, in fact.  


Here, he plays the nice guy, the humble and repent guy to others, but is completely agressive and ass** to JH: I won't listen to you, come with me, you have a week, I know what is better for you. In fact, she has no right. Sometimes he uses the "i love you" card in a angry way, sometimes in a soft and moving way. But, at the end she hasn't choice. (BTW, I think TW last talk with HW fits in this pattern: a nice guy to others, full of empty words).

c) When JH is ill, he can be really despareted, feels really guilty, he can become a lion. But when the danger is gone, things come back to the former situation. 

I'm not saying that TW isn't sincere and that he doesn't have feelings for her (I don't know if I can name this love). But, to me, the way he treats and thinks about JH isn't considering her as a person or humain being, but an object, a possession. And I can't be moved by this kind of feeling or actions. 

So, I'm giving up GoM because I can't stand more the way the writer is dealing with abused women and women submission thema. I can't stand those husbands being saved. 

To me, a beliveable and satisfying end will be the three women divorced, but living alone (JH) or with children (EH, HJ). The worst and unbelieveble end will be JH discovering she loves TW or in the future learning to love him. In this case, what kind of message will the writter pass to women in that kind of abusing situation??

Wow! I really wrote too much.



Well, thanks everybody for the recaps and the comments. I really enjoyed it very much, more than the drama



Bye (or untill the end)!!!!  :-h

P.S.: I haven't a word about HW because the writter simply destroyed his character!! In spite of that, I think LSW is doing a awesome job with the couple of lines and time that he got. I'm always moved by his expressions!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Possible Endings of Goddess of Marriage

After doing some thinking, I want to write the following variations of ending down before I forget them.

So here you go.

Ending #1 - JH and TW divorce. HW and SK cancel their engagement/wedding. JH and HW meet each other after some time.
After witnessing how bad JH's health and mental state has become after her return to Kang family, and realising his twisted mother is not going to make things any easier for JH, especially after news of her emergency admission has made newspaper headlines, bringing embarrassment to Kang family and to evil MIL especially within her chaebol circle of friends, TW will try for the last time to propose to his father that he wants to live somewhere else away from cold castle with JH, so JH can have a more normal life.
However, FIL will not agree to this, especially MIL of course because she would have no one to order around.
FIL will see this arrangement as redundant because TW and JH have been living in a separate villa by themselves already and whatever JH is experiencing now may be temporary. He won't see the urgent need for TW to live so far away from cold castle just for the sake of JH's health.
This is a trying time for Kang family. FIL will want every member of Kang family to stay united, hence if the public knows TW and JH have moved out of cold castle estate, it will place Kang family in a more negative light.
Furthermore, FIL will want TW within his reach, so TW can step in to help with Sin Young Group's legal matters if necessary.
FIL is not an emotional person. He is all about $. He will only get emotional when it comes to $.
So insomnia? He will do his trademark sinister laugh again and tells TW not to be ridiculous with his proposal to move out with JH to lead a less stressful lifestyle.
To FIL, if HJ can endure that 7 years of being a house slave for Kang family, why can't JH?
ChayTui MuTay! Absolutely Not Possible!

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He will make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

He cannot bear to see JH suffer further due to her inability to re-adjust to the Kang family lifestyle.
He cannot bear to see JH die while she is married to him.
He would prefer to see JH live as a free woman than to see her die sooner than later as his wife.
He will choose to painfully let go of JH, so she can live the life she wants to have.
So JH can have freedom.

TW would remain friends with JH after their divorce.
TW will go to NY to further his studies and forget about his twisted and troublesome family for once.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW will talk things out with SK and both will agree to cancel their engagement/wedding because both can see this is really not working out for them in the long run, especially since SK's mom and HW's mom have a brutally honest confrontation in Episode 32.
Although we can see it is really heartbreaking for SK during this process of breaking up.
However, she will recover from it eventually and perhaps leave for France to visit her father and stay there for a while, perhaps also to forget about whatever that has happened in South Korea.

A year after her divorce from TW, JH will bump into HW in the Nth coincidental encounter in Seoul or JeJu (a little unlikely given the budget and time constraints of drama shooting), and they will smile at each other sincerely while noticing neither is wearing a wedding band or engagement ring.

Ending #2 - Sin Young Group goes down. JH and TW divorce. HW and SK cancel their engagement/wedding. JH and HW meet each other after some time.

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He intends to make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

During this process, Sin Young Group suffers a huge financial loss due to the white collar crimes committed by TaeJin and MIL.
It is close to bankruptcy and barely surviving with the funds it has left after getting fined by the government, and having funds pulled out by angry shareholders and investors.
Stock price of Sin Young Group drops dramatically to a new record low in ages.

TW feels like the world is crashing down on him, given the pressures within his family, within Sin Young Group, and at work.
Witnessing how Kang family's fortunes have been nearly wiped out, and how TW is feeling so alone within his family, JH will be hesitant to sign the divorce papers and is considering to stay by TW's side to give him the support a wife should provide.

However, after realising how he is unable and will never be able to provide JH the life that she deserves, especially since his family is no longer powerful or that wealthy anymore, TW will insist on divorcing JH even though he feels so much agony inside his heart to sign those divorce papers. JH has no choice but to give into TW's wishes.

TW would remain friends with JH after their divorce.
TW will go to NY to further his studies and forget about his twisted and troublesome family for once.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW will talk things out with SK and both will agree to cancel their engagement/wedding because both can see this is really not working out for them in the long run, especially since SK's mom and HW's mom have a brutally honest confrontation in Episode 32.
Although we can see it is really heartbreaking for SK during this process of breaking up.
However, she will recover from it eventually and perhaps leave for France to visit her father and stay there for a while, perhaps also to forget about whatever that has happened in South Korea.

A year after her divorce from TW, JH will bump into HW in the Nth coincidental encounter in Seoul or JeJu (a little unlikely given the budget and time constraints of drama shooting), and they will smile at each other sincerely while noticing neither is wearing a wedding band or engagement ring.

Ending #3 - Sin Young Group goes down. JH stays by TW's side. HW and SK cancel their engagement/wedding. HW remains alone and goes overseas for a break.

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He intends to make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

During this process, Sin Young Group suffers a huge financial loss due to the white collar crimes committed by TaeJin and MIL.
It is close to bankruptcy and barely surviving with the funds it has left after getting fined by the government, and having funds pulled out by angry shareholders and investors.
Stock price of Sin Young Group drops dramatically to a new record low in ages.

TW feels like the world is crashing down on him, given the pressures within his family, within Sin Young Group, and at work.
Witnessing how Kang family's fortunes have been nearly wiped out, and how TW is feeling so alone within his family, JH will be hesitant to sign the divorce papers and is considering to stay by TW's side to give him the support a wife should provide.

However, after realising how he is unable and will never be able to provide JH the life that she deserves, especially since his family is no longer powerful or that wealthy anymore, TW will insist on divorcing JH even though he feels so much agony inside his heart to sign those divorce papers.

After recalling her wedding vows to TW, and realising the true meaning behind a true marriage, JH refuses to divorce TW and tells him she will stay by his side during times of woes like this because she has made a vow to go through the thick and thin with him at their wedding. She really feels for his pains and she knows it is really agonising for him to divorce her because he would have no one left by his side to support him and care for him.
This time, ironically JH is the one who is asking TW to give their marriage a third try, and that she will live with him somewhere else away from cold castle and be the pillar of support he greatly needs at this stage of his life. Why? Because she is his wife. 

Deeply touched by JH's words, TW will give up his family for now and move out of cold castle with JH even though FIL and MIL oppose it greatly.
He tells his parents, in order for him to be the good son he has always been towards them, they have to let him be a normal human being first and a good husband. He knows this is a trying time for Kang family now and he is still their son but it is also time for everyone in the family to focus on what is important in their lives now. FIL and HJ to focus on rebuilding Sin Young Group. MIL to focus on repenting her mistakes. TJ to focus on repenting in prison. And he has to focus on his marriage with JH.

TW and JH move out to a small apartment and begin a new married life as a couple. JH is able to work again and her health recovers gradually.
A few months later, she is pregnant with TW's baby and they work on crafting a new life together, while going back to Kang family estate for that awkward occasional weekend dinner.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW will talk things out with SK and both will agree to cancel their engagement/wedding because both can see this is really not working out for them in the long run, especially since SK's mom and HW's mom have a brutally honest confrontation in Episode 32.
Although we can see it is really heartbreaking for SK during this process of breaking up.
However, she will recover from it eventually and perhaps leave for France to visit her father and stay there for a while, perhaps also to forget about whatever that has happened in South Korea.
HW will go overseas too for a break from all the sh&t that has happened in South Korea for the past year.
Maybe he will bump into SK in Europe. Maybe he will not.
But he has learned to become more proactive as a man and see things clearly now, knowing what suits him and what doesn't.

Ending #4 - Sin Young Group goes down. JH stays by TW's side. HW and SK marry eventually.

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He intends to make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

During this process, Sin Young Group suffers a huge financial loss due to the white collar crimes committed by TaeJin and MIL.
It is close to bankruptcy and barely surviving with the funds it has left after getting fined by the government, and having funds pulled out by angry shareholders and investors.
Stock price of Sin Young Group drops dramatically to a new record low in ages.

TW feels like the world is crashing down on him, given the pressures within his family, within Sin Young Group, and at work.
Witnessing how Kang family's fortunes have been nearly wiped out, and how TW is feeling so alone within his family, JH will be hesitant to sign the divorce papers and is considering to stay by TW's side to give him the support a wife should provide.

However, after realising how he is unable and will never be able to provide JH the life that she deserves, especially since his family is no longer powerful or that wealthy anymore, TW will insist on divorcing JH even though he feels so much agony inside his heart to sign those divorce papers.

After recalling her wedding vows to TW, and realising the true meaning behind a true marriage, JH refuses to divorce TW and tells him she will stay by his side during times of woes like this because she has made a vow to go through the thick and thin with him at their wedding. She really feels for his pains and she knows it is really agonising for him to divorce her because he would have no one left by his side to support him and care for him.
This time, ironically JH is the one who is asking TW to give their marriage a third try, and that she will live with him somewhere else away from cold castle and be the pillar of support he greatly needs at this stage of his life. Why? Because she is his wife. 

Deeply touched by JH's words, TW will give up his family for now and move out of cold castle with JH even though FIL and MIL oppose it greatly.
He tells his parents, in order for him to be the good son he has always been towards them, they have to let him be a normal human being first and a good husband. He knows this is a trying time for Kang family now and he is still their son but it is also time for everyone in the family to focus on what is important in their lives now. FIL and HJ to focus on rebuilding Sin Young Group. MIL to focus on repenting her mistakes. TJ to focus on repenting in prison. And he has to focus on his marriage with JH.

TW and JH move out to a small apartment and begin a new married life as a couple. JH is able to work again and her health recovers gradually.
A few months later, she is pregnant with TW's baby and they work on crafting a new life together, while going back to Kang family estate for that awkward occasional weekend dinner.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW has a heart to heart talk with SK. He is deeply touched to see how frail and thin SK has become since his arrest. He is sorry to have let SK witnessed his arrest outside his office that day. He has been worrying about her because she must be so traumatised by whatever has happened that morning. SK says she is just glad HW is safe now. She says no matter what happens to HW, she will stay by his side and support him. Even if it means he has to go to prison for what Kyung Min did, she will try her best to appeal for his case and wait for him to come out from prison.

SK also tells HW about the clash between their mothers.
HW says maybe they should rethink about their engagement. He doesn't want SK to be sandwiched between his mom and her mom.
SK says it doesn't matter. She has decided to marry him and she won't change her mind. She will stick through thick and thin with him.
She has decided to move into that small apartment prepared by his parents for him.
She will do what is right for their marriage.
Deeply moved by what SK has done for him during his detainment at the Department of Justice, HW opens up his heart to SK finally and lets her in.
The stone left by JH in his heart has been moved to the side finally.

Despite HW's mother and SK's mother's objections, HW and SK marry in a small wedding ceremony and live their lives independent of SK's mother's interference. Over time, even though there will be frictions between the in laws, both sides grow to accept each other eventually, albeit via basically cordial relationships.

Which ending makes the most sense to you guys?

Hahaha... I will not state my preference yet so as not to influence your opinions.

Tell me which ending(s) you guys prefer in your upcoming posts okay?

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Guest celinejoy

SexyDolceVita said:

Possible Endings of Goddess of Marriage

After doing some thinking, I want to write the following variations of ending down before I forget them.

So here you go.

Ending #1 - JH and TW divorce. HW and SK cancel their engagement/wedding. JH and HW meet each other after some time.
After witnessing how bad JH's health and mental state has become after her return to Kang family, and realising his twisted mother is not going to make things any easier for JH, especially after news of her emergency admission has made newspaper headlines, bringing embarrassment to Kang family and to evil MIL especially within her chaebol circle of friends, TW will try for the last time to propose to his father that he wants to live somewhere else away from cold castle with JH, so JH can have a more normal life.
However, FIL will not agree to this, especially MIL of course because she would have no one to order around.
FIL will see this arrangement as redundant because TW and JH have been living in a separate villa by themselves already and whatever JH is experiencing now may be temporary. He won't see the urgent need for TW to live so far away from cold castle just for the sake of JH's health.
This is a trying time for Kang family. FIL will want every member of Kang family to stay united, hence if the public knows TW and JH have moved out of cold castle estate, it will place Kang family in a more negative light.
Furthermore, FIL will want TW within his reach, so TW can step in to help with Sin Young Group's legal matters if necessary.
FIL is not an emotional person. He is all about $. He will only get emotional when it comes to $.
So insomnia? He will do his trademark sinister laugh again and tells TW not to be ridiculous with his proposal to move out with JH to lead a less stressful lifestyle.
To FIL, if HJ can endure that 7 years of being a house slave for Kang family, why can't JH?
ChayTui MuTay! Absolutely Not Possible!

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He will make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

He cannot bear to see JH suffer further due to her inability to re-adjust to the Kang family lifestyle.
He cannot bear to see JH die while she is married to him.
He would prefer to see JH live as a free woman than to see her die sooner than later as his wife.
He will choose to painfully let go of JH, so she can live the life she wants to have.
So JH can have freedom.

TW would remain friends with JH after their divorce.
TW will go to NY to further his studies and forget about his twisted and troublesome family for once.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW will talk things out with SK and both will agree to cancel their engagement/wedding because both can see this is really not working out for them in the long run, especially since SK's mom and HW's mom have a brutally honest confrontation in Episode 32.
Although we can see it is really heartbreaking for SK during this process of breaking up.
However, she will recover from it eventually and perhaps leave for France to visit her father and stay there for a while, perhaps also to forget about whatever that has happened in South Korea.

A year after her divorce from TW, JH will bump into HW in the Nth coincidental encounter in Seoul or JeJu (a little unlikely given the budget and time constraints of drama shooting), and they will smile at each other sincerely while noticing neither is wearing a wedding band or engagement ring.

Ending #2 - Sin Young Group goes down. JH and TW divorce. HW and SK cancel their engagement/wedding. JH and HW meet each other after some time.

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He intends to make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

During this process, Sin Young Group suffers a huge financial loss due to the white collar crimes committed by TaeJin and MIL.
It is close to bankruptcy and barely surviving with the funds it has left after getting fined by the government, and having funds pulled out by angry shareholders and investors.
Stock price of Sin Young Group drops dramatically to a new record low in ages.

TW feels like the world is crashing down on him, given the pressures within his family, within Sin Young Group, and at work.
Witnessing how Kang family's fortunes have been nearly wiped out, and how TW is feeling so alone within his family, JH will be hesitant to sign the divorce papers and is considering to stay by TW's side to give him the support a wife should provide.

However, after realising how he is unable and will never be able to provide JH the life that she deserves, especially since his family is no longer powerful or that wealthy anymore, TW will insist on divorcing JH even though he feels so much agony inside his heart to sign those divorce papers. JH has no choice but to give into TW's wishes.

TW would remain friends with JH after their divorce.
TW will go to NY to further his studies and forget about his twisted and troublesome family for once.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW will talk things out with SK and both will agree to cancel their engagement/wedding because both can see this is really not working out for them in the long run, especially since SK's mom and HW's mom have a brutally honest confrontation in Episode 32.
Although we can see it is really heartbreaking for SK during this process of breaking up.
However, she will recover from it eventually and perhaps leave for France to visit her father and stay there for a while, perhaps also to forget about whatever that has happened in South Korea.

A year after her divorce from TW, JH will bump into HW in the Nth coincidental encounter in Seoul or JeJu (a little unlikely given the budget and time constraints of drama shooting), and they will smile at each other sincerely while noticing neither is wearing a wedding band or engagement ring.

Ending #3 - Sin Young Group goes down. JH stays by TW's side. HW and SK cancel their engagement/wedding. HW remains alone and goes overseas for a break.

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He intends to make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

During this process, Sin Young Group suffers a huge financial loss due to the white collar crimes committed by TaeJin and MIL.
It is close to bankruptcy and barely surviving with the funds it has left after getting fined by the government, and having funds pulled out by angry shareholders and investors.
Stock price of Sin Young Group drops dramatically to a new record low in ages.

TW feels like the world is crashing down on him, given the pressures within his family, within Sin Young Group, and at work.
Witnessing how Kang family's fortunes have been nearly wiped out, and how TW is feeling so alone within his family, JH will be hesitant to sign the divorce papers and is considering to stay by TW's side to give him the support a wife should provide.

However, after realising how he is unable and will never be able to provide JH the life that she deserves, especially since his family is no longer powerful or that wealthy anymore, TW will insist on divorcing JH even though he feels so much agony inside his heart to sign those divorce papers.

After recalling her wedding vows to TW, and realising the true meaning behind a true marriage, JH refuses to divorce TW and tells him she will stay by his side during times of woes like this because she has made a vow to go through the thick and thin with him at their wedding. She really feels for his pains and she knows it is really agonising for him to divorce her because he would have no one left by his side to support him and care for him.
This time, ironically JH is the one who is asking TW to give their marriage a third try, and that she will live with him somewhere else away from cold castle and be the pillar of support he greatly needs at this stage of his life. Why? Because she is his wife. 

Deeply touched by JH's words, TW will give up his family for now and move out of cold castle with JH even though FIL and MIL oppose it greatly.
He tells his parents, in order for him to be the good son he has always been towards them, they have to let him be a normal human being first and a good husband. He knows this is a trying time for Kang family now and he is still their son but it is also time for everyone in the family to focus on what is important in their lives now. FIL and HJ to focus on rebuilding Sin Young Group. MIL to focus on repenting her mistakes. TJ to focus on repenting in prison. And he has to focus on his marriage with JH.

TW and JH move out to a small apartment and begin a new married life as a couple. JH is able to work again and her health recovers gradually.
A few months later, she is pregnant with TW's baby and they work on crafting a new life together, while going back to Kang family estate for that awkward occasional weekend dinner.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW will talk things out with SK and both will agree to cancel their engagement/wedding because both can see this is really not working out for them in the long run, especially since SK's mom and HW's mom have a brutally honest confrontation in Episode 32.
Although we can see it is really heartbreaking for SK during this process of breaking up.
However, she will recover from it eventually and perhaps leave for France to visit her father and stay there for a while, perhaps also to forget about whatever that has happened in South Korea.
HW will go overseas too for a break from all the sh&t that has happened in South Korea for the past year.
Maybe he will bump into SK in Europe. Maybe he will not.
But he has learned to become more proactive as a man and see things clearly now, knowing what suits him and what doesn't.

Ending #4 - Sin Young Group goes down. JH stays by TW's side. HW and SK marry eventually.

Exasperated by how resolutely unsupportive his father is towards the moving out issue, TW will make a painful and reluctant decision to divorce JH in secret.
He intends to make the arrangements in private and inform his parents once the paperwork is done.

During this process, Sin Young Group suffers a huge financial loss due to the white collar crimes committed by TaeJin and MIL.
It is close to bankruptcy and barely surviving with the funds it has left after getting fined by the government, and having funds pulled out by angry shareholders and investors.
Stock price of Sin Young Group drops dramatically to a new record low in ages.

TW feels like the world is crashing down on him, given the pressures within his family, within Sin Young Group, and at work.
Witnessing how Kang family's fortunes have been nearly wiped out, and how TW is feeling so alone within his family, JH will be hesitant to sign the divorce papers and is considering to stay by TW's side to give him the support a wife should provide.

However, after realising how he is unable and will never be able to provide JH the life that she deserves, especially since his family is no longer powerful or that wealthy anymore, TW will insist on divorcing JH even though he feels so much agony inside his heart to sign those divorce papers.

After recalling her wedding vows to TW, and realising the true meaning behind a true marriage, JH refuses to divorce TW and tells him she will stay by his side during times of woes like this because she has made a vow to go through the thick and thin with him at their wedding. She really feels for his pains and she knows it is really agonising for him to divorce her because he would have no one left by his side to support him and care for him.
This time, ironically JH is the one who is asking TW to give their marriage a third try, and that she will live with him somewhere else away from cold castle and be the pillar of support he greatly needs at this stage of his life. Why? Because she is his wife. 

Deeply touched by JH's words, TW will give up his family for now and move out of cold castle with JH even though FIL and MIL oppose it greatly.
He tells his parents, in order for him to be the good son he has always been towards them, they have to let him be a normal human being first and a good husband. He knows this is a trying time for Kang family now and he is still their son but it is also time for everyone in the family to focus on what is important in their lives now. FIL and HJ to focus on rebuilding Sin Young Group. MIL to focus on repenting her mistakes. TJ to focus on repenting in prison. And he has to focus on his marriage with JH.

TW and JH move out to a small apartment and begin a new married life as a couple. JH is able to work again and her health recovers gradually.
A few months later, she is pregnant with TW's baby and they work on crafting a new life together, while going back to Kang family estate for that awkward occasional weekend dinner.

After his release from the Department of Justice, HW has a heart to heart talk with SK. He is deeply touched to see how frail and thin SK has become since his arrest. He is sorry to have let SK witnessed his arrest outside his office that day. He has been worrying about her because she must be so traumatised by whatever has happened that morning. SK says she is just glad HW is safe now. She says no matter what happens to HW, she will stay by his side and support him. Even if it means he has to go to prison for what Kyung Min did, she will try her best to appeal for his case and wait for him to come out from prison.

SK also tells HW about the clash between their mothers.
HW says maybe they should rethink about their engagement. He doesn't want SK to be sandwiched between his mom and her mom.
SK says it doesn't matter. She has decided to marry him and she won't change her mind. She will stick through thick and thin with him.
She has decided to move into that small apartment prepared by his parents for him.
She will do what is right for their marriage.
Deeply moved by what SK has done for him during his detainment at the Department of Justice, HW opens up his heart to SK finally and lets her in.
The stone left by JH in his heart has been moved to the side finally.

Despite HW's mother and SK's mother's objections, HW and SK marry in a small wedding ceremony and live their lives independent of SK's mother's interference. Over time, even though there will be frictions between the in laws, both sides grow to accept each other eventually, albeit via basically cordial relationships.

Which ending makes the most sense to you guys?

Hahaha... I will not state my preference yet so as not to influence your opinions.

Tell me which ending(s) you guys prefer in your upcoming posts okay?

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Guest SexyDolceVita

celinejoy said: SexyDolceVita said:

Possible Endings of Goddess of Marriage


Which ending makes the most sense to you guys?

Hahaha... I will not state my preference yet so as not to influence your opinions.

Tell me which ending(s) you guys prefer in your upcoming posts okay?

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Guest celinejoy

SexyDolceVita said: Tae Wook and Hyun Woo's cell meeting scene


I think I am falling in love with the character Kang Tae Wook now...
Why has it become like this? Hahaha.... My 50-50 stance is acting up again.
No wonder Kim Ji Hoon is gaining popularity in South Korea because of GoM.
A lot of women really adore his image and character!


The scene where he speaks to Hyun Woo in the jail cell is a pivoting scene.
Everyone must watch it to understand what I meant.

After the usual formalities, which I will not elaborate here...

TW says he visits Hyun Woo mainly because he feels sorry towards HW.
He feels guilty for snatching HW's woman away from him.
He knows HW must be the one who gave up JH first, so JH can return to him in Episode 10.
He knows HW is that sort of upright person who will not do bad things.
He also says JH told him HW is like a fallen leaf floating around in her heart. She has no ability to control how and where the leaf floats.
TW says he doesn't believe in what JH said to him...?
He doesn't believe JH is still pining for something.
Because he understands her really well, meaning JH will not betray him.
HW asks TW what does he want to say actually by visiting him.
TW says the truth is...he feels apologetic towards his wife JH.
JH has given up everything she had by marrying him.
Things that she likes to do. Friends. Freedom. Free time.
Everything has been taken away from her.
He also does it to her because he wants to fully own her.
He rems what HW told him at the cafe when they met earlier.
HW says even after getting married, one cannot totally own the other person within the marriage.
Whatever experiences and memories the person had before the wedding, the other person has to accept them and not interfere with them.
TW says this statement made by HW has left a deep impression in his mind, although at first TW finds it revolting when he heard it from HW's mouth.
That is why he is here, visiting HW at the jail cell.
Because he feels he can't even protect his wife's memory.
His family's messy corruption affairs and the leaf within his wife's heart.
He can't seem to be able to protect both.
And it seems like only by seeing Hyun Woo in times like this, TW is able to face JH guilt free for the rest of his life.
He apologises again to Hyun Woo on behalf of his brother and his family.
He says although he has apologised to HW on an emotional level, he is unfortunately unsure what kind of punishment HW will face.
He doesn't know yet.
But he is quite sure it will not harm HW or his company very much.
And his family will pay the price for the laws it had broken.
So, he hopes HW will be strong and endure further to maintain his innocence.
He offers his hand to HW for a hand shake.
He says if not for his wife and his brother's corruption matters, he and HW could become good friends actually it seems.
But unfortunately it is a shame it has to be like this.
HW shakes TW's hand and says yes he also thinks it's a shame indeed.
TW says that's it.
He leaves the cell, while HW, as usual, withdraws into his blank state of mind again.

My god... TW visits HW mainly because he feels sorry towards JH.
Because of his family, even JH's memory aka HW is being tainted and implicated.

TW really really loves JH a lot a lot...
His level is actually of a deeper level than HW, I have to state here unfortunately.
No doubt HW understands JH a lot and loves her very much too.
TW's love, on the other hand, borders on the devotion level, which is unfortunately constantly mangled by Kang family's messy affairs and TW's job.

Sigh...if a man like TW loves me that much.
I will be really touched in real life too.

If TW is able to have time for JH and live their lives away from Kang family, I'm sure things will work out for them.

God, please make another JH for TW please...
I will feel so sad at the end when TW gives JH up eventually.
Because I know JH will definitely feel happier and healthier with HW, and they will end up together for sure.

But what about TW....?  :((
He is a good man too...but just unfortunately trapped by his family's complicated and messy matters. Sigh.

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Guest celinejoy


joojanah said:

 said:Hello fellows.

I'm really done with GoM. I'm embarking now in Secret!


Maybe I will return here to the last episode.

I just want to say some words, just to voice my frustrations. 

Normally, I do like very much "realistic" plots, with "real", mature and adult storylines and characters. On one side, they are less enjoyable, but on the other side, they can give us material for reflexion about our own and others realities, what I think awesome. I confess I'm a romantic soul and love happy ends. But when a realistic plot is well devellopped, I can feel myself satisfied with a down to earth end, which can mean not a happy one.  But, in my point of view, well devellopped story means we can grow with it, It can give us a positive way to look things, to grow with. And that, in my opinion, lacks in GoM. 

I come from a latin and christian country with still many traits of macho culture, so I can understand real situations where women are in a secondary social position in comparison to men. I don't second that, I think we are equals and have to be treated as equals, and to me a marriage is make out love, respect and partnership between equals; and I try to live following my values. BUT, I can comprehend others ideas and values, and can understand others ways of life, even ways that say women are not equals and they have to follow theirs husband leading. I'm writing this just to say that I'm not a radical person who can't understand others points of view, and who thinks my way is the only one possible.

However, what I can't accept is abuse and absence of respect, I can't accept crush and throw away peoples dignity. Furthermore, in spite of cultural differences, I don't think it is normally accetable in Korean society abuse and disrespect against women, even if women there have a submisse position.

I think maybe it would be a great point if in GoM the writer would put in discussion the 






. Where lays the line between women submission and abused women? When a man crosses that line in a marriage? What could a woman do when her submissive (and accetable to her) position in a marriage is transformed in abused position? Which are her chances and possibilities to scape abuse? I think even if you don't want to question women submission you could make a reflexion about abuse. 

But, in GoM, what we see? (aside JS situation and SK) Every lead woman character (whatever the reason is), gives up a good hearted man, who respects her, to chose a man who doesn't respect her, worst who abuses her: HJ, JH and EH. And it suffices that the men show some soft side, and the women will be moved, even HJ! 

Amongst the three husbands (TJ, MN and TW), to me the worst is TW. I'm sorry for those who likes or pity him, but I can't relate to him, I can't forget what he did, I can't be moved by him. I will explain why I think he is the worst. If we take the individual TW apart, sure he is way better than the others two individuals (TJ and MN), in fact, there is no comparison. But when we consider him in relation to his wife, to me he is the worst. 

Differently from the others, he always plays the card "I love you", "I will die without you", to justify his actions (or no-actions), to move JH, to make a kind of chantage. IMO, the worst kind of abusing relationship is when the "love" card is played, the "what I do is because I love you". This is the most difficult situation to women to free themselves. And TW really over uses this trope. 

Ah, ok, he doesn't beat her, he doesn't cheat on her, but curiously JH is the only character that, because her situation, is almost dying, and I'm sorry, but who puts her in that situation was her husband. So, thank you very much TW, but I don't need or want your kind of love!!!!

Maybe your guys think I'm being too harsh in saying TW abuses JH, but to me what he does is to abuse her. And he does it with the "I am a nice guy" complex. As someone pointed out here, he has two faces: a nice guy in front some people, and a "tough/agressive" guy in front of others. But, how about actions?? Nothing, only empty words.

To me there is a TW behaviour pattern: a) when JH is in his compleet possession;


when he thinks he can lost her; c) when extreems situations happen and he feels gulty. 

a) In this case, JH is just a toy, a possession. So, she cames always in second or third place is his agenda, after family and work, he only remembers her when he wants sleep with her or when he thinks she made something not worthy kang family or his wife. When he has the disposition, he can even shows some supporting, classical way to support her: words, words, words, no action. He has a completely selfsh regard to JH, and he treats her accordingly. It is in this situation that he is completely accomplicy w/ his family in abusing his wife: he put her in that situation (in a submission relationship, a wife can't decide where and how to live, it is men's resposnsability if she is slavered), and he knows that. AND, the worst, although he knew what that meant to her life, he put her again in the same situation, with empty promisses, with the same behaviour: she at second or third place, he selfish doing what he wants or think most important - because she isn't that important, in fact.  


Here, he plays the nice guy, the humble and repent guy to others, but is completely agressive and ass** to JH: I won't listen to you, come with me, you have a week, I know what is better for you. In fact, she has no right. Sometimes he uses the "i love you" card in a angry way, sometimes in a soft and moving way. But, at the end she hasn't choice. (BTW, I think TW last talk with HW fits in this pattern: a nice guy to others, full of empty words).

c) When JH is ill, he can be really despareted, feels really guilty, he can become a lion. But when the danger is gone, things come back to the former situation. 

I'm not saying that TW isn't sincere and that he doesn't have feelings for her (I don't know if I can name this love). But, to me, the way he treats and thinks about JH isn't considering her as a person or humain being, but an object, a possession. And I can't be moved by this kind of feeling or actions. 

So, I'm giving up GoM because I can't stand more the way the writer is dealing with abused women and women submission thema. I can't stand those husbands being saved. 

To me, a beliveable and satisfying end will be the three women divorced, but living alone (JH) or with children (EH, HJ). The worst and unbelieveble end will be JH discovering she loves TW or in the future learning to love him. In this case, what kind of message will the writter pass to women in that kind of abusing situation??

Wow! I really wrote too much.



Well, thanks everybody for the recaps and the comments. I really enjoyed it very much, more than the drama



Bye (or untill the end)!!!!  :-h

P.S.: I haven't a word about HW because the writter simply destroyed his character!! In spite of that, I think LSW is doing a awesome job with the couple of lines and time that he got. I'm always moved by his expressions!

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About TW I am undecided. In my opinion he isnt the worst person, but at the same time he isnt the best. I think he is also a victim of the situation. Sometimes I feel bad for him, his mom always showed preference towards TJ, but sometimes I want to kill him hhahahaI wish he would give JH the divorce and find another person that truly loves him.

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