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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Guest Locturne

Hey guys! I've just watched episode 21, ah, I don't know why I'm still hooked on this drama, but well, I am!I was glad we finally got to see Hye Jung's ex, but still frustrated we don't know the full story. I hope Hye Jung did sth reeally wrong to him, and that it's not sth along the lines that Hye Jung dumped him coldly and he got drunk and got into an accident, so that I can get behind crazy Nam a little!
And I still don't understand how the fact that HJ dated before marriage is so awful and could ruin her reputation. My blood pressure is already rising because of MIL's upcoming reaction: her son is a serial-cheater and it's alright, the DIL had a boyfriend before marriage and it's a disgrace? I know double standards are a given with kdrama MILs, but let's draw the line somewhere!!And I was all happy that for once, Hye Jung could shut up her MIL about the whole paintings / teacher Nam affair! though the satisfaction will be short-lived T_T
I was also glad that Ji Hye stood up to Tae Wook. I couldn't believe it when he started criticizing her too, and I'm starting to think that he must really be blind to how she feels. I mean, first he had me rolling my eyes last week when he seemed to realize only then that Ji Hye was having a hard time. (:|
Now, I'm slowly accepting the fact that TW is not going to protect JH from his family, and I'm afraid that instead, he's slowly going to lose patience with her coldness, and give in to the violent tendencies we've witnessed before. I think JH should give TW an ultimatum and tell him: either we move out, or we divorce. And it should be an ultimatum for her too: either I stay and make a change so I can remain sane, or I get out of this marriage altogether. But I see she's trying to start working again, so it must mean she's finally ready to do act! \:D/And I wish the writer didn't make the drama eventually about a TW vs HW dilemma.If JH does end up divorcing TW, let her have some alone time, doing what she wants to do, and then date a totally new guy! And move to the Bahamas so she can forget about everything! :D

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Episode 22 (mostly speculated interpretations)

at teacher nam's house, hj's assistant shows her the leaked photos on sin young hotel's homepage
she is on the verge of breakdown.

tw visits his senior's office to talk about tj's case.
tw is being humiliated by his senior as he shows tw leaked photos of hj and the investigation on hj's younger brother
tw is furious and calls tj to ask him about everything.

tw meets with sin young group's lawyers to discuss about the investigation on tj and hj's younger brother.

hj meets with fil, who is obviously pissed.
hj tries to explain but fil tells hj smth...probably tells her to lie low and quit her job
hj is tearing...

hj returns home dejected.
but as soon as she enters the cold castle, mil slaps hj immediately multiple times.
she pulls hj's hair and throws her down on the floor.
she says hj is a filthy thing and tells her to leave their family right now.

hj's daughters witness the horrible sight in fear and shock
yuri covers yujin's mouth, as yujin wants to cry out loud
sobbing in tears, yuri calls jh, who is working on her laptop.
jh asks what is wrong.
yuri says they saw grandma hit their mom.
yuri asks jh to come immediately.

back to mil and hj.
mil scolds hj, berates her, insults her...
hj has no replies..but listens in shame
hj apologises sincerely
but mil continues to scold her

jh arrives at cold castle and witnesses everything.
jh feels sorry for hj.
she hears yuri and yujin crying.
she goes upstairs and comforts yuri and yujin who hug her instantly as if jh is a life saving raft.

mil is now throwing expensive antique vases onto the ground...
hj cowers in fear and shame.
mil tells the maids to throw hj's stuff out of the house
and she probably tells them to remove hj from the house too.

hj runs away from the house, and drives off while male servant tries to call out to her.

while yujin is sleeping, jh tells yuri that they shall sleep at jh's house tonight.
yuri asks about hj
jh says smth to pacify yuri.
yuri says okay.

jh puts them to sleep at her marital bed.
tw returns home exhausted and fed up about what is happening in his family.
jh is working on her laptop.
tw goes into the room and looks for jh
tw is surprised to see yuri and yujin sleeping at their house
he asks what happened.
jh explains what happened earlier.
tw asks jh if she has seen hj's photos on the internet.
jh says yes.
jh asks tw what should they do.
tw says smth..
jh then asks tw what about their america plan?
tw says smth about he has no time to think about it?
he has to work further that night.
he goes into his study and slams the door on jh.
he slams his files on the table and is fuming mad and resigned to his fate to pick up the pieces of his family
jh goes into her bedroom and works on her laptop
her phone rings, it seems to be a PD from the broadcast station
jh apologises at the end of the conversation

Hj is crying her hearts out by han river.
she slumps down on the ground and cries pathetically.
lee tae ran's most heart wrenching crying scene.

hw is having a meeting with a client at the resort.
they then go to the construction site
hw notices smth is wrong with the materials
he interrogates kyung min
but they get into a quarrel about ethics and tj
kyung min then brings up se kyung...
and hw is visibly pissed.
hw finally has enough with kyung min's words and leaves in a huff

hw is driving off
he calls sk to say he is visiting sk and her mom tonight for dinner
sk's mom is pissed at how sk is acting all cute on the phone with hw
during dinner, atmosphere is tense and sk uses her chopsticks to pass food to hw.
hw is embarrassed.
sk's mom is pissed at this sight.
atmosphere is awkward.

after dinner, the three of them have a discussion about their villa arrangements.
sk is going on and on at hw about how sk cannot live in a small condo?
sk wants to get hw out of the house.
but sk's mom goes on and on with her tirade at hw
hw keeps quiet but obviously is pissed inside.
after the discussion...
hw leaves in a huff
sk chases hw out of the house
sk apologises to hw
hw tells sk to go home
hw says some stuff to sk,
but sk is obviously not accepting it
he tells her to go home again and drives off

during the ride home, hw listens to the radio...to soothe his mood
as he listens to the radio programme, he senses a weird connection to the content.
the content talks about lee jong suk, the late korean painter.
hw is feeling that maybe jh has written the script for that night's programme.
jh is listening to the programme too at home, while working on her laptop
hw stops his car on the roadside...
and he listens intently...
jh is smiling in her bedroom as she listens.
hw is visibly touched...by the radio programme
jh receives a text from hw.
he asks jh if the radio programme now is written by her?
jh is shocked...and moved...but she tries to ignore the text from hw
hw texts her again...about his feelings about the radio programme content?
jh returns the text...how did he know?
hw explains he hears about lee jong suk, the painter being mentioned.
jh says thanks...politely and tells him to live well.
she switches off her phone...
hw returns the same msg to her too.
hw's car is still parked on the side of the road...as he mulls over jh...

next morning, js calls jh about what is going in kang family
js asks how is tw handling these kang family matters?
jh says tw hasn't come home in days?
js talks about kang family...
jh is nearly in tears...but tries to hang up by saying tw is coming home soon
they say gdbyes..
jh cries silently.
js is sad that jh has married herself into such a family...

at js' house, chang wook is going out to do smth.
he is trying to avoid being followed by his father seung soo.
but seung soo successfully follows chang wook to eun hee's workplace
he enters eun hee's office as eun hee and chang wook are having noodles for lunch
seung soo and eun hee are having a stand off meeting after one year in her office
seung soo asks for their houses' money back../keys?
ss goes on and on about how pathetic he has become in the one year
he says eun hee has no heart at all, no conscience at all.
she asks if ss has conscience too?
she states that ss was the one who had the affair!
ss tries to give excuses...
he pisses eun hee off
he talks about their divorce case?
seung soo grabs a dumpling and eats..
he grabs another one but eun hee tries to stop him
ss says he will be back to harass eun hee again

outside eun hee's office, ss gives chang wook the dumpling he took from eun hee's office
chang wook eats it obediently
ss asks chang wook to hold his hand
he goes home with chang wook hand in hand, saying how much eun hee has changed.

minjung goes to meet someone at a cafe.
she finds the cafe in darkness and filled with balloons..
then something drops and hits her on the head.
the mushroom head guy friend switches on the lights and helps mj up
she is mad and scolds him
she asks him what is all this?
mushroom head proposes to mj
but mj insults mushroom head...
she looks down on him...and walks away...
but maybe mushroom head is actually a rich kid?

eun hee is at her female boss' house...
it is the death anniversary of mushroom head's parents.
she is helping to prepare the offerings..and she consoles her boss as grandson is not back yet.
he IS INDEED the grandchild of rich female factory boss!
mushroom head apologises to grandma
but he is obviously looking dejected.
eun hee tells mushroom to get changed into funeral outfit.

after the ceremony...eun hee pulls mushroom head into the room to ask him why was he late?
she asks him why is he looking so sad too?
mushroom head says he proposes to a girl he likes but she refuses...
eun hee asks who that girl is?
mushroom head shows eun hee mj's photo
eun hee obviously recognises minjung!
mushroom head is shocked that eun hee knows minjung too!

mj returns home fed up.
her parents are watching tv sweetly.
mj reveals a boy proposes to her earlier
mj's parents are shocked and ask mj who that is?
mj is fed up and doesn't want to talk further

at cold castle, jh is working late to clear up chores...
she switches off the lights...and looks sadly at this loveless house

hj is sulking alone in a room? her own bedroom?

fil is making an important phone call in his study.

tw returns home to cold castle.
he asks jh where is his father
she says he is in his own study.
tw says he is going to talk to him.

tw goes into the study...and waits for his father to finish the call
they talk about tj's investigation case...

at jh's house...
tw returns home.
jh opens the door for him.
she asks if fil has slept.
tw says yes.
she tells tw to go to rest.
tw undresses his vest and passes it to jh.
tw says after he settles everything, they can go to america soon.
jh says tw is unable to keep his promises so far...
tw says what does she mean..
jh says...nothing has been done by tw as per what he said to her...
tw says so jh is angry at him...
jh says some serious stuff to tw...
tw is pissed.
jh passes tw his clothes...and tells him to take a shower..
she walks away.
tw is left fuming.

at hw's office, he is restless
sk arrives...
hw tells sk let's go, he will drive her home.

sk hugs hw from behind.
she cries and apologises to him
hw is touched...and he turns around to hug her back.
sk cries in his arms...

at cold castle...
hj is mulling beside her bed...
her phone receives a msg
her mom msgs hj...that hyejin has been arrested by prosecutor's force.
hj runs into fil's study and begs him...
fil says some stuff to hj about taejin...and hyejin...
I think fil wants hyejin to take all the blame for the money laundering...on behalf of taejin.
hyejin has to go to jail for 3 years?
hj cries...
hj kneels down and begs fil...not to send her younger brother to jail!

moment freezes.

end of episode 22.

this episode actually moves along quite steadily...
but nothing exciting except hj being attacked from outside and from within...
poor lady...
this teacher nam is such an axx!

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Guest ailskdrama

@sexydolcevita ... thanks for your recap ... 
Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW (i guess I am more richard simmons with myself) I somehow have let myself belief that JH really loves HW and he is her soulmate and all. Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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Guest SexyDolceVita

ailskdrama said: @sexydolcevita ... thanks for your recap ... 
Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW (i guess I am more richard simmons with myself) I somehow have let myself belief that JH really loves HW and he is her soulmate and all. Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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gives me the shivers
SexyDolceVita said: ailskdrama said: @sexydolcevita ... thanks for your recap ... 
Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW (i guess I am more richard simmons with myself) I somehow have let myself belief that JH really loves HW and he is her soulmate and all. Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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Guest SexyDolceVita

bluedora said: gives me the shivers
SexyDolceVita said: ailskdrama said: @sexydolcevita ... thanks for your recap ... 
Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW (i guess I am more richard simmons with myself) I somehow have let myself belief that JH really loves HW and he is her soulmate and all. Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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ailskdrama said: Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW ... Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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Bluedora said:

Right,but he shouldn't be trying to dig up a buried hole while already having his foot stuck in another hole. He can easily pull his foot out of the self dug hole but he feels obligated to stay since he is the one the dug it. However, at the same time he miss and want to go back to the treasure he buried along time ago. . SK is also getting on my nerves, every time she calls HW "chagiya...chagiya...chagiya" my skin cringe  from the pitch of her voice... its gives me the shivers every time I hear that voice.

GREAT analogy! In total agreement.

Fine, I will buy it IF his mom wants him married or something = the whole filial piety package deal (single mom, only son et al)
But his mom isn't for this SK marriage anyway, so what's his darn problem?
STOP being a wimpy wuss HW!

And I don't seem to warm up to this actress or can feel any sympathy for her either ... maybe her face (too stark, esp with that hair color which doesn't her fair, rather biggish face) or whatever - the entire package plus voice turns me off. (unlike Seo Hyo-rim who can pull over the 'fiancee' roll repeatedlyso well, i can often LIKE her or feel empathybbffffggcdvgfgfggvfvfvfvfvff  fvfffffffffffffff9898).

Her too-proactive forwardness is also irritating.

Ye,s her chagi-ya grates on me too ..... *rolls eyes*
At least we can be thankful it's not yeo-bo (yet)

Bluedora said:

His indecisiveness is what driving me against the wall .....=> both her and HW have no backbones and can't just end things properly when they know its wrong. They are like this Chinese saying "I wet my hair already, might as well wash it". Just go with it even if its not necessary (one word for their actions pointless)!!!!! Stop dragging your feet and move along already you two... god it pisses me off watching them sometimes.

SexyDolceVita said:
sigh... that's probably why they are soul mates in the first place?
both are equally selfless...and indecisive..

they just share the same mental frequency...

Indecisive yes. Same mental frequency, probably.
I am more inclined to think now that they're NOT selfless, but spineless. ( as Bluedora commented "without backbone" = yes)

In JH's case I think I advocated way earlier in the drama that she was filial and just didn't want to let anyone down when she chose to marry TW.
But progressively, as this drama plods along at this constipate pace .... despite JH being an independent woman (yes I agree on this) and all, now I starting tothink she's just all talk without that much fire in reality when the push comes to the shove. (ie all writing, but no real spunk).

>:P >:P
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Guest SexyDolceVita

jusash said: ailskdrama said: Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW ... Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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Guest kimbo39

I like how the writer(s) have made HJ's plight a cautionary tale (though I would like her story to end in redemption).
Money isn't the panacea so many Koreans believe it to be, and it could never make up for the cost of losing the most important people in your life.
It's the message that South Korean needs to continually hear, that relationships trump wealth.

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class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 30px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 20px !important;"Goddess of Marriage Episode 22 Review: Yoon So Jung Slaps Lee Tae Ran for Her Past

In Goddess of Marriage, episode 22, Lee Jung Sook(played by Yoon So Jung) slapped Hong Hye Jung(played byLee Tae Ran) for her past.

As the photo of Hye Jung and her ex-boyfriend was spread online, Tae Ran quickly explained to Kang Man Ho(played by Jun Gook Hwan), “It’s a misunderstanding. It’s not me. That photo’s fake.”

As soon as Hye Jung entered home, Jung Sook slapped her on the face and said, “You dirty little freak. How dare you come here. Get out, you filthy animal.”

credit : http://koreandrama.com/goddess-of-marriage-episode-22-review-yoon-so-jung-slaps-lee-tae-ran-for-her-past/

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class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 30px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 20px !important;"Goddess of Marriage Episode 22 Review: Jang Hyun Sung & Jang Young Nam Still Fights1378648419_569294.jpg

In Goddess of Marriage, episode 22, Noh Seung Soo(played by Jang Hyun Sung) and Gwon Eun Hee(played byJang Young Nam) still fought even after seeing each other within a year.

Seung Soo said, “How could you sell the apartment? Are you a human? Do you even imagine how I lived after you sold the apartment?” Eun Hee replied, “Look at you. You were the one who left the house after having an affair. Why did you come back and keep asking me about the apartment? Why don’t you live there with her forever?”

credit : http://koreandrama.com

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HW is caught in the same situation as when he was deciding whether to hold on to JH.  He does not have the heart(call him chicken if you want) to dish out the hurt.  Now it is SK that he has to hurt.  Mum knows his character and understands that there will be hardship if he marries into SK's family.  But the fool that he is, cannot make a decision against the flow of things.  If someone pulls or push, he goes along with it. 

HW will never make a good leader unlike TW who focuses on his objective and moves in for the "kill".  HW is an "artist" much like Lee Joong Sup, and that is why JH connected so well with him. 
ailskdrama said: @sexydolcevita ... thanks for your recap ... 
Is anyone else starting to get really richard simmons at JH and her coldness toward HW (i guess I am more richard simmons with myself) I somehow have let myself belief that JH really loves HW and he is her soulmate and all. Even though she made the wrong decision she really does love HW and would be with him if she can. But the last few interaction between them especially the reaction she had after HW's amazing confession to her at the dinner, then her yelling at HW that it was only a one night stand and it meant nothing, and then now with her reply of his text message. Boy, she is what i'd call a lady heart killer. Like I said, I realize I may be to blame here because I somehow had bought into the arc of her and HW suppose loving each other and may be ending up together. But nothing in the last few scenes have indicated this. Again, I dont know what the writer and producers are trying to lead me to think. Urgh. Uber frustration. Again dont know what I am looking forward to again or who i am cheering for at this point.  

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On the HJ development.  This Kang family seriously need their heads examined.  So it is ok for their son to carry on many affairs after their marriage but it not ok for the DIL to have a relationship before her marriage.  I can understand the hysterics if HJ's affair was after she was married to their son.  What hypocrites!!!!

I like her ex.  Seems he still loves her after all this time even though she dumped him. 

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Hj redemption will be that money and power that she desired only destroys. I agree with @elzbeth on the ex still loves hj. I seen that with him. As far as his sister is concerned as most kdrama she is blaming hj for her bros accident.
In the end i still think hj and jh will get a divorce as the kangs burn in hell! That's my prediction.
Another thing I thought es ex husband was all powerful and yada yada crap and look at him he acts like a begger! He lost his job and everything because of himself and yet he asks es to think about how he felt!? The jerk needs to eat some humble pie for a while before he can recover but i pray that he don't jerks like him need to be poor and never be put into positions of power over ppl. Same thing goes with cheating wives!

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