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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Guest SexyDolceVita

celinejoy said: SexyDolceVita said: Tae Wook and Hyun Woo's cell meeting scene


I think I am falling in love with the character Kang Tae Wook now...
Why has it become like this? Hahaha.... My 50-50 stance is acting up again.
No wonder Kim Ji Hoon is gaining popularity in South Korea because of GoM.
A lot of women really adore his image and character!


The scene where he speaks to Hyun Woo in the jail cell is a pivoting scene.
Everyone must watch it to understand what I meant.

After the usual formalities, which I will not elaborate here...

TW says he visits Hyun Woo mainly because he feels sorry towards HW.
He feels guilty for snatching HW's woman away from him.
He knows HW must be the one who gave up JH first, so JH can return to him in Episode 10.
He knows HW is that sort of upright person who will not do bad things.
He also says JH told him HW is like a fallen leaf floating around in her heart. She has no ability to control how and where the leaf floats.
TW says he doesn't believe in what JH said to him...?
He doesn't believe JH is still pining for something.
Because he understands her really well, meaning JH will not betray him.
HW asks TW what does he want to say actually by visiting him.
TW says the truth is...he feels apologetic towards his wife JH.
JH has given up everything she had by marrying him.
Things that she likes to do. Friends. Freedom. Free time.
Everything has been taken away from her.
He also does it to her because he wants to fully own her.
He rems what HW told him at the cafe when they met earlier.
HW says even after getting married, one cannot totally own the other person within the marriage.
Whatever experiences and memories the person had before the wedding, the other person has to accept them and not interfere with them.
TW says this statement made by HW has left a deep impression in his mind, although at first TW finds it revolting when he heard it from HW's mouth.
That is why he is here, visiting HW at the jail cell.
Because he feels he can't even protect his wife's memory.
His family's messy corruption affairs and the leaf within his wife's heart.
He can't seem to be able to protect both.
And it seems like only by seeing Hyun Woo in times like this, TW is able to face JH guilt free for the rest of his life.
He apologises again to Hyun Woo on behalf of his brother and his family.
He says although he has apologised to HW on an emotional level, he is unfortunately unsure what kind of punishment HW will face.
He doesn't know yet.
But he is quite sure it will not harm HW or his company very much.
And his family will pay the price for the laws it had broken.
So, he hopes HW will be strong and endure further to maintain his innocence.
He offers his hand to HW for a hand shake.
He says if not for his wife and his brother's corruption matters, he and HW could become good friends actually it seems.
But unfortunately it is a shame it has to be like this.
HW shakes TW's hand and says yes he also thinks it's a shame indeed.
TW says that's it.
He leaves the cell, while HW, as usual, withdraws into his blank state of mind again.

My god... TW visits HW mainly because he feels sorry towards JH.
Because of his family, even JH's memory aka HW is being tainted and implicated.

TW really really loves JH a lot a lot...
His level is actually of a deeper level than HW, I have to state here unfortunately.
No doubt HW understands JH a lot and loves her very much too.
TW's love, on the other hand, borders on the devotion level, which is unfortunately constantly mangled by Kang family's messy affairs and TW's job.

Sigh...if a man like TW loves me that much.
I will be really touched in real life too.

If TW is able to have time for JH and live their lives away from Kang family, I'm sure things will work out for them.

God, please make another JH for TW please...
I will feel so sad at the end when TW gives JH up eventually.
Because I know JH will definitely feel happier and healthier with HW, and they will end up together for sure.

But what about TW....?  :((
He is a good man too...but just unfortunately trapped by his family's complicated and messy matters. Sigh.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Another subtle story plot leak given by Kim Ji Hoon in his latest interview.


Yup, things are not looking fine for TW and JH.
I'm quite sure KJH is hinting at a divorce and separation between JH and TW.
He himself says he also wants a happy ending for TW and JH.

Actually the article also mentions some women in South Korea are also rooting for Tae Wook to achieve happiness with Ji Hye and they do not want him and JH to get divorced.
It shows how popular the Kang Tae Wook character is among South Korean females now.

Okay...what do you guys think?
Go read this article and infer yourselves!

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[10-14-2013] Per @ja5beth posting in LSW thread, Sang Woo attended the VIP Premiere of the movie, Fasten Your Seat Belt/Roller Coaster. He was there to support his co-star from FoTG, Son Hwa Ryung, who is starring in this movie.

Trivia: SHR's character in FoTG had a crush on DY (LSW's character) :)

Judging from these pictures (no more mustache), I'm guessing HW must have been released from the cell by ep 33/34. GOM is currently still filming.

Btw, Sang Woo looks SO good in this outfit, right shipmates? :x

FM as tagged

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TW and JH marriage reminds me of the "cycle of abuse" I learned in my Domestic Violence Law class years ago. This cycle explains why abused women stayed in destructive relationships. JH has emotional abuse. It is not "a one-time incident, but a pattern of behaviors over time. Most abusive relationships follow a cycle of violence, which has three stages: tension building, explosive incident, and honeymoon stage" (more info). I won't go into details about these stages, but I thought it was interesting that I have noticed this cycle occurring in this drama, despite GOM being a poorly written fiction. That said, this is why I don't like TW and JH to be together in the end. It will never work out for them; the cycle of abuse will just repeats itself. Even if JH does not end up with HW, it will be very unrealistic to me if the writer makes TW and JH a happy-ever-after couple in the end. Writer Jo can try to sell it, but I ain't going to buy it! [-X 

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@SexyDolceVita I'd like endings no. 1 or 2 but we'll probably get ending no. 3

Since this is a drama JH can stay with TW and "make their marriage work" and be happy but if this was real life, since JH is so passive and spineless she'd just stay married to TW and be unhappy for the rest of her life. Unhappy marriages with a controling husband and passive wife are not exactly uncommon after all.

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I really don't care what the ending will be.  The reason is whatever I want, will I get it - no!!  The reason is this writer.  She has fail me so many time.  Yes, this drama is really badly written without much planning at all.  We start with a really good intro and the middle has been nothing but failure.  So whatever ending the writer will write, I know the public will either like it or hate it.

@Gemmie - thank you for that awesome write up.  I wish someone had slip that under the writer's pile of papers.  She can then think like we all do - no abuse of any kind.

So we wait for the next two weeks to see what this idiot writer will be our conclusion.

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joojanah said: @SexyDolceVita I'd like endings no. 1 or 2 but we'll probably get ending no. 3 Since this is a drama JH can stay with TW and "make their marriage work" and be happy but if this was real life, since JH is so passive and spineless she'd just stay married to TW and be unhappy for the rest of her life. Unhappy marriages with a controling husband and passive wife are not exactly uncommon after all.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

What might happen in Episode 33

Based on the preview of episode 33,

Tae Wook sends an unconscious Ji Hye to the hospital personally in his car.
He doesn't call for an ambulance for fear of letting his parents know in times of woes like this.

After Tae Wook leaves the emergency room so the doctors and nurses can rescue Ji Hye without distractions,
he begins to recall what Ji Hye has told him during their quarrels in episode 24.

In their living room, Ji Hye says does Tae Wook want to see her dry up as a human being then he will be willing to divorce her?
In their bedroom, she also asks Tae Wook isn't he asking her to die by demanding her to work on the marriage with him further and go back to entertain his mother and be a diplomatic daughter in law?

I believe Tae Wook is starting to realise what Ji Hye has told him during their quarrels has come true.
She might die if she continues to be in this exhausting marriage with him.
Tae Wook might initially believe Ji Hye has attempted suicide because she doesn't want to stay within their marriage.
But of course, later Tae Wook would know the truth, as evident in his conversation with FIL and MIL.

After Tae Wook exits the emergency room to wait outside, a reporter spots him looking despondent.
So the reporter goes to snoop around and discovers Tae Wook's wife, Song Ji Hye, Sin Young Group's third daughter in law has been rushed into the emergency room due to an overdose of tranquilisers and sleeping pills.
The reporter immediately suspects Ji Hye has probably attempted suicide, so he writes a headline gossip news about it.

The next day, MIL is reading newspapers and sees the headline news.
She becomes mad at Tae Wook and Ji Hye.
So she and FIL call Tae Wook in for a meeting in the study room.
Tae Wook explains Ji Hye didn't attempt suicide.
She merely has problems sleeping well after she returned to Kang family and thus went to the hospital to get some sleeping pills to help her sleep better.
MIL asks Tae Wook insensitively if Ji Hye has gone mentally crazy?
Tae Wook is mad at his mom for being so insensitive and yells at her "Omuni!"
FIL is brooding while listening to MIL and Tae Wook having a shout match.
Tae Wook explodes and says Ji Hye has been under a lot of pressure from MIL to choose a side and to bear a male heir.
He says Ji Hye has given up a lot for Kang family and she doesn't have her own life at all!
Can MIL give her a break!?
MIL yells back at Tae Wook that he has married a weak and mentally unstable woman.
(Hahaha...who is the mentally unstable one here...Dragon Lady who can't sing a right tune of opera!)
Tae Wook cannot stand his mother's insults at Ji Hye and storms off.

I'm not sure who Ji Hye is meeting at the restaurant.
It could be Min Jung, who has just returned from her honey moon?
It could be Ji Sun, who wants to have a catch up lunch with Ji Hye after knowing HJ has been promoted to Vice Chairman of Sin Young Group?
It could be Tae Wook meeting Ji Hye for lunch, in a bid to spend more time with her.
It could be Ji Hye just having lunch alone at the restaurant?
Anyways...some patrons take photos of her dozing off, and it creates a little splash in gossip section of newspapers again.
Hence, causing MIL to be even more irritated with Ji Hye's erratic sleeping behaviour.
Tae Wook feels even more pain within his heart when he sees Ji Hye being reprimanded by MIL again.

HJ and FIL have a solemn meeting with their company's legal team to discuss about TaeJin's foreboding imprisonment for the white collar crimes he committed with Nam Mi Ra and Kyung Min.
HJ asks one of the legal consultants how many years minimum TJ has to serve?
The lawyer says at least 5 years or more.
HJ says shouldn't TJ be present when his daughters are going through puberty?
The legal consultant says if TJ behaves well, maybe 5 years and a little more should suffice.
It really depends on his performance behind bars.
FIL broods as he listens to the legal consultants' advice.

Can people who are being detained read newspapers?
Maybe HW reads about the headlines of Ji Hye's emergency admission in the newspapers while he is in the cell.
Or maybe the police officers are gossiping and talking about the headlines of Ji Hye while reading newspapers and HW overhears it.
HW becomes concerned about JH even though he is in a worse situation than she is now.

That's all I can think of now...Sigh.

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SexyDolceVita said: One thing I don't get is...WHY ARE JI HYE AND HYUN WOO SO PASSIVE?
Sigh...Two passive characters falling in love, then getting married after a big detour...
Will their marriage really work?

Just like how someone had imagined the conversation between JH and HW in an earlier post.
This is my imagined scenario of JH and HW's marriage life....wahaha...

HW: Where shall we go later?
JH: You make the decision.
HW: Or shall we go watch a movie?
JH: What do you prefer?
HW: Anything for me actually.
JH: Me too... Anything is fine...

*Awkward silence*

Stop being passive individuals Ji Hye and Hyun Woo...especially Hyun Woo...take control of your lives!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

What I Think Would Make A Good Cliffhanger Transition between Episode 35 and 36...

At the end of episode 35, Tae Wook deliberately returns home early in the evening to see Ji Hye working in the kitchen of cold castle with a tired face. She is preparing dinner for Kang family.

After the solemn dinner, Tae Wook holds Ji Hye's hand and walks back home with her, not letting go until they reach their villa. Ji Hye finds Tae Wook acting weird that night but isn't in the mood to probe.

Before reaching their villa, they also take a stroll alongside the pond and sit on a bench to spend some quality time. Tae Wook hugs Ji Hye tightly, as if it will be the last time they are hugging each other.

He says sorry to her for making her sacrifice so much for his family. He says he knows she is not happy at all. He says he is sorry for letting her down so many times, for not always being there for her, for being an inadequate husband, for doubting her loyalty previously. Ji Hye keeps quiet as she is too exhausted to say anything about her sufferings.

When they enter their house, Ji Hye tells Tae Wook to take off his jacket, she will get his pyjamas from the closet.

Tae Wook gently stops her and tells her to sit on the sofa with him. He says he has something to tell her. Sensing it is a serious matter, Ji Hye sits down on the sofa adjacent to the sofa, on which Tae Wook later sits.

Tae Wook looks at Ji Hye in the eyes with tears and says he has been doing a lot of thinking lately since her accidental overdose incident. He wants her to be happy, to be healthy, to be free. Hence, let's divorce then, Ji Hye ah...

Ji Hye looks up at Tae Wook with a surprised expression as her eyes slowly fill up with tears. She doesn't know how to react to what Tae Wook has just said.

Moment freezes.

End of Episode 35.

Hahahaha.... Isn't it very GoM style?

When Episode 36 starts, it repeats that last scene where Tae Wook says let's divorce then, Ji Hye ah...

And Ji Hye's surprised expression.

Screen fades out to black.

Then the words, "1 Year Later..." appears across the screen.

Screen dissolves into a bright blue sunny sky above the busy streets of Seoul.

Ji Hye is seen driving her old white Ford car in happy spirits, talking to Ji Sun on the phone. She is on her way to work. We see her talking to her colleagues and having fun at work.

Then we see her driving home from work, and someone calls her. She picks up the call and talks in an affectionate manner, which implies she is talking to her other half.

But who is the other half? Tae Wook? Hyun Woo?

It will be revealed eventually in the next scene.


What do you guys think?

Is this idea original and cliffhanger enough?

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Here's a fantasy ending:

TJ goes off the deep-end, comes home and wacks his mother, father and wife.  He goes into an insane asylum for life. 

TW and JH ends up taking the girls and going off to New York.

After sorting out his career, HW goes back to Jeju Island.  He goes to revisit that author's tiny house. Along the way, a woman is lost trying to find that tiny house.  So, she tags along with him.  Being an avid fan of that author's, she prattles on in conversation telling HW what and why she admires the author and her perspective about love.  And, her words are exactly like what HW told JH when they were at the house.  :-??

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Auntie Mame said: Here's a fantasy ending:

TJ goes off the deep-end, comes home and wacks his mother, father and wife.  He goes into an insane asylum for life. 

TW and JH ends up taking the girls and going off to New York.

After sorting out his career, HW goes back to Jeju Island.  He goes to revisit that author's tiny house. Along the way, a woman is lost trying to find that tiny house.  So, she tags along with him.  Being an avid fan of that author's, she prattles on in conversation telling HW what and why she admires the author and her perspective about love.  And, her words are exactly like what HW told JH when they were at the house.  :-??

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I like the end No. 4 that @SexyDolceVita had written LOL.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

In the real world there are MIL like JH MIL so unreasonable & mean … c’st la vie.  I personality had seen a few in real life sigh … L

Hhaha I like Auntie Mame fantasy ending too ... quote ”TW and JH ends up taking the girls and going off to New York.

After sorting out his career, HW goes back to Jeju Island. He goes to revisit that author's tiny house. Along the way, a woman is lost trying to find that tiny house. So, she tags along with him. Being an avid fan of that author's, she prattles on in conversation telling HW what and why she admires the author and her perspective about love. And, her words are exactly like what HW told JH when they were at the house."

Now I am looking forward to the 2 final episode so I move on & start watching another new drama  J :P

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Episode 33 (19-10-2013)

집으로 돌아온 태진은 아이들과 시간을 보내며 천연덕스럽게 행동하는 모습에 혜정은 기가 막힌다. 한편, 지혜는 병원에 실려가 응급처치를 받고 다른 사건을 취재중이던 기자가 지혜를 알아보고 사진을 찍게...


After returning home, TaeJin spends some quality time with Yuri and Yujin. His carefree, nothing has happened attitude causes HyeJung to be angry with him.

Meanwhile, Ji Hye is sent to the hospital to be treated in the emergency room. A reporter, who is at the hospital, covering other news, spots Ji Hye and takes photos of her in the hospital...

Episode 34 (20-10-2013)

혜정은 변호사를 만나 태진이 몇년형을 받을지 물어보고 태진에게 아이들에겐 아빠가 필요하다는 것을 마음에 새기라고 한다. 한편 태욱은 지혜가 잠을 못자고 아무곳에서나 조는 모습에 마음이 아픈데...


HyeJung goes to consult the legal team of Sin Young Group, asking them how many years does TaeJin have to serve behind bars. She later tells TaeJin the reality he has to face and reminds him Yuri and Yujin need their father.

On the other hand, Tae Wook feels heart wrenching to witness how Ji Hye has problems sleeping at night, causing her to doze off everywhere she goes during the day.

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If I recall correctly Kang family only sit together at the table for breakfast, I think it was FIL who said that since they couldn't see each other the rest of the day, that's why breakfast was so important to them.
Why do I have this feeling that JH might never know about HW's arrest...I'm still trying to figure out what's HW's role in this story honestly. Maybe even the writer didn't know and that's why she introduced SK for him.

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