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[Drama 2013] Master's Sun 주군의 태양


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Guest chajoowon

missabeat said: @chajoowon: I saw that explanation before, but I don't think it was that at all. The coffee ghost looks exactly the same before and after TY bought him coffee. Made me think the ghost just change their appearance for kicks (maybe they do, because what other fun a bunch of lingering ghosts have beside scaring the only person who can see them shitless?) And then in episode 2, the ghost of the female student casted a shadow on the ground behind her friends. How is that possible? There's just so much inconsistency going on with the ghosts that I believe a lot of things are just simply there to validate the "horror" label of the show.

The stuff TY's friend said might be a comedic thing, but the idea that TY needs a man to be "normal" still remains valid. She herself said out loud that she NEEDS him, that's a big word, and that he is her SAVIOR.

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I think if I keep pointing out the instances of blatant sexism in this series, I'll run out of energy before we hit the midpoint, but damn.

"Male energy"? Get a man to give you his strength, since female energy is apparently too weak? A woman who is being bullied by a crowd and can literally not stand on her own two feet and tell everyone to richard simmons the hell off until the big strong man comes and saves her? Women are governed by raw emotion and need the guy to do the actual reasoning? Not to mention her complete lack of common sense in running around with a shoe she knew the ghost wanted. If you're so scared of the ghost and you know it's after you because you're holding on to the shoe, why the heck are you holding on to it?

So the guy looks for clues, the guy punishes the wicked and she's just the pure creature that has the "strong feels". She is absolutely no use to anyone unless he helps her. Great message to give, series. Absolutely grand. *golfclap*

I'd drop this on moral grounds alone, but since it's managing to be even more offending for women than most dramas out there, I think I need to watch this until the end and give it a proper piece of my mind in a proper review. Unless, by some miracle, they somehow plan to address all these issues and turn this into an empowerment piece. Not likely.

How can they write such nice ghost stories about human pain and then treat their own female lead in such a horrible manner? Then again, all the stories so far have been about victimized women and their second female lead is an arrogant moron. The aunt is a cold and calculative cougar, the main villain a female ghost and the "best friend" sees men as male energy batteries, so I guess they're not being kind to women in general here... And no, don't tell me the friend is supposed to be a silly stereotype, because if you do want to make a point about how sad it is for women to think men can solve all their problems, you don't do another dozen things that basically show you share those sentiments.

Too bad, because the Hongs managed to add a little warmth and humanity to their work for the first time since Gumiho. They have good visuals, good individual plots in each episode, good actors, an interesting main mystery (Joong Won's past) and all the elements this needs to be awesome. Yet they still make this so offending for female viewers (hello, your main audience).

So yes, raging insult to women aside, this is a lovely series. I'm just not sure how long I can roll my eyes and forgive this pretty big issue in favor of the good things or if I even should. And again, I am curious. What do Korean audiences say? Is anyone seeing these problems and minding them? Is there any kind of debate on it in Korean SNS or have women given up any hope of being fairly represented in fictional works on television?

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Master's Sun really, really, really thrills me. I don't like ghost/horror stories in general but the ghosts here freak me out, then leave me laughing. I've never seen a drama that kept me entertained in this way. It helps that I find Gong Shil to be so likable, and her desperation so understandable. 
After episode 3, I'm interpreting the whole "master's sun" thing as Gong Shil entering Joong Won's "kingdom" to shed light on the dark incident that left him emotionally empty. The whole "Hee Joo kidnapped Joong Won" story just seems too simple - maybe she was roped in by the real kidnapper, and once the kidnapper got the money, HJ was killed. Now...what are the odds that Giant mall is funded by the old ransom money? Since the statute of limitations of the kidnapping case is ending soon, my guess is that the security guard was put into Kingdom by someone (probably the senior policeman?) who totally suspects that Joong Won was not telling the truth about not knowing anything.
Parts of the story are getting super interesting. The dynamics of the aunt and her husband are scary - she knows he's with her for the money and she has her alarm up whenever he seems to pay attention to other women (i.e., in ep. 2, she totally perked up suspiciously when he called Gong Shil "yeoh ja", then he immediately referred to her as "agashi" instead). The husband is totally playing the doormat to his wife but I just *think* he has something going with the female secretary.

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There is one thing I found funny about this episode, sadly, I don't think it was intentional: I expected the police to put the wife's body in the morgue or some separate room, but no they put her in the ER room. THE ER ROOM.

@chajoowon: your explanation is plausible, but my gut instinct told me that the Hong sisters just didn't put much thought on the ghosts at all, and I'll stand by that.

I'm aware that this is a rom-com so ultimately romance will be "the best thing that's ever happened" to the main leads, but I think we can do without someone saying "you need a man/male energy" to Tae Yang's face in every episode. It's got old and tiring pretty fast.

@Orion: remember the part TY's sister said, "Find that man and just suck out all that energy." lol She made it sound like women are succubi. YES, SISTERS, FIND THE MEN AND DRAIN THEM OF THEIR YANG ENERGY!!! xD

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missabeat said: There is one thing I found funny about this episode, sadly, I don't think it was intentional: I expected the police to put the wife's body in the mort or some separate room, but no they put her in the ER room. THE ER ROOM.

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'주군의 태양' 공효진, 4단 변화 위해 무더위 속 겨울옷 착용

[TV리포트=박귀임 기자] 배우 공효진이 4단 변화로 연기 열정을 불태웠다.

공효진은 SBS 새 수목드라마스페셜 ‘주군의 태양’(홍정은홍미란 극본, 진혁 연출)에서 사고로 귀신을 보게 된 후 현실에 적응하지 못해 은둔하며 살아가고 있는 태공실 역을 맡아 열연 중이다.

오는 15일 방송될 ‘주군의 태양’ 4회에서는 공효진 4단 변화가 그려질 예정이다. 극중 태공실에게 적극적으로 다가가던 강우(서인국)가 사진을 통해 그녀의 과거를 확인하게 되는 것. 강우는 주중원(소지섭)이 운영하는 복합 쇼핑몰 ‘킹덤’의 청소원으로 일하면서 가끔 이해 안 되는 행동을 하는 현재의 태공실과 사진 속 과거 태공실이 달라 화들짝 놀란다.

특히 사진 속 태공실은 한국 최고의 명문대에 입학하는가 하면, 테니스 대회도 나갔다하면 우승을 차지하고, 탁월한 미술 실력으로 주위의 부러움을 받고 있다. 또한 봉사 활동에 나선 태공실이 아이들의 손을 잡고 환한 미소를 짓고 있어 눈길을 끈다. 무엇이든 잘 해내는 탁월한 재능과 함께 바른 인성까지 두루 갖춘 완벽한 ‘엄친딸’의 면모를 드러내고 있는 셈이다. 이에 과연 태공실은 화려하고 밝았던 과거를 되찾을 수 있을 지, 귀추가 주목되고 있다.

공효진의 ‘엄친딸’ 모습은 지난달 26일 촬영됐다. 이날 공효진은 4가지 버전의 ‘태공실의 과거’ 장면을 촬영하기 위해 오전 11시부터 4시간 동안 경기도 일산과 서울 관악구 등을 넘나드는 고군분투 행보를 펼쳤던 상태.

무엇보다 공효진은 명문대 입학을 기념하는 사진을 찍기 위해 해가 쨍쨍한 무더위 속에서도 두꺼운 코트에 귀마개까지 착용한 채 촬영을 감행했다. 땀으로 인해 수정화장이 반복되는 번거로움도 있었지만, 그 잠깐의 시간을 이용해 극중 언니로 나오는 박희본과 다정하게 대화를 나누며 현장을 훈훈하게 만들기도 했다. 공효진 박희본의 환상적인 자매 호흡과 더불어 스태프들의 능숙한 진행으로 빠른 촬영이 진행됐다는 귀띔.

그런가하면 봉사 활동을 하는 태공실을 담아내기 위해 일산의 한 복지시설에 방문한 공효진은 산타 모자를 쓴 채 아이들과 함께하는 시간에 시종일관 행복감을 드러냈다. 촬영 내내 어린 아이들에게 관심과 애정을 보내는 것은 물론 따뜻하게 안아주는 사랑스러운 모습으로 “역시 공블리는 달라”라는 찬사를 받았다.

‘주군의 태양’ 제작사 본팩토리는 “공효진은 드라마 속에 쓰일 소품 사진 촬영까지도 열정을 다해 드라마의 완성도를 높이고 있다”며 “작은 것 하나도 놓치지 않고 살려내는 공효진의 디테일한 연기와 소지섭과의 호흡을 지켜봐 달라”고 밝혔다.

한편 ‘주군의 태양’은 인색하고 유아독존인 사장 주중원과 음침하고 영감이 발달한 여직원 태공실(공효진)이 슬픈 사연을 지닌 영혼들을 위령하는 로코믹 호러 드라마다. 1회와 2회 모두 시청률 1위를 달리며 뜨거운 호응을 얻고 있다.




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Guest ctrlace

helllooooo Master's Sun watchers ! i'm a new poster on this forum/thread and i would like to join you guys in commenting on this hilaaaarious thriller drama because i'm watching it too :P hehe... i'd just like to say that 1. some of the ghosts in this drama as SOOOO SCARY i have to admit omg... creep me out D: and 2. i find it sooooo cute every time Gong Shil and Joong Won have that hugging moment ahhah 
ohhh also ! would someone like to explain to me ... in EP 3... im wondering if anyone else finds Kang Woo suspicious with that phone call about keeping a watch on Gong Shil and Joong Won... like any opinions on what his real role/character is in this drama??

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Guest MadDeeno

Here's another joint recap with Raine. Enjoy!

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