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AN CAFE Thread~

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I live in melbourne >=]

and im asian - i think most people who come on here are asian o_o"


only concert i ever went to was My Chemical Romance Dec. 1 concert in Melb

good mini cooper :]

mmmmm i dont think an cafe would ever come australia unless our fanbase grew like 400% in a week.

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Guest daisie

I went to see them on Tuesday! I've been dying to tell you all about it but I only just got my internet back. X)

I don't think I could have had a better night. It was really amazing. I was in the middle of a balcony and had a perfect view of the stage, but we were told that if we were caught taking pictures we'd get thrown out, and I didn't wanna risk it so I'm sorry but I have no pictures of them playing!

I waited four hours in the queue (on my own! With my Gameboy! XD), and even though I promised myself I'd buy some merch first, as soon as I got in I rushed to get a good view. They took a good half an hour to come out after the roadies faffed about a bit with the instruments.

Teruki came out first and everyone started screaming - he looked so happy and waved at us before going to his (massive) drum kit, then Yuuki came out! I fell in love with him all over again! XD He's so tall and skinny, and really energetic. He waved at everyone and danced a bit before going to the keyboard. Kanon came out next, waved a little and then went to his bass before Takuya came out; I was really surprised by how lively he was. I got the impression that he was really shy but he went straight to the middle of the stage and bowed to everyone and waved before going to his guitar. :) Then Miku finally came out and everyone screamed their heads off! He's so cute! His mic stand had a little Pucca doll on it that swung round as he danced. X) They were all wearing their Cherry Saku Yuuki clothes, btw. B)

I think I've remembered every song they played, but I only know that I've got the first and last two in the right order. XD

Maple Gunman ; everyone went insane for this one as soon as the guitar started, doing the hand motions at the chorus etc. Miku, Kanon and Takuya were all dancing in a little line!

Wagamama Koushinkyouku <3

Baby King ; Baby King sounds really good live, even though I thought it was a little boring on the album. I only knew two of the words (which happen to be 'baby king' lol) so I was like 'nnnananana... BAAAAAABY KINGUUUUUU!' XD Miku's voice sounded really good on this one. :)

Nyappy in the World 3 ; for this, Miku got out a pair of pink pompoms and was dancing with them! He looked like a little cheerleader! X3 This is a really cute, happy song. I'm glad I got to hear it live.

Tekesuta Kousen <3

Cherry Saku Yuuki

Orange Dream ; I didn't actually like this song a lot until I read the translation - they're really moving. Miku looked so sad as he was singing. He had his eyes closed a lot and leaned on his mic stand. I think the whole audience just wanted to hug him!

Koi no Dependence

Kakusei Heroism

Koritsu Hospital <3 ; this song... is... AMAZING. :wub: Easily one of the best on the new album, and even better live. Miku's screams sounded really cool, and he headbanged a lot.

Bonds ~Kizuna~

Smile Ichiban ii Onna

I don't even remember where the encore was! *fails*

I thought they were going to play more from the new album (which I really love!) - I wanted to hear Daybreak and S*B*Y. I was sad that they didn't play Respect Mummy either, but you can't have everything!

They all looked so happy as they were playing. Yuuki was dancing like an absolute madman and Kanon and Takuya moved all over the stage, and into the middle when they had a solo. Kanon is really hot IRL, haha. I got jelly legs whenever he looked up at the balcony. XD I couldn't get over how adorable Takuya looked too, he's like a little puppy! Obviously no-one can out-do Miku in cuteness though. :P

There was also a LOT of Engrish! It was so funny! I can't remember exactly what was said, so I may be paraphrasing a little. ^__^;; After the first two or three songs Miku was like 'Hello London! Are you having fun?' and everyone screamed. Then he said 'My English is not very good, but... I try my best!' X3

A little way into the show, they all took it in turns to say something.

Teruki: Hello! I am Teruki. London is a very exciting place. Let's have a good night.

Takuya: Hello! I am Takuya. Are you having fun? Let's make tonight a great night!

Kanon: Hello! Hello! I am Kanon. I like sushi. (This is exactly what he said, lmao. Then he made a funny noise, I think he fell over a bit.)

I can't remember what Yuuki said! :( *slaps self*

After they came back for the encore, Miku said 'Thank you for the encore! I am sooooo happy!' :D In between songs he would say things like 'Are you nyappy?!' and 'Are you having fun?!' too. He sounds so funny in real life. I actually thought he had an effect on his microphone that altered his voice, but he really just sounds like a baby duck. <3 At some point he also said 'I promise you, I will be back!' and everyone went crazy!

Before Smile Ichiban ii Onna, he said 'I want to see your smile! Show me your smile!' and everyone screamed and grinned like idiots while they played.

At the end, they stayed behind for ages waving and smiling at everyone, and high-fiving as many people as they could reach. Yuuki was taking it to the max, and nearly fell into the crowd. XD <3 Kanon was the first to leave, then Takuya, then Yuuki, and then Miku and Teruki after they'd thrown their plecs/bottles/sticks to the audience. I stayed until they completely left and then raced downstairs to buy some merch.

This is the top I bought.

And this is the poster. :)

Afterwards, I met my friends outside and we went round to the back of the building to the stage door to wait for them to come out. After two hours of waiting, I saw the door open and blindly stuck my camera in the air to snap a photo as the band made a mad dash to their coach. They were fast, but Daisie the expert paparazzo was faster. B)

Miku #1

Miku #2

Anyway, this has been a post of epic proportions! I think I've remembered as much as I can. If anything else comes to mind I'll be sure to tell you all. :D It was so good! I hope one day you can all see them somehow. Stay nyappy! X)

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^omgg thanks for sharing about the night! OMG you're soo lucky!! it sounded like it was such a fun night! you have a good memory and i can imagine what is happening though i wish i was there too! haha

aww i can imagine Miku speaking the Engrish haha, it's soo cute!

thanks for the Miku pic! he looks soo cute!! hehe and i love your top and poster! :o hehe

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Guest Wammie<3

I went to see them on Tuesday! I've been dying to tell you all about it but I only just got my internet back. X)

I don't think I could have had a better night. It was really amazing. I was in the middle of a balcony and had a perfect view of the stage, but we were told that if we were caught taking pictures we'd get thrown out, and I didn't wanna risk it so I'm sorry but I have no pictures of them playing!

I waited four hours in the queue (on my own! With my Gameboy! XD), and even though I promised myself I'd buy some merch first, as soon as I got in I rushed to get a good view. They took a good half an hour to come out after the roadies faffed about a bit with the instruments.

Teruki came out first and everyone started screaming - he looked so happy and waved at us before going to his (massive) drum kit, then Yuuki came out! I fell in love with him all over again! XD He's so tall and skinny, and really energetic. He waved at everyone and danced a bit before going to the keyboard. Kanon came out next, waved a little and then went to his bass before Takuya came out; I was really surprised by how lively he was. I got the impression that he was really shy but he went straight to the middle of the stage and bowed to everyone and waved before going to his guitar. :) Then Miku finally came out and everyone screamed their heads off! He's so cute! His mic stand had a little Pucca doll on it that swung round as he danced. X) They were all wearing their Cherry Saku Yuuki clothes, btw. B)

I think I've remembered every song they played, but I only know that I've got the first and last two in the right order. XD

Maple Gunman ; everyone went insane for this one as soon as the guitar started, doing the hand motions at the chorus etc. Miku, Kanon and Takuya were all dancing in a little line!

Wagamama Koushinkyouku <3

Baby King ; Baby King sounds really good live, even though I thought it was a little boring on the album. I only knew two of the words (which happen to be 'baby king' lol) so I was like 'nnnananana... BAAAAAABY KINGUUUUUU!' XD Miku's voice sounded really good on this one. :)

Nyappy in the World 3 ; for this, Miku got out a pair of pink pompoms and was dancing with them! He looked like a little cheerleader! X3 This is a really cute, happy song. I'm glad I got to hear it live.

Tekesuta Kousen <3

Cherry Saku Yuuki

Orange Dream ; I didn't actually like this song a lot until I read the translation - they're really moving. Miku looked so sad as he was singing. He had his eyes closed a lot and leaned on his mic stand. I think the whole audience just wanted to hug him!

Koi no Dependence

Kakusei Heroism

Koritsu Hospital <3 ; this song... is... AMAZING. :wub: Easily one of the best on the new album, and even better live. Miku's screams sounded really cool, and he headbanged a lot.

Bonds ~Kizuna~

Smile Ichiban ii Onna

I don't even remember where the encore was! *fails*

I thought they were going to play more from the new album (which I really love!) - I wanted to hear Daybreak and S*B*Y. I was sad that they didn't play Respect Mummy either, but you can't have everything!

They all looked so happy as they were playing. Yuuki was dancing like an absolute madman and Kanon and Takuya moved all over the stage, and into the middle when they had a solo. Kanon is really hot IRL, haha. I got jelly legs whenever he looked up at the balcony. XD I couldn't get over how adorable Takuya looked too, he's like a little puppy! Obviously no-one can out-do Miku in cuteness though. :P

There was also a LOT of Engrish! It was so funny! I can't remember exactly what was said, so I may be paraphrasing a little. ^__^;; After the first two or three songs Miku was like 'Hello London! Are you having fun?' and everyone screamed. Then he said 'My English is not very good, but... I try my best!' X3

A little way into the show, they all took it in turns to say something.

Teruki: Hello! I am Teruki. London is a very exciting place. Let's have a good night.

Takuya: Hello! I am Takuya. Are you having fun? Let's make tonight a great night!

Kanon: Hello! Hello! I am Kanon. I like sushi. (This is exactly what he said, lmao. Then he made a funny noise, I think he fell over a bit.)

I can't remember what Yuuki said! :( *slaps self*

After they came back for the encore, Miku said 'Thank you for the encore! I am sooooo happy!' :D In between songs he would say things like 'Are you nyappy?!' and 'Are you having fun?!' too. He sounds so funny in real life. I actually thought he had an effect on his microphone that altered his voice, but he really just sounds like a baby duck. <3 At some point he also said 'I promise you, I will be back!' and everyone went crazy!

Before Smile Ichiban ii Onna, he said 'I want to see your smile! Show me your smile!' and everyone screamed and grinned like idiots while they played.

At the end, they stayed behind for ages waving and smiling at everyone, and high-fiving as many people as they could reach. Yuuki was taking it to the max, and nearly fell into the crowd. XD <3 Kanon was the first to leave, then Takuya, then Yuuki, and then Miku and Teruki after they'd thrown their plecs/bottles/sticks to the audience. I stayed until they completely left and then raced downstairs to buy some merch.

This is the top I bought.

And this is the poster. :)

Afterwards, I met my friends outside and we went round to the back of the building to the stage door to wait for them to come out. After two hours of waiting, I saw the door open and blindly stuck my camera in the air to snap a photo as the band made a mad dash to their coach. They were fast, but Daisie the expert paparazzo was faster. B)

Miku #1

(will edit post with Miku #2 as soon as my friend sends it to me.)

Anyway, this has been a post of epic proportions! I think I've remembered as much as I can. If anything else comes to mind I'll be sure to tell you all. :D It was so good! I hope one day you can all see them somehow. Stay nyappy! X)

WOW! Sound so awesome!


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Guest daisie

Yup, I was super lucky! It was an amazing night!

Anyway, what do y'all think of their new outfits? :o


I actually really like Teruki's, even though I'm never particularly drawn to what he wears. :lol: & Takuya's, but he's always fabulous.

I think Kanon is wearing a skirt too. :ph34r:

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^yehh i love their new outfits (@ sig xD)

i really like takuya's! even though it's quite simple it looks soo good on him! hehe

LOL yeh Kanon! i think he is wearing a skirt :X hahaa he looks hot in anything though hehe. Miku looks soo kawaii hehe i like his sunnies haha

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Guest daisie

^ Tru dat. Kanon and Takuya look good in anything.

I just found this site with a load of photos from the Paris concert, here. Miku looks like a crazy person in most of them! :lol:

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liprings are so hot xD hehe though i like the ones on the side like kanon, miyavi and aoi rather than the labret ones or whatever you call them that's in the middle like Takeru's (though he's an exception because he's so hot with his LOL) haha

^but yes i totally agree, cuz Miyavi was the first jrocker i got into and then when i first saw Aoi and Kanon i thought they both looked kind of like Miyavi and that's how they were first my favourites in the group :X but they still are now anyways hehe.

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