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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest destinii23

Episode 17

Episode 17 is a LMH/KT episode as we see him transit from a boy who lost her, a boy who expends his every waking moment to find her, a boy who found her but realises he's the reason she's been exiled to a boy who finds it so difficult to even breathe. Much applause have been given to LMH for his performance, and I agree it's remarkable.
On the other side of our OTP, PSH wasn't in the episode much. Partly due to the script, also partly due to her schedule (she had attended an awards ceremony). Nevertheless, her despair, her struggle has been portrayed beautifully within the precious minutes we've had of her. 
When she left her mother to go home by herself, she was fighting tears. Fighting to survive her situation and heartache. But she must win this fight, because there's still her mother to care for, to think of. She cannot crumble in front of her. So she lets her emotions run a bit behind her mother's back,then wipes off her tears and proceeds to just survive.
The clothes she put out to air; each piece reminding her of the boy who've taken residence in her heart, but she cannot be by his side, for his sake. She's overwhelmed by the memory lane, and walks over to the ocean side. Here, we see a girl, so lonely, so alone. Her eyes are dead, and she's suffocating, having to breathe deeply despite just sitting there in the wind, in the cold.It is in this state where KT decides to leave her, because he saw what he's done to her.
Some say what ES said to KT in front of the bookstore was cruel. Yes, it wasn't exactly gentle, but she was so scared. Scared of what might happen to him, and to her mother. (Recall her conversation with YD at the beach). She is still struggling to survive, with her jobless mother in tow, and his presence makes her heart ache and worried. When she answered the affirmative to KT's have I ever bothered you, she knew it would be an hurtful answer, and it hurt her as much as it hurt him. (But isn't it true? Back to their conversation on their first day of school). She refused him when he said he would bring her life back to when it was before, because she knows it wouldn't ever be the same again, neither does she want it to be the same as before. She also don't want him to get into more trouble because of her. She broke down when he left, because he did what she (didn't truly) wanted, but couldn't bear the thought of it. 

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Guest rogue0716

Going on youtube and raping the replay button on that scorching kiss aka episode 16. Heirs, what the hell are you doing to me? I feel like a pervert who needs to get a grip on reality but prefers this midsummer night's dream delusion because that's where i'll always find Kim Tan and Eun Sang.


Soooo...Is it Wednesday yet? No? Well then, life sucks.

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Interesting, it seems that Rachel and Lee Hyo Shin sunbae will fall for each other and for sure Hyo Shin will really hate Kim Won Hyung, I mean  not only because Won is now dating his first love but also because Won is Rachel's first love  :))

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Dear fellows.. This drama really get in to me so much.. I can't stop thinking and thinking about it and i was like watched and rewatched ep 18 for a dozen time. His smile, his eyes, his cry, his kiss (aaaaaawwww) everything he does is like a drug that i can't stop to think about and need more and more to watch... It's LeeMinHo addict!

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Guest pattituazon

I've been playing the 'Crying Again' OST over and over and I don't know about you guys but OMG THE FEELS. I want to see the last two episodes but I DON'T want to see the last two episodes and because I can't decide, I might as well cry with this song in the background.
Is this healthy? T.T

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Stilll waiting last 2 episode..feeling so sad because no longer to see LMH & PSH..to be honest when I watch this drama..I just want both of them film together..not with other co-star..I only want them..hehehehe... still wondering if they can date after the ending film..or they actually start dating but secretly..keep in secret.. but I'm still weird about the kissing scene episode 16..why no still rumour or news about this?? Or something fishy is around now..or maybe pdnim and the other staff smell something about the relationship..I feel strongly that something good happen between them..otherwise shinhye mother is big fan of LMH and shinhye dad is frown when he see the love scene between her daughter and future son-in-law...hehehhe....make my wish and other fan come true..p/s: sorry if my english broken..but hope you understand...       :D :x :\"> :-?

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Guest sachaaimee

It always make me sad to see YD sitting alone in a restaurant..... He is sadder than KT. KES eonnie until when you make YD sitting alone like this???? Bring back his mom.... If the accident scene of YD is true.... Send his mom to him...... Or send me ********wink********* (sssssssttttttt I heard if I made wish in this thread somehow it will be come true.... Sorry YD shipper I plan to take uri YD by my self hahahahahaha)

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Guest lyana13w


said: I've been playing the 'Crying Again' OST over and over and I don't know about you guys but OMG THE FEELS. I want to see the last two episodes but I DON'T want to see the last two episodes and because I can't decide, I might as well cry with this song in the background.

Is this healthy? T.T

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Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates - 07.12.2013

Update on Twitter:

First Update: "잘자~"
English Translation: "Good Night~"

Second Update: " '@gulinMinoz: @ActorLeeMinHo 잘자 좋은 꿈 꾸세요!!날씨가 상당히 춥네여~감기 조심하세요!~~행복한 주말되세요^^ 두 팔 가득 사랑을 담아 터키에서♥' 한국말 너무 잘해 ㅎ"
English Translation: "@gulinMinoz: @ActorLeeMinHo Good Night and Sweet Dreams!! The Weather is quite cold~ Please take care of your self from the cold!~ have a good weekend^^ With a lot of love from Turkey ♥' You speak Korean really well hoho"

Third Update: "@JBHY1999: @ActorLeeMinHo 히히 ㅋㅋㅋ 오빠 저 지금 최영장군 보고있어요 ㅠㅠㅠ 칼에 찔려서 수술받았는데 또 바로 도망가야하는 장면...." 임자.."
English Translation: " @JBHY1999: @ActorLeeMinHo Hihi kekeke Oppa now i am missing General Choi Young ㅠㅠㅠ Seeing him stabbed by a surgical knife, i want to go quickly right to the scene..." Imja.."

Fourth Update: "@S_2Hyunii: @ActorLeeMinHo 오빠 저 오늘 수학시험을 봤는데 점수가ㅠㅠ고등학교 들어와서 점수가 점점 떨어져요ㅠ이제 2학년되면 이과 갈 예정인데 다시 열심히 공부하면 되겠죠?꿈이 교사인데 잘할수 있을까 걱정이에요ㅠ" 이제 걱정 끝."
English Translation: "@S_2Hyunii: @ActorLeeMinHo Oppa today i just saw my mathematics test scores and it was a low scoreㅠㅠ It's falling behind to attend a high school ㅠ Now i am back studying Science for 2nd Grade and is it hard when you study? my teacher said i can dream high, but why am i worried? ㅠ" Now let your worries end."

Fifth Update: ""@LeeMinHo_ITALIA: @ActorLeeMinHo 메리 크리스마스! ^-^" 넘 빠른데 ㅋㅋ"
English Translation: "@LeeMinHo_ITALIA: @ActorLeeMinHo Merry Christmas! ^-^" Too fast keke"

Sixth Update: ""@Seodictator: @ActorLeeMinHo 취업 준비로 잠 못 이루는 밤ㅠㅠ 일곱곳 지원했는데 다 떨어지면 어떡하죠 에휴 오빠도 파이팅!! 잘 자요♥" lucky 7"
English Translation: "@Seodictator: @ActorLeeMinHo Going sleepless due to preparation for employment ㅠㅠ I hope the 7th will bring me good luck and support, what should i do if i failed Ehyu Oppa also FIGHTING!! Good Night ♥" lucky 7"

Seventh Update: "Good night."

Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official Twitter Account

a. "Imja" is a nickname that's been used in "Faith" , it literally means "Owner" or "Beloved"
a. "Ehyu" is an expression of sigh that's commonly used in Korea.
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A number of Heirlings have asked me about the couple rings. I can't remember where I saw KT with one, too many pages and stalker sites I've been on, I believe it was a BTS pic.  However, if you look through the episodes at ES' hands, she never wears any rings.  She doesn't wear a ring until the end of episode 18.  Also, because the director chose to focus on the ring as she holds KT's hand leads me to believe the ring has significance which we won't see until episode 19. 

I know some of PSH's fans say that she always wears jewelry, but when you take on an acting role, you put your personal attributes aside. If the role does not call for her to wear a ring then she wouldn't wear one. The ring in this case seems to apply to her role as ES and her relationship with KT, IMO.

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I used to watched other ongoing drama while waiting for wednesday to come. But now i don't have the feel to watch them and keep on watching Heirs randomly with the same excitement like i haven't watch before.. Gaaaaawwdd... Heirs is not over yet but i already miss them. What should i do after December 12??? :-SS :-SS :(( X_X

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