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------------* Bio Oil :: The Stuff Miracles are Made of!

Guest anjelique

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Guest anjelique

Fades acne scars, evens out skin pigmentations - results begin within


Update on skin progress - 11th March, Sunday, 2007


Edit: Found a no make-up picture of me with a family friend's daughter. I look really oily because it was straight after applying Bio-Oil. Hehe. Caught in the act! But after a while, the oiliness goes away because it seeps into the skin.


And one of me with make-up (looking a WHOLE lot better too!) Hehe.


(I was experimenting with some new colours in my make-up bag. I might post tutorials one day if people like the look of the make-up.

And here's a second one, just so you can erase that awful photo of me without make-up:


This photo was taken a couple of days ago (clearly with make-up), and now there's absolutely no more discolouration or pigmentation. I actually don't take pictures of myself without make-up, so I don't have a before photo, but the blotchiness and scarring was somewhat noticable even with make-up prior to me having used Bio-Oil. Now, however, it's fine and skin is clearer than ever before. Once again, I strongly recommend this product.

I've found that on days where I really want to just quickly leave the house, Cetaphil (instead of using Bio-Oil as the moisturiser) was better for me (I wake up at 6 o'clock to go to uni on weekedays), and Clinique's Clarifying Lotion for skin type No. 2 (combination) really helped as a toner before prepping my face for Bio-Oil. The entire bottle has lasted me up till now, and it appears there's still some left. I'll be getting more over the next two weeks. I have to say, Bio-Oil really helps with the stubborn scars!

It also appears that Bio-Oil has made it's entrance into the US market too, so for those who never had access to it, now you do! :)

Here are pictures to help guide you into which products also work great in conjunction with Bio-Oil.

Clinique's Clarifyin Lotion No. 2


Cetaphil Moisturiser and Facial Wash



Well there is my verdict! And I'm happy as Larry! :)

I'm so glad that it's working just as well for everyone else! Keep using it! And for those whose questions I haven't been able to answer, I apologise. There have been far too many questions that have been answered numerous times on the thread and elsewhere, but those who have sent me messages have generally asked the same thing over and over again and I honestly do not have the time or desire to type out responses to all your requests and queries. It's quite a simple product to use, and doesn't require that much scepticism (it's not expensive) or questioning (it's very basic - a kind Soompier even scanned the directions leaflet for your perusal).

That's it from me! :)

Ciao, and best of luck to all with your continued use of Bio-Oil!



Recently I've had trouble with recurring acne (luckily they've never been noticable in photos though), and every month when I have my period, the old scars on my face used to get red and all blotchy again. Sometimes my skin would also look a little unevenly pigmented but all this was completely invisible when I wore make-up so I never really worried. However, since summer is coming up and I'll be heading to the swimming pool often, I have just began worrying about my skin and so decided to go out to the local chemist and look for a solution.

I've been frustrated with many products in the past and both my mother and I have tried our best to look for a good solution for this skin irritation to settle to no avail. Our most expensive product yet have been the SKII Whitening serum and have found it quite ineffective with no success in helping to retain moisture either. On Thursday I went to the local chemist and asked a female assistant (with flawless skin) to help me look for something that might fade acne scars, irritations and discolourings after use over time. She was quick to jump to this product, BioOil, in its humble packaging on the bottom shelf. I cringed as I looked at the plain box, thinking that either it would be far too expensive or far too tacky for my liking. However, she informed me of her past and her own trouble with acne as she continued to present to me a raving testimonial about the product and how it helped her to achieve such beautiful skin. She's been using it for around 1.5 years now and she has never turned back to another moisturiser or massage pack.

I stared at her with continued skepticism, and asked her cautiously, 'So how much does it cost?' Then she held up a smaller bottle that was AUD$14.95 and a larger bottle (125mL) for AUD $24.95. Since there have been seemingly low media coverage, I hadn't ever heard of this product before, and never in my entire 10 years of walking into that same chemist had I noticed it in it's plain packaging on the shelf. It didn't take much else to convince me because it was the cheapest alternative I had confronted up to this time and so grabbed the largest bottle, paid for it and whipped out of the building not wanting to wait a moment longer to try it on.

As soon as I arrived home, I proceded to the bathroom to wash my face. I opened the package, read the short leaflet and opened the bottle to find myself pleasantly surprised with the delightful floral fragrance that this light oil had, and used about 3-4 small drops to massage my entire face, focusing on the trouble spots. The oil was non-greasy, pleasant smelling and incredibly moisturising so I felt incredibly content with my first massage. It was recommended to do this massage 2-3 times a day when possible, so the entire day, whenever I could remember, I massaged my face with the oil using gentle circular motions all around. Within 3 days, my skin was glowing, there were no longer roughness or uneven blotchiness when I applied my makeup and the spots were less noticable. That's only within 3 days!

The best part is, I use it as a substitute for moisturiser when applying my make up (I apply only 2-3 drops of course to minimise the shine) and it helps to set it really well and actually holds my make-up in place for the entire day (I work 9am-9pm on Fridays). I can't rave enough about this product... I've used a lot of stuff out there before, but this has definitely got to be the best. Even if after continuous use my skin still somehow remains slightly pigmented as before, I'm definitely going to substitute this for all my other moisturisers and I won't give up on it.

The formal website for the product is: www.bio-oil.info/ if you want to go visit it and find out a little bit more.

The FAQ section does seem to cover a wide range of queries, so don't forget to check it out. If in any doubt about the product at all, type in 'Bio oil reviews' into the Google searchengine, and you'll find incredible raves from many consumers who have been so happy with the product! (And I thought I was the only one!)

This oil is safe for both male and females. Last night I gave my little brother (age:14 with really course skin with little bumps on his cheeks), and he woke up with really soft, supple skin and the bumps on his face were less noticable and you could feel that they had settled a bit overnight. He's loving it and I plan on giving him another treatment tonight! The 125mL bottle is massive, and since you only need 3-4 drops each time you use it, I'm pretty sure that this bottle will last me at least 9 months, if not a year, so I say that the price is close to nothing when compared to all the other beauty products we often stash out on per year.

If you've got any other questions, please post and I'll do my best to try and answer them for you! I'm not sure how much it will cost in USD, but I'm sure if you hop to your local drugstore, they'll have them in stock for you.


Any queries? Ask away!

Edit: Some have PMed me already and inquired about the state of my skin... This isn't the most flattering of photos, but you can see my skin best in it. I do have a larger version, but that's going to eat up all my bandwidth on my photo account. Sorry for the disgusting picture - hair is everywhere too...


Get Bio Oil here for a really reasonable price!

"]------------------* Click here to get a bottle of Bio Oil! Susie has been an absolute angel

For many of you who live in the US and do not have access to Bio Oil, fellow Soompier Susie has decided play the part of an absolute angel and sell it for a REALLY LOW PRICE. (Trust me, shipping is ridiculous and Susie appears to be doing it out of almost no profit at all just for your sakes!)

She's written a testimonial too! Remember to give her all your thanks when ordering!

Thanks Susie! :) When you come down to Melbourne, give me a buzz and I'll shout ice-cream!



According to this chart on their Japanese website, this oil should begin spreading to the US and Japan market sometime this year. This is just what I found so perhaps you could wait and see what happens?

Edit 2: (29th August 2006)


Everyone has been asking a lot of questions, most of which I've answered on various posts. There have been many people who have used it and have seen the results already (i.e. scars fading, skin smoother, evening out of pigmentations), and these stories can be found in page 9-10.

I've been using it steadily now 2-3 times a day EVERY DAY, massaging my face gently but firmly to the point where my problem areas turned bright red. It's been about 3 weeks now and the redness has completely disappeared and I'm left with only minimal scarring and even then, those are still disappearing. My freckles (although not noticable on photos) have begun to fade again leaving me very happy! It's getting rid of all my blackheads too which makes me even happier! (For those of you who have bought and used this product but haven't had this incredible experience of disappearing blackheads yet, read on!)

Since heaps of people have been PMing me about how I use the product, here are some step by step directions as to how I apply it. It helps to get rid of a lot of blackheads too and now my nose is literally blackhead-less.

1. I wash my face with Clinique beauty bar (the yellow one for combination skin) and rinse with really hot water to the point where I can no longer tolerate the heat. A lot of people might argue against this because it is said to take away the natural moisture of the skin, but might I say that it's been effective for me thus far, so I'll have to refute it with results I've been seeing.

2. PAT dry with towel. Don't rub your face or else it's abrasive to the skin and tends to leave the skin feeling drier and red.

3. Get 3-4 drops of oil and just smear it onto one side of your face, and do the same for the other.

4. Now remember that your hands must ALWAYS be clean. You've washed your face with soap already so there probably wouldn't be any need for you to wash your hands again. However, when you're repeating the procedure throughout the day, I might suggest you wash your hands thoroughly before massaging your face again.

5. Use your fingertips and apply pressure on the skin and just keep massaging your face, focusing on the problem areas.

6. Your pores should have been opened because of the hot water and as you massage with the oil, it should make your entire face slippery enough to the point where the blackheads just slip out. If you apply enough pressure and massage your face (make motions like you're smoothing your face out), the blackheads will naturally just slip out. No need to squeeze or to use any type of abrasive scrubs. The combination of the hot water opening the pores and the massaging of the face will make the blackheads slippery within the pores and will cause them to slip right out. I can testify to this because EVERY time I massage my skin, blackheads come out, but everytime I go on with this routine, less and less of them appear. My make-up looks absolutely flawless due to this because the blackheads no longer cause little bumps that surface through the foundation.

7. Massage for 5 minutes and let the oil just sink into your skin. Leave it. Apply throughout the day when necessary, once again, leaving a bit more on in the problem areas than anywhere else.

It's really a matter of wash, massage, leave it on and repeat when necessary, type of thing, but because people don't seem to believe me how simple it is, I've typed out every single thing I do when I apply the oil. The massaging bit is important because it's not a matter of just rubbing it in until the oil seeps through the skin, but it's a matter of applying pressure to your fingertips and giving yourself a gentle exfoliation too. It helps with blood circulation as well, and so my skin has been regaining a lot of it's better colours and my jawline has become even slimmer.


Credits to 'FiFi'. Please everyone thank her for this image!




Instruction images enlarged:




Information on box:

- Vitamins A and E

- Calendula, Lavender and Rosemary oils

- Chamomile extract

- Non-greasy

- Hypo-allergenic

- Suitable for all ages

- No preservatives


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I checked the official website. It seems like it's not available in the United States. =\

But I want to thank you for sharing. I actually know someone in Australia, maybe I can ask him.

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Guest oOheejungOo

I checked the official website. It seems like it's not available in the United States. =\

yeah thats what i was looking at too...

i wish they sold it in the u.s

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Guest anjelique

Oh dear!

You're right! They don't seem to stock it over there in the US or Canada!

I checked in Ebay:


The seller seems to have more in stock. Perhaps when this person runs out, you could request them to stock more?


Here is one that's available that is up for auction now.

I suppose you could try ordering it like that and get it delivered to your doorstep in such a way. I'm not sure how much you're willing to pay or to what lengths you will go to try and get this, but I can promise you that you won't regret it!


Meanwhile, I'll try to do some more research when possible! :)

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Guest empress727

^i'm willing to pay too! i'm located in the US as well. this product sounds great and i'm sure the people living in america want to try it!!!

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Guest anjelique

Oh dear...

It's such a pity they don't market it in the US...

Why don't you all write requests to the company asking why they don't have it there?

There is always Ebay and you can get it for a reasonable price as I had said in an earlier post.

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

wow... you look like you had nice skin to begin with... my skin is pretty bad. do you think it could help me out?

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Guest Baybe Gyrl`

so let me get this straight.

you washed your face with a cleanser and then applied on bio oil? that's all? did you apply it before you went to sleep as well?

oh, and did it help with blackheads and whiteheads?

i'm interested in this product!!

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Guest anjelique

wow... you look like you had nice skin to begin with... my skin is pretty bad. do you think it could help me out?

Haha - you have to remember that I'm wearing make-up in that photo!

My skin hasn't always been good - trust me I can testify to that!

As I said, although quite noticable in real life, in photos they've been close to invisible.

I'll try to post a photo of me without make-up when I can...

By reading the various testimonials, I think I can confidently say that this oil would be good for almost anyone of any skin conditions...

If my brother's disgusting skin was awful last night and soft and supple this morning with his spots diminishing overnight, then I'd say it should work for almost anyone...


so let me get this straight.

you washed your face with a cleanser and then applied on bio oil? that's all? did you apply it before you went to sleep as well?

oh, and did it help with blackheads and whiteheads?

i'm interested in this product!!

Yes. :)

I washed my face with cleanser. I use Clinique soap (not the foam one or anything, just normal soap... The yellow one - others tend to dry out my face too much or irritate my face...)


And right after it, I massage about 3-4 drops of oil all over my face, focusing on the problem areas :)

As for blackheads and whiteheads, I'm still working on that one so I'll get back to you... :)

I did however notice that as I massaged the oil gently all over my face, blackheads just slipped out leaving no traces or marks at all...

It's really weird and wonderful this product! Some blackheads are still there of course, but larger ones just slip out as you massage...

Don't forget to wash your face with really hot water before you start so you can expand your pores! :D

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Guest Steph*

Your skin looks really good before though...did you airbrush it? o_O;

I'm going over to Australia this winter so..maybe I'll pick some up for my friends

I've never had a problem with my skin though, it's just uneven.

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Guest anjelique


i'm thinking that's probably the same product?

did it help with blackheads and whiteheads though? if it does, then i'm sold.

As I said, I haven't seen a massive difference in terms of it clearing up blackheads (it has only been 3 days, so perhaps if we wait a little longer we might see something happen), but everytime I massage my face with this oil, I see more and more blackheads coming out! (You can feel them come out as you massage your skin because you'll start off smooth, and occasionally, you'll feel little bits of lumpy stuff start coming out that look so much like blackheads...)

Of course, I'm sure every product needs time to settle, but it's the first time I've ever used something that began working as soon as I started to use it!

I'm totally rapped with it! :D

As for your link, I think the product may just as well be identical (just under different names) because everyone refers to it as BioOil in their reviews too... Seems like you might've found the match there!


Your skin looks really good before though...did you airbrush it? o_O; I'm going over to Australia this winter so..maybe I'll pick some up for my friends I've never had a problem with my skin though, it's just uneven.

Haha. If I airbrushed it, wouldn't it defeat the purpose of me having put my photo up in the first place? I do admit I cheated a bit by using make-up for this shot, but I'll post a non-make-up photo when I can...

The best way to check for airbrushed photos (if you're curious) is to tilt your lcd screen from the bottom up to see if the skin plane is uneven (i.e: abnormally smooth in some areas, totally rough onthe others)... If you tilt mine, you'll see that there is still a lot of yucky stuff... Hehe :) Also, if you use your blush really well, it can TOTALLY make you look different too... I love my blushes :)

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I checked the official website. It seems like it's not available in the United States. =\

But I want to thank you for sharing. I actually know someone in Australia, maybe I can ask him.

No wonder I was like................ :huh: I never heard of this product anywhere or even seen it at the store.... I mean Im a believer and Im willing to try anything if it works....

*** Your skin looks amazing from that photoshot... You are very PRETTY too *** Maybe what you can do is buy some and start selling it on Soompi... your own shop or something???? just a tip for you to make some money :D

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Guest anjelique

No wonder I was like................ :huh: I never heard of this product anywhere or even seen it at the store.... I mean Im a believer and Im willing to try anything if it works....

*** Your skin looks amazing from that photoshot... You are very PRETTY too *** Maybe what you can do is buy some and start selling it on Soompi... your own shop or something???? just a tip for you to make some money :D

I'd love to sell it if I could, but unfortunately, the bottles cost $24.95 retail price, so for me to make any profit from this, I'll have to receive double that plus postage and handling from Soompi members which would end up costing more than just purchasing them off ebay. I don't want to have to do this to you dearies!


If you scroll up, I think another girl found the same oil under a different name on that site - go check it out because I think it's pretty much identical.

If at all you're all desparate, I'll try to find out some way to try and stock it but I can't promise anything because I'm actually quite a busy girl myself...


That further emphasizes how wonderful this product is. Sometimes I go and speak to various conferences and don't get sleep for days on end... I'm sure this will help me in times like those when I have no time to take care of my skin... Just a couple of drops of this and I'll be set! :D

this won't help treat acne will it? just the scars right? sounds like an interesting product.

I'm not sure. I do have some little acne on my cheeks near my hairline which I'm still applying this oil to. I'll be sure to edit this post and tell you all whether it works on acne too as it states. Many people have said in reviews online that it has helped, but we'll just have to wait and see.. :)

I'll keep you all posted on this one! :) If it does cure acne, this is officially my new favourite item in my entire room! :D

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