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To those who have never dated before...


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To those who have never dated before, would you expect your first partner to be a virgin ? yes or no or if you couldnt care less please state your reasons why. If possible state the country you were raised in and religion if any. Thank you.

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I know this is directed to people who have not yet had dating experiences before...but before I started dating, I had this vision that my first boyfriend would be a virgin so that we could experience our first everything together. I thought it made things more 'special' I guess because I didn't want to do things with him that he and his past girlfriends had done. That was my ideal partner but you can't really choose who you fall for. So when I met my boyfriend, he already had past experiences. I was upset at it for a long time but as we grew, I learned to not really care about his past. I met him when I was 18 and we are both adults now (20 and 22) so we should handle these types of things from a mature perspective. Also, when you're 20+ years old, you can't really expect your significant other to have no sexual experiences or experiences in general T_T

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Guest kkyosuke

Depends on your past experiences in dating and also your own expectations. My gf and I were both virgins. In a world full of sexual fiends though, being a virgin can be looked down upon. Good for you if that's what you're looking for personally.

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Before I started dating, I was 15.
I touched myself over good quality hentai back then.
I didn't even expect to have a girlfriend in this world. So forget about the "virgin or not".
But this girl came to me, I was not attracted to her but the whole high school people thought she was hot.
We went out, I became attracted to her, we dated, etc. She had an ex so I don't think she was virgin anymore since she kept teasing me with the poles in public transports (she stroked them while listening to me talking). But I might have been wrong. Unfortunately, my weewee never had action with her until we broke up. It was all kiss and hugs and face to face burger eating.
It was until I got in my 20s did I wonder if my partners were virgin or not...

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stacyxxcore said: I know this is directed to people who have not yet had dating experiences before...but before I started dating, I had this vision that my first boyfriend would be a virgin so that we could experience our first everything together. I thought it made things more 'special' I guess because I didn't want to do things with him that he and his past girlfriends had done. That was my ideal partner but you can't really choose who you fall for. So when I met my boyfriend, he already had past experiences. I was upset at it for a long time but as we grew, I learned to not really care about his past. I met him when I was 18 and we are both adults now (20 and 22) so we should handle these types of things from a mature perspective. Also, when you're 20+ years old, you can't really expect your significant other to have no sexual experiences or experiences in general T_T

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NPB-XK said: Before I started dating, I was 15.
I touched myself over good quality hentai back then.
I didn't even expect to have a girlfriend in this world. So forget about the "virgin or not".
But this girl came to me, I was not attracted to her but the whole high school people thought she was hot.
We went out, I became attracted to her, we dated, etc. She had an ex so I don't think she was virgin anymore since she kept teasing me with the poles in public transports (she stroked them while listening to me talking). But I might have been wrong. Unfortunately, my weewee never had action with her until we broke up. It was all kiss and hugs and face to face burger eating.
It was until I got in my 20s did I wonder if my partners were virgin or not...

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Guest dukenukem

For me i don't really care if my partner is a virgin or not.I will go by their personality as i get to know them.If my partner wants to know why i am a virgin at 30 then i will be straight forward about it.

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Guest truthgangwho

Yeah I expect 'em to be a virgin, of course there's not a whole lotta those around but whatever I'm selective anyway. I expect my partner to believe in God (cuz ultimately you might end up marrying them). God and abstinence go hand in hand (most of the time).

I've got romantic reasons too.

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Guest dolcedor.

radiocat said: kkyosuke said: Depends on your past experiences in dating and also your own expectations. My gf and I were both virgins. In a world full of sexual fiends though, being a virgin can be looked down upon. Good for you if that's what you're looking for personally.

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^ They may be referring to the notion of the context of which the sexual experience is occurring.
Though standards may vary, I believe they are saying that sexual intimacy is cheapened because they view sex as something that should accompany something of greater value to them (such as commitment).

I refer you to Punzo's case for "Morality, and Human Sexuality" if you care to further widen your perspective on sexual morality.
Click for the Summary
That being said, I've been in several relationships myself, and over time, I've learned to come to terms. I don't expect my partner to be a virgin. I'd prefer that she is, but one cannot control what has happened in the past. Though it is imperative not to forget the days gone by, it is of greater importance to not dwell in yesterdays. What is important for me is who she is now, even if the path to it was less than ideal.
As per OP's request, I am a Christian raised in the USA.

TLDL version: Sex is good or bad depending on the condition/circumstances surrounding the people involved.
Mr. Power thinks the present self is most important, but the past self is always a part of the present.

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MrPower said: ^ They may be referring to the notion of the context of which the sexual experience is occurring.
Though standards may vary, I believe they are saying that sexual intimacy is cheapened because they view sex as something that should accompany something of greater value to them (such as commitment).

I refer you to Punzo's case for "Morality, and Human Sexuality" if you care to further widen your perspective on sexual morality.
Click for the Summary
That being said, I've been in several relationships myself, and over time, I've learned to come to terms. I don't expect my partner to be a virgin. I'd prefer that she is, but one cannot control what has happened in the past. Though it is imperative not to forget the days gone by, it is of greater importance to not dwell in yesterdays. What is important for me is who she is now, even if the path to it was less than ideal.
As per OP's request, I am a Christian raised in the USA.

TLDL version: Sex is good or bad depending on the condition/circumstances surrounding the people involved.
Mr. Power thinks the present self is most important, but the past self is always a part of the present.

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

well for me it's not like I'm going to ask if she's a virgin or not.So whether she's a virgin or not wouldn't really affect my choice.
All I know is, I have a preference of someone from the same religion, and I know the type of girl I am dating.
Dunno how old you are, but once you hit 20+ or even university, trust me brah sex is quite the norm, so like someone said before, it's quite difficult finding a virgin I guess.Personally I wouldn't know since I don't ask, but you just have that feeling and you start to see it as "people go into relationship, they probably will have sex"but ya know when I was in high school I was like "dayum they did it what a rebel"
Not suggesting you should do it, but you know, just go with your mind.And just be responsible eh

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한스 ㅋㅋ

said: well for me it's not like I'm going to ask if she's a virgin or not.So whether she's a virgin or not wouldn't really affect my choice.

All I know is, I have a preference of someone from the same religion, and I know the type of girl I am dating.

Dunno how old you are, but once you hit 20+ or even university, trust me brah sex is quite the norm, so like someone said before, it's quite difficult finding a virgin I guess.Personally I wouldn't know since I don't ask, but you just have that feeling and you start to see it as "people go into relationship, they probably will have sex"but ya know when I was in high school I was like "dayum they did it what a rebel"

Not suggesting you should do it, but you know, just go with your mind.And just be responsible eh

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Guest nauticalblue

I wouldn't care if he's a virgin or not. I would just want him to respect my own personal decision to stay a virgin.
Then again, I'm only about 18, but it seems like a good portion of individuals around my age have already lost their virginity, so...
By the way... country: U.S., religion: none

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Well I have had experiences, but I can say that I didn't really care as it didn't really change the other person's personality. I think if she's not, you worry less about pushing her boundaries.

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Guest Ryuzaki101

Even though I've dated as well.If that's something that throws itself out towards you should you really be dating?Is that going to determine your future?Sure you have specifics on who you want to date but honestly none of that matters as long as there is LOVE involved. 

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