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К-поп и забава за EX-YU/ K-pop i zabava za EX-YU

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Zion - My Only Love [You're Only Mine OST]

Zitten - The Whale(Drama Ver.) [The Full Sun OST]

Zitten - The Whale(Acoustic Ver.) [The Full Sun OST]

J-Cera -  [Melody of Love OST]

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@lexiesanja mnogo, ma odusevljava me tvoj odnos prema muzici, stvarno za svako raspolozenje i doba dana i procitan tekst i sve ostalo ti imas melodiju koja ga prati.....  Na slican nacin i ja dozivljavam muziku sa jedinom razlikom da je meni englesko govorno podrucje, sto se muzike tice, poznatije....

Nazalost, ne vidim linkove koje si postavila, Soompi me nesto ne voli ovih dana...malo malo pa me ne vidi ili mi ne dozvoljava da vidim   :-B

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@anagard jos jedan pokusaj mozda ide tako: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=353647991388284
Ova pjesma mi stvarno draga, spisali je sami za svoje fane da se nam zahvale za suport i naslov 5x10 znaci tocno to.... njih 5 i 10 godina kako dugo vec na sceni sa fanovima koji sa srcem i velikih oci gledamo na njih. Pomalo bice 5x15(godina) morat ce promjeniti naslov ;)) Pa da bos razumela pjesmu (cak ako ja mislim da izrazi emocije na njihovima licima kad to zapjevajo i u kakem vremenu kaze sve i jos) i zasto mi taoliko znaci u pomoc ti stavljam text:

The years since we met was all a coincidence

We've even cried, by the time we noticed it's been 10 years

The balloon that rises up into the sky
The swaying ship that we luxuriously boarded
Simply laughing
For sure making dreams come true
Yes, that period when we were told what to do in our past too
It's all stored away in our hearts

Impatience, unease, resentment
There were days where we felt nothing but that too
But because you were there for us
Because those smiles brought us warm
We were able to get to this point
Your hand that grasped ours at the sides
This period of time that had passed with you
For some reason, we're still a bit shy

The winds that gathered inside us, the sadness that we couldn't support too
It was because you were there that we were able to smile

The unrivaled dissonance that we used to play
Saw all these different worlds
By the time we noticed, somewhere along the way
That had already turned into us

We genuinely cried (The time that had passed was full of love)
We genuinely laughed (We really have nothing else left but words)
We genuinely worried (Let's face forward once again)
We genuinely lived (With this large accumulated portion of love)
And now, we can stand tall with pride

One step at a time, if there are no roads close by
We can only take the road we believe in
If you ever shed tears 
We'll meet you here again
This love will never change, we'll send you nothing but love (Yeah)
And wish for the future together, for you (Yeah)
Surpass the mountain ahead with the wind, fly
We'll dye the surroundings with our colours

The sky that we gazed up at by ourselves
Were you looking at it too?
Sing if you have then, face the sky
That's right, with everything you've got

We genuinely cried (The time that had passed was full of love)
We genuinely laughed (We really have nothing else left but words)
We genuinely worried (Let's face forward once again)
We genuinely lived (With this large accumulated portion of love)
And now, we can stand tall with pride

If our converged voices will not disappear
We'll make a vow then, no matter how many centuries pass
We'll make smiles blossom with this love

You've always, always been in our hearts
That's why we want to try conveying this
Thank you
From here on too, thank you

The us that's standing here now
are shining because of you
The five of us are here, we'll always be here

If you turn everything up until now into strength
And wrap it up in unchanging love
Eternity, look, eternity
Was created only for you and I

La la la la...

Love Love for you

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@lexiesanja procitala sam vise puta tekst pesme. Zbilja svaki fan bi bio ponosan da njegovi idoli napisu ovako nesto. I mogu ti reci, nisu ovo reci samo za fanove, pojedine strofe bih otpevala svom muzu....tako da apsolutno razumem sta ti znaci.....

Nazalost ne dozvoljava mi ni jedan video zapis. Mogu samo da ga registrujem ne i pustim... Kompanijska glupa pravila....

Jos jednom hvala za tekst pesme

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@anagard treba ti dobra platforma, nesto kao Worldpress ili Blogger... ni ja nisam tu tako uvjezbana. Trebala bi nekog racunalnicara koji bi to znao. Imas moznost bresplatnog bloga ako si gost kod ene od stranic ili napravit svog sa svojo domeno ali onda te nesto stane. To- pocetak najtezi onda ide... ma da ne pisem uzalud znas kdje sam ako se odlucis i ti treba kaki savjet  :)

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Još jedna epizoda od One Warm Word, neki su se dosađivali gledajući ovu dramu a meni svaki minut bio važan, ozbiljna gluma, simpatični likovi, za desetak godina i mlađim članovima je preporučujem, danas mnogo drama na tu temu razvod ili ne ima tako da je ova drama poučna za bračne posebno.
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"OST - The Restless - Wheesunghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-BfBbC3PWc

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