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[Drama 2013] TV Novel Samsaengi TV소설 삼생이


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Ep 54 (Rough Points)

1. Yoon Hee found out that Chang Shik is Mak Rye's son and she is dumb founded.

2. Kyung Ja wondered what's wrong with both Pil Soon and Yoon Hee.

3. Kyung Ja went home and told In Soo that Sam Saeng is Ki Jin's daughter. It comes from Mak Rye's mouth. But they were obviously told by Ki Jin that his daughter had died.

4. Bong Chool came to the Pharmacy. Bong Chool done his back in again while trying to make a bow to greet Do Da. Do Da treated Bong Chool's back.

5. The two warring women (Mak Rye and Pil Soon) met at the courtyard.

6. Yoon Hee is in a state of shock and is not acting her normal self. Pil Soon is worried about her.

7. Geum Ok came to see Ji Sung and asked if he knows if what Moo Ryong wants to see him about. Ji Sung said yes and he told Geum Ok that he doesn't want to get married. Geum Ok said she knows. Ji Sung asked if Geum Ok still likes him. Geum Ok said that Ji Sung should give her a chance. Ji Sung agreed to give Geum Ok a chance but not the one she is after...

8. Geum Ok learned from Dong Woo that Ji Sung is learning martial art from Do Da. Ki Jin overheard.

9. Ki Jin asked if Moo Ryong is considering Ji Sung as potential husband for Geum Ok and if he can add another candidate to the list. He did not tell Moo Ryong who it is but said later.

10. Ki Jin went to asked Dong Woo how he feels about Geum Ok and asked if Dong Woo likes Sam Saeng.

11. Ji Sung is bothered by Geum Ok's words and went to the courtyard to doing some training. Sam Saeng came out and asked if he is learning from Do Da. Ji Sung asked Sam Saeng questions about her martial art skills as well as which teacher to choose ...

12. Sam Saeng came to work with Moo Ryong. Told Moo Ryong about Do Da healing Bong Chool. Moo Ryong has different view to Do Da's way of treatment.

13. Bong Chool doing his exercise when Kyung Ja came to see Pil Soon. Kyung Ja saw Yoon Hee in a bad state. Kyung Ja told there is a way to find out if Sam Saeng is really Ki Jin's daughter.

14. Moo Ryong told Geum Ok to come to work along side with Sam Saeng. Ki Jin saw Sam Saeng at the dinner table and Moo Ryong told Ki Jin that Sam Saeng will be working with him along with Geum Ok.

15. Joo Dae asked Moo Ryong questions about Geum Ok's mother.

16. Ki Jin asked why Sam Saeng is here when Mak Rye asked money from him (the price of 500 year old ginseng). Ki Jin told he would rather pay Mak Rye so that Sam Saeng won't come to the hospital.  Sam Saeng refused.  Dong Woo came in and their conversation ceased.

17. Dong Woo asked Sam Saeng for a date again and told her not to miss it.

18. Sam Saeng came home and both Kyung Ja and Pil Soon wants to see Sam Saeng's back. Ji Sung came back and asked what they are doing.

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Guest shantanushitut

Thank you @gene71632..what a hilarious episode!! We are getting the glimpse about the bad blood between DD and MR.I get a feeling of deja vu seeing DW and JS competing for SS just like DD and MR did.Interesting to know how MR was rebellious and hot blooded (i see that as a similarity with DW) and DD being the sober one a la Jiseong...i am waiting for this ep with eng sub on kbs world..maybe this time DD would settle his scores with MR..

Now KJ has come to know that SS is KJ's daughter.She and PS would definitely want to confirm that by looking at the burn mark..what would they do when the know that SS is not KJ's child..Mak rye would realise that she has been raising a child that was not her.She would confront KJ and make a commotion..what would be KJ's next step..i cant wait for the coming eps...ohh and Chang sik and Yeon hee coming face to face in her house will bring some more laughs..

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Yes, @purexorange- u r absolutely right!!! This is indeed a v good drama...noticed that there ain't a single bad comment here since the forum started regarding the script!!? The writers r doing a v good job of unravelling the story and it has been faily unpredictable, quite funny and most entertaining! I would like that SS real birthright be revealed early on and see how the writers can continue to make the story interesting - then indeed they would be most clever scriptwriters indeed. The predictable conclusion is for SS real parentage to be revealed only at the end though since we are only half way through the novel. Once they find out SS does not have burnt marks, either Mak Rye will be labelled a blackmailer and made a fool, or it can go the other way(quote shantanushitut) that she will raise a ruckus that KJ fobbed off some other child on her. Or KJ will continue ( the liar that he is) to insist that their child is dead. And until someone tells Joo Dae that KJ' s child has burnt marks on her shoulders, the story will drag on until the end of 120 episodes when all is finally revealed. But surely Moo Ryong shd be aware of his own daughter burnt marks too? Has he never treated hiis own child and seen her bare shoulders? Whatever it is, this is a great drama and thank you KBS, thank you scriptwritersfor good writing and thank you Gene for recapping. I am already dreading the weekend coz it means I will suffer from withdrawal symptoms til Monday comes again.

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The thing is that KJ doesn't want to and cannot acknowledge Sam Saeng because of the scar. But he will pay Mak Rye off to get her off his back. The questionable thing that the characters will be asking  is why would Ki Jin pay Mak Rye off if Sam Saeng is not his daughter. Mak Rye is not discreet when it comes to money. She will be flaunting it. Ki Jin misuse of company funds will come to light.

I see Ki Jin is making his move to push Dong Woo and Geum Ok together.

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Guest shantanushitut

Yes, rumors that he had an illegitimate relations with Makrye may hurt his reputation and his chances with Joo dae..most importantly dr.bong will loose his trust in KJ..

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Just finished watching ep 54.  Hopping mad at snake eyes.  That reptile came in when MR/SS/GO/JD were having dinner and he acted as though he was the master of the house and demanded to know what SS was doing there, and later on shamelessly reprimanding her for being at MR's place.  I am glad SS has the guts to stand up to him.  I dont have enough adjectives to describe how vile a person he is.  Cold blooded and completely without remorse, I hope when the end comes for KJ/GO it wont be the same old predictable TV Novel ending with all forgiving each other and all smiling happily at the end for the cameras.  For once scriptwriters have to be realistic,  I want a vengeful MR to kick both KJ and GO out of the house for their treachery and for denying both father/daughter their true relationship all these years and the sufferings SS had to go through.  I hope the truth can come out way before the ending cos I want to see how MR and SS father/daughter relationship unfolds.  One more thing, almost everyone has met Do Da, except KJ.  I am speculating here maybe Do Da could be the one to uncover the truth, maybe he could see the resemblance between GO and KJ. I have wondered what is actually the real role of Do Da in this drama, apart from his animosity with MR there is no specific reason for such a character in this drama, except perhaps with his ability to read faces and when he finds out GO was raised by KJ during the war, he might be able to figure out what happened.  I remember he was puzzled by GO's birthdate and face not being compatible.

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Guest shantanushitut

@timisha- I don't think the revealation will come any time soon, they will keep late till the end..the confirmation of burnmark on SS by Kyeongja and pilsoon will somehow be avoided..thats the way these dramas tend to go.DD might do MR a favour by revealing the switch over and he might identify KJ as suspicious person given DD's ability to absorb people's vibe and predict about them.DD might play a crucial role in unravelling the long kept secret.That might also settle the feud between DD and MR...

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@Gene, u r right- the others will question why KJ is buying off Mak Rye's silence but the fact that he is misusing company funds will only come to light much later.. Unfortunately! Actually I find it questionable why snake eyes prefer DW over JS for GM...? JS has socalled better birthdates match and more educated after all n he shd know that GM likes JS. But instead he wants DW for her..KJ just wants GM w DW as he thinks that he can manipulate DW. I think that DW will stand up to him eventually to pursue his own dreams, be it career or the wOman he loves. @timsha: like u I also hope the truth will be revealed earlier so I can see more father-daughter bonding scenes!! Hope like u said, it won't be everyone forgiving KJ and smiling for cameras...I want him to get retribution for his evil deeds but death is too good for him even!

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It's because Dong Woo is a kid he has brought up since he was little. He 'thinks' he can control him. ack! Remember when he was asking Dong Woo what he thought of Geum Ok and was all in disbelief when he said he thought of her as a sister and said "how can you not like someone so pretty?"Yeah, pretty with a nasty snotty temper. Who would like someone like that? 
I hope Dong Woo can undergo a character change soon. I want him to be the one that turns the tables on Ki Jin and helps Sam Saeng from his grasp. He was okay as country bumpkin for now, but he really needs to step up the game. Pretty soon Ji Sung will have both the brains AND the fighting skills to K.O him and get the girl >.> 
Looks like Ji sung's parents are also closing in on the identities of the girls !!! Exciting!

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@purexorange In all honesty I dont think GO is pretty, with that stupid hairstyle she looks very drab sometimes, where SS now in her college outfits has a wholesome sweetness to her.  For all her self promotion of parisian style of dressing,  some of the clothes she wears are downright laughable. Kyung Ja has better fashion sense.

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Ep 55 (Rough Points)

1. Ji Sung asked what they are doing to Sam Saeng. Pil Soon and Kyung Ja come up with some excuse and send him to his room. They didn't see any scar on Sam Saeng's shoulders. They questioned Sam Saeng and they concluded that Mak Rye lied.

2. Mak Rye is in a happy mood. Bong Chool is trying to make his move on Mak Rye again.

3. Sam Saeng asked if Mak Rye has seen Ki Jin again. Sam Saeng told Mak Rye not to take his money or she will tell Bong Chool.

4. Ji Sung is trying to practice his baton. Kyung Ja told not to get close to Sam Saeng's family. Kyung Ja asked about Geum Ok. Ji Sung told her that he has not intention to marry Geum Ok. Kyung Ja is eyeing on Moo Ryong's weath too.

5. Kyung Ja told In Soo that Sam Saeng doesn't have a scar.

6. Moo Ryong and Do Da meet at the mountain again training their disciples. Dong Woo and Ji Sung talked about why they become their disciples.

7. Do Da was looking at a patient and told her to go to the hospital instead of treating her. Sam Saeng doesn't quite understand. Where as Moo Ryong treated a patient with similar sickness. Sam Saeng questioned Moo Ryong (Not 100% sure).

8. Geum Ok told Sam Saeng of her marriage to Ji Sung in the near future. She is warning her not to get too close to Ji Sung.

9. Director Jeong got the money ready for Ki Jin. Dong Woo came in wanting to see the accounts(?).

10. Sam Saeng packed lunch to go out picnic with Dong Woo. Ji Sung asked where Sam Saeng is going, seeing that she has packed lunch and dress prettily. Ji Sung is angry and frustrated after he was told that she is going out with Dong Woo.

11. Kyung Ja and In Soo went to the noodle shop that Ki Jin and the two girls went to in the past. The stop owner asked about Ki Jin and his daughters.

12. Dong Woo had a good time with Sam Saeng. He wanted to kiss her.

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Guest flipchic

I love it when identities finally get revealed but not really...lolz too close but not close enough..hehe but atleast kijin will be proven not the real father of Samsaeng coz of the scar. For me thats the highlight of the week :P Cheering for SS

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Guest flipchic

@ilovenico I think Kijin wants DW for GO coz he thought he can make DW his puppet. Since kijin help dw alot he probably expecting DW to be on his side if things go wrong. Plus kijin knows if GO identinty get revealed Jisung's family wont approve of her. So kijin is protecting GO and wanting her to stay in that house as much as possible. Jisung's family knows kijins past and is very close to samsaeng too. Being around jisungs family wont do good for GO.

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flipchic said: @ilovenico I think Kijin wants DW for GO coz he thought he can make DW his puppet. Since kijin help dw alot he probably expecting DW to be on his side if things go wrong. Plus kijin knows if GO identinty get revealed Jisung's family wont approve of her. So kijin is protecting GO and wanting her to stay in that house as much as possible. Jisung's family knows kijins past and is very close to samsaeng too. Being around jisungs family wont do good for GO.

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I wonder if there will be another time jump? After all, the synopsis says SS will become a great doctor but how many years does it take to graduate from her medical uni? And JS is supposedly still in school right? Something about bar exams? But we never see him going to school.. Just idling and fluttering around SS... Not that I m complaining ...:-)

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Guest shantanushitut

@ilovenico- You are right..we never see JS preparing for bar exam..should he be studying instead of meandering around SS..he should leave that to DW..hehe!!

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