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[Drama 2013] TV Novel Samsaengi TV소설 삼생이


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Also, Do Da said that he followed the 'promise' well for 10 years, but it was Sam Saeng that made him break it. Did he and Moo Ryong have a deal after his successful courtship of Sam Saeng's mother to never appear in front of her again? That's why he lived in the mountains?
I hope there's a guest star in some future episode to be Sam Saeng's mother and explain the backstory between Moo Ryong and Do Da's bitter rivalry. 
I love that it will be Do Da that might be the one to unravel the truth behind the switch. One, because he's way out of Ki Jin's reach, so he can't manipulate him (UNLESS Ki jin kills him ahahahahah, please no.)
It seems Ji Sung has finally set his mind on who his heart belongs to. When he was looking at Sam Saeng and they were 'meditating' she asks him if he sees his heart and he looks at her smiling. 
About the confrontation he had with Geum Ok. At least she 'kinda' clarified what happened 3 years ago. But it seems that he couldn't wait for the explanation and just moved on. I don't think he cares much about it now that his heart is set on Sam Saeng. Although, I do admit it was a bit cold of him to do that to the girl he liked since childhood. Shouldn't he have at least a tad bit of feeling? 
I'm preparing myself for Ji-sung and Sam Saeng although I ship Dong Woo. I try to make myself accept the fact by saying 'they have to be together in the end, it's the rules of k-drama, accept it! ji sung's not bad right? comon.' 
and thus the pain will be bearable once it actually happens......

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How can Sam Saeng's mother come back from the dead? Do you mean a flashback?

Geum Ok is too complex and she is a sadist. Imagine your boyfriend/girlfriend torturing you because he or she is tormented. In this modern days, it is call abuse. Unless she is truly sorry and honest, she will always be a tormented soul and be kept in hell which she created for herself. She has a choice not to go along with Ki Jin but she did because she cannot give up the good life she is living now and switch places with Sam Saeng.

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To be completely fair to GO, the hell was created for her by her own father.  I remember GO telling KJ how traumatised she was by him making her a liar at such an early age (the curry incident), her real crime is she is continuing to protecti her current social status. She has no real filial love for MR (remember MR being surprised when she served him tea cos she has never displayed such care before). I bet if KJ was filthy rich she would have immediately latched on to her biological father.  On a lighter note, the worst dressed character is this series must surely go to my dearest DW... did anyone notice that horror of a brown/white/orange stripped shirt and red/green/some other clr plaid jacket he wore?? Poor DW is he color blind??? But DW you still have my vote to get the girl u dreamed about since the day she stole your rabbit.  Fighting!!!!!!

Oh yes, can someone enlighten me, in a few episodes back, there was a conversation between KJ and DW, where DW stated to KJ not to trust him too much as he might betray him in the future. Who was the him??? Was DW referring to that guy in the company he was talking to before KJ walked in or was DW referring to himself? 

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Dong Woo is referring to himself. Dong Woo though he likes Ki Jin as a father but he is not someone that will be manipulated by Ki Jin so easily. I think Dong Woo is forewarning Ki Jin that he is not going to go down the path Ki Jin has set for him but wants to make his own path to walk on.

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Being a DW fan, initially I was excited when Do Dal said that the birth dates of both JS and GO matches perfectly.  Then I suddenly realised that cos the birth date was actually that of SS that Joo Dae most probably got from MR to give to JS's mum.  Waaaaaaaaaaaaahh my poor DW :(( :((

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poor DW ... I think he really should give up on SS. she's totally not interested in him and really ... she's actually kind of mean to him not intentionally but in the thoughtless way you have towards people who don't matter that much to you. but whenever JS call her name ... she lights up like a christmas tree looking eagerly at him as if she's waiting for him to finally ask her out or something. they are even making SS connect further with JS on Nietzsche and now birth dates? i think DW/SS pairing fans should just give up and watch without expectations. lol
like most people ... I really don't want DW to end up with GO either but I kind of get the feeling that's how it's going to go ... 

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Guest ayselbora

Me too find DW "fashion style" verry tasteless @timsha, They want to make him a comic caracter out of the provence who can not be  able to speak Seul dialect  after so many years.  Even SS lazy brother is on the road to be a city boy.

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Guest shantanushitut

Yep i think we should give up the expectation of DW-SS pair..they are just not fated to be together, now even DD has given his blessing to JS and SS..We would have a typical situation where the losing parts of love triangle end up with each other i.e. GO and DW...KJ will try to convince DW to give up his dream and follow his footstep.DW being hurt in love will simply do as KJ says and may become cold and mean..that is what i think will happen..i hope it doesnt go down that line.

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^Actually no. Dong Woo made in clear that he will follow his own path he set out for himself long ago. He wants to make the biggest pharmaceutical company in Korea and guess what, he already set to name it "Dong Sam" (GAWDDD why so sweet dong woo), and Sam Saeng was totally clueless on what it meant >.> 
But yeah, I think we do have to give up on Dong Woo-Sam Saeng. Do da already dropped the hint when he was looking at jisung and samesaeng's birth-dates. 

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Guest shantanushitut

@purexorange- DW unlike GO might not be easily manipulated by KJ but what i meant to say is if he fails to woo SS the he might end up getting hurt and may loose his aspirations and dreams, he may turn mechanical..he may loose all the motivation if he doesn't get SS.That is what i fear might happen..I am glad he is not stupid enough to blindly follow KJ..

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 OK I am the eternal optimist, just cos birthdates match does not mean two people are fated for marriage??? So DW hang in there, I wont give up on u no matter what fellow soompians predict. I am a diehard DW fan, nothing can shake me :D . I just need to take a hammer to Samsaeng's head and give her a good whack, and maybe she will see better without those rose-tinted glasses she has on when JS is around. >:)

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Like Timsha, I shan't rule out a DW-SS ending. After all, the last tv novel gave us a Taebom-SeungHui ending! Besides, Doda hasn't given a real SS and DW reading.^_^ I can only hope the writers here don't give us a crappy ending like 'love my love' ! I was really flabbergasted at the ending and felt very cheated for all my devotion to this show only to have an ending that left me open mouth in shock! #-o

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Guest shantanushitut

You realy are quite optimistic @timisha. Like @ilovenico said the last novel was a heartbreaker.SH ending up with that maniac was just not acceptable.So i am not investing much this time.But for me SS ending up with DW would be apt ending..but i fear that won't happen..so i will sit back and enjoy...

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