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Ahn Jae Hyun 안재현


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I saw the first epi.

Greatest focus was on the two main veteran comedians. 

There is something about KHD in J2W program...he is a really nice person and a leader. Much more than he has ever been before. He seems a bit different in other programs that I have seen him. I heard that he actually runs restaurants in Korea. There is one in America as well...always crowded whenever I pass by.

What was funny is that KHD did not know that he would be running a restaurant for J2W until he saw the news article!!! kekeke. He was trying to crush the idea as he says that he knows how to enjoy eating food but not making it. But the project already spend too much funds on refurbishing a building that is the restaurant. 


Anyway, enjoyed seeing Ahn-nim work hard and make that egg omlet rice...very different than what I remember as egg omlet rice---very moist looking with classy presentation. They showed the reactions from one family. They loved it. Ahn-nim also made it so that vegetables are well hidden in the rice that even the little boy who hates vegetables ate it and loved it.


The stress of starting a business was shown in the first epi...deciding the menu, all the background work that goes into it...pounding 30 pieces of meat a day that takes about 30 min each, etc. Ahn mentions that he used to do a lot of part time jobs in kitchens and he also learned more through the recent drama when he was the chef. 


I saw that Ahn-nim still does CF for the chocolates and he and EJW are newly selected to do the CF for the Guinness beer. He also looks as if he gained some weight...it looks really good on him. At least that is how I saw it. I remember Ahn-nim saying once in HapTo show that stress and anxiety make him lose weight.


Always cheering for Ahn-nim. Fighting!!!!

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Hello to all the AJH fans and supporters.

I wish AJH and all his fans great health, happiness and even greater prosperity for the New Year.



I have been watching AJH in Kang Restaurant. He may not talk that much, but action speaks louder than words. He is also a do-er like his significant-other. He practices again and again to perfect his mission. He supports and consoles his tired coworkers and even mobilizes them to action when all are too tired to move. He never looks tired!!! He appears calm and carries on and we hardly see him lose his temper.  Once he got overwhelmed and forgot to put the egg over the rice...kekeke  People speak of his omlet-rice as restaurant quality. The famous and great chef Baek of Korea praised AJH for the way he makes the rice-omlet. Even the great Chef Baek says that he can learn from AJH. So, AJH asks Chef Baek to also write a letter of praise for his omlet to post in the restaurant. keke 

That is the spirit, AJH-nim!!!



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드림카카오 X 안재현은 사랑입니다


3시간 전

본문 기타 기능
드림카카오와 안재현은 사랑입니다

지난 6일 롯데제과 페이스북에 드림카카오와 함께하는 안재현씨 팬싸인회 예고 게시물이 떴었어요 
안재현씨 이름 세자 보자마자 가야겠다 싶었습니당 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

그렇게 해서 지난주 일요일에 명동 올리브영 본점에서 진행된  
안재현씨 팬싸인회를 다녀왔어



오전 11시에 진행된 팬싸인회인데 선착순 100명 대상이다보니 이른시간부터 오셔서  
다들 대기하고 있더라고요ㅠㅠ 진짜 저도 7시에 눈떠서 부랴부랴 나왔어요 

팬싸인회 후기작성 전에 제 사랑 드림카카오에 대해 설명해드리자묜!! 
저는 안재현씨가 드림카카오 모델이 되기 전에도 너무 좋아해서 항상 회사 첫째 서랍에 구비해두고 스트레스 받을 때마다 먹었거든요. 
일단 통에 들어있어 오래 두고 먹을 수 있어서 좋고, 단 맛이 강하지 않아서 정말 좋아해요 
이렇게나 좋아하는 초콜릿의 모델이 제 최애인 안재현씨가 되어서 진짜 기뻤어요ㅎㅎ 


안재현씨 나오는 강식당을 챙겨보는데 드림카카오 광고를 열심히 하더라고요. 
저는 성분 상관없이 맛있어서 좋아했었는데 
드림카카오 광고할 때마다 하도 폴리페놀을 강조하길래 뭔가싶어서 찾아봤더니 
우리 몸에 있는 활성산소를 해가 없는 물질로 바꿔주는 항산화물질로  
세포구성 단백질 및 효소를 보호하는 항산화 능력이 커서 다양한 질병에 대한 
 위험도를 낮춰준다고 하더라고요. 
안좋아할 수가 없네요ㅋㅋㅋ 
드림카카오 설명은 여기까지 하고!!! 
이제 본론으로 넘어가 보도록 할게요 


실물로 마주친 안재현씨는 사람이 아닌 것 같았어요 ㅠㅠ 
오버하는 것 같죠? 
다들 실제로 보시면 저와 같은 반응일거라 장담합니다 

피부가 어쩜 그렇게 하얗고 뽀얗던지… 


팬분들이 선물로 준비해온 인형이랑 화관도 팬들이 보는 앞에서 바로 착용해 주셨어요. 
진짜 너무 스윗하시지 않나요ㅠㅠㅠ 스윗함이 사람으로 태어나면 그건 바로 안.재.현. 

팬싸인회가 끝나고 안재현씨도 돌아가신 후 집에 가려는데 
스탭분들이 드림카카오 초콜릿을 나눠주셨어요. 
마침 점심시간이라 배가 너무 고팠는데 어찌나 감사하던지

 그 자리에서 바로 까먹었어요ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 역시나 달달하니 맛있더라고요 

이번 팬싸 스탭분들도 너무 친절하시고 경호팀도 친절해서 더 기분좋게 다녀왔던 것 같네요 


짜잔 이게 바로 저의 부지런함으로 받아낸 안재현씨 싸인입니다!!  
네 자랑 맞아요 많이 부러워해주세요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
앞으로 드림카카오 더 열심히 사먹을거에요


PC-모바일 어디서나 수정가능한으로 쓴 글입니다

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