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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest clarclar012

@obscuresalmon @Grimm_Jagg I'm 80% sure that's dude is a girl :))I think it's bulky on his/her chest area and the shape of the face is just for a girl LOLyeah freaking irrelevant posts but what the hell b-(yeahh! I love it that we're so similar >:D< slap that richard simmons!! :>MCWSJKgif74.gif

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OMG OMG OMG!!!! See me here hanging on your every word (when I say "see me" I ask you to make use of your awesome intuitive/ visualizing powers, as I don't have a clue on how to post a gif of a leech hanging to a sacred text, which can potentially go down history as the holy grail of posts)!!!!

I completely understand how important it is to protect your sources and confidential info (I once met and had dinner with a huge movie star and his wife, and to this day, I keep what was said under wraps out of respect to them). But let me just say: GAMSAHAMNIDA... KGirl-nim.

My ChaeKi heart is immensely happy now.

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Guest clarclar012

@obscuresalmonyepp! that's a girl :P cheekbones :> :>haha oh come on @Grimm_Jagg give me your best shot give.gif dude or not? b-( keke~

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@obscuresalmon and @clarclar012
Unnies. I know it's a dude. Both of them are dudes. There was a time when I liked visual-kei bands. And thought the dudes, though feminine and slathered with make-up, were attractive.
And that bulk is the hoodie. They are definitely dudes. Have you not seen male idols who have girlish faces? Plus they emphasis it with make up to look like anime characters.
And I'm off topic as well~~~ So I'll get back to topic.
Awards coming up soon~~~ We'll be able to see our Queen's reactions and whether she's rested well. I wonder if she has a different glow from usual on her face? 
Hmmm. Would that mean that they've(ChaeKi) been keeping in touch?

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@Grimm_Jagg Two ways? I thought I was pretty clear. :)) Watch JK's Entertainment Relay interview again paying specific attention to his facial expressions, tone of speech, how quickly he interjected the interviewer, the pace of his speech, and his body language. You'll notice that there is a heightened awareness from JK in that portion of the interview. In fact, he was actually quite nervous during the entire interview - JK is just so much more adapt at hiding it than most people. You have to look closely at his micro-expressions and body language, even the way he purses his lips. Notice his hands at the start of the interview, he was already rubbing them in anxiety.

Normally, interview questions are given out beforehand, to be checked with management and to let stars prepare themselves. So JK already had a very good idea of what he was going to say. I do not think JK is a liar, or will purposely state untruthful things, but I do think he has impeccable sense of awareness and perceptiveness of his surroundings, the situation, and the people around him. Yet it was so obvious to me that during that section of the interview, Joongie was more nervous than usual. KBS might have edit the interview to affect our perceptions, but while a star is answering a question, they are following the train of thought of the interviewer and the questions posed. That specific Award question was an indirect reference to JK's relationship with his female co-stars, to which he successfully directed the attention to YAI. But his speed to inject an answer, body language, and micro-expressions still belies how anxious he was to divert the attention from the real topic at hand.

Joongie is trying to do some damage control due to the media industry/fan speculations/rumors. His popularity has skyrocketed, and so has the attention on his personal life. He has been very careful with his interviews recently. However, the media isn't just going to let this go. SJK knows this, which is why previously I had mentioned that he (and his management) has allowed the release of lots of his older information, such as his first kiss, how many girlfriends he's had, whether they were industry or non-industry GFs. SJK has never been so forthcoming all at once regarding his private life. Normally, he's just a witty, flirty, attention-diverting smooth-talker that can get away without truly answering the question. ;)) This is b/c he needs to offer some sincerity to the reporters who have been asked to not create scandals - gotta give them some newsworthy headlines.

Lols, you hit the target. I'm also waiting to see CW's aura this weekend. That "glow" is something girls are more intuitive about and can recognize easier. I've already seen some of it at her Blue Dragon Awards handprinting appearance, but I want more evidence before I can be convinced of what I'm observing.

Do not get me wrong, Sis! I am not saying ChaeKi are dating! I'm only saying that from the various differing sources of info I've received, I've concluded that examining JK and CW's micro-expressions and body language is a bigger indicator than all the rumors I've heard. And that I see potential there. ;)

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@KgrlYou did mention about offering our pinky fingers for a real pairing instead of a reel one. But now the confusion has gone. :x
Thank you, Pretty Ghost. There is a present over at the NG thread for you. >:D<
They're trying to hide a lot right now. And it's making people too curious. I don't think all these speculations will go away anytime soon, and if they do, well they'll come back up after the KBS drama awards.
No one can be that blind to not notice the flames that erupt and burn down buildings when Chae Won and Joong Ki come across each other. ;) 
It might rain later but I'm happy enough to do the happy dance.

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Guest clarclar012

@KgrlI just wanna say.. wow in everything that you said.. ^:)^
I really love your interpretations and always made make my head wrap around to those kinds of things.
I totally agree that I would definitely say kudos to his PR team ;))good.gifHe really had divert people's attention and news through his past rather his current one :> and I haven't even seen any MCW interviews lately except her BD hand print thing :Poh that smell of fish ~~ so much stench  dudu.gif
yep agree with @Grimm_Jagg I'm also looking forward to her "glow" keke~ 
I don't know if we should be called detectives, stalkers or just plain crazies coz of these stuff LOL ~X( 8-}

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@clarclar012 imageIt's like I said: it's obvious like the smell of stinky feet no matter how much you pretend you cannot smell it.
This detective work is fun.~~ I bet lurkers are thinking we're a bunch of crazies who have escaped from the loony bin!
@coastalbreezeI don't know whether I should press AWESOME or LOL! Why can we not press both of them?yes, a CF for that van would be awesome.
That van is our home, I guess. We all live in a toaster in MCW's white van. That would make spying much easier, right? :))

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Grimm_Jagg said: @clarclar012 imageIt's like I said: it's obvious like the smell of stinky feet no matter how much you pretend you cannot smell it.
This detective work is fun.~~ I bet lurkers are thinking we're a bunch of crazies who have escaped from the loony bin!
@coastalbreezeI don't know whether I should press AWESOME or LOL! Why can we not press both of them?yes, a CF for that van would be awesome.
That van is our home, I guess. We all live in a toaster in MCW's white van. That would make spying much easier, right? :))

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Guest juvel10jde

Morning chaeki/burning toast lover...
i tried to be patient..waiting for the chaeki moment again
its been almost two weeks...
any news shipper???

the waiting mode is kinda insane

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@coastalbreeze: Don't you dare blame me for flaming your ChaeKi-loving heart later on. I take no responsibility whatsoever. :D Seriously dear, there has just been so much speculation and info that it was hard to wrap my own head around everything. But I've decided to just let things go naturally and observe these two. There is lots of pressure on JK and I feel for him. He must be physically and mentally tired facing the media/fans constantly. I wish Sidus would give him a few days break at least.

I want the best for the both of them, not just in their careers but also their personal lives. If they are truly attracted to each other, truly like each other, truly have started to fall for each other, well, I want to support them. But at the same time, I don't want our hope for them to become pressure for them to be together. That will only be detrimental to their relationship/career and their circle of friends. At this point, I'm just trying to observe and sort through all these various info. I've finally divested out of all my NG/EunMa/ChaeKi shipping feels, completely separating that from MCW and SJK. Now, it's a matter of these two people's pursuit of success and happiness. If ChaeKi does not work out in the end, I will not feel it was all for naught, b/c I think they've gotten a wonderful work and personally enlightening experience from this collaboration.

Do not ask me why I suddenly feel so breezy about all of this. I've just suddenly...let go. :)) I'm simply at peace.

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I'm going to attempt it @coastalbreeze :))
Yo yo, check it. 

We be the followers of  Nice Guy,Naughties getting on a high.The shipping turned us into loonies,never like this before, yo.Seeing burning cities and Toastiesthe kiss scenes and ahemies.We found ourselves spyin' into a van,a white one belonging to Moon Chae Won,with curtains, cushions and plushiessharing some private times with Song Joong Ki.we go delusional over ChaeKiturning into detectivesas us matchmaking ajhummas' objectivesis to see a baseball team.

=)) There is my abysmal attempt at a rap. =))  Anyone else want to try? It's pretty fun. 
Goodness, I really need to focus on RL. :))

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@Kgrl This is my reaction after every post you make. image
When you said we can hope for REAL instead of REEL, my world was spinning. You are giving me heart attacks :)) You are so right. The body language is definitely suspicious. Chaewon is the one we should go to though for the answers. Joongki is a tricky boy, messing with our Chaeki hearts. Only Chaewon flusters him, not the interviewers. But Chaewon cannot help but give out clues. I remember in an interview, the interviewer was pretending that there was tea in the cup, and said, "Ah..the tea is hot" and even expected Chaewon to play along. LOL, but Chaewon was like there is no tea in the cup. :)) She's too honest for a celebrity. And her little giggle after the interviewer asked her about Joongki's charms as a man was definitely eyebrow-raise-worthy. I think I may have a few more things to add to my research paper. More "exhibits" to add now given to the recent interviews. Look forward to Part 2 Naughties! For now, let's give our poor Joongki a hug. First Shi hoo oppa and his sexy smile, and now Ah in oppa and his sexy lips. Too much competition for the queen ^:)^

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@Kgrl, I think your approach is the way to go. I still need to calm myself down so I can reach that peaceful state, LOL! Esp. after reading that holy grail of a post. :-D @Grimm_Jagg, baksoo!!! ^:)^ hahaha I'm off to real life now. Hugs!!!! >:D<

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Kgrl said: @coastalbreeze: Don't you dare blame me for flaming your ChaeKi-loving heart later on. I take no responsibility whatsoever. :D Seriously dear, there has just been so much speculation and info that it was hard to wrap my own head around everything. But I've decided to just let things go naturally and observe these two. There is lots of pressure on JK and I feel for him. He must be physically and mentally tired facing the media/fans constantly. I wish Sidus would give him a few days break at least.

I want the best for the both of them, not just in their careers but also their personal lives. If they are truly attracted to each other, truly like each other, truly have started to fall for each other, well, I want to support them. But at the same time, I don't want our hope for them to become pressure for them to be together. That will only be detrimental to their relationship/career and their circle of friends. At this point, I'm just trying to observe and sort through all these various info. I've finally divested out of all my NG/EunMa/ChaeKi shipping feels, completely separating that from MCW and SJK. Now, it's a matter of these two people's pursuit of success and happiness. If ChaeKi does not work out in the end, I will not feel it was all for naught, b/c I think they've gotten a wonderful work and personally enlightening experience from this collaboration.

Do not ask me why I suddenly feel so breezy about all of this. I've just suddenly...let go. :)) I'm simply at peace.

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I was ready to give up more for them to be a real couple...a whole arm and a leg. A simple pinky?! Psht...I always offer my pinky for things. Almost every year come wood choppin time I say to myself "Lets get the pinky in the way so we don't have to do this anymore. So what you'll be short a pinky, but that kind of thing gives the hand character."

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