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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest joongki11

I found this interesting vid with regards to SJK's view on whether to announce his love relationship to the public. Seems he would not want to make it public because it would be restrictive and burdensome for him to continue with the relationship....see 6.02 onwards.


CreditsiTheTime for Uploading.
: DevilSlob for Recording.

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Guest charmingtail

I was reading the biography of both MCW and SJK....
Both of them debut almost the same time, MCW: 2007 vs SJK 2008....
Although MCW is not involved in as much works as compared to SJK, but apparently, she picks her work with great caution and really put in extra efforts in almost all her works. Her results are stellar looking at the awards she won.
As for SJK, you can see he is serious in his acting career and is looking at polishing his acting and challenging himself by taking roles like king Sejong, werewolf boy and kang Maru etc. And 2012 was a phenomenal year for him.
I cant help but ship chaeki because not only they are compatible in looks and height and have no age gap; they ooze amazing off-screen and on-screen chemistry. They are also very versatile actor/actress as both won the best couple with same sex actor/actress. But its their shared interest in acting, the way they challenge themselves to continue to improve their work that sealed my love for them as a couple.
 Even if they are not dating, it will be strange that they are not the best of friends because "birds of a feather flock together" =) 

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Guest hotaru1430283776

hello burning the toasts chaekiers
this is my first post, so i ask for forgiveness if my post a little awkwardi always read this thread but just lurking 
this time i can't take it, coz i really miss SJK and MCW T^T
i wanna share this old video when MCW birthday, 

SJK : chaewon i prepare this for youthis guy is really fall for MCW :)>-
we need more SJK and MCW moment T^T T^T

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Guest clarclar012

joongki11 said: I found this interesting vid with regards to SJK's view on whether to announce his love relationship to the public. Seems he would not want to make it public because it would be restrictive and burdensome for him to continue with the relationship....see 6.02 onwards.


CreditsiTheTime for Uploading.
: DevilSlob for Recording.

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@clarclar012 haha so u n @populovehyun sistah were involved in my hit n run... b-(.....n i thought it was RL hitting me.... d200712191757038472.gif....
I love that we have so many wise Burning Toasts on this thread who always give such excellent insights....Let me hug u all...I become happy whenever I visit here...
and @clarclar012 I have so many wishes in terms of more Chaeki moments...one of them would be to see them together again whatever that role maybe...as friends, co-workers, winner of couple awards, and most of all maybe as a real-time couple too...(haha I think I stated more than one wish here but I can't help it...)
Off-topic: @clarclar012 sistah Ahhhh!! u are SO lucky ur going to their concert...they are not coming to my country so I can't go but I am so much happy for u that u get to attend...*sistah hugs*...@july rosenuena u too?!! hehe... >:D< ....I love Breakeven as well along with The Man who can't be moved....they are at the top of my fav songs frm them...

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Guest clarclar012

@perfectgirlI find it funny I was mentioned 3 times in your post hahah >:D< :-*
yeahh @populovehyun and I are sorry >.< our bones are really making us do the wrong steering of the bike and hit ya right there. Also,  our motorbikes don't have breaks ~ keke 
I become happy too when you post ---> :D <3
ahh~ more ChaeKI wishes.. 8-> but after that vid I saw .. I guess we can only see them as co-workers and having to see their awkward in denial teasing on screen ;)) but still~ hopefully it would be sooner.. I'm really craving for ChaeKi newsadu_kuat.gif
what country are you anyways? >.< yeahh~ I got lucky my brother is so fast in getting those tickets :P  I think I memorized all of their released songs X_X waa ~ The script! jjang! <3

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Dear My Burning Toasts, 
You guys are amazing <3 
Haha, the thread moved so much in just a few days!& I love our official fandom name! HUGS GUYS >:D<@unhskikr4ever , you're awesome! Hehe thank you for changing it for us all (:
@yeisha , @Jayden , @populovehyun , @Kgrl , @Celandine , I just wanted to say thank you for sharing all your thoughts on Chaeki , I love them!They enlighten me :D
I totally forgot to consider the variable that one of the reasons for SJK's behaviour may be that he is trying to distinguish whether his attraction to MCW (yes, I believe it too burning toasts!) is a part of KMR's feelings for SEG, or it really is for MCW (:And on the contrast how MCW seems to have more of a grasp on her feelings and is why she reacts to the situations differently (:GAH <3
Like everyone, I believe that Chaeki definitely has feelings for each other, but whether it is just temporary attraction or actual feelings, onlly they would know :$Cause if we already find their scenes so sweet and oozing with chemistry, imagine our Chaeki who are actually experiencing the feelings :xTo be honest, I really admire actors and actresses in the aspect that their jobs are really not easy as it puts a lot of their feelings on the line, cause all those feelings they are to portray, to execute them out efficiently, they must let those feelings hit them and become their own, and just the sound of it already seems extremely overwhelming so to get out of their character must be really tough!
And then to @populovehyun , @clarclar012 , and @perfectgirl , you guys never fail to keep our threads moving, being the conversations of our threads >:D<
@blossomz , haha I'm so glad you are sharing your comic strips here too!They never fail to make me laugh >:D<
Hehe, and a big hug and thank you to every Burning Toasts for providing all the news, info, and keeping this thread alive and so full of love <3 >:D<
I feel like I'm always giving a speech in all of my posts but I feel like I must express how grateful I am :$

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Guest clarclar012

@ngimif only you would stay so long in our NG and ChaeKi threads with us .. it would be 100x more awesome >.< it's just sad that you only get to post 2-3 times when you online but your novel posts are definitely worth talking about ;)) <3 <3 >:D< thank you ngim! :-*
I actually like your insights about our ChaeKi having those amount of emotions and they're very immersed in their roles. It's really hard for them to let go and maybe get confused if they're really having those feelings with the real person or not (hopefully they do) yeah.. that's why I really admire actors...if these people put their heart and soul into their roles..their jobs looks easy but really it's not.
I just REALLY hope SJK figures it out soon coz he must not our queen MCW slip away >.< I think they're soulmates LOL cupid.gif

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@clarclar012 , haha clarclar >:D< <3I swear, your posts always makes me feel so touched and fills my heart with love :$Haha, am I being too cheesy? Aweee, I'll try to post more and make it my goal to post 100x a day with winter break coming! >:D<I always enjoy reading your posts though!I think they definitely never fail to bring a smile to anyone's face! :*& I absolutely agree with you about actors & actresses! They're so amazing!Can you imagine a world with no drama?!They are doing us so much good! :DAnd haha, I actually didn't realize that possibility myself until the other Burning Toasts pointed it out so I really don't deserve the credit :$I love how you always take your posts to a homerun with your last line clarclar! <3Hahahah I THINK THEY'RE SOULMATE TOOOOOO~
away.giflet's run to chaeki's wedding together clarclar! ~

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Hello to my lovely Burning Toasts! :-h

RL has thrown a dose of reality check on me and I'll be laying low on my NG obsession for now. No worries, I'll be dropping in and out still, especially around the KBS awards time. THEY MUST win that couple award. THEY MUST.  We need new materials of their interactions to keep our toasts burning. :P

I do agree with @Kgrl when she said not to focus on the words they say during interviews but rather on their behavior and body language.  I was just exchanging some messages with a friend of mine who works in media promotions for Kpop here in the U.S. and one thing she said that made me pause is that during these interviews, there's often a list pre-approved questions and those that they are not allowed to ask a celebrity. In the same way that there are also ready answers that the celebs have prepared when asked about X, Y, Z.  I think most of us already know that this is how showbiz works but it's good to be reminded every now and then so we won't stress out when SJK doesn't talk about MCW in his interviews. There must be a reason why and only they know the real score. Though my delusional mind tells me something's indeed fishy. Hahaha! :D

Anyways, bye for now my dears! Love you guys. Keep it naughty!
:x  >:D<

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Ahhh...I can't just leave without sharing my thoughts on PBY-SJK, feel free to skip guys, this is my over-analytical mind working. :P

@charmingtail, I agree with you that there seems to be a breakdown in communication. But not between SJK and PBY but rather their respective management companies.  These two have been friends for years and I think that they are still very close.  Although from what I learned a few days ago, many K-ent insiders believe them to be dating right now, which may cause PBY to be awkward around SJK during public events and also probably why her management is telling her to issue these denials as damage control. I personally don't believe the rumors that they are dating and here's why:

Prior to the premiere of Wolf Boy, PBY was just going along with SJK's PR tactics, when he said that he hoped there's going to be a scandal between the 2 of them, she would just laugh, etc.  PBY even said that there was a scene in the movie when she slapped him so hard that she actually fell in love with him. BUT that was BEFORE...and NOW she's very adamant that she will NEVER be in a romantic relationship with him.  I don't believe that she can issue these statements without approval from her management, especially with Wolf Boy still playing in the theaters.  So yeah, it's probably damage control on her side. I also don't believe that SJK is her type AT ALL.  A year ago when they collaborated for the animated movie "Rio" she basically said the same thing, that she wants to have a brother like Joong Ki.

Anyways, it seems like SJK's side is also now trying to undo the scandal because just recently he also issued a statement about how he feels sorry for PBY for doing the initial promotions all by herself and that they are planning on having some event to thank the fans, but NO mention about the dating issue or any follow-up comments addressing PBY's statements etc. (you can read the full article here).  I guess he wants to divert people's attention back to the success of their movie instead of dating questions. 

Like I said, only they know the real score. But my gut tells me that SJK and PBY are really just close friends. Nothing more.

And this also leads me back to ChaeKi and the obvious LACK of mention of MCW during his recent interviews. No more statements like, 'she's a goddess' or 'I will accept a proposal if it's MCW'. SJK has probably learned his lesson from the whole PBY fiasco and is now careful not to fan any flames regarding MCW. 

P.S. Eeeeeeep! Sorry I just wrote a whole novel. This is why I need intervention. Haha! :P

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@yeisha, I completely agree with your analysis. Five high girl!

There have been a few industry rumors going around regarding SJK and his respective leading ladies. I think Joongie probably didn't realize the extent of his news-worthiness and popularity, so he's also adjusting to that. When you're a hot commodity, and of a marriageable/grown age, this type of speculation is more rampant. I also noticed how he became more pensive and serious in the above interview when answering questions regarding PBY. He also spoke slower and more carefully during that section. PBY is still very young, and has a long career ahead of her being of only 22. I think JK is making a concerted effort to not affect her image or career.

I think for now, ChaeKi are trying to balance the things going on in their lives. JK more so than CW b/c of his pending change of management and military service. It wouldn't be a great time for them to have scandals or such. As a Burning Toast, I'm willing to wait for these two. ;) They say, patience is a virtue. I hope both Joongie and Chae Wonnie find the love and success they are looking for...............................................................................................................................................then give us ChaeKi babies. =))

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Hello my dear ChaeKi co-shippers! As a certified burning toast, I can't help but come here everytime I have 5 mins for myself (which doesn't happen too often nowadays, lol), and trying to capture all my enthusiasm through my clumsy iPhone typing.

I simply love all of you guys' theories, dreams and thoughts about JoongKi ssi and ChaeWonnie. I, too, feel enlightened! :-) Thank you.

I have a thought I'd like to share about the after party speech by MCW: I think that the way she hesitantly added that "-ssi" after JK's name could be taken as the nutshell that contains the essence of the moment their relationship may be going through. Let me explain: the -ssi is usually added when addressing one's coworkers or colleagues. We've heard her call him oppa and also just Joon-Ki, I think. But that -ssi with question mark may be pretty much MCW's way of testing where they stand after the party is over.

I think it's very insightful of many posters here to believe that it's healthy for both of them to take time to distance themselves from their characters and figure out if their feelings stand that test. My heart tells me they will. :-)

We all know how smart JK is, and how much SENSE our girl CW has. ;-) Also, if there's something he and MCW seem to share is PATIENCE. I think they both know that nothing valuable comes easy or quick, so I think they might be waiting for all the NG commotion and promotion tours and interviews (perhaps even awards) to pass so they can really look deep within themselves and see what's left after the craziness subsides.

Yup, what a lesson; like the maestro Phil Collins once wrote: "mamma said, can't hurry love, no, you just have to wait, she said love don't come easy... It's a game of give and take" ;-)

Truthfully yours,

A (thanks to all of you) enlightened and now-willing-to-burn-slowly toast.

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