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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest akatorrieallens

@camzy Yeah I was looking at that man too, seems like he wanted to butt in but he saw how close CHAEKI couple was so he just looked from afar. Haha.BTW, I am so proud of your FF chingu. It was really good. Like CHOCO's part. I love it. I remembered I asked you for it. Thank you. Now, I want a grown - up EUN SUK in your future chapters. HiHi. :) 

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@akatorrieallens haha yes, maybe he wanted to butt in, something like "Hey, do you want the fans to notice your closeness???" :))About your request, actually there'll be more of that Eun Gi-Choco moments :) As for the grown-up Eun Suk, i'll take note of it :D

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Guest akatorrieallens

Moon Chae Won-ssi just got an interview and she said that sometimes when she found on news that co-actors fell in love with each other she cannot believe it. REALLY?! As in REALLY CHAE WONNIE?! (NG OST by SJK). But this response was connected to Joo Won. I guess if the interviewer dropped SJK's name, maybe she will come up with different answers like "YEAH, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT...that it can happen in real life as it happened to me." (Sorry, I am delusional.) 
I will just pray for the best no matter what will happen. I also believe in ENDGAME. :)

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Moon Chae Won-ssi just got an interview and she said that sometimes when she found on news that co-actors fell in love with each other she cannot believe it. REALLY?! As in REALLY CHAE WONNIE?! (NG OST by SJK). But this response was connected to Joo Won. I guess if the interviewer dropped SJK's name, maybe she will come up with different answers like "YEAH, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT...that it can happen in real life as it happened to me." (Sorry, I am delusional.) 
I will just pray for the best no matter what will happen. I also believe in ENDGAME. :)

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Guest akatorrieallens

CURRENTLY, lurking at moonchaewon.net (to all the admin of our Chae Wonnie's site, Thank you so much for your efforts. I love her. And ALL of YOU too. A lot.  ^:)^ )
Just found out that her younger brother is in ARMY. Could it be? Possibly be that he sees SJK there. She said that her brother said that his colleagues watched GD. Could it be? Possibly be that SJK also watched it.  :-?
She said that PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP seems difficult. Are you experiencing it right now Chae Wonnie? Hihi.
And her words that she will not give up on LOVE...oh feels.  :x :\">

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Guest akatorrieallens

@camzy I think it's recent and you can read it at her fansite. ---> moonchaewon.net
I know I should feel disturb about it but I dunno...it's just  POSITIVITY flows throughout my whole system. Hope this positivity is contagious that it will affect all people in this thread. :)

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@akatorrieallens thanks for the link! I love it, I commend its admins! I believe a number of them are co-@toasts :D Just by reading the articles about her, I could really feel her maturity not only as an actress but also as a person. I truly admire her for that (note: female crush  :\"> ) SJK oppa is just so lucky to have her. Woops. #delusionalmode haha! 

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@camzy I knew it! You were expecting a superduperHOTkiss! :))

Well, we were on the same boat. Haha! Wuri-Joongki kissing Chaewonnie always sent me to heaven! :x ;;) *giddigiddigiddiness* :D

@akatorrieallens geez..Chaewonnie really improved her PR skills.

Chaewonnie, you really don't wanna get caught do you? That's good! I don't want you and wuri-Joongki get in trouble. Just let us know by the time that you are engaged or preferably by the time you are getting married. :x

I bet her brother and wuri-Joongki are best buddies right now. *imtoodelusionaliknowandwhocares* :P

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Guest akatorrieallens

Thinking that what If Mother Chaeki @mktb is right that MCW's brother and SJK are best buds already...OMG, oh feels. Now, I have another idea for my minis. Haha. But I wish I have more time to write coz like I said before writing about them is a PERSONAL HELP for me. to ease the feeling of missing them. Happy Monday Shippers. Let's start th week CHAEKILY. :)

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Guest raquel cristi1430293174

Please kindly excuse me for my honest ignorance..as i watch a video on youtube about Chaeki I read one posted comment stated 'being/attending military srvc is a mandatory kind of thing esp to then of korea' that's why SJK did so..is that true?otherwise,as soon as i found out that SJK is in military i had this hopeful imagination that the main reason why he did it it's bec of chaewoonnie.i had this crazy thinking that maybe it's one of the "conditions" of MCW esp her family to gve their blessing to their relationship..and now that mcw's brother is in military too,my illusions now are at the craziest!posibly??pls bear with me =(( :\"> L-)

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Guest raquel cristi1430293174

Moon Chae Won-ssi just got an interview and she said that sometimes when she found on news that co-actors fell in love with each other she cannot believe it. REALLY?! As in REALLY CHAE WONNIE?! (NG OST by SJK). But this response was connected to Joo Won. I guess if the interviewer dropped SJK's name, maybe she will come up with different answers like "YEAH, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT...that it can happen in real life as it happened to me." (Sorry, I am delusional.) 

I will just pray for the best no matter what will happen. I also believe in ENDGAME. :)


I think mcw's reply pertains to the statemnt of the singer sung si kyung(also sung one of the GD's soundtrack - how come you don't know) stated :'89% of the on screen love partners becme real couples'..and yes,it's with joo woon this time

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Guest akatorrieallens

@Raquel cristi Being delusional, it can be. Haha. You know, I've stalked news and update about SJK since it was announced that he will enlist and they way I see it, he really  wanted to join the military, HE IS REALLY A GOOD CATCH, you know...He is smart so smart to come up with big decisions like enlistment. He is there to prove that he is just not an ordinary PRETTY FACE. And since we tend to be delusional, maybe it is really of higher respect if a Korean guy joined the army, definitely It's a pride and a lot of parents would love to have that kind of guy for their daughter but thinking about MCW's words that SHE WILL NOT GIVE UP NOT LOVE. I think she does not want to be separated from the guy she likes but yeah maybe she has to. About that 89% thingy...If MCW is pertaining to that did she think that "So, if I confess that I fell in love with Joong Ki the 89% will become 90%. Haha. HASHTAGDELUSIONAL  =))

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Guest akatorrieallens

Still sad that there will be no more NG tonight in our local TV...I can sleep earlier now...not unless there's a party in this thread. :)

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HELLO TOAST :3i miss you all so bad since lately i have some exams to do but now i'm free, finally!when i read the breaking news about kim bum and moon geun young i was really really surprised "ah are they really dating in real life, really? omooo" i also happy for them although i love SoEul couple better, kekeke. Chaeki will also surprise us with this kind of breaking news in 2015, can't wait!sorry for being slow, it's all because of the exams 8-}
@camzy i missed some chapters of your ff, i'll read them all in one shot!
@SJKMCW authornim, i'm glad that you've released the teaser of your new ff, especially with the romcom story of chaeki, can't wait to read the first chapter! please publish it soon ;)) anyway i love the poster, you're daebaaak chingu :x

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Happy happy Monday @toasts!
I'm just so glad to be home! Ten hours at work is so (:| 8-}  I just hope to survive the next 4 days with this schedule. @-)  This thread is really a breather, thanks chingus! :D
@riendonghae thank you so much for the comment! Sorry for the cliffhanger, I really hope to update soon (I might need an energizer! ;;) ) Now I'm waiting for yours! hihi ;)
@akatorrieallens haha yeah let's party! Old habits die hard, but I hope to sleep early tonight :)) Looking forward to your new mini featuring the brother-in-laws! weee <3
@mktb yeah! I could already imagine them being buddies in the army! :D
@raquel cristi yup, the military service is mandatory to all men in S.Korea. It would be really great if SJK oppa did it to prove his worth to CW unnie's family. :x
@gichan hooray for you chingu! As for me, I'll be facing new academic requirements next week. huhu! anyway, hope you'll enjoy reading my ff, let me know what you think! :)
Now, what to watch? NG, GD or a movie? haha!

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A cute app to create pictures, sexy CW and manly JK xi. whahaa 54bd3bbb.gif 54bd3bbb.gif
@jeonghyang master, CW's killer legs, do you love it? Also, thanks for your regards, my illness was in therapy, hope it'll recover soon. tusky_104.gif
c436ef6agw1ea9bashledj20aa0cd74x.jpg  c436ef6ajw1ea9bhdhgy5j20aa0cdaao.jpg

Authornim @SJKMCW, you should post your pictures here too. 3d35bdf8.gif
@limanh @camzy @ping @SJKMCW @batty22 @riendonghae @shintin @Leilanie  @akatorriallens @bloodiamond Authornims, I miss Chaeki FF, where's those FF? tusky_060.gif Can someone rescue my ChaeKi heart?  HELP!!! tusky_062.gif

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Guest augustrush

Hello Chaeki Shippers! I'm new here and...

Woah, after months of being a silent lurker in this thread finally! You guys are daebak! I'm reading ur posts since I finished watching NG for the first time and I'm proud to say that I'm also infected by the Chaeki virus...

Honestly, it's my first time to ship a couple like this and I'm not really a fan of kdramas but because of NG, I start to love it and be addicted to it especially SJK and MCW...

I'm also happy that there are a lot of filipinos in here! Haha.

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