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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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@kgrl colleague.

LOL I love your analysis. And yay for all the micro expressions that contain a world of meaning!!!

Hugs to all on this cold Sunday morning.

It seems like you guys and NG pop up everywhere I go. I went to see a theater play last night and lo and behold, what song do you think they played!!!

Hint: there was the Golden Gate Bridge as the background scenery and a woman with a wig made of flowers. LOL

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thank you Kgrl, babytala, coastalbreeze for all the detailed analysis of our burning down korea ChaeKi chemistry \:D/I love you guys! :D< :-*

from all those loonng posts.. I'm already spazzing about this.. I'm already happy 8->

SJK: Chae Wonnie

colleagues? b-( [-X

thank you!

Sorry, typing on my iPhone with limited time and unlimited deliriousness.

Awww... Sending some love your way too, @clarclar012 !!!

Something's definitely fishy between these too. Fishier than a kilo of stir fried myulchi.

I NEED Kwang Soo's cell phone so I can bombard him with questions!!!

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@mulberry9 and @kathykel :))
That might be because you haven't seen some of these analyses. If y'all think I'm taking this way too seriously by just examining their body language and micro-expressions, you should see some of the fan analyses regarding every interview answer, what specific word is used in their replies, the timing of these interviews and all their answers, etc., etc. I haven't gone that far and have just went with the trends in their written interviews and the body language/micro-expressions in their video interviews. Much less time consuming analysis than what fans are doing over there - it's like CSI mode there. Truly very impressive analyses.

25%? Is my optimism that high? Or is your optimism that low? :)) If JK had reacted the way he normally does to his female co-stars, I (and some of his other fans) wouldn't be so "suspicious" and if CW didn't act so out of character with her colleague I also wouldn't have been so "optimistic". Really (OST by SJK), what are these two trying to do? Just act "normal," and the long established fans would not think twice about anything between the two.

All they had to do was laugh it off, JK can joke around a bit, say they got close because they're same-age friends, or even better brother-sister relationship. Act casual and normal. But, colleagues and the relative lack of mention? In the Korean Ent. Industry, actually, in most Asian ent. industries, you don't say a high profile co-star is just "a colleague" or merely mention them as part of the "cast" - that's against the cultural and industry practice of "politeness" a sort of "faux pas" if you will. Not to mention, this was a co-star that both have spent the better half of a year collaborating with, on a pretty high-profile and successful piece of work.

CW may not be as apt in PR skills but she has not made "inappropriate" comments on male co-stars to date, generally very polite and appropriate closeness. JK as well, has never had problems talking about his female co-stars, often jesting with them or at the mention of them. You can attribute his changes to his immense popularity now, but body language and micro-expressions is just something that is too hard to control. Joynara already revealed (or hinted since I believe she is a closet ChaeKi) at several of crucial moments in her script translation of JK's most recent Entertainment Relay interview. Rewatch again dear and examine precisely when JK's lips tilted slightly upward or pursed or flattened to a straight line, the direction of his pupils, direction of the crinkles around his eyes, oh...just so many indicators. =)) Don't get me started.

@coastalbreeze colleague. Yes, it's really fishy. I think @obscuresalmon mackeraltuna would have a better understanding since she's in the same family. You know, it's like a 6th sense.

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@mulberry9 Mul, are we talking about the same infamous S.Korean netizens here? :)) I can't be the only one who's optimistic here can I? @coastalbreeze colleague @babytala @charmedjean, please attest that I haven't gone off the deep end. Do I sound insane? bata.gif Oh my, this is so not good for my image. capek_deh.gif
Look at what ChaeKi has done to my reputation. [-(

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Hello~~~ Just sneaking in since I just watched the Entertainment Relay interview. I still have to catch up but there's one thing I want to point out.
Knowing that this interview was edited carefully in accordance to what the management group and higher ups at KBS want to be shown (since the questions were predetermined and everything), alarms are going off in my head. 
When Joong Ki talks about how he cried when filming wrapped up for both A Werewolf Boy and Nice Guy they show this reel to show that Chae Won and Park Bo Young were cheerful as evidence. Notice they cut the reel from the NG BTS exactly when Joong Ki approaches Chae Won to hug her and replaced it with Bo Young clapping. 
It's strange how they meshed in a clip of Joong Ki hugging Bo Young but they cut out Joong Ki's hug with Chae Won.
Very suspicious. They are trying to hide things, aren't they? :-?

I gotta disappear again. :(

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God I feel obsessed.

I was taking a shower minutes ago and I thought about Chae Wonnie and SJK.

I remember SJK did an interview during Wolf Boy premiere, Don’t remember whether it was Busan or Seoul. But he was in the middle of NG filming. He said "MCW is so nice,She takes care of me(notice MCW said the same about SJK), tell me not to forget my breakfast and brings me milk on set" Not exactly like this, But something very similar to this.

So what has happened since Middle of filming to it's ending, That SJK suddenly talks about how comfortable he is with PBY and how professional MCW is.Embarassed  I mean those things MCW supposedly was doing during the filming, aren't exactly what we call being professional, is it?Why didn't he have any problem talking about MCW personality earlier but at the end,His words changed?

My disclaimer is,I don't know SJK or MCW personally, But I think both MCW and SJK have become more guarded toward media when it comes to each other. It could mean anything or nothing. Just an observation I made. 2733636e22d6de52204bcb1cb90c5940522a6c49

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@Grimm_Jagg Great observation. Actually, KBS staff probably suspect quite a few things, especially the BTS cameraman. It's pretty evident in the way BTS's were cut, where it was focused on, especially during the After Party BTS.

@noodlez_ Lols, yea, at least he says her name now, though he's still dragging others into the same discussion when her name pops up. And never brings up CW without the interviewer prompting a direct question pertaining to CW. Anyone who's known JK for a period of time would find this suspicious.

Mul, maybe after I finish this report. I'm already sneaking so many breaks to check up on this forum. OK, really need to get back to work on this now.

@charmedjean Oh hurry and catch up. People are starting to think I'm going crazy. Really (OST by SJK) now. I need someone to vouch for my sanity.

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@Kgrl sometimes it's fun to b delusional.. :P I can escape frm my reality ..keke..

Previously Sidus used to hav lots of rumors n scandal regarding how they control their actress (like how they did to JJH-tagging her whereabouts n her cellph).but I believe those kind of restriction only applied to the actress (esp. the top notch one).. but for the guys do Sidus control their love life too?In the case of Jang Hyuk.He only exposed he's in relationship when he's getting married n his wife at dat time is pregnant with their first child.. So I guess, even JK's in relationship now..he will keep everythin' underwraps.since he also said he want to b in a love relationship since his 30's is approaching..he might have a suitable candidate/already in relationship..

As MCW, I'm glad she's under MS Team.Her company give her freedom in choosing her project, so she can stick to her craft. As relationship, with LMJ annouced she's having a relationship with LBH.I guess they're(MS Team) not that strict compare to other company.. But to think of it..LMJ is at her 30's while LBH already establish firm n secure fan base..that's y their company can annouced their relationship. Futhermore annoucing their relationship actually brings more good than harm.

If Chaeki's do exist..I think it would take time for they to come foward regarding this..as for now we can only patiently wait..or u guys can join in my delusional world.lolol ;;)

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Guest dreamerforever07

This ship will be the death of me lol.Hey toasts, hey ;)candid-funny-harry-styles-hay-gurl-hay-h
So busy these past few days, ugh. I still go on here everyday though, I don't post anything. to the one who answered my question awhile back...THANK YOU :) 
you are...tumblr_mat6trxj4E1rvbmo8o1_500.jpg
ANYWAY, Christmas is coming up and a little PDA from MCW and SJK won't hurt. Is it so bad to wish for them to just admit their relationship at the KBS awards? (well they most likely won't but still, a toast can hope right? :P)
I have this image of them winning the best couple award and giving a speech (do the winners for every category give speeches after receiving the award?)so yeah, they go both stand up painfully slow, revealing their intertwined hands underneath the table which would shock everyone. They walk in sync and everybody is silent. Then they just announced that they're gonna  get married after SJK's military service. (that's what they do in Korea right? the men have to go to military first?)
I won't apologize for having these delusional thoughts because tbh, we all have insane but perfect visions about our Chaeki Couple. :)
btw, am I the only one who still gets chills from listening to this or what?!

I miss this okay. The feeling of getting home from school, especially on school night without homework and every fridays, fangirling over the next episode. Getting impatient for waiting for the english subs.to be complete. (I watch it on viki since i'm in the US). I still can't get over their drama. 
let's not forget about this song which lets us know that someone is gonna say and do something sassy.

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Autographs of Chaeki (in Silvertop bakery?).. sorry if it's been posted:
Cr to SJK DC via weibo as tagged
@Kgrl please continue with your analyses! It keeps my chaeki dream alive ^^
By the way, I read from weibo that Joongki went on a personal vacation in Bangkok and just got back to Korea.. he was spotted in Bangkok with his group of friends (Lee Kwang Soo was spotted too) in a spa. 

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report here 
ohhhhhhhhhh friends,SJK had long vocation in Thailand and in this morning he just arrived Seoul already.He came here with LKS but KS go back KR before him, some people met him at Spa.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why i lately knew  T_T?last year he came to TH 3 time for work but this year for travel.
and long time ago MCW had vocation in South of Thailand with her family,I hope someday the place that EunMa will go to Honeymoon is here 55555555555555

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