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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest babytala1430292118

Hi everyone! I have been lurking in this thread for quite awhile now. I've just decided to post up after doing a lot of backreading. And after a weekend's worth of both biased and unbiased analyses, video and written interviews, fishy (hah) BTS scenes, and all the feels one can possibly go through when it comes to Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae Won's tandem, I must say the eye strain is all worth it.
I know everything's been said and done. And I'm thankful for all the Toasties who always make time to share their thoughts, analysis, and realisations regarding the couple. Your inputs have encouraged me to take a deeper look into their relationship and see things objectively (which is by the way, HARD!). 
I don't know Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae won personally. Hell, Nice Guy is the first drama I saw them together. I haven't even finished watching the series yet since I got more interested in watching what were happening BTS ;P But anyway, these two urged me to channel the inner frustrated psychologist in me and made me research about the body language between a guy and girl interested in each other. I mean, sometimes the micro-expressions can be a dead giveaway. 
I have collected some details and pointers from online research (Google, thanks for being my bestfriend!) on how to know if a guy likes a girl. Below are some of the signs a guy likes/is interested in a girl. I think some of the points here were already stressed out by other Toasties here but I guess it doesn't hurt to affirm those :P Anyway, be the judge :)
1) If a guy is interested in you, in most cases, he’ll be nervous and shy. These are the emotions his body will convey and you can learn on how tointerpret his emotions by just watching his face. The prime example of one’s body expressing one’s feelings is if he’s leaning towards you. That means he has a certain inclination towards you and wants to get intimate. If he is leaning away, then you have got the wrong man.
I saw some BTS pictures of NG when they were filming in Japan. Case in point: SJK was looking intently at MCW when they were seated during a film break. It was as if his shoulder was leaning towards her. Or maybe, my eyes were just fooling me. O.o2. He'll let you see him checking out your body. Some experts call it "visual voyaging" -- his eyes take a little cruise around your body, stopping momentarily at the prettiest ports. Don't kid yourself: he scanned your body automatically the second he laid eyes on you. The difference here is that he's letting you see him do it. The message: I'm considering you as a sexual partner.
I think I saw this during the controversial back hug BTS. There were some Toasties who pointed out that SJK's eyes subtlely roamed all over MCW while the cameras weren't rolling. So, is the last sentence true? Only they can tell. 'Nuff said! 
3) He'll touch his face a lot, while looking at you. If he's interested, he'll stroke his cheek up and down with the back of his fingers, touch his ears, or rub his chin. It's a combination of nervous excitement, preening and autoerotic touching. When we're attracted to someone, our skin (most noticeably our lips and mouth) become increasingly sensitive to touch and other stimulation. If you smoke, you'll take more drags on your cigarette. If you're drinking, you'll take more sips. You start touching your own mouth more because your lips are ultra sensitive and it feels good. Plus, it plants the idea in the other person's mind that it could be a good idea to kiss you.

I particularly saw this when SJK touched his ears during the NG press con. I think it was when MCW was playing along with the photographers? 
4) Look to see if he imitates you. Mirroring each other's actions is a sign of mutual like and generally, it's subconscious. If you notice that he has been copying your gestures frequently, there is a high probability that he fancies you. You can test this by mirroring his actions too, for example, touch your hair when he touches his, brush your face when he brushes his, sit the way he is sitting, etc. The subconscious signals will be screaming "I like you too!"

Some Toasties also pointed out that the two seemed to imitate each other's actions in the few last episodes of NG. More importantly, their separate interviews seem to brim with...mental telepathy. Haha! Case in point: the Aomori kiss. That, and their desire to lead a normal life despite their rising popularity.
When it comes to individuality, I admire MCW's unassuming openness. For some reason, I can feel her sincerity and honesty both as an actress and a person. She's so open in saying that she doesn't want to join variety shows because she doesn't want to reveal her shy side to other people, especially her fans. However, when it comes to SJK, I can feel that he's timid in real life. I've read some of his interviews in which he revealed that his parents took him to acting workshops to hone his social skills. And needless to say, I think their efforts weren't so futile after all. Nevertheless, I admire his unabashedness and his honesty as well. 
At first, I was also bothered when SJK and MCW seem to treat each other as mere colleagues, when in fact the BTS shots could attest against that. I can't seem to find post-NG interviews wherein they weren't able to discuss how was each other's perfomances in NG. I mean, it is a fact that NG raked in an overall high viewership rating. But based on how they answer their interviews, I don't think SJK's the type who would willingly reveal to the public that he has a girlfriend, hence, the possibility that maybe he's trying to dodge the interviewer everytime the question may lead him to include MCW in his answer. On the other hand, while MCW seems to be reserved and prim in public, I think she's transparent when it comes to her emotions. People around don't need to play mind games just to know how she's feeling. If she's hyper, she's hyper. If she's sad, it shows. 
I can ramble and ramble on about the possibility of something more than...colleagues for these two. I've tried looking at their relationship from different perspectives, only to come to a conclusion that they complement each other, in terms of being thespians who just want to keep improving on their craft and as partners who can meet halfway. I think when these two take more time in knowing each other better, they're going to be better versions of themselves. Of course, I don't know them personally, and I'm not in the position to assume these things. But somehow, I can't help but feel that given the right timing for them to know each other better, I think they can bring the best out of each other in terms of career, love, and personality. But anyway, they're still in their 20's and there's still a lot of fruitful experiences waiting for them. I just want to see them grow together both as artists and individuals who have the same core values yet somewhat different personalities. 
Whew, I'm not sure if I typed a preamble or something. Haha! But, it's just my two cents :).
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babytala said:4) Look to see if he imitates you. Mirroring each other's actions is a sign of mutual like and generally, it's subconscious. If you notice that he has been copying your gestures frequently, there is a high probability that he fancies you. You can test this by mirroring his actions too, for example, touch your hair when he touches his, brush your face when he brushes his, sit the way he is sitting, etc. The subconscious signals will be screaming "I like you too!"

Some Toasties also pointed out that the two seemed to imitate each other's actions in the few last episodes of NG. More importantly, their separate interviews seem to brim with...mental telepathy. Haha! Case in point: the Aomori kiss. That, and their desire to lead a normal life despite their rising popularity.

(sorry to cut your post)
・Not only that... you can see in ep. 15 (kiss scene) BTS, that SJK was imitating MCW's hands when they're rehearsing their "anyeong" scene at the police station...


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Guest babytala1430292118

p1n6an2012 said: ・Not only that... you can see in ep. 15 (kiss scene) BTS, that SJK was imitating MCW's hands when they're rehearsing their "anyeong" scene at the police station... hope.gif

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Guest kynalim

If sjk says he wants a girlfriend, and mcw says she is ready to have a boyfriend. Hoevewever, if neither announces that they are dating someone by the next few months or years. The we can assume that they are seeing each other?

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Guest yoonghyuun

Eun Gi’s first experience

Quickly falling in love

Moon Chae Won had received high popularity, therefore, the viewers paid lots of attention to her. Since episode 5, the audience started showing different reactions about Eun Gi, when cold- hearted Eun Gi began falling for Maru.

"This moment was very important to me. When we was shooting in Japan, writer Lee Kyung Hee sent me a text message. “How is it, now I think you realize Maru has captured you right?” she asked me that(laugh). Eun Gi blindly attached to Maru. For the first time, she wore skirt and make up. It also was the first time she endlessly waited for someone. “Up till now you was a cold person, but in episode 5, you totally fell in love right ?”Mrs. writer asked me. I said “ Absolutely fell in love”.

trans by @Celandine at MCW thread

talking about Aomori scene (again).. :x

what if ChaeKi really fall in love when filming in aomori :x :x

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CNBLUE Concert day 1 already finished...from the info that i got in twitter..the artist who attended this concert are Super Junior's Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Snsd's Yoona, Tiffany, Taeyeon, Seohyun and UEE after school..so far there is no info about Moon Chae Won and Song Joong Ki came to this concert....okey Naughties..don't be sad tomorrow is the second day concert..let's hope that Chae Won or Joong Ki will attend the concert...or maybe both of the come together to watch it..hahahhaha.... :D:D

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Cross posting from NG thread

I like how @joynara noticed that too and wrote about it on her tumblr. You think deep down @joynara is a hopeful Burning Toast too?Smiley_emoticons_xmas2_biggrinimage


—‘Hottest Star of 2012’ interview by Entertainment Relay tonight (12/12/15);
video clips here and here (latter’s YT-embedded).

I rarely expect anything more than a fluff piece from this program (and all the others), but this was a genuinely fantastic interview, which lasted much longer than I’d hoped for (7 minutes!). It wasn’t just a year-end review type of interview, but one that was set up like a retrospective of his five-year career (in a movie theater, of all places), and you could see some of the emotions on his face. I was also very moved that as soon as the reporter mentioned the last day of the filming for Nice Guy, he turned his face away to collect himself. That it still gets to him after all this time… very telltale sign he must have poured his heart and soul into this project.


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@babytala I loved your post! Welcome to the ChaeKi thread. >:D<

Is the fire extinguishing? If tala's post above isn't enough to re-flame your burning passion for ChaeKi, let me add a couple more sparks. ;))

The above picture posted by @aew_aew_aew dear is a perfect example. The pics above is from this recent KBS interview  and occurs at 2:10 of the video when the interviewer asked about NG's last filming. Look closely at JK's micro-expressions, the way he pursues his lips as if in anticipation to the question (stars all know what questions will be asked during video interviews), then holds them down tightly - that's a subconscious motion to refrain oneself from saying too much, an action of alertness and guardedness. Then see how he avoids the camera for a much longer time than when he previously answered questions, and he pensively looks toward the lower left. Normally, when a person's eyes look to their lower left, it means that s/he is recalling memories and rehashing feelings (it's primarily based on what area of the brain a person is accessing - right versus left brain).

So why is JK so affected with questions regarding CW and NG BTS? Both CW and JK are fine answering questions regarding acting and general NG topics, but when it pertains to their personal/individual feelings or any kind of relation to their collaboration, both are very closed off verbally, and yet revealing in body language (haven't seen CW's video interviews yet, so have to wait on this, unless they are not allowing her to conduct these interviews for precisely this reason).

I've read quite a bit of oversea fans' analyses of ChaeKi, some from new fans, others from older fans of JK and CW, and the conclusion I've reached, beside my own, is that fans in general think ChaeKi have an undeniable connection. Made even more suspicious by their post-NG interviews and actions. CW's interviews have been the most significant pieces of evidence b/c of several trends in her many interviews.

1) CW quickly establishes that JK and her are just colleagues, also clarifying (on her own accord) their seemingly close relationship off set, as well as her lack of understanding of him as a man.

2) CW praises JK's hardworking attitude and care/help for her offset (often in the same interviews which she's making claims that JK is just a colleague) since they are of "same-age" (which again is contradicting in her logic, since if you're comfortable b/c you both are the same-age, wouldn't that mean it's easier being friends? And why is it so hard to say you're just friends?)

3) CW has been so "happy" filming this drama, it truly was such a "happy experience" for her.

4) CW "really want to thank" Writer Lee and PD Kim for giving her this opportunity to play EG, she has been so fortunate and "happy".

5) CW wants her romantic relationships to be with a person who's "like a friend", "to watch over/support each other for a long time". (After reading several of CW's interviews regarding this new ideal - since I've never heard her mention this kind of characteristic for ideal boyfriends before NG - I now understand why she refused to even acknowledge JK as a "friend")

Given these above, and the various observations of JK's early post-NG interviews and his body language in his video interviews, I'm convinced these two are beyond the friends stage. That kind of bond and attraction feels deep for us outsiders, can you imagine how it feels for the two people experiencing it? The Korean ent. industry is not conducive for romantic relationships and I know that reality can trump the romantic feelings stars may have developed for each other. If it's hard for normal people, it's doubly hard for stars to maintain a relationship. However, just like CW has said in her interviews, I hope ChaeKi can be lovers who treat each other like friends, who can watch over each other and pursue an enduring relationship while chasing their artistic dreams. Of course, I wouldn't mind some ChaeKi babies to gush over in that process, but that's at least several years off. :))

Disclaimer: This Soompier accepts no liability for the after effects of the contents of this post, or the consequences of massive shipper overload. This post is intended solely for Burning Toasts with delusional minds and hotflashing bodies. If you are not the intended recipient of this post, you are notified that copying, distributing, or taking any retaliatory action in reliance to the contents of this post is strictly prohibited. Unless, of course, you have been granted permission to use as means of spreading the ChaeKi love. No refunds or exchanges allowed. No flipping tables allowed. All parties involved in litigation with this Soompier must wear socks. No hot pack hoarding allowed. This Soompier has no telepathic abilities; thereby all discourse must be conducted in written ChaeKi language. Unless you're ChaeKi - then                                                           :x . Although effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, this Toast makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy and legitimacy of the contents of this post, nor is responsible for the severe conditions of your heart and sexual reproductive organs. You assume all risks associated with massively shipping ChaeKi.

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Guest yoonghyuun

just watching SJK on Entertainment Relay..

look at his expression when MC asked him about NG last filming ><


he even sigh before reply the MC >,<


wonder what he's thinking at that time, he must be really miss MCW onion-15.gifonion-15.gif

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