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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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I am totally serious every time you guys post pictures with them in their historical garb I want them to star in a historical romantic drama so much that I almost can't breath for a minute! I realize it's crazy, but what am I going to do about it? Nothing. I can't do a single thing about it, it's just my bodies natural reaction to the best soon to be real life couple (crosses fingers) ever!

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Guest clarclar012

@obscuresalmonwow you actually posted this time!! hahah I was waiting for you to post here :P I guess that historical drama thing really did the trick :>
I really want them in any project ya know..just as long as our ChaeKi are together :> but if you're gonna ask me.. I would prefer for them in a modern version of project just because I want to see our ^:)^ queen not hiding that beautiful awesome body of hers in a hanbok kekke~ plus more nosebleed for our SJK especially in BTS if ya know what I mean.. blood.gifhe won't be able to handle it..I mean is juicier I tell you!!  =P~ 8-}

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Guest clarclar012

@obscuresalmon @Jilliayou two Maru heads really are fast in replying I can't keep up ~ 
oh yea~ it's freaking way longer.. well I say! yea just as long they will be together longer I'm up with that :> :>
sacrifice the whole hand so it's sure to come true :))
@jeonghyangthat's what I'm waiting for wahah~ plus the sinking ship . . freaking epic =)) I think I want to borrow that GIF for future uses ;))
tumblr_m608cnRmdi1r1rxij-1.gifOH YEAH! \m/

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Dear Burning Toasts, 
You make my day <3 >:D< :*
@clarclar012 , aweee I'm glad my posts made you happy clarclar!Hehe! Your posts always makes me smile and blush too from the sweetness :\">Haha we're so cheesy! >:D<& how can anyone ever get annoyed with your posts?I love them! & as a burning toasts and a naughty fam, I'm sure we all love and support each other <3Awwweee, thanks for liking my idea but I personallly think that everyone made it better :DAnd yes clarclar, shall we walk as flower girls? FlowerEmoticon.gif away.gif  FlowerEmoticon.gif  away.gif       FlowerEmoticon.gif   haha, I love the fact that we burning toasts are all walking like this :$
@populovehyun , aweee you're too sweet my lovely! i love you too! <3 >:D< And the laughs you bring to this thread (:
@Jillia & p1n6an2012 , haha I just wanted to say I love both your siggies! Our Chaeki on fire! <3& we're in those flames burning like toasts :$
haha everyone is dreaming of our dear Chaeki , I'm glad I'm not the only one :\">I think we need a Burning Doctor in our family to keep our delusional minds in control and not go too insane keke!
& I read from @coastalbreeze & @Kgrl that we are all ajhummas now? :DYAY! We must start our naggings on Chae Wonnie and Joongie to get them together!We should just read this whole thread out to them everyday and why we believe that they are meant for each other and will refuse to acknowledge otherwise!& that they should listen to us cause we have weak hearts and can not take anymore heartbreaks than what NG already gave us while airing!Burning Toasts Ajhummas unite =))
@mulberry & @Moon2Won , thanks for sharing the account on PSH and his homescreen picture of him and Chae Wonnie! I hope Joongie gets informed of it so that he'll become jealous and take his actions up a notch!Maybe this will be the jealousy he needs to confirm his feelings! ;))
@Moon2Won & @Jillia , oh, you guys make me want to join in on the KBS Awards live streaming too :$The offer to watch our Chaeki live with all the possibilities that could happen is just too tempting!  ~X( & there goes all my hair again ):Haha, with  your description though, Moon2Won, I actually feel like I've already watched the KBS Awards with our Chaeki and it was everything I hoped for :x
@obscuresalmon & @Jillia , ahahha, your posts regarding our Chaeki in a romantic historical drama <3 =))NG thread or Chaeki thread, I think our fandom will always seem quite crazy and insane hahah!First feigning amnesia, now discussing the chopping of pinkies!I gotta admit though, watching the @Celandine (thank you! (: ) posted, that was the last straw to make my heart truly yearn for a Chaeki joseon drama !I tried to suppress cause the chances are probably very slim but how can we do so when they look so good together in all this joseon manips and mvs?!Let's all pray together [-O<
Ohno, my post ended up to be quite long again b-(I told myself I'd just quickly reply and sum up all the mentions I wanna do with a "My Burning Toasts are amazing" and get right onto homework but D:Off I go then :$Have a nice day/night burning toasts!You guys are amazing <3 >:D<

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@coastalbreeze: Sis, the awards are a month away, you want the link now? :))

To all Burning Toasts: So there has been some talk regarding ChaeKi, along with my previous observations. And due to not wanting to drag y'all further down the abyss of your ChaeKi-loving heart, I'm only going to say that you might want to save your pinkies (unless you're considering cutting off the other one) for a real pairing instead of a reel pairing. I'm waiting anxiously to see CW's appearance at the Blue Dragon Awards, if only to be able to see her well-rested (and lovely aura, some of you might know what I mean here ;) ). I'm going to go into sleuth mode pretty soon (as if I haven't started already). CW is just not as good at hiding her reactions as JK is; she definitely can take a couple pointers from Joongie on PR skills. ;))

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Guest clarclar012

 ~X( & there goes all my hair again  <--- really lmao! =))I saw you lurking and reading posts already then I was just waiting.. omo novel post soon!!yey!!  hahahagain with going away?!! >.< come backk!! TAT2.gif we have to spazz more for our ChaeKi!! 
@Grimm_Jaggcalling otoke .. calling otoke~ please respond~

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Seeing those sageuk fan made art. 8->
I will make the ultimate sacrifice for a ChaeKi sageuk. I'll cut my hear off. 
Well I won't pull a Spears' Bald head but I will get my hair cut to PSY's current hair. Yup. xD  8-} My hair is more important than my pinky finger in a very strange way. @-)
@ngim You made my day today, lovely!! 

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@obscuresalmon Hahaha. Some info I can not divulge, however, I can say that there are lots of rumors/speculations going around regarding SJK and his leading ladies, PBY and MCW, as well as his romantic life. Some of this is fan speculations, some of it is "insider" info, some of it is media speculation (more amongst the reporters themselves, Sidus may have gotten involved here since there hasn't been "scandalous" reports). After compiling the various info I have seen and received, I'm still a firm believer in ChaeKi's real life connection...so that should tell you something. ;)

In addition to my brief analysis several pages back regarding SJK's KBS Entertainment Relay interview, I've been closely monitoring JK's other written interviews, WB promo fan videos, and also CW's Blue Dragon handprinting appearance. Lols, you should know that all along I've been trying valiantly to be as rational as possible regarding this ship, and even going so far as limiting ChaeKi's interactions to only mutual attraction for each other. But now, particularly after the various body language/reactions from CW and JK in the last several days (I give more credence to video interviews than written interviews), I'm beginning to think perhaps I have given ChaeKi too much credit. They are very professional and very smart. But 6 months isn't a short time. I've fallen in love before, and once everything clicks, it's surprising how fast feelings can expound. Plus, the White Van Sighting.

As a shipper, you can't allow yourself to be too delusional, enforcing your feelings onto the artists you like, but there are some things like micro-expressions and body language that are just too complicated to hide, regardless of how great a PR guru you are. After all, JK and CW are still relatively young. Such things are harder to mask even if they are actors.

@clarclar012 You'll have to come here. I can't be too explicit with the info I share. I simply think ChaeKi has a chance and it's sorta endearing how everything is turning out, despite all the complications.

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Guest clarclar012

@Kgrlthank you for those much effort posts! <3 I really appreciate it ^:)^>:D<
@obscuresalmonI'm pretty sure that dude's a girl :))or not that sure .. what if I do this to his/her? --> ~X(oh yea sorry random stuff in my head ;))

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You thought so to?! After I posted the comment about the dude I was looking at it and thought it might be a girl too, but I wasn't sure so I didn't change it! We think alike chingu.
Can someone tell us if that is a girl or a boy, not a big deal, but if you know you should just mention it in a post. Sorry for the irrelevance of this post!

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@clarclar012 and @obscuresalmon
Unnies. That is a dude. A dude who is probably in a Kei-somthing visual-kei band or likes dressing up like an anime. But it's a dude..

@Kgrl Pretty Ghost, I was worrying before, I still am since there's two ways your explanation can go... But I'm going to go towards the positive interpretation just for my sanity. It sucks you cannot disclose anymore information but you're still on the ship.
It all comes back down to the White Van. Always. So that means we can still hope for ChaeKi babies!! Back to delusional mode.
away.gif away.gif away.gif
I really should be focusing on RL. 

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