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[Drama 2013] Jang Ok Jung 장옥정, 사랑에 살다


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Guest xianzhongfan

uburoi said: I hope Jae Hee's character is not the first casualty of the low ratings. He was supposed to make his entrance this episode. No sight of him in the preview either.

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@kaeruchan Oh i like your suggestions on the preview!!!I never thought about it that way.I thought it was a scene highlighting Oj and the King but it could be a moment between IK and the King instead.I like the latter better,he has some redeeming to do in the next episode  :|
@Jilia, all she did was to fall for himm...sigh.

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lol all of us are feeling for IK. i think LS will gradually change in time. maybe now he's too wrapped up with the hierarchy and people tempting to take his life left and right. might just give him a break and let he redeem later. it'll happen soon, since IK is going to die :( then come next is IH, argh, why the male lead must be a king D:

edit: yea, i'm afraid LS will become such despicable character later, who uses women to get his total power...

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Guest uburoi

Meanwhile Sukjong should have a big slap, I'm relieved at the same time that he's not some Prince Charming.

ETA: He's Sukjong now, right? I'm confused, was there a coronation or not?

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said: @Jillia He remembered me of Lee Hwon and Queen Bo Kyung...I didn't like that scene at that time and didn't like it this time either! Plus he knows thate she is in love with him! Can't he have a bit of compassion for this poor girl who even if she did manage to be the Queen will still have to live without being loved in return ?! Gosh...

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@Jillia @obscuresalmon
we have the same thoughts with regards to SJ's action towards IK.  really, i thought he was going to be all smiley and charming to IK but later why did he have to crash all her hopes. poor poor poor IK!  the only victim in this drama.
and i hate it that the "fire" girl is still as hateful as she was once.

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I really like the way father-daughter relationships are portrayed here! They are all equal parts loving but demanding. The fathers love their daughters but still use them as tools fot their ambitions, and end regretting it for the most of them. Minister Min, as cold as he is, is I think even more eager to make In Hyun be the Queen after the huge humilitaion she suffered because of Lee Soon, and seems to be even more proud to see her recover from this and want to get on with the path to become Queen. Jang Hyun would have given his all to save his daughter and loosing her almost killed him and he is in fact a man who is still suffering. I noticed that Minister Kim is very protective of his weak daughtr and I think he is more worried to see her suffer from Lee Soon need to destroy whoever he sees as the enemy than for the alliance to fail and for him to loose his position...

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Guest kaeruchan

gorres said: @kaeruchan Oh i like your suggestions on the preview!!!I never thought about it that way.I thought it was a scene highlighting Oj and the King but it could be a moment between IK and the King instead.I like the latter better,he has some redeeming to do in the next episode  :|

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happy 101th page! after watching JOJ, i was supposed to take my medicine. But when I went to the fridge, I have no medicine left! hahaha. I had to rush to the nearest drugstore just to buy them.

i can't skip a single day, cause my sister will kill me. hahaha. #offtopic

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Meanwhile Sukjong should have a big slap, I'm relievede same time that he's not some Prince Charming.

ETA: He's Sukjong now, right? I'm confused, was there a coronation or not?

yes there was a coronation, remember when he almost missed it because of the assassination. then fortunately he were able to make it because of DP

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Guest ringo_desu

People on DC keep on posting this screencap... I guess they think the guy in black/dark blue is Chi Soo.
Kinda weird how he showed up in the preview but wasn't present in the show. Maybe they'll show those scenes next week.

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