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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest koreannoona

Whoaaaaa..... this thread is burning hotter n hotter every now n then =)) Pantastic!!! Hwaiting!! \m/ :ar! Keep 'the craziness alive' >:D< Btw, is anybody know if jo in sung has a twitter account? I would like to follow him :bz

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Guest in2deep

mamamika said: My fantasy episode 17 begin with the scene Kim tell Jin Sung go to kill Soo. JS has no choice, so he goes to find Soo. On the way to the top of the tower Jin Sung send secretly Moo chul's sidekick a SMS: call the police, call emergency right now. Kim tells sidekick goes after Jin Sung to make sure that JS really kills Soo or not. Jin Sung loves his Hyung so much, so he can't be able to kill Soo but he has to stab Soo to save his family, after getting stabed in a not dangerous position like Moo Chul did, Soo falls down and loosing much of blood, Jin Sung is crying hard, then the camera rolls to out sight to the street where we can see the blue light of the police and emergency are coming. Kim's sidekick sees Soo getting stabed and fall down like he is going to die then go back and tell Kim that JS already did it what he said, so Kim let JS's family live. While Kim are taking all the poker-chips to change for money the police comes and get him, sidekick and Jin Sung. Emergency takes Soo to the hospital, where Young is being operated. This is an intense scene showing the two person in love are fighting with the dead nearby. All their best beautiful memories together have been show like to give them the strength to try to survive. At the end of their surgery Soo has been saved, but Young falls in to a dangerous situation, her heart beats weak. She still doesn't wake up. When Soo wakes up, even he is still hurt, he goes to see Young. In her room he seats next to her crying, holding her hands, telling her he was sorry for not coming sooner, he begs her to try to live because of him. Since Soo comes, Young's heart begins to beat faster and faster. Soo stays there by her side to look after her all the time. After a week in the hospital Wang is with Young while Soo goes out to the police station, Jin Sung has been released out, cuz Soo isn't die. Kim has been pushed to jail for several times because of illegal gambling organization, killing Moo chul and Soo, the police find out that Jin Sora also takes part. The news shows out all of Actress Jin Sora private life: being sponsored by Kim, having affare with gambler. That is a big scandal for a celebrity that she must quit acting and run away oversea. Jin Sung feels guilty for stabbing Soo but Soo forgives him cuz he understand the situation. Jin Sung goes back to the countryside to live with Hee Sun and his family. When Soo goes back to the hospital, Young has already waked up. Soo meets with noona doctor and knows that she lives and now she can see a little but blurry. Soo is sudently afraid that Young might not like him when she sees him, so he leaves Young there with Wang and tell her not telling Young where he is. Soo comes to visit Moo Chul, and meet the sidekick there. Sidekick tells him that Moo Chul spent 3 monat left of his life protecting them, Soo cries, apologizes MC for not understand him and thanks him for saving him. He says he was fool to believe that if he can pay the dept, he can live, now he knows that actually Kim wants to kill him for having affare with Sora and MC is the one who save his life. MC's sidekick gives him the housekey and tells Soo now he can go back to his department. Soo goes back home to live there. He comes o see Young when she was at hospital but doesn't let her see him. Young must have chemo-treatment for 20 times, Soo always get in touch with Wang to get information from Young's health. Soo sells his luxury house to open a restaurant near Young's community-center. Everytime she comes there he'll get to see her there. The next spring they meet like the ending of writer Noh. They kiss again under Cherry blossom after Soo asking Young to date again. The next day Soo comes to Young's house to take on a trip. There they get to know that Jang asked Wang to marry him, now Young can see and doesn't need Wang by her side anymore, Young tells Wang to live her life with Jang, she now has Soo by her side so Wang argree. Soo takes Young to the river where was Young's real brother's ashes scattered. He apologizes Young's brother for deceiving his sister and thanks him that he is the one who bring them together. Later then Soo brings Young to the airport and tells her now you should see the world with your own eyes. Young asks where are you going? To Italy? To see your ex-girlfriend? Soo laughs at Young's jelousy and says: No, we are flying to ... Paris. On the plain they are talking about how they first met, how is his first impressen of her, why he comes to her as fakes brother, he tells her that's the only way he can survive at that time and he believes he loves her at the first sight and that is the only way he could see her again and get close to her. The last scene at the top of the famous Eifel-tower in the romatic city Paris he backhugs her hearing the sound of the wind. He asks her if they could live together, cuz he has to stay by her side 24 hours/7 days to make sure that she is not getting sick again. She turns around answers him with a bright smile and kisses him passionately. They live happily together. The End.

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Hi all...am new here but been lurking for quite some time now after watching Twtwb ep 13 and boy! It is addictive and just can't retain myself from visiting this awesome thread over and over again... Luv all the recaps, translations on intvws, pics, funny gif etc from all contributors. Just wanna share sumthin' which my hubby said when we watched ( or should I say I watched?since he just sitting next to me in the couch playing with his laptop lol) episode 7 (or 6? I forgot).. He said this girl (OY) knows that the guy (OS) is not his brother when my hubby saw they hugged happily. I asked him how can he tell? Because i think the scene was when OY have already accepted OS as his 'real' brother, back in the mountain. He just said I can tell just by looking at her. Pls bear mind.... Due to my hubby lack of interest to any kdrama I watched, am sure he was not following the whole scenes in that episode, I was only summarize the plot to him. So I was surprised to hear such thing 'cause i didn't whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. The good thing is it means SHK nailed to be OY character as every single moves/emotions from OY's heart reflected in her ( acting)! The bad thing is it can mean the other way around.. No offense windblowers! Am just sharing my thoughts as I think her acting is awesome!! I was then verifying it again with my hubby after a couple of days and asked him why he said you can tell by just looking at her? Does this mean as OY, deep down in her heart, she knows that it's her 'fake'brother? So eventhough she accepted him as 'real', the gestures somehow reflected what she deeply feels inside? Or does it mean SHK simply hugging JIS thus the no- Real bro kinda feel? And He said.............. Drum roll pls.................... The actress played the character so well that it shows from her small gestures or facial expressions what her character's deeply feels! :) I was so happy hearing it because it came as a compliment from someone who does not fully appreciate kdrama / movie though coincidently, my deary watched Frozen Flower just a couple of week before my Twtwb craze and he liked it !! XD Anyhow, Because of the above, I think the reason why OY couldn't forgive OS in the first place was because she was angry at herself for ignoring her gut feeling that her OS is not real and she falls for him and since OS didn't make any excuses, she was even angry as she couldn't find any justification as to why she choose to ignore her instinct despite all the loving gestures her 'oppa' showed which to her, that time, were fakes. Of course in time, she understands that those loving feeling are real (or should I say reel? ;) ) *sorry for the long post* :)>-

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Guest greenriver

Hi everyone! Reading all ur posts made me laugh. U guys r so nice, funny n thanks for keeping this thread going. I love both JIS & SHK, n it's doesn't matter what's happen I still love them n support them. I will be waiting patiently for the good news about them. Look like JIS know how to keep himself busy after TWTWB end, but looked at all his recent pics his looks so tired n exhausted. Oh poor In Sung, take some rest n take a good care of ur self don't work too hard. SHK looks like having fun on the boat, please don't forget to call or text IS to cheer him up :) ok.

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Guest crazywindblower

i have been reading previous posts, particularly the hat pictures topic..at first i really thought it was JIS but when someone said its HB i somehow got a little sad..i think my O2 shipping heart is now slowly fading! ottoke?!!!! :(( :( i am a JIS fan and not a SHK fan..but i really love their chemistry! :x ;) i just wish them both the best of everything now and for them to find the happiness that they truly deserve! ;):) i dont want to expect or assume anything anymore on our O2 couple..as unexpected bad articles or pictures breaks my shipping heart into pieces.. :(( :(

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Guest OreoVampire

Where is @wangnyeo ? Are you busy chingu? miss your love poems , humor , quotes, concepts and everything .. take care chingu... OS&OY they miss you too, they cry .. :((



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Guest bumblinglump

This would be my first time posting here, even though I've been lurking this thread since "That winter..' ended. I just feel that it's about time I thank luluwannagohome for the interview translations, and of course everyone else for your informative yet funny posts which put a smile on my face everyday.

I'm not an avid Korean drama fan, nor do I have any favorite actor/actress, so I found myself confused with my own reaction towards 'That winter...' and how I wished the show hadn't concluded yet. And then I found Soompi forums... In other words, as much as I don't like to admit, I might have got 'That winter withdrawal' and this thread might have just been a treatment for it, haha. So, thank you :)

Due to my overseas studies, I always played catch-up with some popular dramas long after they were released (and I could count them with my fingers). Therefore, I don't understand the craze over any drama, and I watch them without any expectation, and without any influence. I wouldn't mind quitting any show either if I feel that the plot line is inadequate and there is nothing else to redeem it, or if the chemistry between the leads feels unnatural (for example, too much bickering, too many exaggerations, etc.) 

However, 'That winter' drew my attention right away, actually held my interest to the end, and is the first drama I've watched while it's being broadcast. Since a casual viewer like me also got hooked up by this beautiful drama, I could somewhat imagine the impact it has on loyal fans of JIS and SHK and avid drama fans in general.

From being no one's fan, I became quite fond of JIS and SHK's acting and actually thought of checking their updates/news more often. Meanwhile, 'That winter' would become one of the reference point in my memory when I think of a Korean drama that portrayed the perfect chemistry between the actor and actress, united the dream writing-production team, and polished each frame to the point it felt like watching a piece of art.

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crazywindblower said: i have been reading previous posts, particularly the hat pictures topic..at first i really thought it was JIS but when someone said its HB i somehow got a little sad..i think my O2 shipping heart is now slowly fading! ottoke?!!!! :(( :( i am a JIS fan and not a SHK fan..but i really love their chemistry! :x ;) i just wish them both the best of everything now and for them to find the happiness that they truly deserve! ;):) i dont want to expect or assume anything anymore on our O2 couple..as unexpected bad articles or pictures breaks my shipping heart into pieces.. :(( :(

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