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[Drama 2013] IRIS II 아이리스 II


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Guest chunnogirl33

I have a question about CM because I think I missed something. How did SY find out what she intended to do with the nukes. Did the NSS agent who had been helping YG tell her or did she find out on her own? 
Also some comments on Ep 18 
I liked CMs farewell to SY and YG. It was heartfelt but not overly dramatic. Very appropiate. Specially  with SY. She said nice things to YG but his cold reactions and poker face bother me in moments like this. It is impossible to guess what he thinks or feels or whether he thinks or feels anything. And from time to time, I get curious. But Its either that or cheesy and/or cryptic one liners with him so Id rather take the poker faced silence and make my own interpretation. I just imagine that he is severely deppressed and only experiences brief moments of something ressembling happiness or warmth when he thinks of SY or when YH acts "cute" around him. But that quickly goes away leaving a dead man walking with a one track mind mission (kill JW, stop IRIS, kill JW, stop IRIS...) :|
 I appreciated CM and YGs conversation in the car though. At least we learned that while they were on the same side regarding JW and IRIS , they were not completely in agreement about handing over the nukes to the US. Its nice to see more sides and opinions.
 It seems JW does want to blow up Seoul. So I have to agree that he needs to be stopped. His determination makes him a perennial threat so I have no idea how they will deal with him. But like others have said, the actor did portray him as human and he was given human qualities. His regrets, his apologies, his love for his mother and YH, his patriotism, the man had beliefs, passions, he was aliveeee and he even had a sense of humor. It is hard to hate him even if he is seriously wrong and possibly nuts. I will feel sorry to see YH be made a "widow" but how else can this writer get out of this? 
 Why did YG send the hard drive to the NSS? Wouldnt it have been better to get some more rocks and "buy" a computer to check it himself? :-?
 The last scene with the ackward reunion wasnt a great cliffhanger. We know SY and YH will not shoot each other. HW will probably faint from the confusion and YH will pout :P
P.D I keep confusing JW with HW and it is a pain to write and edit on the ipad! Ugh!

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Guest chunnogirl33

Well, Im Soo Hyang is 23, but unless Joong Won is a pedophile who was chasing her back home at age 13, I assume Yeon Hwa is 30-35. She had plastic surgery to hide herself from the North, so they sort of cover for the age difference between actress and character that way.

I did think it's sweet of Joong Won to feel so close to her, but the choice of the "sister" word made it terribly inconsistent. You don't show a guy having the hots for a woman in the past, during most of the series and then have him go "Oh yes, she's like a little sister to me". Dude, you don't spank your monkey over sister-like friends! That is just all kinds of wrong.



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chunnogirl33 said:
 It seems JW does want to blow up Seoul. So I have to agree that he needs to be stopped. His determination makes him a perennial threat so I have no idea how they will deal with him. But like others have said, the actor did portray him as human and he was given human qualities. His regrets, his apologies, his love for his mother and YH, his patriotism, the man had beliefs, passions, he was aliveeee and he even had a sense of humor. It is hard to hate him even if he is seriously wrong and possibly nuts. I will feel sorry to see YH be made a "widow" but how else can this writer get out of this? 

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Guest jon28


said: [color=#000066]Thank goodness there are only 2 more episodes!


  <:-P <:-P <:-P


It should be something definitive with NO CHANCE whatsoever of having an Iris 3, a spin off or a movie!


) But hell, who knows, Ray who was killed in Iris was resurrected with a blond hair in Iris 2. So they just might do an Iris 3 with a recycled casts from Iris and Iris 2 with red and blond hair. Preferably the ones that were killed off in the 2 previous Iris series. Then they can call it "Iris the Resurrection" =)) I just hope they packaged it properly this time and classify it as a fantasy, comedy romance drama.  =)) [/color]

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larus said: chunnogirl33 said:
 It seems JW does want to blow up Seoul. So I have to agree that he needs to be stopped. His determination makes him a perennial threat so I have no idea how they will deal with him. But like others have said, the actor did portray him as human and he was given human qualities. His regrets, his apologies, his love for his mother and YH, his patriotism, the man had beliefs, passions, he was aliveeee and he even had a sense of humor. It is hard to hate him even if he is seriously wrong and possibly nuts. I will feel sorry to see YH be made a "widow" but how else can this writer get out of this? 

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larus said: Also do not understand why they delayed so much the appearance of Mr. Black. If somebody would have told me at the beginning at this series that Mr. Black will appear the last 3 episodes I would not have believed it.

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I know some people want Iris 3. I understand them in a way. Many answers from the first series were not resolved here. I feel like Iris 2 destroyed the story for Iris organization and for characters like Baek -san, Park Chul Yeong. PCY could be saved but what is lost for me and for many people is the excitement. When Iris 1 ended I was eager to know more about Iris, about the fate of some characters but now, I want just to end. How many Iris ”fans” waited 4 years to see the resolution?
This kind of show is expensive. If they gain something (advertisements, sells) they will give it another try. But, i doubt.

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larus said: I know some people want Iris 3. I understand them in a way. Many answers from the first series were not resolved here. I feel like Iris 2 destroyed the story for Iris organization and for characters like Baek -san, Park Chul Yeong. PCY could be saved but what is lost for me and for many people is the excitement. When Iris 1 ended I was eager to know more about Iris, about the fate of some characters but now, I want just to end. How many Iris ”fans” waited 4 years to see the resolution?

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Guest chunnogirl33

I am not a fan of the franchise but Im curious. How are they still making money with this franchise if the only version that had good ratings was the first one? 
 I wouldnt watch another IRIS live even it had my favorite actors in it. I would wait for reviews, etc But if they are making money somehow, they will do whatever they want and I only have the choice of not watching. Just like I choose not to eat at McDonalds. Now, if McDonalds became they only choice then we would be in trouble. Fortunately, it is not the case. 
I guess my position is, if the production does not respect its viewers, the viewers should respect themselves and not watch garbage. Although, this happens often with sequels . Fans are tricked into watching bad versions of what originally hooked them. You need to be strong! :P Deep down you know it wont be the same 
But, It seems that the majority of the fans did reject this version if we look at the ratings. So why would the production go with a third installment? Is it that they make enough money with product placement before hand to the point where ratings dont matter? How does that usually work?

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chunnogirl33 said: I am not a fan of the franchise but Im curious. How are they still making money with this franchise if the only version that had good ratings was the first one? I wouldnt watch another IRIS live even it had my favorite actors in it. I would wait for reviews, etc But if they are making money somehow, they can do whatever they want and I have the choice of not watching.

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Orion said:
I did not like 'IRIS' much, but 'IRIS2' is certainly worse, so I for one really can't lie about looking forward to an 'IRIS3'. I have no reason to believe it will be any better, if the same production team is involved. I'd rather consider 'IRIS' a stand-alone series that was fresh, expensive and "big" for its time. That gives it more value than being the first part in a PPL extravaganza of a messed up story.

But as I said, if the team changes and they give a clear promise to tie-in all the loose ends and finish it as a trilogy, I will watch.

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Guest chunnogirl33

Orion said: chunnogirl33 said: I am not a fan of the franchise but Im curious. How are they still making money with this franchise if the only version that had good ratings was the first one? I wouldnt watch another IRIS live even it had my favorite actors in it. I would wait for reviews, etc But if they are making money somehow, they can do whatever they want and I have the choice of not watching.

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gumi said: But mysteriosly, Iris2 is not doing well ratings-wise, but I heard it's doing pretty well in terms of the number of advertisements they sell. I heard there are a lot of advertisements before the show start broadcasting. I really don't understand why. Did the companies decide that Iris2 is getting enough attention despite low ratings...? Well, it's a good thing for Iris2 I guess, but I really don't hope Taewon will think this as a green signal to go ahead and produce another crappy season. Even if he does go on and try, I don't think any actor would want to do it, having already seen what has been done to current Iris2 cast.

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