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[Drama 2012] Cheongdamdong Alice / Alice in Cheongdamdong 청담동 앨리스

Guest nabi

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So all the actors attached to the drama have officially confirmed their casting except Kim Ji Suk. I'm pretty confident he will appear in the drama, but there hasn't been an official article saying he has confirmed...only that he was offered a role and he was considereing it favorably. Hopefully, there will be one soon. Getting more and more excited about the drama!

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Guest lavenderhana

OMG they look dangerously close...the first private picture of Park Sihoo and Moon Geun young together. I think they will be sizzling with chemistry. I cant wait to watch this drama..December please come faster

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Here are some Q&A's of Moon Geun Young in Harper's Bazaar related to her character as Han Se Kyung

Q. 이런 마음 상황에서는 <청담동 앨리스> 라는, 새로운 작품의 캐릭터도 좀 달라 보이고 그러던가?

 Q. Does it make you see the new character in 'Cheong-Dam Dong Alice', differently? 

A.이걸 잘 표현해보고 싶다는 생각이 들었어요. 절대 자만은 아닌데, 이건 왠지 나밖에 못할 거 같아, 이건 정말 날 위한 역할인 것 같아,그런 느낌이 드는 거예요. 그러 하나로 해볼 게요, 했어요. 여전히 그런 건 있죠.

내 착각은 아니었을까? 또 괜한 합리화 아냐? 누구나 할 수 있는 역할인데 내가  해야만 하는 필연적 이유를 만들기 위한그런 생각이 드는 건 어쩔 수 없어요.

A. I wanted to do express this character, well.  Serously, it's not a arrogantness, but I mean 'I'm the only one who can do this',  'this is just for me', like this. That made me chose it.  But still I think :'wasn't it my misjudge?' 'Isn't it self-rationalization, again? ' ..

 Isn't it also possible for other actors?  Isn't it my justification that I and only I can do this?  I couldn't help thinking such thing.

Q. 일맥상통하는 부분이 있다. 철학을 좀 더 쉽게 풀어 쓴 것이 문학이고, 그 옛날 문학은 지금의  영화나 드라마처럼 사람들의 마음을 가장 친근한 철학으로 접근해서 풀어낸 거니까. 그런 측면에서, <청담동 앨리스> 의 세경이라는 친구는 어떻게 이해하고 있나?

Q. It makes sense. Literature is the easier version of philosophy,and the classic literature  that you stated is also the same as current movies or tv dramas. In this vein, how do you see 'Se-Gyung' in 'Chung-Dam Dong Alice'?


A.보편적인? 내가 될 수도 있고, 내 친구가 될 수도 있고, 우리 모두일 수도 있는.어쩌면 지금 현실을 살고 있는 26살의 여자아이인 것 같기도 하고. 이제 막 대학 졸업하고 엄청 애쓰다가 몇 년 만에 취직을 한 여자죠. 홍보 기사를 보니'무한긍정녀'라고 되어 있더군요.하지만 제가 이해한 바로는 '유한긍정녀'에 가까워요.

A.Ordinary? Might be me, my friend, or anyone of us.  Maybe it's a rational story of a 26-year-old girl. I mean a girl who just graduated university , tried hard, and finally got a job in several years.  I saw a news describing her as 'infinite-positive-girl', but as I understand,  she is close to 'finite-positive-girl'.

Q. 얼마 전 크리에이티브 디렉터인 박상연 작가를 만났는데 로맨틱 코미디의 형식에 사회 비판적인 시각을 포함시키겠다고 했다.그런 걸 보면 '유한긍정녀'가 맞는 것 같기도 한데 차이가 뭐라고 생각하나?

Q. A few days ago, I met Mr. Park, Sang-Yeoun, the creative director[similar to a dramatist?], and he saidit'll be a romantic comedy including some social critical aspects. In this aspect, I agree your 'finite-positive girl'. What do you think is the difference?



A.우리가 흔히 보던, 외로워도 슬퍼도 나는 울지 않아, 식의 캔디 캐릭터가 아니에요.우리 삶에서 봐도 외롭고 슬프고 힘들어도 살아가잖아요. 왜? 죽을 수는 없으니까요.어떻게든 내일을 살아야 하니 그래도 할 수 있어, 해낼 거야, 이렇게 버텨가는 거잖아요.세경이는 그런 아이라고 이해하고 있고, 그걸 잘 표현해내고 싶어요.그래서 사람들이 보면서 많이 울기도 하고, 화도 내고, 짜증도 내고, 욕도 하고, 뭔가 해소도 하고,  기뻐하기도 했으면 좋겠다 싶어요.내가 뭔가 사람들에게 짜잔 하고 보여주는 것보다는 그들의 삶이나 생활에 녹아들어가고 싶어요, 이번에는.

A.  She is not a typical character who is always just bright at everything. [:우리가 흔히 보던, 외로워도 슬퍼도 나는 울지 않아, 식의 캔디 캐릭터가 아니에요.] When we see people, they just go through their own lives even if they are lonely, sad, and hard.  Why? because :[anyway we]can't die . We just endure anyway, like 'anyway I can do it, must do it'  because there's tommorow.  I understand she is also the same, and I want to express it well.  So I hope people to watch it and cry, get angry,  get annoyed,

 swear profusely, get rid of stress, and be pleased because of this. I wanna assimilate myself to their[ordinary people's] life rather than to show something, this time.

Translations by and credits to: DCBH.net

To read the full interview: Part 1: http://bit.ly/Xvyf0V Part 2: http://bit.ly/WP3NQL


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Here is Moon Geun Young's Nov. 2012 Cosmopolitan Interview related to her character Han Se Kyung and Cheongdam-dong Alice:


Q) 그렇다면 이번 작품 <청담동 앨리스>를 2년 만의 컴백 작품으로 택한 것도 꽤 깊은 고민
끝에 내린 결정이겠군요.

Q) Then, your comeback after the lapse of 2 years with <Cheong-Dam Dong Alice> should be
a careful decision.

A) 네, 꽤 많은 작품을 두고 고민했어요. 그런데 그때마다 단순히 '아, 이 작품은 잘해보고 싶다'라는 생각 정도만 했죠.
그런데 이 작품은 좀 달랐어요. 패션업계의 이야기이다 보니 저와는 좀 안 어울릴 것 같다는 생각에 움츠러들기도 했는데,
대본을 제대로 읽어보고 작가님을 만나 이야기를 나누면서 마음이 바뀌었죠.
'잘하고 싶다'가 아니라 '이 역할은 잘 표현할 수 있는 사람이 나밖엔 없겠다'라는 생각이 들었거든요.
그래서 내가 꼭 해야겠다, 내가 잘 표현해봐야겠다라는 결정을 내리게 된 거죠. 알 수 없는 자신감 내지는 자만심이 있었어요.

A)Yes. Actually, there were so many possible works before this.
Everytime I consider those works, I thought 'Oh, I want to do this well' and that's it.
However, this <Chung-Dam Dong Alice> is different. At first, it would not match me becasue
it's about fashion industry, so I shrunk from it a little. But, after careful reading,
and conversation with the dramatist, I changed my mind.
From 'I want to do this well' to 'I'm the only actress able to play this role.'
So, I decided to do this at any costs. I decided to express this work well.
It's like a groundless confidence(알 수 없는 자신감).

Q) 근영씨가 맡은 한세경이란 캐릭터에 대해선 어떻게 해석하고 있는지 궁금한데요.

Q) I feel curious about the character 'Han, Se-Gyung(Se-Gyeoung)'. how do you analyze

A) 세경이는 한마디로 제 친구 같은 캐릭터라고 말하면 될 것 같아요. 제 또래의, 일상에서 얼마든지 마주할 수 있는 그런 캐릭터요.
'세경'은 저와 닮은 면이 있어 더 끌려요. 캐릭터 자체가 닮은 게 아니라 마주하고 있는 상황이 좀 닮았달까요?
이전까지 잘 몰랐던 세계에 대해 새롭게 관심을 갖게 된 거나 마찬가지니까요.

A)She is, in a word, a character like one of my friend. Of my age, common character in reality..
and 'Se-Gyung'is more attractive character for me to choose because she is similar to me in many aspects.
Not because of character itself, but because of the situation surrounding her.
이전까지 잘 몰랐던 세계에 대해 새롭게 관심을 갖게 된 거나 마찬가지니까요.

Q) 한세경은 스펙은 좋지만 세상의 벽에 부딪히는 역할이기도 하죠? 사실 인간 문근영은 세경과 달리
세상의 벽 같은 건 못 느껴봤을 거라고 생각하는 사람들도 분명히 존재하는 것 같아요.
어려서부터 배우로 데뷔해 대중의 많은 사랑을 받았고 늘 톱스타 위치에 있었으니까요.
어떻게 생각해요? 커다란 벽을 경험한 적이 있긴 한가요?

Q)[According to the synopsis,] Se-gyung is a girl who has great 'spec'[=ability,
productivity such as her academic clique, TOEIC scores, working skills, etc]
but realizes the wall[=limit?] of reality, isn't she?
Frankly speaking, there exist some people who think that, differently to Se-gyung,
a human being 'Moon' might not face any wall of reality or something.
Because you were always in 'top-star'position even when you were young.
How do you think? Have you ever expreienced such wall?

A) 솔직하게 말하면 저도 벽이 있었다고 생각해요. 아까도 말씀하신 '국민 여동생'이란 이미지?
그게 배우로서는 분명히 큰 벽이었다고 생각하거든요. 그걸 지금도 완전히 넘어선 것은 아니지만,
어쨌든 그 이미지라는 벽이 준 영향이 여전히 있다고는 생각해요. 상대적으로 커 보이고 작아 보일 뿐이지,
누구나 자기 앞에 놓인 벽이 가장 높고 무섭다고 생각한다는 거죠. 내가 슬픈 게 가장 슬픈 거고,
내 불행이 가장 큰 거고, 어떤 면에서는 정말로 그랬으면 생각하는 것도 있고요.

A)Frankly speaking, yes, I have. As you said before, the 'nation's sister' image?
I clearly consider it as a quite big wall to an actor. It's not clear that I
totally overcame it,.. Anyway, I think I'm still being affected by it, a little.
[by the way,] As I think people consider his own wall as the biggest and the most frightful,
which is just relative. For instance, what I feel sad is the most sad thing in the world,
my misfortune is the bigget one, and so forth. In some ways I wish it were true.

Credits and translation to www.DCBH.net

Read the FULL interview here

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Moon Geun Young Says Her Acting Career is Just Starting

2012-10-28 04:00  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hongh 
Not so much the nation′s little sister anymore, Moon Geun Young appeared mature and elegant in a recent photo shoot with fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar

Appearing as a woman full of mixed emotions, Moon Geun Young appeared glamorous and serious, contrasting her usual bright image during this particular photo shoot. 


In the interview, Moon Geun Young confidently stated, "Regardless of when I debuted, I think right now is the beginning."

Returning from her acting hiatus, Moon Geun Young has been cast in the SBS drama Cheongdamdong Alice, which will begin broadcasting sometime in December. 


“So far, I’ve been acting as if I’ve been chased down by something. But right now, I’m more comfortable than ever. I want to enjoy both my responsibilities as an actress and my roles while remaining devoted to my acting career.” 

The complete pictorial and interview will be included in the November issue. 

Photo Credit: Harper’s Bazaar
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Moon Geun Young spotted filming (cr: cercareFay's weibo) via moonsclubher hairstyle emphasized her cute chubby face hehe


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Park Shi Hoo had a recent interview and he mentioned working with Moon Geun Young :) Here's a translation of just that part:

Park Shi Hoo Thinks He and Moon Geun Young will be a Good Fit Together in Latest Interview


"I watched 'Autumn Tale' which Moon Geun Young-ssi appears in and was deeply impressed. She is the same as she appears on the screen and was really cute. Because she is a friend who acts well, I think we will be a good fit (work well together). Geun Young-ssi calls me oppa but I still haven't called her 'Geun Young-ssi' yet. From now on, I need to work harder to be friendly with her."

source: metroseoul
credit: Soompi Moons 

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I like MCW too but I'd much rather see him acting with another actress and MGY is just as good, what more is she's a really good actress and has always been known for her excellent acting skill so i'm happy that PSH is pairing up with her this time, I'm sure MGY & PSH will be well fit just as PSH has said in his interview. :)

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Guest luvbong

sheza said: Actually I would prefer Moon Chae Won as the lead even though I do like MGY. MCW is just more gorgeous. I hope to see PSH's nice wash bod as seen in I am Murderer in this series too. :)

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Guest luvbong

@sheza: Umm...the only show MGY has been in since Cinderella's Sister was Mary Stayed Out All Night. It wasn't a hit and definately not one of her best works, but it wasn't due to her acting. The writing was horrible and the story all over the place. Can't blame her for sucky writing.

I hope Cheongdam-dong Alice is a hit too, but it's a drama about fashion, which already has me feeling a bit uneasy. Hopefully, the writing is stellar and makes good use of the cast. I will be supporting this drama as it's MGY's comeback in 2 years! Cheongdam-dong Alice fighting!!

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