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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

I found this old article--it sounds similar to something I might have translated before. However, I do not remember that part where GHS talked about her emotional stress of filming BOF. So while waiting for the KBS Award Ceremony,,,,


입력 : 2009-02-11 05:56:48 이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com , 임진환 기자 photolim@donga.com

posted Feb.2, 2009 at 5:56 AM by Reporter Lee Jung Yun and photography by Reporter Im Jin Hwan (for photos) of Sports Donga

Headline: 구혜선의 드라마와 연기 그리고 사랑…이민호 김현중이 남자로 보이기 시작했다

Headline: GHS's drama, acting and love,,,,LMH and KHJ are starting to look like men to me.


‘꽃보다 남자들의 여자’ 구혜선의 인기는 지금 상종가이다. 그리고 현재진행형이다.

The popularity of The BOF men's woman or GHS has hit the ceiling and it is continuing on.

그녀는 ‘꽃보다 남자’에서 ‘구혜선 원맨쇼’라고 할 정도로 늘 거침없이 망가졌다.

To the point of being referred to as the <GHS One Man Show> in BOF, GHS is unhindered and unreserved in her BOF acting and does not care about looking pretty or getting hurt.

그렇게 두 달 동안 살아왔더니 그녀의 인기 역시 ‘F4’ 못지않게 올라갔다.

GHS has lived like that for two months and her popularity, like that of F4, is increasing.

드라마에서 ‘F4’의 사랑을 독차지 하는 그녀는 한동안 여성 시청자들에게 ‘공공의 적’이었다.

In the drama, she earns the love of all of F4 members. For a while, GHS was all the viewers' <Public Enemy>.

그러나 소녀, 누나들의 집단 원성은 점차 응원의 목소리로 이어지고 있다.

However, eventually, teen girls and noona/unni groups turned their grudge into cheers for her.

요즘 매일 계속되는 촬영 때문에 경기 파주-화성-대구 등 전국을 오가는 숨 가쁜 촬영일정을 소화하는 구혜선을 정말 어렵게 시간을 내서 만났다.

Everyday, GHS must travel to various locations (Kyung Gi Pah Joo--Hwa Sung--Dae Goo--and more) to film for BOF. Filming is tiring and schedule is tight that meeting GHS took a lot of effort.

- 워낙 큰 인기를 끌고 있어서 그런지 피곤한 기색이 없다.

Question1: Perhaps it is the popularity of the drams. There is no sign of exhaustion on GHS.

“하루에 1시간 정도 차안에서 쪽잠을 자며 촬영하고 있다. 이 생활을 한 지 벌써 2개월째다. 이제는 익숙해졌는지 괜찮다. 가끔 잠이 부족해 횡설수설할 때도 있지만 다들 고생하고 있고, 결과도 좋게 나와 힘을 내고 있다.”

GHS:'Currently I sleep for about an hour a day inside the car and then return to filming. It has been already 2 months that I have carried out such a schedule. Somehow I have adapted to it and it is OK now. Of course, due to lack of sleep, I am sometimes nonsensical. However, it is not just me. Everybody is working without much sleep. Results are really good that I get energized.'

- 신드롬이라고 할 정도로 인기다. 인기 요인이 무엇일까.

Question2: BOF's popularity is like a syndrome. What do you think is the reason for its popularity?

“이민호, 김현중 등 ‘F4’의 힘이다. 그들의 가진 매력이 갈수록 더 인기를 끌고 있는 것 같다. 그들과 함께 연기하는 것은 나의 행운이다.”

GHS: 'I believe it is due to LMH, KHJ and the power of F4.' Their charms are attracting more and more popularity daily. To act along with them is my luck.' (She is just too modest and humble! But that is GHS, isn't it.)

- 전작인 사극에 비해 연기가 편안해졌다는 평이 많다.

Question3: Netizens are judging that your acting has become more comfortable compared to your work in the previous historical drama.

“내 이름 뒤에 꼬리표처럼 붙은 ‘미스 캐스팅’, ‘불명예’, ‘논란’이라는 단어 때문에 방황의 시기를 보냈다. ‘왕과 나’를 촬영할 때도 공격의 대상이었다. 사회적으로 물의를 일으킨 것도 아닌데 무차별 공격을 받았다. 덕분에 마음의 여유가 없어지고, 연예계 활동에 대해 복잡한 생각을 많이 했다. 그러나 시간이 지나면서 마음을 비우고 내 자신만 생각했다. 모든 것을 내려놓으니 편해지고, 쉽게 연기할 수 있었다.”

GHS: 'Tightly attached to my name is an ever-following labels of <a miscast, a disgrace, and many denunciations>. Such harsh criticisms at one time left me in emotional darkness and distress. During the filming of <King and I>. I was also a huge target of such denunciations. I did not even cause any social harm and yet received such indiscriminate attacks. Because of that, I could not even think objectively and I experienced many troubling and complicated thoughts about being an actress. However, as time passed, I was able to kind of empty my mind of all clutters and outside criticisms and focus on just thinking about myself. Dumping out everything made me feel comfortable and I was able to perform my acting more easily.' (This admission by GHS perhaps is the basis for my thinking about how she came to write and direct <Cheerful Caretaker>---i.e.that, outside pressures and harsh criticisms can literally kill you inside if you allow them to be the ultimate authority in your life, like the priest in the short film. But GHS said that choosing death or not is a personal choice---that it is really upto the individual. She really saved herself in the face of public humiliation. She must have an amazing will power and inner strength! In the MBC's Section TV interview after the end of BOF, GHS talked about a time when her mother often watched over her night and day for fear that GHS may do something terrible to herself as there were many entertainers who chose suicides at that time. Do you guys remember?)

- 장안의 화제인 ‘F4’의 사랑을 한꺼번에 받으니 부럽다.

Question4: To receive the love of the ever popular F4 in the drama is very enviable.

“촬영장에만 있다보니 인터넷을 검색할 시간이 없다. 밖의 반응을 모르니 그들의 인기를 실감을 못했다. 어쩌다 휴대전화로 인터넷을 볼 때마다 깜짝 놀란다. 직접 얼굴을 보며 연기할 때는 몰랐는데, 화면으로 보니 정말 멋있다. 옆에 있으면 부담스러울 정도다.”

GHS: 'Due to the busy filming schedule, I hardly have the time to surf the internet. I hardly have the time to find out what is the outside reaction so I really did not fully realize their popularity. I remember looking at the internet through a cell phone and was quite shocked. When I act with them on location, I really cannot tell. When I saw them through the screen, they are really attractive. I almost feel burdened to be standing next to them.

- 이민호나 김현중이 프러포즈가 현실이라면?

Question5: What if LMH or KHJ make a proposal to you in real life?

“정말 나는 연하의 남자에게 매력을 못 느꼈다. 그런데 모니터를 하면서 느낀 건데, 이런 나에게도 남자로 보일정도로 매력적이다. 나도 이제 나이를 먹었나 보다. 상대가 나를 여자로 보고 프러포즈를 한다면 더 이상 연기자로 보기 어려울 것 같다.(웃음)”

GHS: 'I have never felt attracted to younger men before. But lately I have felt differently from watching the monitor. They are attractive enough to make me think of them as men. I guess this means that I am becoming old. If they were to see me as a woman and make a proposal, I would have a hard time seeing them as just co-actors. (laughter)

- 김현중과 이민호의 키스신이 화제다. 특히 이민호와의 진한 키스신은 뒷말이 무성하다.

Question6: The kiss scenes with KHJ and LMH are becoming a news, especially the kiss scene with LMH is causing lots of talks.

“(김)현중이와는 드라마 초반에 촬영한 키스신이었다. 그런데 (이)민호와의 키스신은 조금 뒤에 찍어 상황이 달랐다. NG없이 한 번에 찍자는 감독님의 주문도 있고, 서로의 사랑을 확인하게 되는 장면이라 완전히 몰입했다. 데뷔 후 드라마에서 그렇게 진한 키스는 처음이다. 현중과 찍은 입술만 맞대는 뽀뽀 수준이 아닌…아주 진.한.키.스(하하하). 1시간에 걸쳐 키스신을 찍은 이후 3일 동안 민호와 서로 얼굴을 못 쳐다봤다. 그런데 편집에서 수위가 너무 높다고 판단해 역광으로 촬영된 장면을 내보냈다. 방송을 보면서 저렇게 편집될 걸 너무 리얼하게 연기(?)했다고 후회했다.(웃음)”

GHS: 'The kiss scene with Hyun Joong occurred in the beginning of the drama. The kiss scene with Min Ho occurred later and the situation was different. The Director ordered us to make the kiss without any NG. The scene was to confirm the love between the two characters, so we really focused to make it a good cut. Since my debut, I have never had such a deep kiss as that. The kiss with Hyun Joong was just a touch of lips,,,the kiss with Min Ho was at a whole different rank---a very deep, deep kiss, hahaha. The kiss scene took one hour! For three days after that scene, Minho and I could not even look at each other's face. However, the Editors considered the kiss too much and inappropriate that they added strong backlighting to the kiss before presenting it onscreen. I saw the episode with much editing and regretted that we worked so hard to make it real. (laughter).

- 극중 두 남자를 사이에 두고 갈팡질팡한 것 아닌가

Question7: In the drama, your character really wavered too much between the two men.

“누구나 그 상황이라면 흔들렸을 것 같다. 다른 사람도 아니고 구준표와 윤지후다. 한 명은 절정의 순정파인데 거칠다. 또 한 명은 다른 사람을 사랑한 적이 있지만 나에게 너무 다정다감하다. 쉽게 ‘이 사람이다’라고 선택할 수 없을 것 같다. 아마 그 상황이라면 갈등하지 않는 사람은 없을 것이다.”

GHS: 'I think anybody in that situation would be unsure what to do. They are not just anybody but Goo Joon Pyo and Yoon Ji Hoo. One may be rough on the outside but is the symbol of innocence and purity. The other one may have once loved another but is so kind and gentle towards me. It is not an easy choice to make. I would imagine anybody in such situation would be so conflicted.

- ‘하이틴 막장드라마’라는 비판이 있다.

Question8:There is a criticism that BOF is a drama about exploiting the teens.

“그런 비판은 당연하다. 만화를 원작으로 해 어쩔 수 없는 부분이다. 그래도 최대한 한국적인 정서로 담아내려고 노력하고 있다. 만화에 비해 훨씬 정화시키려 최선을 다하고 있다. 드라마는 드라마일 뿐, 오해하지 말았으면 좋겠다. 고등학생 신분에 대해 비판적인 의견은 있을 수 있다. 단순한 사건, 사고보다는 이들이 만드는 메시지에 주목해줬으면 좋겠다.”

GHS: 'Such a criticism is natural. The story is based on a manga, so, we cannot help that portion of it. However, we are still trying to make it fit the Korean culture. We are doing out best to make Korean version of BOF more pure and cleaner compared to the manga. Drama is just a drama. I hope the audience would not misunderstand. There could be judgemental opinions about the social life of teens. Rather than scrutinizing the events and accidents in the drama, I hope the audience focus more on the messages in the story.'

- 금잔디 캐릭터도 너무 오버스럽다는 지적도 있다.

Question9: There is also a criticism that Geum Jandi character is just too overacted and too much

“한국인들은 가난하지만 억척스런 캐릭터보다는 가난한데 발랄한 캐릭터를 좋아한다. 금잔디가 이런 경우다. 가난하지만 그것을 고민하지 않고 당당하게 이겨낸다. 그런 금잔디를 연기하다보니 그렇게 표현되는 것 같다.”

GHS: 'Koreans tend to empathize more with main characters who may be poor but are still animated and lively. They do not empathize as much with characters who may be poor but are also unrelenting and unyielding. Geum Jandi is more the latter character. She may be poor but she does not stress over it and she tries to overcome her difficulties with an unrelenting dignity. I tried to act like such a Geum Jandi and she seems to be portrayed on camera that way.' (You know, I think GHS is very insightful in her analysis here. Of course I have not seen many Korean dramas to make my opinion worthy, but GHS, in general, seems to have picked somewhat controversial roles or roles with a bit of edge or twist. That might also be a reason that the audience may have to take the time to get adjusted to her characters. I remember GHS actually said that in her interview with the Cosmopolitan Magazine back in April, 2009. In King and I , she played a Queen historically known as purely wicked. However, she once said that she was looking forward to playing that role because the drama was attempting to give more history and basis for her wickedness---meaning that the Queen will have more dimesnions to her character. Even Yang Gook Hwa, although only 19, had the purity of heart with the unrelenting guts and somewhat of a scheming mind for survival. Yang Gook Hwa was kind of similar to Jandi but Jandi had unrelenting confidence and saw everyone, no matter what their status in life, as total equal to herself, unlike Yang Gook Hwa. Her nonstop 5 character had some edge to her and so did the minor character that she played in Suh Dongyo. I, for one, love her pickings for her roles--never boring and so fun to watch and she plays them so naturally.)

- 이 드라마가 이처럼 큰 인기를 누릴 것이라 예상했나

Question10: Did you ever think that this drama would become this popular? “아시아에서 인기를 얻어서 어느 정도 이슈는 될 것이라 여겼지만 이처럼 폭발적인 반응을 보일 줄은 몰랐다. 비현실적인 면, 즉 환타지가 많이 어필한 것 같다. 현실에서는 일어날 수 없는 일들이 벌어지니깐 일종의 대리만족을 느끼면서 재미있게 봐주는 것 같다.”

GHS: 'Because the other versions of BOF became so successful, I sort of had an inkling that it would at least make some reaction. However, I did not think that it would be this explosive. I think that the unrealistic and fantastical aspect really appealed to the public. People are enjoying it more because the drama has numerous events that would not normally occur in reality.

(In this article, the photographer took several poses of GHS. Somehow I cannot bring them over. If you want to see them, click on the article link above.)

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Guest minyminominymino

gumawo @susAmerica for da article..

GHS: 'I believe it is due to LMH, KHJ and the power of F4.' Their charms are attracting more and more popularity daily. To act along with them is my luck.'

oh hyesun onni believe me ,i love u the most..hahaha :D :D

GHS: 'Tightly attached to my name is an ever-following labels of <a miscast, a disgrace, and many denunciations>. Such harsh criticisms at one time left me in emotional darkness and distress. During the filming of <King and I>. I was also a huge target of such denunciations. I did not even cause any social harm and yet received such indiscriminate attacks. Because of that, I could not even think objectively and I experienced many troubling and complicated thoughts about being an actress. However, as time passed, I was able to kind of empty my mind of all clutters and outside criticisms and focus on just thinking about myself. Dumping out everything made me feel comfortable and I was able to perform my acting more easily.'

hyesun onni u hav a wonderful personality and thinkin ,i believe there re so many ppl support u too..hwaiting.. :)

Since my debut, I have never had such a deep kiss as that. The kiss with Hyun Joong was just a touch of lips,,,the kiss with Min Ho was at a whole different rank---a very deep, deep kiss, hahaha. The kiss scene took one hour! For three days after that scene, Minho and I could not even look at each other's face.

hahaha the kiss in highway was great ,but i still preferred a non edited one ,since the kiss was very deep ,i thought that would show us how big love between them hahaha..*sigh* :P

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^ now im more intrigued about that kiss that didn't make the final cut...i hope the japanese can unleashed that clip. they always have a lot of never before seen footages..hehe!

I admire how she was able to dump all those negative feedbacks and shine not just an actress but also as a writer, musician and director..

i hope the kbs channel in manila broadcast the awards show.. cant wait.. so excited for sun!

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Guest love_MinHo

awww several hours to go

and we will see her in the red carpet :X:X:X

does anyone get any clues about the result of the Best Couple poll :D

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Im relying on my Sunnies sisters here for vids and pics updates! Im torn between pre-new year parties here and there or just stay and wait for tonights KBS awarding w/c would be on 9:50 my time..

Im so excited seeing Hyesun walk the red carpet and all glammed up! hyesun please surprise us all hehe!

I Sincerely hopes she win an award tonight!!


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Hello sunnies! I know most of you are probably busy celebrating/partying for the New Years and also patiently waiting for the KBS awards which is like an hour away right now!! I can't wait!! :D

Goo Hye Sun fan arts







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Hi all~ :)

On the last day of the year, just want to say THANK YOU again for all the goodies you've shared throughout the year. I'm so happy that we make friends here and united to support our beloved Hyesun.

My Warmest Wish to You ALL :)


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