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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Hello everyone esp. to all Sunnies :D

i wanna be relaxed as we wait for KBS awards..at least we are happy now that we know Hye Sun will be attending..i wonder why the confirmation of her appearance was posted a little late..let`s not have so much anticipations & expectations so that whatever happens we won`t be disappointed..let`s just pray that everything will run smoothly, the event will end up successfully & she will surprise us again like that in Andre Kim`s event..i know how everyone feels since we`re missing Hye Sun :)

minjee, thanks so much again for the info :D

Carl Jung:

There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

Hye Sun`s old Sports Chosun pictures were posted by shingun4ever in her blog site last Dec. 23 :







cr. to soheelover.wordpress.com

Charlotte Bronte:

Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.

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the same blogger, shingun4ever posted on that same day, Hye Sun`s Vogue Taiwan July issue pics :

EDIT: she actually posted 3 sets of pics, the other ones are from Newsbank Image pictorial which i have already posted here :)






E. B. White:

You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.

Charlotte, "Charlotte's Web"

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i was in the office when i heard about the good news.. what a great news indeed!!! the very fact that she's attending makes me happy.. of course it will be more fun if she bags an award.. esp if it's best couple with minho.. i hope there's a live streaming of the awards night.. or i wish they televised it on kbs.. one more sleep to go.. for sure she will be stunning tomorrow night..

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks GHSfan for the wonderful quotes from Carl Jung, E B White and Charlotte Bronte---love them all.

Whether she wins or not, it will be great to see GHS again on the KBS Award show. I want to thank those of you in advance for bringing the red-carpet walking and the award ceremony clips to soompi. Can't wait!!!

cr. DCinside http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

웹검색하다 본건데

어떤 분이 부암동 마마스**에서 갔다가

쿠를 봤다고 하네

쿠가 거기에 온 이유는 영화찍을 장소 섭외 중이었다고 하고

쿠는 거기에서 좀 오래있다가 갔다고 함

정말 이뻤다고...

추운 날씨에도 영화촬영 준비하느라 열심인 쿠


내일 쿠의 그 이쁜 모습을 연기대상 시상식에서 본다니

넘 설레고 기대~

상도 많이 받아가고 시상식도 즐겁게 즐기길 바라는 맘~

This particular DC member was surfing the net and found a post by another person (I will refer to this person as a blogger) who saw GHS very recently.

The blogger went to 부암동 마마스 = Bu Aahm Dong Mamas (I also Korean googled this place and found it to be a French-Italian Restaurant in a town called Bu Aahm Dong in Seoul. It is actually called Mama's Kitchen started out by two sisters. Check it out at http://blog.naver.com/cider99/60058968080

or at http://blog.naver.com/mjiris/10048764917 The place sort of reminded me of Cafe Manolin.)

Well, this blogger ran into GHS at the Mama's Kitchen. GHS was there to find out and secure locations for her full-length film.(Perhaps GHS will make this restaurant or the town famous!)

Supposedly GHS stayed at the restaurant a long time.

The blogger said that GHS is just so pretty...

The weather is so cold in Seoul and yet Goo is working so hard for her project.

Please be careful not to catch cold.

I am so excited ~

I will be seeing pretty Goo appear at the Acting Award

I hope she wins lots of awards and to really enjoy herself at the ceremony!

Me Too!!! It is good to find out the progress of her movie! Thanks DCinside!

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thanks for sharing about that fan account in DC sue! :D So Mama's Kitchen could be one of the locations for Hyesun's movie that she will start shooting by January. Thanks for the blog links, I agree the restaurant also reminds me of Cafe Manolin. I am impressed with the location as I was browsing the 2 blogs that featured "Mama's Kitchen!" I think HS always picks the best of the best! She has great taste indeed! I wonder if she will use Cafe Manolin as also one of her locations for the movie! :D

Mama's Kitchen Restaurant












credits: http://blog.naver.com/cider99/60058968080


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Guest susAmerica


This article has a bit of information about GHS and her search for her male actor for her movie. I will summarize a bit about LMH but translate more in detail about GHS part.This article about LMH may come from his interview at a talk show with Oh, MIn Jung? I could be wrong.

Headline: [오미정의 별의 별 이야기] 새로운 한류 스타 이/민/호

“내 생애 최고의 해 연기 상 받고 싶어요”

Headline: [Oh Min Jung's Story of Star among Stars] A New Hanlyu Star Lee Min Ho

'I would like to receive the best actor award.'

매일신문 사회 2009.12.30 (수) 오전 11:54 = Daily News Team December 30, 2009 at 11:54 AM


2009년이 만든 최고의 스타는 단연 탤런트 이민호(22)다. KBS 드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’에서 주인공 ‘구준표’ 역할을 맡으며 깜짝 스타로 등극, 당당히 한류스타 대열에 이름을 올린 이민호. 이민호는 요즘 동아시아 국가를 누비며 팬미팅 ‘미노즈 더 퍼스트 아시아 팬미팅‘을 열고 있다. ‘꽃보다 남자’ 종영 이후 오랜만에 만난 이민호는 예의 반듯하고 밝은 모습으로 기자를 대했다. LMH is gaining extreme acknowledgement as best star to come out of 2009

이민호는 한국 대만 일본 등지에서 진행된 팬미팅에서 자신이 직접 부른 ‘F4 스페셜 에디션’ 앨범 수록곡 ‘마이 에브리싱’(My Everything)을 들려줬다. 이민호는 “노래를 잘 부르지 못해 떨린다”면서도 “나를 좋아하는 팬들이 오셨던 만큼 애교로 봐 주셨다”고 미소를 지었다. These days he is very busy going to many countries for fan meetings, singing <My Everything>. He is very grateful to his welcoming fans who overlook his unprofessional singing

열정적인 아시아 팬들과 만난 이민호는 “‘꽃보다 남자’라는 작품이 이만큼 힘이 있다는 것을 느끼고 있다. 작품을 보고 나를 좋아해주시는 모든 팬들께 감사하다”며 “팬미팅을 하다 보면 언어의 필요성을 많이 느낀다. 그래서 영어와 일본어를 배우고 있다”고 말했다. Whenever he goes to these fan meetings he is again awed by the power of the BOF drama.

이민호의 영어 선생님은 다름 아닌 친누나. 그는 현재 영문과에 다니는 친누나에게 틈틈이 영어를 배우고 있다. He also realizes the importance of knowing other languages and is currently learning Japanese and English and his own older sister is his English teacher as she is majoring in English literature in college.

이민호는 올 초 방송된 ‘꽃보다 남자’ 이후 차기작을 아직 결정하지 못했다. 다른 F4 멤버인 김현중과 김준은 가수 활동으로 돌아가고 김범은 드라마 ‘드림’ 영화 ‘비상’에 출연한 것과는 대조적인, 매우 신중한 행보다.

이민호 역시 차기작 선정에 부담을 느끼는 듯 보였다. 그는 현재 고민을 묻는 질문에 ‘차기작’이라고 답한 후 “차기작에 대한 부담이 없다고 하면 거짓말이다. 연기적으로도 부족하기 때문에 걱정이 되고, 시청률도 잘 나와야 할 것 같고 작품성도 있었으면 좋겠다. 부담이 된다”고 말했다. He feels burdened by the fact that he has not decided on his next project.

이어 그는 “두세 작품을 염두에 두고 있다. 내년 상반기에는 꼭 새로운 작품으로 팬들을 만나겠다”며 “남자다운 모습도 보여드리고 싶고 멜로 연기도 해보고 싶지만 일단 지금은 유쾌하고 밝은 드라마를 하고 싶다”고 전했다.

내년도 계획을 묻는 말에도 그는 차기작 얘기를 했다. “차기작이 성공했으면 좋겠다. ‘꽃보다 남자’보다 더 성공하면 좋겠지만 꼭 그렇지 않더라도 ‘완성도 있는 작품이다’ ‘성숙한 연기를 보여줬다’는 얘기를 들었으면 좋겠다”는 게 그의 생각이다.

평소 선배 연기자 설경구를 존경한다고 얘기해 온 이민호는 앞서 영화 ‘강철중:공공의 적 1-1’에서 설경구와 함께 연기를 한 적이 있다. 물론 당시 이민호는 단역 수준의 배역을 맡았었다. 한 연예시상식에서 설경구를 만났다는 이민호는 “설경구 선배님도 ‘너 작품 안 하냐’고 물으시더라”며 차기

작 선정에 대한 부담을 재차 전했다. He has two or three projects in mind at this time. He wants to show more his manly side and also do more mellow or serious drama, but he is very interested in doing a very cheerful and bright drama to start. He hopes to hear that he has developed more as a mature actor for his next drama.

이민호는 최근 드라마 중 ‘아이리스’를 관심 있게 봤다고 했다. 그는 ‘아이리스’ 속편에 섭외가 되면 응할 생각이 있느냐는 질문에 “현재 고려 중인 작품에 출연 결정을 내리지 못하면 작품 대본을 보고 결정을 할 수도 있다”고 답했다.

이민호는 주연배우 이병헌에 대해서 “연기면에서 존경하는 배우”라고 말했다. He also has an interest in the drama IRIS.

이민호는 최근 ‘꽃보다 남자’에 함께 출연한 탤런트 구혜선의 러브콜을 받았다. 자신이 직접 연출하는 영화에 이민호를 비롯해 김현중 김범 김준 등 F4 멤버를 출연시키고 싶다고 한 것. 이민호는 이에 “바빠서 출연이 힘들 것 같다”고 너스레를 떨며 “구혜선의 영화 시나리오를 봤다. 내가 바빠서 출연하기 힘들 것 같다고 구혜선에게 말하자 구혜선 역시 말을 바꿔 자신도 나를 출연시킬 생각이 없다고 하더라”고 너털웃음을 지었다. Lee Min Ho recently received a 'love call' from his former co-actor GHS. GHS did once say that she would be interested in casting LMH, KHJ,KB and KJ for her full-length feature. To GHS's love call, LMH jokingly told her that, 'I think I will be too busy to act for your movie.' and he read her screenplay. To LMH's joking statement, GHS returned with another joke, 'I don't have any thoughts about casting you either' and roared with laughter.

이민호는 팬미팅 외에 특별한 연말 계획이 없다. 그는 “크리스마스에도 계획이 없었다. 차라리 스케줄이 잡혔으면 했다”고 너스레를 떨며 “크리스마스 선물로 여자친구를 갖고 싶었다”고 말했다.

여자친구 얘기가 나온김에 이상형을 물었다. 이민호의 이상형은 여전하다. ‘친구같이 얘기가 잘 통하는 사람’이다. 나이는 신경 쓰지 않기 때문에 한참 연상이어도 상관은 없지만 ‘동안’이어야 한다는 단서가 붙었다. 연예인보다는 일반인이었으면 좋겠다는 게 그의 얘기다. LMH said that he had no plans for Christmas and wishes for a girlfriend for Christmas. He was again asked about his ideal female type: someone he can communicate well like a friend. Age does not matter. Even if she is older, as long as she looks young, it is fine with him. He prefers a girlfriend who is not in the same field.

스키를 타는 것을 좋아하는 이민호는 스케줄이 없을 때 스키장을 찾는다. 가족이나 김범, 정일우 등 연예계 친구들과 함께 간다. 고글을 쓰고 마스크를 끼면 사람들이 잘 몰라본단다.

연말 스케줄은 없지만 이민호가 연말에 이루고 싶은 소원은 있다. 연기대상 시상식에서 상을 받는 것이다. 그가 출연한 ‘꽃보다 남자’가 올 한해 KBS의 최고 히트작이었던 만큼 이변이 없다면 그에게 수상의 영광이 돌아갈 것이 분명하다. 이민호 역시 “상을 받았으면 좋겠다”고 했다.

이민호는 2009년을 “22년 인생 중 가장 뜻 깊었던 한 해”라고 했다. 2009년 연말 연기대상 시상식은 아마도 이민호에게 최고의 한해 2009년을 완성하는 방점이 될 듯하다. He loves to ski and, whenever he has time, he would go skiing with friends like Kim Bum and Jung Il Woo. If he wears masks and hat and goggles, no one really pays any attention. He hope to win at the award show and says that 2009 has been his most memorable year so far for him.

<CBS노컷뉴스 방송연예팀 기자>

It seems like LMH read GHS's screenplay but it does not seem like he would consider it as he really wants to do a light and funny drama or project for next year?? I wonder if GHS actually sent her love calls to all the F4 members?? She and LMH still seem like very comfortable friends who can joke like above. Well, I sincerely hope that she casts well for her male actor! All the best to you, GHS! FIGHTING!!!

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Thanks sue for the translation. It seems LMH probably will not do Hyesun's movie...I think because he is burden about his next project he is probably looking for something different. I like that LMH and our girl are so comfortable...enough for hyesun to let him read her screenplay! LOL, I wonder what he thinks about it^^

Edit: Hi Miny!!! You are very welcome in here, you are one of us Sunnies! :D

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Headline: [Oh Min Jung's Story of Star among Stars] A New Hanlyu Star Lee Min Ho

'I would like to receive the best actor award.'

Lee Min Ho recently received a 'love call' from his former co-actor GHS. GHS did once say that she would be interested in casting LMH, KHJ,KB and KJ for her full-length feature. To GHS's love call, LMH jokingly told her that, 'I think I will be too busy to act for your movie.' and he read her screenplay. To LMH's joking statement, GHS returned with another joke, 'I don't have any thoughts about casting you either' and roared with laughter.

LMH said that he had no plans for Christmas and wishes for a girlfriend for Christmas. He was again asked about his ideal female type: someone he can communicate well like a friend. Age does not matter. Even if she is older, as long as she looks young, it is fine with him. He prefers a girlfriend who is not in the same field.

He loves to ski and, whenever he has time, he would go skiing with friends like Kim Bum and Jung Il Woo. If he wears masks and hat and goggles, no one really pays any attention. He hope to win at the award show and says that 2009 has been his most memorable year so far for him.

<CBS노컷뉴스 방송연예팀 기자>

It seems like LMH read GHS's screenplay but it does not seem like he would consider it as he really wants to do a light and funny drama or project for next year?? I wonder if GHS actually sent her love calls to all the F4 members?? She and LMH still seem like very comfortable friends who can joke like above. Well, I sincerely hope that she casts well for her male actor! All the best to you, GHS! FIGHTING!!!

hello everyone / sunnies :D

sue, thanks so much for this :D so nice of Hye Sun to consider F4 to cast in her movie..i`m thinking that even HS herself may have second thoughts about it but for friendship`s sake, she still prefers to make such a good move..she has indeed established a beautiful friendly relationship with F4 & it`s so cute to imagine she had that light & funny conversation with Lee Min Ho..both really feel very comfortable with each other privately..i thought LMH changed his ideal type of girl..& i just found out now that he wants a gf who is not in the same field ( i doubt that`s for now but around 2nd quarter of next year, he might change his preference hehehe)..but a director is ok with him though..joke..hehehe :lol: he loves skiing now..it only reminds me of JP & JD`s ski scene in BOF..from there he really brought his fondness into the real world :P i think Kim Bum & Jung Il Woo will always be friends even to Hye Sun.. just like many of you, i`m excited already comes January that Hye Sun will be starting her film..let`s have a prayer brigade that everything will turn out ok for Hye Sun & everbody who will be involved in the said movie :D

hi all i'm nubie here.. :rolleyes:

i love GHS unnie so much.. :P

can't wait for her next project ,wish all da best for her :D

hi miny :D welcome to Hye Sun`s thread..finally, you made it here..i read you`re complaining in FC that you`re unable to post here at first :D

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The blogger went to 부암동 마마스 = Bu Aahm Dong Mamas (I also Korean googled this place and found it to be a French-Italian Restaurant in a town called Bu Aahm Dong in Seoul. It is actually called Mama's Kitchen started out by two sisters.

Well, this blogger ran into GHS at the Mama's Kitchen. GHS was there to find out and secure locations for her full-length film.(Perhaps GHS will make this restaurant or the town famous!)

Supposedly GHS stayed at the restaurant a long time.

The blogger said that GHS is just so pretty...

The weather is so cold in Seoul and yet Goo is working so hard for her project.

Please be careful not to catch cold.

I am so excited ~

I will be seeing pretty Goo appear at the Acting Award.

I hope she wins lots of awards and to really enjoy herself at the ceremony!

Me Too!!! It is good to find out the progress of her movie! Thanks DCinside!

sue, the restaurant resembles Cafe Manolin since it is also managed by 2 sisters like that of Hye Sun & her sister..Hye Sun seems nowhere to be seen these days & here is a proof that our girl is actually using her ample time in preparation for her movie despite the fact that the weather is not that good..but it`s nothing compared to what she experienced back during BOF filmings..she`s so determined to pursue her dream to do even just 1 movie..Go Hye Sun!!!

jee, those pics of "Mama`s Kitchen" are great also :D :D

hi saintzizahmino/lovelyn :D everyone seems so calm but i know deep inside, we`re all very excited for tomorrow hehehe :D

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just found blooming`s post in joondi thread about a Youtube video (a girl singing and playing piano of Hye Sun`s song, "Mianhe" in English..the owner made her own lyrics)



Rain drips down your spirraling stairs, and I wonder if you're there

If you meant everything, all that you said, that you'd wait for me

Doubt creeps into my mind when you smile without mine

when I hear your laughter, I just stare, wondering if your heart's still mine

I let you go, I let you go, I'm holding back, I know

I'm so sorry, I can't be all you thought of me

I let you go, I let you go, I love you, that you know

I can't see you, but I'd do anything for you

To get the courage I just can't, to go way up

and walk those steps

to leave, come off the ground, the slippery stones

surround me, I can't move

All it takes is just one step, but to go back I just can't

Knowing that you suffer, I can't bear

I'm sorry that it took this long

Rain drips down your spirraling stairs, and I'm sorry, I'm still here

I get scared at sunsets without your face, I can't get my grip

There's so much I want to say, but I let it pass with all those days

Left with wonder, regret, how could I let you let go of me?

I fast forward in my mind to a happy, tear-free time

when I say that you're all mine, we can leave the past behind

++ it reminded me also of Hye Sun`s male fan playing one of her songs from her album (dunno if there`s YT counterpart of it)


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Guest cavang12

just found blooming`s post in joondi thread about a Youtube video (a girl singing and playing piano of Hye Sun`s song, "Mianhe" in English..the owner made her own lyrics)



Rain drips down your spirraling stairs, and I wonder if you're there

If you meant everything, all that you said, that you'd wait for me

Doubt creeps into my mind when you smile without mine

when I hear your laughter, I just stare, wondering if your heart's still mine

I let you go, I let you go, I'm holding back, I know

I'm so sorry, I can't be all you thought of me

I let you go, I let you go, I love you, that you know

I can't see you, but I'd do anything for you

To get the courage I just can't, to go way up

and walk those steps

to leave, come off the ground, the slippery stones

surround me, I can't move

All it takes is just one step, but to go back I just can't

Knowing that you suffer, I can't bear

I'm sorry that it took this long

Rain drips down your spirraling stairs, and I'm sorry, I'm still here

I get scared at sunsets without your face, I can't get my grip

There's so much I want to say, but I let it pass with all those days

Left with wonder, regret, how could I let you let go of me?

I fast forward in my mind to a happy, tear-free time

when I say that you're all mine, we can leave the past behind

++ it reminded me also of Hye Sun`s male fan playing one of her songs from her album (dunno if there`s YT counterpart of it)


Goo Hye Sun`s male fan playing one of her songs from her album



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Hye Sun`s pics for Doutor Coffee CF were posted yesterday by shingun4ever in her blog site (i like this CF also):










(cr to soheelover.wordpress.com)

hi calistarose, yuki & cavang :D Happy Holidays :D

thank you everyone, all sunniez. love you guys.

thanks so much, unlimited thank you. for always update all hyesun's and minsun's news all the time. love it

i really can't wait for kbs awards. omg "best couple". i wish minsun get it. let's pray sunniez.

i'll see again minsun on screen togetha. really can't wait.

all people. i'M waiting ur info, pics, 'nd video. TODAY

i like this forum so much. :wub:

hi Princess :D only hours to go before KBS awards..hoping & praying for Hye Sun`s victory..merely seeing her attend the event is already good news for us..this is the first time i see you post..please don`t hesitate to post again next time..it is well appreciated :D Happy Holidays!!!

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Guest minyminominymino

GHSfan ,,

yeah ..bout verify email hahaha.. :o

but i can post finally.. :D

nice pics of ghs unnie..she look really happy in that cf hahaha..i love it.. ;)

whooaaa i can't stop thinkin bout tomorrow event.. :P

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Guest keczianthei

hi all..

anyone knows if we'd be able to watch the KBS drama awards thru livestreaming? and if yes, what time does it start? thanks a lot!! :D

hopefully we'd get to see HS in a lovely dress.. :)

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