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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest jenyoon123


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Wow! Thank you meow13 and fatma-uysal for GHS narration about Miracles of December.This documentary makes us think about miracles in different way.A little girl who is born with so many disabilities is the bright sun and energy in her family and at her friends. They did not think she can make it but she has become much more.A couple who became so tired of life that involved constantly working late and not being able to see each other. They created a miracle in their lives  by deciding to take 4years to travel the world. Every day is a miracle to them now because they travel the world and meet new friends and deepen their relationship. They did what most people only dream about and they overcame many critical voices.Miracle is what you make and create.A police officer who was diagnosed with liver cancer that has spread so much that no doctors can operate or have any hopes. But he just took the cancer pain drugs and a somehow all the cancer cells disappeared one day. To him the miracle is his family who was there for him and he sees pix of his family every second that he is working through computer. He has been cancer free for one year.Two best friends who live nearby each other. Now they are grandmothers whose husbands have died and whose children have all moved away. They see each other several times a day and rely on each other. They met when they moved to the town due to marriage as teenagers. They say they rarely depended on their husbands but on each other throughout their lives. One grandmother is losing her sight now and the other grandmother is very active. Did you see that 78 yo grandmother run? They both use baby carriages as support when they take walks. They consider their friendship the miracle.There was also a story of college buddies who got together but decided to do more than just drink when they meet. They created a choir and present their singing talent to whoever wants to hear them. They have been meeting since their graduation in 1984 and They consider their friendship miracle too. One suffered stroke and another blindness but their friendship and choir made them stronger to deal with obstacles.Love itself is a miracle. A man who fell in love with his gf and who became his gf has been refusing his proposals by saying that she does not believe in marriage. But he loves her so much that he would do anything to win her heart and change her mind. So a guy who is not even good at dancing became creative and got his friends to help him to create a great choreography to propose to her on the street. She has finally accepted him. Love makes one brave and creative and that is a miracle. Miracle of a bread story in Japan. He was an athlete cyclist but had an accident that rendered him paralyzed in his extremities that he was bedridden for a while at young age. Then someone suggested that he makes bread to help with paralysis. So he started and would give gifts of his bread to others. Then suddenly tons of people wrote in saying they experienced miracles by eating his tasty bread--such as giving birth to a child by a lady who was considered barren. and more...It takes the baker 3 or 4 hours to make one bread due to his difficulties but orders for his bread comes in and he is behind 15,000 orders already. He makes about 3 or 4 breads a day.So people have named his bread Angel's bread and the baker also considers it a miracle because it has also helped his body to get better.Jung SoJung is a pro-swimmer but she was originally dreaming of becoming a musical star who dances. But, then her mother became sick with cancer so she gave up school and went to live with her mother. Then suddenly she was also struck with a muslce illness where she can no longer move her ankle area. She and her mother were hospitalized in the same hospital. She started swimming to treat her paralysis and her mother's happiness at her swimming made her decide to become a pro-swimmer. Her mother passed away but thinking about the promise, she entered the competition for the disabled and won first place. Then she continued to train and trains 6 hours day and wants to enter the world wide competition for the disabled athletes. Her coach says that SoJung is continually showing incredible speed and that anything is possible for her. SoJung wants to continue to work hard because she wants to teller late mother that she has become the athlete who will represent Korea. Again,,what could be depressing event became a miracle through love and desperation. GHS's voice cracked a little talking about this tearful happy stories.Miralce of one woman who lost her children to the tsunami right in front of her eyes. She believed that they will return and prayed for them near the ocean. Miracle was that she found her children. Daughter and Son. Both experienced hardships where it seems like they were working in abusive labor camps? Son even had hot water thrown at his head. Mother believes that even though life is still hard, it still presents with miracles. She wants to pour love to her children to make up for the lost 10years.GHS narrates that everyone can have miracles. That it is a special present to those who have hope. that miracle may be where we never thought possible and closer than we may think. People say: Miracle happens to those who are working and preparing; it does not happen when you are not doing anything. When all the people's hearts are at the same place and have same goals, there can be a miracle. Always be positive; never say never. Even if you think you are all alone, you are not. There is always hope and future. GHS says at the end,,,this is the time to make your miracle!!
Thanks again Sunnies...What a wonderful gift.Fighting Sunnies!!Fighting GHS!!Fighting BLOOD!!

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This is why I love Goo Hye Sun. She wishes everyone a merry Xmas in a personal selca - not through promoting a brand or anything - just a simple merry Xmas at home in her pj. She lends her voice to a good heart warming stories - what a very special lady . I hope her new drama is a success and all her future projects ! Lastly, I hope she finds a man who is well deserving of her: a loving man , a faithful man, a family man and a man who gives her 100% of his love and attention . This is my 2015 wish for our Goo Hye Sun. [-O<

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Guest sareerat_e9aa

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 , for all lovely Sunnies,
Koo Hye Sun seems to be got recognized from K. public society on her golden heart and special performance values as so many organization invite her to collaborate with. I'm quite glad that I can spot to her and follow the special girl who born to be star like her, not only angel face but she always hands to give hope for people and children as well and also have multiple skills (..>singing, write song, compose, making movies and mini movie and so on..so wonderful!!). and..also deep and pure nature..
Wishing her happy always, love to see her fresh smile again since I feel that the latter of mid year 2014, may be due to her variety projects may made her feel cold sometime to face the rock but still stay strong. Fighting and be happy happy!!
Vote GHS both in Soompi and Dramafever for best actress and best Drama; Angel eye.Let vote to cheer her every day, Fighting Fighting!!
Looking forward to see "Blood" also..    ;) <:-P =D>

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Happy New Year  to all Sunnies!
What a lovely holiday present! To hear her gentle sweet voice  is like music to the ears.  So proud of her! I never cease being amazed by her beautiful heart.Always quietly helping to make other lives more meaningful and giving hope ......:)
May God shower her with blessings and happiness! :)
I am grateful to all Sunnies who constantly update , bring us goodies, vote relentlessly,  translate (thanks @cheerkoo),  keep the love here going,etc. .....Thank You, Sunnies! Have a blessed week!  :)

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Dramafever Top 10 most watched dramas for 2014.http://www.dramafever.com/news/dramafever-top-10-most-watched-dramas-for-2014/

Wah! Our girl has 2 of her dramas in the top 10!  :)BOF is at no 7 after 5 years!  AE is at no 8!  Dramafever viewers,  you like her acting as much as us! :)Who can deny the popularity of BOF? This speaks for itself!  hahaha!

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A question for you.Is DRAMAfever award voting over?I read a DC fan asking that question.thanks in advance.
and Thanks SOOOOOO much for all the updates.Happy and Healthy and No-Regret 2015 for each and everyone of you Sunnie including GHS-ssi. !!!!Fighting!!!!

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Hey sunnies .. i found this old video of GHS-ssi ...she's so pretty and her voice is awesome :x 

I wonder if those guys with her are suju ?!!

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