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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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On 11/16/2018 at 1:27 PM, cheerkoo said:


지난 13일 프랑스 파리의 한 전시관에서 <구혜선 초대전>을 개최한 구혜선은 '무(無)'를 주제로 인간 내면의 깊은 감정을 추상적인 선과 색채로 담아낸 미공개 작품 25점을 공개했다. 현지의 뜨거운 관심을 증명하듯 전시회 오픈과 동시에 출품작 25점이 모두 판매되는 기염을 토하며 구혜선만의 따듯한 작품성을 증명했다. 
<KHS Invitation> opened on Nov 13th at Paris, France, under the title of ?Moo? (I have no idea what it means).  Deep human emotions are expressed via abstract lines and colors. 25 of her never seen art pieces were exhibited.  ALL 25 pieces were sold out the moment the exhibition opened. KHS's own warm and unique artistic expressions are acknowledged.


특히 전시회 작품 판매 수익금을 전부 한국 미술 발전을 위해 홍보대사로 활동중인 한국미술협회에 기부한다고 밝혀 훈훈함을 안겼다. 구혜선은 지난 9월 한국미술협회 홍보대사로 위촉돼 각종 국제전과 한국미협에서 기획하는 미술 정책 사업 등에 참여하며 한국 미술 발전을 위해 힘써온 바, 수익금 전액 기부를 통해 홍보대사의 좋은 예로 자리 잡았다.

KHS also announced that she is giving the entire profits to the Korea Art Association for which she is the promotion ambassador. She wants to give in order to further the development of Korean artists. Since she became the ambassador for the Korea Art Asso, she has participated in various international and domestic business and policy meetings.

대중에게 친숙한 배우로, 보는 이에게 희망과 따듯함을 선사하는 작가로, 그리고 미술 발전을 위해 힘쓰는 홍보대사로 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있는 구혜선의 앞으로 활동에 많은 이들의 기대가 모이고 있다.  KHS is busy as an ambassador, artist, actress and continues to raise expectations for her future activities.

한편 갤러리89의 초대로 한국미술협회와 아트블루가 공동 후원하는 이번 구혜선의 전시회 <구혜선 초대전>은 프랑스 파리에서 오늘(16일)까지 진행된다. KHS was invited by Galerie89 of France to exhibit her art and was sponsored by Korea Art Asso and Art Blue. Exhibition opens until Nov 16th.



A little piece from another article:


구혜선은 2009년 '탱고'를 통해 처음 전시회를 개최, 이후 홍콩, 상하이 등 국내외를 오가며 꾸준히 전시회를 열어 대중에게 색다른 매력을 선보였다. 특히 지난 2017년 순수와 공포, 자유를 주제로한 미술 작품과 사운드가 융합된 감성 전시회 '다크 옐로우(dark Yellow)'를 통해 대중에게 힐링을 주는 아티스트로 인식되기 시작했다

TANGO was the name of her first exhibiton in 2009. Afterwards, she continued to exhibit her art not only in Korea but also in Hong Kong and Shanghai. KHS has her own unique brand of artistic expressions. in 2017, she had an exhibiton titled Innocence and Fear then Freedom, which not only had art pieces but combined with music and sound. Additionally, Dark Yellow exhibition all earned her a reputation as an artist who gives healing to people.


thank you so much cheerkoo for this information :) 

i'm so proud of her 

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SINGLES Magazine revealed few pix of KHS and talked about all her achievements not only in acting but in so many other genres. We all know it so I am not going to translate it. But they are all positive.

(This is a bit different:)

“결혼한 후 가장 달라진 점은 상대의 지금까지 삶을 받아들여야 한다는 점이에요. 서로에 대한 대단한 기대보다 나누고 배려하는 것이 중요하다고 생각해요”고 전했다. /kangsj@osen.co.kr

"What changed the most since getting married is that, instead of expecting a great deal from each other, it is more important to share and accept each other's lives so far."




KHS's Mystery Pink is invited to the 44th Seoul Independent Film Festival. The reviewer gave a good review and explained very well about her movie, increasing more curiosity.

영화에서 전하고자 하는 분명한 메시지는 대사와 사건보다는 행동을 통해 이미지적으로 전달된다.

Rather than telling the story of her movie by dialogue and incidents, her movie communicates messages by imges.

알려주려는 듯 알려주지 않으려는 듯한 전개는 마치 감독이 관객과 흥미로운 밀당을 하는 것처럼 보인다

She seems to be stating or not stating through her movie her messages as if she is having a fun push and pull type of communication with the audience.

In the beginning of the movie, the camera shakes as the two leads (Yang DongGeun and SeoHyunJin) look at each other. One cannot help but wonder what is the symbol of shaking of the scene. Is it the instablility of their inner feelings? Is it their relationship that is unstable?

핑크색의 작은 문을 통해 들여다볼 때 보이는 박정숙, 윤다경, 현승민은 서현진과 어떤 관계에 있는 사람들인지도 알고 싶은데, 영화 제목이 전체적인 정서를 무척 상징적으로 잘 표현했다는 점이 눈에 띈다.

Through the small pink color door, we see the other actreses (park jung sook, yoon dakyung, hyun seungmin, seo HJ) and wonder what is their relationship. Like the title of the movie, the symbolic nature of the movie really captures attention well.

이유를 말하고 싶은 사람과 알고 싶지 않은 남자의 대화는 관객의 궁금증과 호기심에 대해 들었다 놨다를 반복한다. 한 사람은 알려주려고 하기도 하고, 다른 한 사람은 알고 싶지 않다고 하는 것은, 결국 관객과의 절묘한 밀당을 영화 속의 등장인물들을 통해 표현하는 것이라고 생각된다.

One person wants to tell her reasons, but the other one does not want to know is repeated  and increasese curiosity. It creates an ultimate communication of push and pull with the audience through the characters.

이 작품을 관람한 관객은 관객과의 대화(GV; Guest Visit)를 기다리게 될 것이다. 분명히 의미 있는 메시지를 담고 있는데, 아주 모르겠는 것도 아니고 그렇다고 모두 알아듣겠다고 느껴지지도 않는 상황에서의 궁금증을 빨리 해소하고 싶기 때문이다.

The audience of this movie will be wanting to sit down with the director. There is clearly a meaningful message. It is not like we really don't know. Yet, it is not like we really know either. We want to clarify so many aspects.

<미스터리 핑크>는 진짜로 사랑했는지에 대한 질문을 계속 던지는데, 그때 말을 하고 듣는 사람들과 그 주변을 어떤 이미지로 표현하고 있는지가 인상적이다. 문을 통해서 보이는 모습이 180도 반대 방향이라는 것은, 문을 경계로 양쪽에 있는 사람들이 사랑에 대해 기억하는 것도 반대 방향일 수 있다고 추정하게 만든다.

The movie continously throws the question of whether the love was for real. What is impressive at those moments are how the listeners and talkers express via images. What is shown through the door can be 180 degrees different; how each other remembers the love is also impressive

<미스터리 핑크>는 파괴적인 미스터리는 당신의 자화상이라는 것을 표현하고 있는데, 알 수 없는 것을 알게 해주는 것이 이미지적 표현이다. 등장인물에 감정이입하는 것 못지않게 감독에게 감정이입했을 때 더 많은 것이 느껴지는 이유이기도 하다.

Mystery Pink: destructive mystery is your portrait is the theme of the movie. Images show what we don't know can be known. We get absorbed into the characters as we get absorbed into the director.

(Reporter Chun SangWook 천상욱 기자 (lovelich9@rpm9.com)

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guys, do you know where i can watch koo in talkshow program "different class" in jtbc?? i know its in naver but its unavailable in my country so i can't watch it :(

On 11/19/2018 at 7:23 AM, cheerkoo said:


SINGLES Magazine revealed few pix of KHS and talked about all her achievements not only in acting but in so many other genres. We all know it so I am not going to translate it. But they are all positive.

(This is a bit different:)

“결혼한 후 가장 달라진 점은 상대의 지금까지 삶을 받아들여야 한다는 점이에요. 서로에 대한 대단한 기대보다 나누고 배려하는 것이 중요하다고 생각해요”고 전했다. /kangsj@osen.co.kr

"What changed the most since getting married is that, instead of expecting a great deal from each other, it is more important to share and accept each other's lives so far."




KHS's Mystery Pink is invited to the 44th Seoul Independent Film Festival. The reviewer gave a good review and explained very well about her movie, increasing more curiosity.

영화에서 전하고자 하는 분명한 메시지는 대사와 사건보다는 행동을 통해 이미지적으로 전달된다.

Rather than telling the story of her movie by dialogue and incidents, her movie communicates messages by imges.

알려주려는 듯 알려주지 않으려는 듯한 전개는 마치 감독이 관객과 흥미로운 밀당을 하는 것처럼 보인다

She seems to be stating or not stating through her movie her messages as if she is having a fun push and pull type of communication with the audience.

In the beginning of the movie, the camera shakes as the two leads (Yang DongGeun and SeoHyunJin) look at each other. One cannot help but wonder what is the symbol of shaking of the scene. Is it the instablility of their inner feelings? Is it their relationship that is unstable?

핑크색의 작은 문을 통해 들여다볼 때 보이는 박정숙, 윤다경, 현승민은 서현진과 어떤 관계에 있는 사람들인지도 알고 싶은데, 영화 제목이 전체적인 정서를 무척 상징적으로 잘 표현했다는 점이 눈에 띈다.

Through the small pink color door, we see the other actreses (park jung sook, yoon dakyung, hyun seungmin, seo HJ) and wonder what is their relationship. Like the title of the movie, the symbolic nature of the movie really captures attention well.

이유를 말하고 싶은 사람과 알고 싶지 않은 남자의 대화는 관객의 궁금증과 호기심에 대해 들었다 놨다를 반복한다. 한 사람은 알려주려고 하기도 하고, 다른 한 사람은 알고 싶지 않다고 하는 것은, 결국 관객과의 절묘한 밀당을 영화 속의 등장인물들을 통해 표현하는 것이라고 생각된다.

One person wants to tell her reasons, but the other one does not want to know is repeated  and increasese curiosity. It creates an ultimate communication of push and pull with the audience through the characters.

이 작품을 관람한 관객은 관객과의 대화(GV; Guest Visit)를 기다리게 될 것이다. 분명히 의미 있는 메시지를 담고 있는데, 아주 모르겠는 것도 아니고 그렇다고 모두 알아듣겠다고 느껴지지도 않는 상황에서의 궁금증을 빨리 해소하고 싶기 때문이다.

The audience of this movie will be wanting to sit down with the director. There is clearly a meaningful message. It is not like we really don't know. Yet, it is not like we really know either. We want to clarify so many aspects.

<미스터리 핑크>는 진짜로 사랑했는지에 대한 질문을 계속 던지는데, 그때 말을 하고 듣는 사람들과 그 주변을 어떤 이미지로 표현하고 있는지가 인상적이다. 문을 통해서 보이는 모습이 180도 반대 방향이라는 것은, 문을 경계로 양쪽에 있는 사람들이 사랑에 대해 기억하는 것도 반대 방향일 수 있다고 추정하게 만든다.

The movie continously throws the question of whether the love was for real. What is impressive at those moments are how the listeners and talkers express via images. What is shown through the door can be 180 degrees different; how each other remembers the love is also impressive

<미스터리 핑크>는 파괴적인 미스터리는 당신의 자화상이라는 것을 표현하고 있는데, 알 수 없는 것을 알게 해주는 것이 이미지적 표현이다. 등장인물에 감정이입하는 것 못지않게 감독에게 감정이입했을 때 더 많은 것이 느껴지는 이유이기도 하다.

Mystery Pink: destructive mystery is your portrait is the theme of the movie. Images show what we don't know can be known. We get absorbed into the characters as we get absorbed into the director.

(Reporter Chun SangWook 천상욱 기자 (lovelich9@rpm9.com)



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When the episode aired with Koo, I watched it here:


I forgot which episode it was.

I think you do have to buy membership to watch.

Unfortunately, they do not usually translate the programs. Once in a while, they do.



Koo quielty did so much and so well this year.

OMG! 2018 is nearly over!! How sad!!

Despite so much negativity for so many years, Koo continued to do what she loves doing and she never stopped sharing who she is with the world. I am sure she was disappointed many times as she is human like you and me, but she never stopped living the way she wants to live. I love her for that. Always inspiring me. I'm always her fan.

And, slowly, Koo is being acknowledged. I am thankful for that. 

Always wishing Koo and ALL Sunnies best of health and one life super well lived and enjoyed!!!

If you celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving.

So much to be thankful!!!




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On 11/21/2018 at 5:37 PM, cheerkoo said:



When the episode aired with Koo, I watched it here:


I forgot which episode it was.

I think you do have to buy membership to watch.

Unfortunately, they do not usually translate the programs. Once in a while, they do.



Koo quielty did so much and so well this year.

OMG! 2018 is nearly over!! How sad!!

Despite so much negativity for so many years, Koo continued to do what she loves doing and she never stopped sharing who she is with the world. I am sure she was disappointed many times as she is human like you and me, but she never stopped living the way she wants to live. I love her for that. Always inspiring me. I'm always her fan.

And, slowly, Koo is being acknowledged. I am thankful for that. 

Always wishing Koo and ALL Sunnies best of health and one life super well lived and enjoyed!!!

If you celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving.

So much to be thankful!!!




thank you so much cheerkoo^^



yeah, she did so well this year and always surprise us, i'm so proud of her :D

i hope she will surprise us with new drama news next year, i miss her so much T.T

but whatever path she choose i will always support her!! 


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Hello!Have you seen the event Koo attended? She presented an award at the 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards.And,if you heard about the news that Jiyeon joined Partners Park and Hanyeseol having an upcoming drama.Haist!I'm wondering why Koo still haven't a drama offer yet isn't because no ones offering her?I'm so sad about it.No wonder if Jiyeon will receive first a drama offer soon.

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Thanks rizu28 for the video clip.

Koreans in Korea must do a lot of SNS. Above woman came out on TV because she has over 2 mill follwers and she has been dubbed by many followers as resembling our Koo. One of the mc's say that from far away, she may look like KHS but closer she resembles Koo maybe a little. (I agree! I don't think she resembles our Koo that much! What do you think?) 

She says that her dimples near the eyes and the way she smiles make her look most like Koo. She also has a boyf who is not only 3 years younger but resembles AJH.


Choi InYoung is Koo's musical partner and they have been working together a long time,,,since 2009 maybe. Koo writes music and he arranges it for her. I am not sure if they are still working together in anything new. 


Below that is a someone's comment about how much she really appreciates Koo and thinks her very special. The poster also ended up studying films and directing at college. She was intially into art and by chance ended up in that major in college and realized, as Koo said, that directing incorporates everything artistic and how perfectly fitting it is for her.

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12 hours ago, cheerkoo said:

Thanks rizu28 for the video clip.

Koreans in Korea must do a lot of SNS. Above woman came out on TV because she has over 2 mill follwers and she has been dubbed by many followers as resembling our Koo. One of the mc's say that from far away, she may look like KHS but closer she resembles Koo maybe a little. (I agree! I don't think she resembles our Koo that much! What do you think?) 

She says that her dimples near the eyes and the way she smiles make her look most like Koo. She also has a boyf who is not only 3 years younger but resembles AJH.


Choi InYoung is Koo's musical partner and they have been working together a long time,,,since 2009 maybe. Koo writes music and he arranges it for her. I am not sure if they are still working together in anything new. 


Below that is a someone's comment about how much she really appreciates Koo and thinks her very special. The poster also ended up studying films and directing at college. She was intially into art and by chance ended up in that major in college and realized, as Koo said, that directing incorporates everything artistic and how perfectly fitting it is for her.


@cheerkoo omg, thank you so much cheerkoo^^ yes, agree she is just slightly resembles koo, but if i see her face carefully she doesn't looks like koo that much....maybe its just her hair and facial face....


i hope they are still working together and make new songs, i really love hyesun composed piano song, it always calm my mind :)

i'm so proud of koo, really she inspired other people!

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