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Guest pallycute

Anticipation arises for Lee Min Ho & Kim Hee Sun’s characters in ‘The Faith’


Curiosity on the main characters, played by Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun, from the new SBS Drama ‘The Faith’ is arising.

On July 11th, Lee Min Ho’s agency, Starhaus Entertainment, revealed the teasers for ‘The Faith,’ and the netizens stated their curiosity level about the two main characters went skyrocket high.

From the official homepage of ‘The Faith,’ character posters were revealed and showed a contrast concept between the main characters played Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun. King Gong Min’s warrior escort Choi Young (played by Lee Min Ho) was a ‘Koryo man without any regrets in the world,’ and plastic surgeon Jeon Eun Soo (played by Kim Hee Sun) was ‘Modern time woman with full of regrets in the world.’

In addition, Choi Young thinks that women are like rocks just like how he thinks the same about gold. Because he has no regrets in this world, he’s not afraid to die. His favorite hobby is sleeping and his specialty is nonstop sleeping which is an embodiment of ‘Irritated-nism.’ However, within his sense of loss, Choi Young holds a sad, unspeakable past.

Eun Soo, who gets kidnapped by Choi Young into the Koryo Dynasty period, is a woman who holds a lot of regrets. Her dream is to have her own hospital and become a practitioner, but suddenly gets pulled by a weird man and her dreams are shattered which is why she can’t help but to feel as if ‘she left everything behind.’ Eun Soo has a lot of curiosity and always asks questions, especially to the blunt Choi Young, but Choi Young responds to her questions by showing his expressionless face.

Although the two main characters’ personalities are different, they still have eccentric and cute similarities. Choi Young has the same aspects of an innocent boy while Eun Soo is like an immature girl who’s eccentric and cute.

‘The Faith’ is set to air its first episode on August 13th.

Original Source: me2day Star News
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World (www.leeminhoworld.com)

New Character Still Cuts of Warrior Lee Min Ho for ‘Faith’


2012-07-12 11:08  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Stewart Ho

Lee Min Ho is showing off his ‘warrior’ side in new character still cuts.

The character still cuts released on July 12 for Lee Min Ho’s upcoming SBS drama, Faith, are winning praise from fans for the actor’s remarkable transformation.

Suited up in full Goryeo armor, curly hair swept to one side and with his sword in hand, fans are counting down the days to see the warrior in full action when the television drama premieres.

In the drama, Lee Min Ho plays Choi Young the general of the army unit which protects the king.

But after becoming disenchanted with the political aspect of his job, he leaves to become a free spirit before coming across Yoo Eun Soo (Kim Hee Sun) from the modern age.

A source close to the drama production dished on Lee Min Ho saying, “Even in the short resting period in between shooting, Lee Min Ho continues to steadily look over his lines to really immerse himself into the Choi Young character and to not show a typecast character but display a wide range of three dimensional acting.”

Faith will premiere on August 13.

Photo credit: SBS



Credit: Starhaus Entertainment

2012-07-11 Lee Minho's Facebook Update

Director Kim Jong Hak and Kim Hee Sun


"전 이제 스타 아닌 배우"… 김희선, 통통 튀는 컴백

조선일보 원문 기사전송 2012-07-12 10:31 최종수정 2012-07-12 14:54

돌아온 김종학·김희선… 2007년 결혼 후 첫 드라마-이번엔 극중에서 욕도 하죠, 억척스런 아줌마 역은 아직…

'여명의 눈동자' '모래시계'의 김종학(61) PD와 톱스타 김희선(35)이 뭉쳤다.

드 라마 '신의(信義)'를 위해서다. 타임슬립(시간여행)을 주제로 한 로맨틱 판타지물이다. 김 PD와 많은 작품을 함께한 명콤비 송지나 작가가 극본을 맡았다. 무엇보다 톱스타 김희선의 결혼 이후 복귀작이자 6년 만의 TV드라마 출연이어서 화제를 모으고 있다. 10일 전남 장흥군 세트장에서 김희선과 김종학 PD를 만났다.

한때 '여신'으로 불리며 인기 최정상에 섰던 김희선의 눈에선 톱스타의 자신만만함뿐만 아니라 주부와 엄마로서의 여유로움과 너그러움도 비쳤다. 이날 기자와 마주한 김희선은 현대에서 과거로 시간여행을 하며 당한 부상을 표현하기 위해 얼굴과 목에 각각 멍과 핏자국 분장을 했고, 찢어진 바지를 입고 있었다.

―6년 만의 촬영장이 어색하진 않나.

"예전에는 내가 촬영장에서 막내급이었는데 지금은 촬영장 사람들이 거의 다 나보다 어리다. 그래서인지 카메라 밖에서도 촬영장 분위기를 살피는 등 좀 더 책임감이 생겼다."

―2007년 결혼 이후 방송을 떠난 이유는.

" 결혼 전에 한창 활동할 때는 일주일에 드라마, 영화, 광고를 쉴 새 없이 찍으며 주어진 역할과 캐릭터 분석도 제대로 못 한 적도 많다. 구설수도 많았고…. 일단 쉬고 싶은 마음이 있었다. 여유가 생길 때 작품을 찾고, 작품다운 작품을 하고 싶다는 생각에 그동안 활동하지 않았다."

―'신의'에 출연하게 된 계기는.

"2009년 1월 태어난 아이가 커가면서 스스로 조금 여유가 생기던 차였다. 남편이 출근하고 아기도 유치원에 가면 혼자 드라마를 봤는데, 어느 순간 '나도 잘할 수 있는데'라는 생각이 들었다. 촬영장에 대한 그리움이 생길 즈음 캐스팅 전화를 받았다. 정말 인생은 타이밍인 것 같다. (웃음)"

―'신의'의 대본 수정으로 제작이 당초 예정보다 2년 이상 늦어졌는데도 기다린 이유는.

" 조금 걱정이 되긴 했지만 김종학 감독님을 믿었다. 사실 결혼하고 나니 들어오는 작품과 역할에 제한이 있더라. 복귀작으로서 화제도만 따지면 아이가 있는 이혼녀로 억척스럽게 사는 역할이 더 좋을지도 모른다. 하지만 난 그런 게 싫었다. 자격지심인지 모르겠지만 '결혼하고 애 낳더니 저런 역할로 복귀한다'는 소리를 들을까 걱정이었다. 그래서 통통 튀는, 제대로 된 의사 역할인 이 작품에 더 끌렸던 듯하다."

―연하인 이민호와의 호흡은 어떤가.

"내가 만화 '꽃보다 남자' 왕 팬이다. 특히 구준표의 팬이다. 실제 (드라마 '꽃보다 남자'에서 구준표 역할을 했던) 이민호(25)를 만나기 전까지 '구준표 이민호'로만 생각했는데 민호씨는 너무 착하더라. 나이 차가 있지만 잘 느껴지지 않고 호흡도 정말 좋다. 오히려 이민호에게 '고맙다. 네가 동안(童顔)은 아니어서'라며 장난친다."

―이번에도 전에 많이 보여줬던 밝고 통통 튀는 역할이다.

"예전 에는 처음부터 끝까지 통통 튀었다면, 이번에는 투정과 짜증도 부리고 욕도 하는 날라리가 돼서 돌아왔다. 지금은 내 마음이 조금 열린 것 같다. 전엔 내 단점이나 행동을 사람들이 어떻게 볼까 걱정이 많아 날 (내 안에 스스로) 가뒀다면, 이제는 내가 가진 모습 그대로를 대중에게 보여주고 싶다."

―연기력 논란에 휩싸이곤 했다.

"연기력부터 일부러 무언가를 유행시키려고 한다는 등 그동안 작품 외적인 논란이 많았다. 이번엔 진정성을 보여 드리고 싶다. '이 역할은 김희선이 어울린다' '나이가 들어도 이 역할은 김희선이 딱이네'라는 이야기를 듣고 싶다."

―앞으로 해보고 싶은 역할이 있나.

" 지금까지 '스타'로 살아왔다면 이제는 '배우'로 살고 싶다. 예전에는 스케줄에 쫓겨서 살아왔는데 이제는 내 스스로를 조절할 수 있는 위치가 된 듯하다. 이미숙, 고현정 선배처럼 나이가 먹어도 진한 사랑을 하는 멋있는 역할을 해보고 싶다. 아, 한 번도 해본 적 없는 악역도 재밌을 것 같다."

Source: Chosun

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Guest pallycute

The Faith Drama Prayer Ceremony

SBS ‘The Faith’ changes their ‘hanja’ character meaning

New SBS Drama ‘The Faith’ changed the meaning of their ‘hanja’ (Chinese character).

The production team of the drama changed ‘Faith(神醫-miracle doctor)’ to ‘Faith(信義-loyalty).’ Although the Korean title hasn’t changed, the meaning of the title completely changed.

A representative for ‘The Faith’ explained, “Initially, it was about a future doctor brought back into time in the Koryo Dynasty period, and contents of medicines unfold which is why the title ‘The Faith(神医)’ was used. However, after scriptwriter Song Ji Na’s confirmed her commitment to write the script for the drama, she wanted to change the meaning to loyalty that will be shown by the main character, General Choi Young.”

Also, the new ‘hanja’ meaning of ‘The Faith’ provided more freedom from plagiarism accusation. The currently airing MBC Drama ‘Dr. Jin’ and the upcoming SBS Drama ‘The Faith’ both shared the same core plot in which ‘The Faith’ received plagiarism accusation. The modern time doctor went through a time slip into the past, and unfolded different medicines that were like the works from the Gods.

Because of scriptwriter Song Ji Na’s late commitment in writing the script for the drama, she had to rewrite the script to make sure that there weren’t a lot of similarities to ‘Dr. Jin.’ A representative from SBS said, “Instead of writing about the doctor but rather about warrior Choi Young, the focus of the characters changed. That is why ‘The Faith(神醫)’ was changed to ‘The Faith(信義)’ to make sure that it fit with the plot’s focus.

Lawyer representatives of SBS stated, “After the third party law firm made their review for any legal issues, they confirmed that there was no copyright infringement.”

‘The Faith’ is set to air its first episode on August 13th after ‘The Chaser’ ends.

Original Source: Sports Hankook
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World (www.leeminhoworld.com)

Is she trying to use a cellphone in Goryeo era? :))


"Faith" Kim Hee-seon runs around the ancient times with heels

Kim Hee-seon walked around an ancient neighborhood in heels.

Kim Hee-seon from the new SBS drama "Faith" traveled through time and strode the streets of the Koryo times.

In a still cut, she is walking around a street wearing the modern day outfit while people look at her with interest and makes her look like "Alice in Wonderland".

Despite the situation where she is brought here suddenly, she didn't mind the looks she was getting from the people and walked around in her heels, showing the personality of a bold person.

The blood she has on her clothes and the way she is holding up her phone in various directions bring out curiosity in what will happen in the future episodes.

Kim Hee-seon said, "I am enjoying the making of the drama as everyone including the producer and the cast are getting along so well. I play a character who isn't weak or back down in sudden situations".

"Faith" is produced by Kim Jong-hak from "Sandglass" and "The Legend" and written by Song Jina. Kim Hee-seon takes on the role of Yoo Eun-soo, a modern day vet plastic surgeon and creates romance with the ancient warrior Choi Yeong (Lee Min-ho).

Meanwhile, this romance fantasy drama will be aired on the 13th of August after "THE CHASER - Drama".

Source: Hancinema

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Guest myphim

^ Haha. Looking at the pictures of Kim Hee Sun trying to use her cellphone in ancient time is just too funny. The little girls are so curious about her high heels and clothes. :))

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Guest myphim

Finally found a picture of Sung Hoon on the set of Faith. It seems he will be playing a villain in the show.
Ah, too bad! I really wanted some bromance between Lee Min Ho, Lee Philip and Sung Hoon. Oh well.


Cr: http://sung-hoon-bang.tumblr.com/

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Guest myphim

@pallycute  Thank you for all the BTS pictures of Lee Philip and Park Se Young. I have a lol moment when I read that Park Se Young is Princess No Gook. Sounds like Princess No Good to me. :))  Look like she has a scar on her neck. Is that why she needs a plastic surgeon? Haha.

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waaahh!!! I've been itching to watch this NOW!!!
love the BTS pics and all!!!
FAITH, hwating-yo! 
Reading character description, I see that we have the same interest..aside from loving loving the actor Lee Min Ho,my hobby is to sleep also :)

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Guest pallycute





Thank you for all the BTS pictures of Lee Philip and Park Se Young. I have a lol moment when I read that Park Se Young is Princess No Gook. Sounds like Princess No Good to me.


Look like she has a scar on her neck. Is that why she needs a plastic surgeon? Haha.

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Guest pallycute

Screencaps from 3rd teaser

General CHOI YOUNG 'The Sleepyhead' :))


Doctor YOO EUN SOO 'She is pretty' :)

Please click 'SHOW' to see the pictures

Yoo Oh Seong as GI CHEOL


Shin Eun Jeong as HWA SOO IN


Sung Hoon as CHEON EUM JA (?) - with his white/grey hair - :D


Ryoo Deok Hwan as KING GONG MIN


Park Se Young as PRINCESS NO GOOK.


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Guest myphim

ibkXFKCqm0UEUo.gif     izmfO7IwHx1L8.gif

Sung Hoon looks so mysterious and sexy with that white hair.
I think I will like his character even if he is a villain. :)

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